Java tutorial
/** * * Noti Imberisso * * Copyright 2012 Joaqun Gatica (Erutulco Eruntano) * * Contact: * Twitter: <> * Email: <> * * This file is part of "Noti Imberisso". * * "Noti Imberisso" is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * "Noti Imberisso" is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with "Noti Imberisso". If not, see <>. * */ package main; import java.sql.Time; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.GregorianCalendar; import java.util.TimeZone; import java.util.prefs.Preferences; import javax.swing.DefaultComboBoxModel; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JList; import javax.swing.JTabbedPane; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.JTextPane; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.params.HttpClientParams; import lang.Lang; import lang.LangManager; import com.luckycatlabs.sunrisesunset.SunriseSunsetCalculator; import com.luckycatlabs.sunrisesunset.dto.Location; import config.Config; import data.GregorianInfo; import data.ImladrisInfo; import erutulco.utils.ImladrisCalendar; import; import; import; public class UIController { private static final String FIELD_CITY = "city"; private static final String FIELD_COUNTRY = "country"; private static final String FIELD_LANG = "language"; private static final String FIELD_TIMEZONE = "timezone"; private static final String FIELD_CACHE_SUNSET = "sunset"; private static final String DEF_CITY = "Montevideo"; private static final String DEF_COUNTRY = "Uruguay"; private static final String DEF_LANG = "eng"; private static final String DEF_TIMEZONE = TimeZone.getDefault().getID(); private static final String DEF_CACHE_SUNSET = ""; private UI ui; private Preferences preferences = null; private LangManager langManager; public void setUi(UI ui) { this.ui = ui; } public UI getUi() { return ui; } public void setPreferences(Preferences preferences) { this.preferences = preferences; } public Preferences getPreferences() { return preferences; } public void setLangManager(LangManager langManager) { this.langManager = langManager; } public LangManager getLangManager() { return langManager; } private static UIController instance = null; public static UIController getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new UIController(); } return instance; } private UIController() { LangManager langManager = LangManager.getInstance(); Preferences data = this.getCurrentPreferences(); String shortName = data.get(FIELD_LANG, DEF_LANG); if (!langManager.defineLang(shortName)) { langManager.defineLang(DEF_LANG); } this.setLangManager(langManager); } public void initializeWindow(boolean useCacheSunset) { this.createWindow(); this.fillData(useCacheSunset); } public void initializeWindow(boolean useCacheSunset, int selectedTab) { this.initializeWindow(useCacheSunset); JTabbedPane tabbedPane = UI.getInstance().getTabbedPane(); if (selectedTab >= 0 && selectedTab < tabbedPane.getTabCount()) { tabbedPane.setSelectedIndex(selectedTab); } } public void disposeWindow() { UI ui = UI.getInstance(); ui.getFrame().dispose(); UI.disposeInstance(); } public void reloadWindow() { this.disposeWindow(); this.initializeWindow(true); } public void reloadWindow(int selectedTab) { this.disposeWindow(); this.initializeWindow(true, selectedTab); } public void reloadWindowInActualTab() { int index = UI.getInstance().getTabbedPane().getSelectedIndex(); this.disposeWindow(); this.initializeWindow(true, index); } private void createWindow() { UI ui = UI.getInstance(); ui.getFrame().setVisible(true); this.setUi(ui); } private void fillData(boolean useCacheSunset) { this.showDateOfToday(useCacheSunset); this.fillSettingsForm(); } private String makeLocationString(String city, String country) { String place = ""; if (city.length() > 0 || country.length() > 0) { if (city.length() > 0) { place += city; } if (country.length() > 0) { if (place.length() > 0) { place += ", "; } place += country; } } return place; } public Time calculateSunsetForActualLocationAndTime(boolean useCacheSunset) { Preferences data = this.getCurrentPreferences(); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(data.get(FIELD_TIMEZONE, DEF_TIMEZONE)); Time