Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Jenny D'Souza */ public class Evaluator { public static final List<String> C_VALUES = Arrays.asList("0.01", "0.1", "1.0", "10.0", "50.0", "100.0", "500.0", "1000.0", "5000.0", "10000.0"); public static final List<String> COST_VALUES = Arrays.asList("0.01", "0.1", "1.0", "2.0", "4.0", "6.0", "8.0", "10.0", "20.0", "40.0"); public static final List<String> T_VALUES = Arrays.asList(/*"0.0",*/ "0.2", "0.4", "0.6", "0.8", "1.0", "1.2", "1.4", "1.6", "1.8", "2.0"); public static Map<String, String> relationBestC; static { Map<String, String> aMap = new HashMap<>(); aMap.put("LINK", "0.1"); aMap.put("MOVELINK", "0.01"); aMap.put("SOURCE", "0.01"); aMap.put("MIDPOINT", "1.0"); aMap.put("GOAL", "0.1"); aMap.put("LANDMARK_MOVELINK", "0.01"); aMap.put("PATH", "1.0"); aMap.put("MOTION_SIGNAL", "0.1"); relationBestC = aMap; } public static Map<String, String> relationBestCost = new HashMap<>(); static { Map<String, String> aMap = new HashMap<>(); aMap.put("LINK", "6.0"); aMap.put("MOVELINK", "1.0"); aMap.put("SOURCE", "6.0"); aMap.put("MIDPOINT", "0.1"); aMap.put("GOAL", "1.0"); aMap.put("LANDMARK_MOVELINK", "20.0"); aMap.put("PATH", "1.0"); aMap.put("MOTION_SIGNAL", "1.0"); relationBestCost = aMap; } public static Map<String, String> relationBestT = new HashMap<>(); static { Map<String, String> aMap = new HashMap<>(); aMap.put("LINK", "0.0"); aMap.put("MOVELINK", "0.0"); aMap.put("SOURCE", "0.2"); aMap.put("MIDPOINT", "0.2"); aMap.put("GOAL", "0.0"); aMap.put("LANDMARK_MOVELINK", "0.0"); aMap.put("PATH", "0.0"); aMap.put("MOTION_SIGNAL", "0.2"); relationBestT = aMap; } /** * gets f-score by standard formula. * * @param recall * @param precision * @return */ public static double getFscore(double recall, double precision) { return (precision == 0 || recall == 0) ? 0.0 : (2 * precision * recall) / (precision + recall); } /** * gets precision by standard formula. * * @param tp * @param fp * @return */ public static double getPrecision(double tp, double fp) { return tp == 0.0 ? 0.0 : tp / (tp + fp); } /** * gets recall by standard formula. * * @param tp * @param total * @return */ public static double getRecall(double tp, double total) { return tp == 0.0 ? 0.0 : tp / total; } public static double[] getTpFp(String[] test, String[] result, List<String> movelinks) { double[] tpFp = new double[2]; for (int i = 0; i < test.length; i++) { double r = Double.parseDouble(result[i].trim()); String[] testTokens = test[i].trim().split("\\s"); double t = Double.parseDouble(testTokens[0]); String element = testTokens[testTokens.length - 1].substring(0, testTokens[testTokens.length - 1].lastIndexOf("-")); if (movelinks.contains(element)) { if (t == 1 && r >= 0.0) tpFp[0]++; else if (r >= 0.0) tpFp[1]++; } } return tpFp; } /** * * @param test * @param result * @return */ public static List<String> getExtractedElements(String[] test, String[] result) { List<String> trueElements = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < test.length; i++) { double r = Double.parseDouble(result[i].trim()); String[] testTokens = test[i].trim().split("\\s"); String element = testTokens[testTokens.length - 1].replace("-null", ""); if (r >= 0.0 && !trueElements.contains(element)) trueElements.add(element); } return trueElements; } /** * * @param test * @param result * @return */ public static double[] getTpFp(String[] test, String[] result) { double[] tpFp = new double[2]; for (int i = 0; i < test.length; i++) { double r = Double.parseDouble(result[i].trim()); double t = Double.parseDouble(test[i].trim().split("\\s")[0]); if (t == 1 && r >= 0.0) tpFp[0]++; else if (r >= 0.0) tpFp[1]++; } return tpFp; } /** * gets the total number of relations in data. * * @param data * @return */ public static double getTotal(String[] data) { double total = 0.0; for (String line : data) { line = line.trim(); String[] lineTokens = line.split("\\s+"); if (lineTokens[0].equals("1")) total++; } return total; } /** * Develops the optimal model based on user-provided training and development data. * Tries all combinations of C_VALUES and N-best to find the combination that maximizes recall. * * @param relation * @param train * @param model * @param test * @param result * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public static