Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package madgik.exareme.master.queryProcessor.analyzer.stat; import madgik.exareme.master.queryProcessor.analyzer.fanalyzer.OptiqueAnalyzer; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import java.sql.*; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map.Entry; /** * @author jim */ public class ExternalStat implements StatExtractor { // public static final int LIMIT = 10000; // public static final double LIMIT_FACTOR = 0.3; private static final int BLOB_SIZE = 500000; private static final int NUM_SIZE = 8; private static final int MAX_STRING_SAMPLE = 20; // public static final String SAMPLE = "_sample"; private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(ExternalStat.class); private final Connection con; private String sch; private String tblName; public ExternalStat(Connection con, String tbl, String schName) { sch = schName; this.con = con; this.tblName = tbl; } // schema map private Map<String, Table> schema = new HashMap<String, Table>(); @Override public Map<String, Table> extractStats() throws Exception { DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData(); // dtabase metadata object // listing tables and columns String catalog = null; String schemaPattern = sch; String tableNamePattern = tblName; String columnNamePattern = "%"; if (con.getClass().getName().contains("postgresql")) { // tableNamePattern="\""+tableNamePattern+"\""; schemaPattern = "public"; } // ResultSet resultTables = dbmd.getTables(catalog, "public", // tableNamePattern, types); ResultSet resultColumns = dbmd.getColumns(catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern, columnNamePattern); if (con.getClass().getName().contains("postgresql")) { tableNamePattern = "\"" + tableNamePattern + "\""; } else if (con.getClass().getName().contains("oracle")) { tableNamePattern = schemaPattern + "." + tableNamePattern; } log.debug("Starting extracting stats"); // while ( { Map<String, Column> columnMap = new HashMap<String, Column>(); // StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(resultTables.getString(3)); log.debug("Analyzing table " + tblName); int toupleSize = 0; // in bytes // tableNamePattern = tableName; int columnCount = resultColumns.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); Statement st = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("select count(*) from " + tableNamePattern); int count = 0; if ( { count = rs.getInt(1); } else { log.error("could not get count for table " + tableNamePattern); } rs.close(); st.close(); ResultSet pkrs = dbmd.getExportedKeys("", "", tblName); String pkey = "DEFAULT_KEY"; while ( { pkey = pkrs.getString("PKCOLUMN_NAME"); break; } pkrs.close(); if (count == 0) { log.debug("Empty table"); Table t = new Table(tblName, columnCount, toupleSize, columnMap, count, pkey); schema.put(tblName, t); return schema; } while ( { String columnName = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(resultColumns.getString(4)); try { String colNamePattern = columnName; if (con.getClass().getName().contains("postgresql")) { colNamePattern = "\"" + columnName + "\""; } int columnType = resultColumns.getInt(5); // computing column's size in bytes int columnSize = computeColumnSize(colNamePattern, columnType, tableNamePattern); toupleSize += columnSize; // execute queries for numberOfDiffValues, minVal, maxVal // Map<String, Integer> diffValFreqMap = new HashMap<String, // Integer>(); // computing column's min and max values String minVal = "0"; String maxVal = "0"; if (columnType != Types.BLOB) { MinMax mm = computeMinMax(tableNamePattern, colNamePattern); minVal = mm.getMin(); maxVal = mm.getMax(); } Map<String, Integer> diffValFreqMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); //only for equidepth! // for (ValFreq k : freqs) { // diffValFreqMap.put(k.getVal(), k.getFreq()); // } // /add min max diff vals in the sampling values int minOcc = 1; int maxOcc = 1; int diffVals = 0; boolean equidepth = false; if (equidepth) { //diffValFreqMap is used only in equidepth, do not compute it //if we have primitive diffValFreqMap = computeDistinctValuesFrequency(tableNamePattern, colNamePattern); String minValChar = minVal; String maxValChar = maxVal; if (columnType == Types.VARCHAR || columnType == Types.CHAR || columnType == Types.LONGNVARCHAR || columnType == Types.DATE) { minValChar = "\'" + minVal + "\'"; maxValChar = "\'" + maxVal + "\'"; } try { minOcc = computeValOccurences(tableNamePattern, colNamePattern, minValChar); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not compute value occurences for column:" + colNamePattern + " and value:" + minValChar); } if (equidepth && !diffValFreqMap.containsKey(minVal)) diffValFreqMap.put(minVal, minOcc); try { maxOcc = computeValOccurences(tableNamePattern, colNamePattern, maxValChar); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Could not compute value occurences for column:" + colNamePattern + " and value:" + maxValChar); } if (diffValFreqMap.containsKey(maxVal)) diffValFreqMap.put(maxVal, maxOcc); diffVals = diffValFreqMap.size(); } else { diffVals = computeDiffVals(tableNamePattern, colNamePattern, columnType); } if (diffVals == 0) { //all values are null! continue; } Column c = new Column(columnName, columnType, columnSize, diffVals, minVal, maxVal, diffValFreqMap); columnMap.put(columnName, c); } catch (Exception ex) { log.error("could not analyze column " + columnName + ":" + ex.getMessage()); } } Table t = new Table(tblName, columnCount, toupleSize, columnMap, count, pkey); schema.put(tblName, t); // } // resultTables.close(); resultColumns.close(); return schema; } private int computeDiffVals(String tableNamePattern, String colNamePattern, int columnType) throws SQLException { String query = "select count(*) as freq from (select distinct " + colNamePattern + " from " + tableNamePattern + " where " + colNamePattern + " is not null) A"; Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); if (columnType == Types.BLOB) { query = "select count(*) as freq from (select " + colNamePattern + " from " + tableNamePattern + " where " + colNamePattern + " is not null) A"; } log.debug("executing distinct values query:" + query); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); int result = 0; while ( { result = rs.getInt("freq"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return result; } /* private-helper methods */ private int computeColumnSize(String columnName, int columnType, String table_sample) throws Exception { int columnSize = 0; if (columnType == Types.INTEGER || columnType == Types.REAL || columnType == Types.DOUBLE || columnType == Types.DECIMAL || columnType == Types.FLOAT || columnType == Types.NUMERIC) { columnSize = NUM_SIZE; } else if (columnType == Types.VARCHAR) { String query0 = "select max(length(" + columnName + ")) as length from (select " + columnName + " from " + table_sample + ") A" + " where " + columnName + " is not null limit " + MAX_STRING_SAMPLE; if (con.getClass().getName().contains("oracle")) { query0 = "select max(length(" + columnName + ")) as length from (select " + columnName + " from " + table_sample + ") A" + " where " + columnName + " is not null and ROWNUM< " + MAX_STRING_SAMPLE; } log.debug("executing col size query:" + query0); Statement stmt0 = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs0 = stmt0.executeQuery(query0); while ( { columnSize = rs0.getInt("length"); } rs0.close(); stmt0.close(); } else if (columnType == Types.BLOB) columnSize = BLOB_SIZE; return columnSize; } private MinMax computeMinMax(String tableName, String columnName) throws Exception { String query1 = "select min(" + columnName + ") as minVal, max(" + columnName + ") " + "as maxVal from " + tableName + " where " + columnName + " is not null"; String minVal = "", maxVal = ""; log.debug("executing minmax query:" + query1); Statement stmt1 = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs1 = stmt1.executeQuery(query1); while ( { minVal = rs1.getString("minVal"); maxVal = rs1.getString("maxVal"); } rs1.close(); stmt1.close(); return new MinMax(minVal, maxVal); } private int computeValOccurences(String tableName, String columnName, String value) throws Exception { String queryDf = "select count(*) as valCount " + "from " + tableName + " where " + columnName + " is not null and " + columnName + " = " + value + ""; log.debug("executing value occur. query:" + queryDf); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(queryDf); int diffValCount = 0; while ( { diffValCount = rs.getInt("valCount"); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return diffValCount; } private Map<String, Integer> computeDistinctValuesFrequency(String table_sample, String columnName) throws Exception { Map<String, Integer> freqs = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); String query = "select " + columnName + " as val, count(*) as freq from " + table_sample + " where " + columnName + " is not null group by " + columnName + ""; log.debug("executing distinct values freq. query:" + query); Statement stmt = con.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery(query); while ( { freqs.put(rs.getString("val"), rs.getInt("freq")); } rs.close(); stmt.close(); return freqs; } /* inner - helper classes */ private final class MinMax { private final String min; private final String max; public MinMax(String min, String max) { this.min = min; this.max = max; } public String getMin() { return min; } public String getMax() { return max; } @Override public String toString() { return "MinMax{" + "min=" + min + ", max=" + max + '}'; } } public void setSch(String s) { this.sch = s; } }