time = this.calculateSunsetForActualLocation(new GregorianCalendar(tz), useCacheSunset); return time; } public Time calculateSunsetForActualLocation(Calendar calendar, boolean useCacheSunset) { Preferences data = this.getCurrentPreferences(); String city = data.get(FIELD_CITY, DEF_CITY); String country = data.get(FIELD_COUNTRY, DEF_COUNTRY); Time time = this.calculateSunset(calendar, city, country, useCacheSunset); return time; } public Time calculateSunset(Calendar calendar, String city, String country, boolean useCacheSunset) { Time time = null; boolean useCache = useCacheSunset; Preferences data = this.getCurrentPreferences(); if (!useCache) { String place = this.makeLocationString(city, country); if (place.length() > 0) { GeoAddressStandardizer st = new GeoAddressStandardizer(Config.getGoogleMapsApiKey(), Config.getRateLimitInterval()); HttpClientParams params = st.getHttpClientParams(); params.setSoTimeout(Config.getConnectionTimeout()); st.setHttpClientParams(params); Location location = null; try { GeoCoordinate geo = st.standardizeToGeoCoordinate(place); double latitude = geo.getLatitude(); double longitude = geo.getLongitude(); location = new Location(Double.toString(latitude), Double.toString(longitude)); String timezone = data.get(FIELD_TIMEZONE, DEF_TIMEZONE); SunriseSunsetCalculator calculator = new SunriseSunsetCalculator(location, timezone); String sunset = calculator.getOfficialSunsetForDate(calendar) + ":00"; data.put(FIELD_CACHE_SUNSET, sunset); time = Time.valueOf(sunset); } catch (GeoException e) { useCache = true; } } else { useCache = true; } } if (useCache) { String cacheSunset = data.get(FIELD_CACHE_SUNSET, DEF_CACHE_SUNSET); if (!cacheSunset.isEmpty()) { time = Time.valueOf(cacheSunset); } } return time; } public void showDateOfToday(boolean useCacheSunset) { Preferences data = this.getCurrentPreferences(); String city = data.get(FIELD_CITY, DEF_CITY); String country = data.get(FIELD_COUNTRY, DEF_COUNTRY); TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone(data.get(FIELD_TIMEZONE, DEF_TIMEZONE)); GregorianCalendar gcal = new GregorianCalendar(tz); Time time = this.calculateSunsetForActualLocation(gcal, useCacheSunset); ImladrisCalendar cal; String sunsetStr = ""; String locationInfo = ""; if (time == null) { cal = new ImladrisCalendar(gcal); } else { cal = new ImladrisCalendar(time, gcal); /*check if before sunset*/ String gtimeStr = gcal.get(GregorianCalendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) + ":" + gcal.get(GregorianCalendar.MINUTE) + ":" + gcal.get(GregorianCalendar.SECOND); Time gtime = Time.valueOf(gtimeStr); if (gtime.before(time)) { // before sunset sunsetStr = " - before sunset"; } else { // after/during sunset sunsetStr = " - after sunset"; } String sunsetTimeStr = time.toString(); sunsetTimeStr = sunsetTimeStr.substring(0, sunsetTimeStr.length() - 3); sunsetStr += " " + Lang.punctuation.parenthesis_open + "occurring at " + sunsetTimeStr + Lang.punctuation.parenthesis_close; locationInfo = this.makeLocationString(city, country); if (locationInfo.length() > 0) { locationInfo = Lang.punctuation.parenthesis_open + Lang.common.location_label + Lang.punctuation.double_dot + " " + locationInfo + " " + Lang.punctuation.pipe + " " + Lang.common.timezone_label + Lang.punctuation.double_dot + " " + data.get(FIELD_TIMEZONE, DEF_TIMEZONE) + Lang.punctuation.parenthesis_close; } } String gstr = this.gregorianToString(gcal); String istr = cal.toString(); UI ui = this.getUi(); ui.getTodayGregorian().setText(gstr + sunsetStr); ui.getTodayImladris().setText(istr); ui.getLocationInfo().setText(locationInfo); } /******** FROM GREGORIAN **********/ public void updateDayComboGregorian() { UI window = this.getUi(); JTextField year = window.getYear(); JComboBox month = window.getMonth(); JComboBox day = window.getDay(); JButton convert = window.getToImladris(); JTextPane result = window.getResImladris(); String value = year.getText(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { try { int yearNum = Integer.parseInt(value); if (yearNum > 0 && yearNum <= GregorianInfo.MAX_SUPPORTED_YEAR) { int monthNum = month.getSelectedIndex() + 1; int daySel = 0; if (day.isEnabled()) { daySel = day.getSelectedIndex() + 1; } ArrayList<Integer> days = GregorianInfo.getInstance().getDaysArray(yearNum, monthNum); day.