Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright 2009 Hochschule Offenburg
 * Klaus Dorer, Mathias Ehret, Stefan Glaser, Thomas Huber,
 * Simon Raffeiner, Srinivasa Ragavan, Thomas Rinklin,
 * Joachim Schilling, Ingo Schindler, Rajit Shahi
 * This file is part of magmaOffenburg.
 * magmaOffenburg is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * magmaOffenburg is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with magmaOffenburg. If not, see <>.
package magma.agent.behavior.complex;

import java.util.Map;
import java.util.logging.Level;

import magma.agent.agentmodel.IAgentModel;
import magma.agent.behavior.IBehavior;
import magma.agent.behavior.basic.BehaviorParameter;
import magma.agent.worldmodel.IGlobalMap;
import magma.agent.worldmodel.IMoveableObject;
import magma.agent.worldmodel.IThisPlayer;
import magma.util.geometry.Angle;
import magma.util.geometry.Geometry;

import org.apache.commons.math.geometry.Vector3D;

public class ShootToGoal extends ComplexBehavior {
    private static final double MAX_X_KICK = 0.21;

    private static final double MAX_Y_KICK = 0.15;

    private static final double MAX_X_BOTH = 0.15;

    private static final double MAX_Y_BOTH = 0.015;

    private static final double MAX_X_SIDEKICK = 0.12;

    private static final double MAX_Y_SIDEKICK = 0.17;

    public ShootToGoal(IGlobalMap worldModel, IAgentModel agentModel, BehaviorParameter params,
            Map<String, IBehavior> behaviors) {
        super(IBehavior.SHOOT_TO_GOAL, worldModel, agentModel, params, behaviors);

    public void perform(float intensity) {
        if (currentBehavior == null || currentBehavior.isFinished()) {
            currentBehavior = getBehavior();

     * @return the appropriate behavior for kicking
    private IBehavior getBehavior() {
        IBehavior result;
        IThisPlayer thisPlayer = worldModel.getThisPlayer();
        IMoveableObject ball = worldModel.getBall();
        Vector3D ballPos = ball.getPosition();
        Vector3D ownPos = thisPlayer.getPosition();

        double ownDistanceToBall = thisPlayer.getDistanceToXY(ballPos);
        double goalDistance = thisPlayer.getDistanceTo(worldModel.getOtherGoalPosition());
        double ownGoalDistance = thisPlayer.getDistanceTo(worldModel.getOwnGoalPosition());
        Angle ballAngle1 = thisPlayer.getBodyDirectionTo(ballPos);
        Angle goalAngle1 = thisPlayer.getBodyDirectionTo(worldModel.getOtherGoalPosition());
        Angle delta = goalAngle1.subtract(ballAngle1);

        double ballAngle = ballAngle1.degrees();
        double goalAngle = goalAngle1.degrees();

        // Calculate the position where the straight line through the player and
        // the ball will cross the end of the field

        double m = 0;
        double b = 0;

        // Decide on which goal are we playing and calculate the straight line
        double x = worldModel.getOtherGoalPosition().getX();
        if (x < 0) {
            // Playing to the left goal
            m = (ballPos.getY() - ownPos.getY()) / (ballPos.getX() - ownPos.getX());

            b = ballPos.getY() - m * ownPos.getX();

        } else {
            // Playing to the right goal
            m = (ownPos.getY() - ballPos.getY()) / (ownPos.getX() - ballPos.getX());

            b = ownPos.getY() - m * ballPos.getX();


        // Calculate the Y point of the goal line where the ball will cross the
        // line if we perform a straight kick
        double y = m * x + b;

        // LOG
                "Kick: Distance: {0} BallAngle: {1} goalAngle: {2} " + "ball observed distance: {3} last seen: {4}",
                new Object[] { ownDistanceToBall, ballAngle, goalAngle, ball.getDistance(),
                        ball.getLastSeenTime() });

        logger.log(Level.FINE, "Kick: ballPos: {0};{1} playerPos: {2};{3} ", new Object[] { ballPos.getX(),
                ballPos.getY(), thisPlayer.getPosition().getX(), thisPlayer.getPosition().getY() });

        // if (Math.abs(goalAngle) < 30) {
        // if your direction is pointed to the ball
        // and you are able to shoot between the two goalPost
        // then kick

        if ((goalDistance < 2 && y < 0.7 && y > -0.7 && Math.abs(ballAngle) < 45)
                || (goalDistance > 2 && ownGoalDistance > 3 && Math.abs(ballAngle) < 30 && Math.abs(goalAngle) < 30)
                || (ownGoalDistance < 3 && Math.abs(ballAngle) < 30 && Math.abs(goalAngle) < 80)) {

            // we are aligned to goal
            if (thisPlayer.isInsidePolygonXY(ballPos, getBothLegKickRectangle())) {
                // ball is kickable by both feet
                if (goalAngle < 0) {
                    // the goal is to the right, kicking with left leg in this
                    // area usually lets the ball drift right of the straight line
                    // from robot through ball is of the left side of the goal center
                    return behaviors.get(IBehavior.SHOOT_LEFT);

                } else {
                    return behaviors.get(IBehavior.SHOOT_RIGHT);

