Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright 2009 Hochschule Offenburg
 * Klaus Dorer, Mathias Ehret, Stefan Glaser, Thomas Huber,
 * Simon Raffeiner, Srinivasa Ragavan, Thomas Rinklin,
 * Joachim Schilling, Ingo Schindler, Rajit Shahi
 * This file is part of magmaOffenburg.
 * magmaOffenburg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * magmaOffenburg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with magmaOffenburg. If not, see <>.
package magma.agent.worldmodel.impl;

import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.Logger;

import magma.agent.perception.IVisibleObjectPerceptor;
import magma.agent.worldmodel.IThisPlayer;
import magma.agent.worldmodel.IVisibleObject;
import magma.util.FuzzyCompare;
import magma.util.geometry.Angle;

import org.apache.commons.math.geometry.Vector3D;

import static java.lang.Math.cos;
import static java.lang.Math.sin;

 * Base class for all visible objects on the field
public abstract class VisibleObject implements IVisibleObject, Serializable {
    // handle for logging
    protected static Logger logger = Logger.getLogger("");

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    protected double distance;

    /** the horizontal direction (radians) in which this object was perceived */
    protected double horizontalDirection;

    /** the latitudal direction (radians) in which this object was perceived */
    protected double latitudalDirection;

    /** the current position in the global coordinate system */
    protected Vector3D position;

    /** the previous position in the global coordinate system */
    protected Vector3D previousPosition;

    /** time stamp when this object was last updated by perception */
    private float lastSeenTime;

    /** true if this object was seen in last perception */
    private boolean visible;

    public VisibleObject() {
        distance = 0;
        horizontalDirection = 0;
        latitudalDirection = 0;
        position = null;
        previousPosition = null;
        visible = false;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see magma.agent.worldmodel.impl.IVisibleObject#getPosition()
    public Vector3D getPosition() {
        if (position == null)
            return new Vector3D(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);

        return position;

     * Setting this objects position is usually done when updating the object.
     * This method is used to set the ball position from hear message only.
     * @param pos
    public void setPosition(Vector3D pos) {
        position = pos;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see magma.agent.worldmodel.impl.IVisibleObject#getPosition()
    public Vector3D getPreviousPosition() {
        return previousPosition;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see magma.agent.worldmodel.impl.IVisibleObject#getLastSeenTime()
    public float getLastSeenTime() {
        return lastSeenTime;

     * Updates this object with the latest perception
     * @param vision new perception of movable object
     * @param time the current absolute time
     * @param thisPlayer the position of the viewing agent in the global
     *        coordinate system
    public void update(IVisibleObjectPerceptor vision, float time, IThisPlayer thisPlayer) {

        // calculate global coordinate of object
        // rotation (we assume that the agent can only change view angle in z-axis
        Vector3D localPos = vision.getPosition();

        previousPosition = getPosition();

        // Rotation around y axis with angle c:
        // to compensate neck angle
        // TODO: add player vertical angle once we know
        Angle horizontalAngle = thisPlayer.getHorizontalAngle();
        Angle verticalAngle = Angle.rad(0);
        double neckPitchAngle = thisPlayer.getNeckPitchAngle();
        double neckYawAngle = thisPlayer.getNeckYawAngle();

        Vector3D global = getGlobalFromLocalPosition(localPos, thisPlayer.getPosition(), horizontalAngle,
                verticalAngle, neckPitchAngle, neckYawAngle);

        position = global;

        logger.log(Level.FINEST, "position of: {0} ({1}, {2}, {3})",
                new Object[] { vision.getName(), position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ() });

        visible = true;
        lastSeenTime = time;

    public Vector3D getGlobalFromLocalPosition(Vector3D localPos, Vector3D playerPosition, Angle horizontalAngle,
            Angle verticalAngle, double neckPitchAngle, double neckYawAngle) {
        // Rotation around z axis with angle1
        double angle1 = (float) -neckPitchAngle;
        double sinus = sin(angle1);
        double cosinus = cos(angle1);
        double newX = localPos.getX() * cosinus + localPos.getZ() * sinus;
        double newY = localPos.getY();
        double newZ = localPos.getX() * (-sinus) + localPos.getZ() * cosinus;

        // Rotation around z axis with angle2
        double angle2 = horizontalAngle.add(neckYawAngle).radians();
        sinus = sin(angle2);
        cosinus = cos(angle2);
        double newX2 = newX * cosinus - newY * sinus;
        double newY2 = newX * sinus + newY * cosinus;
        double newZ2 = newZ;

        // Rotation around x axis with angle b:
        // x' = x
        // y' = y * cos(b) - z * sin(b)
        // z' = y * sin(b) + z * cos(b)

        // translation
        return new Vector3D(newX2, newY2, newZ2).add(playerPosition);

     * @param vision
    public void preUpdate(IVisibleObjectPerceptor vision) {
        distance = vision.getDistance();
        horizontalDirection = vision.getHorizontalAngle();
        latitudalDirection = vision.getLatitudeAngle();

     * @param other the point to which to calculate
     * @return the distance projection to the x y plane between this object and
     *         the passed coordinate
    public double getDistanceToXY(Vector3D other) {
        Vector3D delta = getPosition().subtract(other);
        return new Vector3D(delta.getX(), delta.getY(), 0).getNorm();

     * @return the distance projection to the x y plane
    public double getDistance() {
        return distance;

     * Calculates the distance of this visible object to the passed one
     * @param other the object to which to calculate distance
     * @return the distance of this visible object to the passed one
    public double getDistanceTo(IVisibleObject other) {
        return getDistanceTo(other.getPosition());

     * Calculates the distance of this visible object to the passed position
     * @param other the position to which to calculate distance
     * @return the distance of this visible object to the passed position
    public double getDistanceTo(Vector3D other) {
        return getPosition().subtract(other).getNorm();

     * Calculates the Direction of this visible object to the passed one
     * @param other the object to which to calculate direction
     * @return the direction (rad) of this visible object to the passed one
    public Angle getDirectionTo(IVisibleObject other) {
        return getDirectionTo(other.getPosition());

     * Calculates the global absolute Direction of this visible object to the
     * passed Vector3D
     * @param other the Vector3D to which to calculate direction
     * @return the global absolute direction (rad) of this visible object to the
     *         passed Vector
    public Angle getDirectionTo(Vector3D other) {
        return Angle.rad(other.subtract(getPosition()).getAlpha());

     * @see IVisibleObject#getHorizontalDirection()
    public double getHorizontalDirection() {
        return horizontalDirection;

     * @see IVisibleObject#getLatitudalDirection()
    public double getLatitudalDirection() {
        return latitudalDirection;

     * (non-Javadoc)
     * @see java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object)
    public boolean equals(Object other) {
        if (!(other instanceof VisibleObject)) {
            return false;
        VisibleObject otherVis = (VisibleObject) other;

        if (!FuzzyCompare.eq(position, otherVis.position, 0.00001f)) {
            return false;
        if (!FuzzyCompare.eq(previousPosition, otherVis.previousPosition, 0.00001f)) {
            return false;
        if (!FuzzyCompare.eq(lastSeenTime, otherVis.lastSeenTime, 0.00001f)) {
            return false;
        return true;

    public void setVisible(boolean b) {
        visible = b;

     * @return the visible
    public boolean isVisible() {
        return visible;

    public float getAge(float currentTime) {
        return currentTime - lastSeenTime;