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(days.toArray())); if (daySel > 0 && daySel <= days.size()) { day.setSelectedIndex(daySel - 1); } day.setEnabled(true); convert.setEnabled(true); result.setText(""); } else { day.setEnabled(false); convert.setEnabled(false); day.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel()); result.setText(""); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { day.setEnabled(false); convert.setEnabled(false); day.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel()); result.setText(""); } } else { day.setEnabled(false); convert.setEnabled(false); day.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel()); result.setText(""); } } @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") public void convertToImladris() { UI window = this.getUi(); String errorEmptyYear = "Please insert a year."; String errorYearNotNumeric = "Please insert the year as a numeric value."; String errorYearNotValid = "Please insert a valid year (from 1 to " + Integer.toString(GregorianInfo.MAX_SUPPORTED_YEAR) + ")."; String errorDayNotRead = "Sorry, the day could not be read."; JTextField year = window.getYear(); JComboBox month = window.getMonth(); JComboBox day = window.getDay(); JCheckBox afterSunset = window.getAfterSunset(); JTextPane result = window.getResImladris(); String value = year.getText(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { try { int yearNum = Integer.parseInt(value); if (yearNum > 0 && yearNum <= GregorianInfo.MAX_SUPPORTED_YEAR) { int monthNum = month.getSelectedIndex() + 1; int dayNum = 0; if (day.isEnabled()) { dayNum = day.getSelectedIndex() + 1; ImladrisCalendar cal; if (afterSunset.isSelected()) { GregorianCalendar gcal = new GregorianCalendar(yearNum, monthNum, dayNum); Time time = this.calculateSunsetForActualLocation(gcal, true); cal = new ImladrisCalendar(time, yearNum, monthNum, dayNum, time.getHours(), time.getMinutes(), time.getSeconds()); } else { cal = new ImladrisCalendar(yearNum, monthNum, dayNum); } result.setText(cal.toString()); } else { result.setText(errorDayNotRead); } } else { result.setText(errorYearNotValid); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { result.setText(errorYearNotNumeric); } } else { result.setText(errorEmptyYear); } } /************* TO GREGORIAN *************/ public void updateDayComboImladris() { UI window = this.getUi(); JComboBox yen = window.getYen(); JTextField loa = window.getLoa(); JComboBox period = window.getPeriod(); JComboBox day = window.getDayOfLoa(); JButton convert = window.getToGregorian(); JTextPane result = window.getResGregorian(); int yenNum = yen.getSelectedIndex() + 1; String value = loa.getText(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { try { int loaNum = Integer.parseInt(value); if (loaNum > 0 && loaNum <= 144) { int periodNum = period.getSelectedIndex() + 1; if (periodNum == ImladrisCalendar.YESTARE || periodNum == ImladrisCalendar.METTARE) { day.setEnabled(false); day.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel()); convert.setEnabled(true); result.setText(""); } else { int daySel = 0; if (day.isEnabled()) { daySel = day.getSelectedIndex() + 1; } ArrayList<Integer> days = ImladrisInfo.getInstance().getDaysArray(yenNum, loaNum, periodNum); day.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(days.toArray())); if (daySel > 0 && daySel <= days.size()) { day.setSelectedIndex(daySel - 1); } day.setEnabled(true); convert.setEnabled(true); result.setText(""); } } else { day.setEnabled(false); convert.setEnabled(false); day.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel()); result.setText(""); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { day.setEnabled(false); convert.setEnabled(false); day.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel()); result.setText(""); } } else { day.setEnabled(false); convert.setEnabled(false); day.