void develop(String relation, String train, String model, String test, String result) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { double bestFscore = 0.0; double r = 0.0; double p = 0.0; //stores the total entities annotated in development data String[] data = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(test)).split("\\n"); double total = getTotal(data); //Optional roles for MOVELINK are extracted only for trigger-mover pairs that were already extracted List<String> movelinks = new ArrayList<>(); if (!relation.equals("LINK") && !relation.equals("MOVELINK")) { String[] testArr = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("main\\data\\testMOVELINK.txt")).split("\\n"); String[] resultArr = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("main\\data\\resultMOVELINK.txt")) .split("\\n"); movelinks = getExtractedElements(testArr, resultArr); } for (String c_value : C_VALUES) { for (String cost_value : COST_VALUES) { for (String t_value : T_VALUES) { //train a model String command = Main.SVM_DIR + "\\svm_learn.exe -c " + c_value + " -j " + cost_value + " -C + -T " + t_value + " " + train + " " + model;; //test the trained model command = Main.SVM_DIR + "\\svm_classify.exe " + test + " " + model + " " + result;; //compute tp, fp, recall, precision and f-score of result from test double[] tpFp = relation.equals("LINK") || relation.equals("MOVELINK") ? getTpFp(data, FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(result)).split("\\n")) : getTpFp(data, FileUtils.readFileToString(new File(result)).split("\\n"), movelinks); double tempRecall = getRecall(tpFp[0], total); double tempPrecision = getPrecision(tpFp[0], tpFp[1]); double tempFscore = getFscore(tempRecall, tempPrecision); //if new score is better than previous best score, then //update previous best score to new score and //set c and cost to current model parameter combination. if (tempFscore > bestFscore || //if new fscore is better than previous fscore (tempFscore == bestFscore && tempRecall > r)) { //if new fscore is equal to previous fscore and new recall is better than previous recall bestFscore = tempFscore; r = tempRecall; p = tempPrecision; relationBestC.put(relation, c_value); relationBestCost.put(relation, cost_value); relationBestT.put(relation, t_value); } } } } String bestC = relationBestC.get(relation); String bestCost = relationBestCost.get(relation); String bestT = relationBestT.get(relation); //get relation extraction results on best parameter combination //train a model String command = Main.SVM_DIR + "\\svm_learn.exe -c " + bestC + " -j " + bestCost + " -C + -T " + bestT + " " + train + " " + model;; //test the trained model command = Main.SVM_DIR + "\\svm_classify.exe " + test + " " + model + " " + result;; Main.log.write(("for " + relation + " on DEV data\n").getBytes()); Main.log.write(("best c-value: " + bestC + "; best cost: " + bestCost + "; best t-value: " + bestT + "\n") .getBytes()); Main.log.write(("r: " + r + "; p: " + p + "; f: " + bestFscore + "\n\n").getBytes()); } public static void train(String c_value, String cost_value, String t_value, String train, String model) { String command = Main.SVM_DIR + "\\svm_learn.exe -c " + c_value + " -j " + cost_value + " " + train + " " + model;; } public static void classify(String test, String model, String result) { String command = Main.SVM_DIR + "\\svm_classify.exe " + test + " " + model + " " + result;; } public static void applyBestModel(String relation, String train, String model, String test, String result) { train(relationBestC.get(relation), relationBestCost.get(relation), relationBestT.get(relation), train, model); classify(test, model, result); } /** * * @param test * @param result * @param fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement * @param roleName * @return */ public static Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> getMovelinkSubpart(String[] test, String[] result, Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement, String roleName) { for (int i = 0; i < test.length; i++) { double r = Double.parseDouble(result[i].trim()); String[] testTokens = test[i].trim().split("\\s"); String key = testTokens[testTokens.length - 1]; String element = key.substring(0, key.lastIndexOf("-")); String roleElement = key.substring(key.lastIndexOf("-") + 