                // ball kickable by single leg?
            } else if (thisPlayer.isInsidePolygonXY(ballPos, getLeftLegKickRectangle())) {
                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.SHOOT_LEFT);

            } else if (thisPlayer.isInsidePolygonXY(ballPos, getRightLegKickRectangle())) {
                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.SHOOT_RIGHT);

            } else if (Math.abs(ballAngle) < 20) {
                // ball is ahead
                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.FORWARD);

            } else if (ballAngle > 50 && ballAngle < 90) {
                // ball is left and in front
                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.STEP_LEFT);

            } else if (ballAngle < -50 && ballAngle > -90) {
                // ball is right and in front

                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.STEP_RIGHT);


        // not facing to goal direction
        if (Math.abs(delta.degrees()) < 35) {
            // ball and goal direction are aligned
             * if (ballAngle > 70) { return
             * behaviors.get(IBehavior.SIDE_KICK_LEFT); } else if (ballAngle < -70)
             * { return behaviors.get(IBehavior.SIDE_KICK_RIGHT); } else
            // side kick possible ?
            if (thisPlayer.isInsidePolygonXY(ballPos, getLeftLegSideKickRectangle())) {
                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.SIDE_KICK_LEFT);

            } else if (thisPlayer.isInsidePolygonXY(ballPos, getRightLegSideKickRectangle())) {
                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.SIDE_KICK_RIGHT);

                // turn necessary?
            } else if ((result = getTurnBehavior(ballAngle)) != null) {
                return result;

            } else {
                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.FORWARD);

        } else {
            // ball and goal are not aligned
            if (Math.abs(ballAngle) < 50) {
                // ball is in front: move round ball
                if (goalAngle < 0) {
                    return behaviors.get(IBehavior.INWARD_TURN_LEFT45);
                } else {
                    return behaviors.get(IBehavior.INWARD_TURN_RIGHT45);

            } else if (goalAngle > 0 && delta.degrees() > 0) {
                // goal is further left than ball
                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.FORWARD);

            } else if (goalAngle < 0 && delta.degrees() < 0) {
                // goal is further right than ball
                return behaviors.get(IBehavior.FORWARD);

            } else {
                // ball angle is bigger than goal angle, so we turn
                return getTurnBehavior(ballAngle);

     * @param angle the angle of the desired direction (in degrees)
     * @return the appropriate turn behavior, null if turning is not appropriate
    private IBehavior getTurnBehavior(double angle) {
        if (angle > 60) {
            return behaviors.get(IBehavior.TURN_LEFT_60);
        } else if (angle < -60) {
            return behaviors.get(IBehavior.TURN_RIGHT_60);
        } else if (angle > 40) {
            return behaviors.get(IBehavior.TURN_LEFT_40);
        } else if (angle < -40) {
            return behaviors.get(IBehavior.TURN_RIGHT_40);
        } else if (angle > 20) {
            return behaviors.get(IBehavior.TURN_LEFT_20);
        } else if (angle < -20) {
            return behaviors.get(IBehavior.TURN_RIGHT_20);
        return null;

     * @return the rectangle in which the ball is kickable by both legs
    private Vector3D[] getBothLegKickRectangle() {
        // points are relative to player coordinates
        double[][] points = { { 0, MAX_Y_BOTH }, { MAX_X_BOTH, MAX_Y_BOTH }, { MAX_X_BOTH, -MAX_Y_BOTH },
                { 0, -MAX_Y_BOTH } };
        return Geometry.getPolygon(points);

     * @return the rectangle in which the ball is kickable by left leg
    private Vector3D[] getLeftLegKickRectangle() {
        // points are relative to player coordinates
        double[][] points = { { 0, MAX_Y_KICK }, { MAX_X_KICK, MAX_Y_KICK }, { MAX_X_KICK, 0 }, { 0, 0 } };
        return Geometry.getPolygon(points);

     * @return the rectangle in which the ball is kickable by right leg
    private Vector3D[] getRightLegKickRectangle() {
        // points are relative to player coordinates
        double[][] points = { { 0, 0 }, { MAX_X_KICK, 0 }, { MAX_X_KICK, -MAX_Y_KICK }, { 0, -MAX_Y_KICK } };
        return Geometry.getPolygon(points);

     * @return the rectangle in which the ball is kickable sidewise by left leg
    private Vector3D[] getLeftLegSideKickRectangle() {
        // points are relative to player coordinates
        double[][] points = { { -MAX_X_SIDEKICK, MAX_Y_SIDEKICK }, { MAX_X_SIDEKICK, MAX_Y_SIDEKICK },
                { MAX_X_SIDEKICK, 0 }, { -MAX_X_SIDEKICK, 0 } };
        return Geometry.getPolygon(points);

     * @return the rectangle in which the ball is kickable sidewise by right leg
    private Vector3D[] getRightLegSideKickRectangle() {
        // points are relative to player coordinates
        double[][] points = { { -MAX_X_SIDEKICK, 0 }, { MAX_X_SIDEKICK, 0 }, { MAX_X_SIDEKICK, -MAX_Y_SIDEKICK },
                { -MAX_X_SIDEKICK, -MAX_Y_SIDEKICK } };
        return Geometry.getPolygon(points);

    public boolean isFinished() {
        if (currentBehavior == null) {
            return true;
        return currentBehavior.isFinished();