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel()); result.setText(""); } } public void convertToGregorian() { UI window = this.getUi(); String errorNoLoa = "Please insert a loa."; String errorLoaNotNumeric = "Please insert the loa as a numeric value."; String errorYearNotValid = "Please insert a valid loa (from 1 to 144)."; String errorDayNotRead = "Sorry, the day could not be read."; JComboBox yen = window.getYen(); JTextField loa = window.getLoa(); JComboBox period = window.getPeriod(); JComboBox day = window.getDayOfLoa(); JCheckBox beforeMidnight = window.getBeforeMidnight(); JTextPane result = window.getResGregorian(); int yenNum = yen.getSelectedIndex() + 1; String value = loa.getText(); if (!value.isEmpty()) { try { int loaNum = Integer.parseInt(value); if (loaNum > 0 && loaNum <= 144) { int periodNum = period.getSelectedIndex() + 1; ImladrisCalendar cal = new ImladrisCalendar(); boolean success = false; if (periodNum == ImladrisCalendar.YESTARE || periodNum == ImladrisCalendar.METTARE) { success = true; cal = new ImladrisCalendar(cal.intToRoman(yenNum), loaNum, periodNum); } else { int dayNum = 0; if (day.isEnabled()) { success = true; dayNum = day.getSelectedIndex() + 1; cal = new ImladrisCalendar(cal.intToRoman(yenNum), loaNum, periodNum, dayNum); } else { result.setText(errorDayNotRead); } } if (success) { GregorianCalendar gcal = cal.getGregorian(); if (beforeMidnight.isSelected()) { gcal.add(GregorianCalendar.DAY_OF_YEAR, -1); } String gstr = this.gregorianToString(gcal); result.setText(gstr); } } else { result.setText(errorYearNotValid); } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { result.setText(errorLoaNotNumeric); } } else { result.setText(errorNoLoa); } } /************* SETTINGS ****************/ private void fillSettingsForm() { UI ui = this.getUi(); Preferences data = this.getCurrentPreferences(); /* Country and city */ String city = data.get(FIELD_CITY, DEF_CITY); String country = data.get(FIELD_COUNTRY, DEF_COUNTRY); ui.getCity().setText(city); ui.getCountry().setText(country); /* Lang */ LangManager langManager = LangManager.getInstance(); String lang = langManager.getDefinedLang().getShortName(); JComboBox langsCombo = ui.getLangCombo(); langsCombo.setSelectedIndex(Arrays.asList(LangManager.getLanguagesShort()).indexOf(lang)); /* Time Zone */ String[] tzs = TimeZone.getAvailableIDs(); Arrays.sort(tzs); JList list = ui.getTimeZone(); list.setListData(tzs); String timezone = data.get(FIELD_TIMEZONE, DEF_TIMEZONE); list.setSelectedValue(timezone, true); } public void saveSettings() { UI ui = this.getUi(); Preferences data = this.getCurrentPreferences(); boolean updateDate = false; /* City, country, tz */ String savedCity = data.get(FIELD_CITY, DEF_CITY); String newCity = ui.getCity().getText(); if (!savedCity.equals(newCity)) { data.put(FIELD_CITY, newCity); updateDate = true; } String savedCountry = data.get(FIELD_COUNTRY, DEF_COUNTRY); String newCountry = ui.getCountry().getText(); if (!savedCountry.equals(newCountry)) { data.put(FIELD_COUNTRY, newCountry); updateDate = true; } String savedTimezone = data.get(FIELD_TIMEZONE, DEF_TIMEZONE); String newTimezone = (String) ui.getTimeZone().getSelectedValue(); if (!savedTimezone.equals(newTimezone)) { data.put(FIELD_TIMEZONE, newTimezone); updateDate = true; } /* Lang */ LangManager langManager = LangManager.getInstance(); String shortLang = LangManager.getLanguagesShort()[Arrays.asList(LangManager.getLanguagesPrintable()) .indexOf((String) ui.getLangCombo().getSelectedItem())]; Lang actual = langManager.getDefinedLang(); if (!actual.getShortName().equals(shortLang)) { langManager.defineLang(shortLang); data.put(FIELD_LANG, shortLang); this.reloadWindowInActualTab(); updateDate = false; } /* Update today's date */ if (updateDate) { this.showDateOfToday(false); } } /************ OTHER *****************/ private String gregorianToString(GregorianCalendar gcal) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEEEEEE, MMMMMMMMM d, yyyy"); String gstr = sdf.format(gcal.getTime()); return gstr; } private Preferences getCurrentPreferences() { Preferences prefs = this.getPreferences(); if (prefs == null || !(prefs instanceof Preferences)) { prefs = Preferences.userRoot().node(this.getClass().getName()); this.setPreferences(prefs); } return prefs; } }