1); if (r >= 0.0 && fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement.containsKey(element)) { Map<String, List<String>> roleOtherElement = fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement.get(element); if (roleOtherElement == null) fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement.put(element, roleOtherElement = new HashMap<>()); List<String> elements = roleOtherElement.get(roleName); if (elements == null) roleOtherElement.put(roleName, elements = new ArrayList<>()); if (!elements.contains(roleElement)) elements.add(roleElement); } } return fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement; } /** * * @return * @throws */ public static Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> combineMovelinkSubparts() throws IOException { Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement = new HashMap<>( SpatialRelation.fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement); for (String relation : SpatialRelation.RELATION_ROLENAME.keySet()) { if (SpatialRelation.ORDERED_SIEVES.contains(relation)) continue; String[] testArr = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("main\\data\\test" + relation + ".txt")) .split("\\n"); String[] resultArr = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("main\\data\\result" + relation + ".txt")) .split("\\n"); fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement = getMovelinkSubpart(testArr, resultArr, fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement, relation); } return fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement; } /** * * @param fileDocumentObject * @throws */ public static void setSievesOrder(Map<String, Doc> fileDocumentObject) throws IOException { Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> extractedMovelinks = combineMovelinkSubparts(); String bestSieve = ""; double bestSievePrecision = 0.0; //repeat for all remaining optional elements for (String relation : SpatialRelation.RELATION_ROLENAME.keySet()) { if (SpatialRelation.ORDERED_SIEVES.contains(relation)) continue; double tp = 0.0; double fp = 0.0; for (String file : fileDocumentObject.keySet()) { Doc document = fileDocumentObject.get(file); Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> goldMovelinks = document.triggerMoverRoleOtherElements; for (String triggerMover : goldMovelinks.keySet()) { Map<String, List<String>> extractedRoleOtherElements = extractedMovelinks.get(triggerMover); if (extractedRoleOtherElements == null) continue; Map<String, List<String>> roleOtherElements = goldMovelinks.get(triggerMover); if (roleOtherElements != null) { for (String role : roleOtherElements.keySet()) { List<String> otherElements = roleOtherElements.get(role); if (!extractedRoleOtherElements.containsKey(role)) continue; List<String> extractedOtherElements = extractedRoleOtherElements.get(role); List<String> tempList = new ArrayList<>(otherElements); tempList.retainAll(extractedOtherElements); tp += tempList.size(); tempList = new ArrayList<>(extractedOtherElements); tempList.removeAll(otherElements); fp += tempList.size(); } continue; } for (String role : extractedRoleOtherElements.keySet()) { List<String> extractedOtherElements = extractedRoleOtherElements.get(role); fp += extractedOtherElements.size(); } } } double precision = getPrecision(tp, fp); if (precision > bestSievePrecision) { bestSieve = relation; bestSievePrecision = precision; } } SpatialRelation.ORDERED_SIEVES.add(bestSieve); addChosenSieveResults(extractedMovelinks, bestSieve); } public static void addChosenSieveResults(Map<String, Map<String, List<String>>> extractedMovelinks, String sieve) { for (String fileTriggerMover : SpatialRelation.fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement.keySet()) { Map<String, List<String>> roleOtherElement = SpatialRelation.fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement .get(fileTriggerMover); if (roleOtherElement == null) SpatialRelation.fileTriggerMoverRoleOtherElement.put(fileTriggerMover, roleOtherElement = new HashMap<>()); Map<String, List<String>> extractedRoleOtherElement = extractedMovelinks.get(fileTriggerMover); if (extractedRoleOtherElement != null && extractedRoleOtherElement.containsKey(sieve)) { roleOtherElement.put(sieve, extractedRoleOtherElement.get(sieve)); } } } }