Java tutorial
package madgik.exareme.master.queryProcessor.analyzer.fanalyzer; /* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ import madgik.exareme.master.queryProcessor.analyzer.builder.HistogramBuildMethod; import madgik.exareme.master.queryProcessor.analyzer.dbstats.Gatherer; import madgik.exareme.master.queryProcessor.analyzer.dbstats.StatBuilder; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; /** * @author jim */ public class FederatedAnalyzer implements Analyzer { public static final String GATHER_JSON = "./files/gather/"; public static final String TMP_SAMPLE_DIR = "./files/sample/"; public static final String BUILD_JSON = "./files/build/"; public static final String PYTHON_PATH = "/private/dimb/Python-2.7.3/python"; public static final String MADIS_PATH = "/private/dimb/madisnew/src/"; private String ip; private int port; private String username; private String password; private String dbName; private Vendor vendor; private Connection con; public static Map<String, Set<String>> statCols; public static final Map<String, Integer> tableCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); public FederatedAnalyzer() throws Exception { Properties prop = new Properties(); InputStream input = new FileInputStream("./conf/"); prop.load(input); this.ip = prop.getProperty("ip"); this.port = Integer.parseInt(prop.getProperty("port")); this.username = prop.getProperty("username"); this.password = prop.getProperty("password"); this.dbName = prop.getProperty("dbname"); String v = prop.getProperty("vendor"); createConnection(v); } public FederatedAnalyzer(String ipAddress, int portNo, String user, String pass, String db, String vendorName) throws Exception { this.ip = ipAddress; this.port = portNo; this.username = user; this.password = pass; this.dbName = db; createConnection(vendorName); } @Override public void analyzeAll() throws Exception { this.statCols = specifyTables(); createSample(); countRows(); gatherStats(); buildStats(); deleteSamples(); // this.con.close(); } @Override public void analyzeTable(String tableName) throws Exception { this.statCols = specifyColumns(tableName); createSample(); countRows(); gatherStats(); buildStats(); deleteSamples(); // this.con.close(); } @Override public void analyzeAttrs(String tableName, Set<String> attrs) throws Exception { this.statCols = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); this.statCols.put(tableName, attrs); createSample(); countRows(); gatherStats(); buildStats(); deleteSamples(); // this.con.close(); } /* private - helper methods */ private Map<String, Set<String>> specifyTables() throws Exception { Map<String, Set<String>> info = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData(); // dtabase metadata object // listing tables and columns String catalog = null; String schemaPattern = null; String tableNamePattern = null; String[] types = null; String columnNamePattern = null; ResultSet resultTables = dbmd.getTables(catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern, types); while ( { String tableName = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(resultTables.getString(3)); if (tableName.contains("_sample")) break; if (tableName.equals("sqlite_stat1")) continue; tableNamePattern = tableName; ResultSet resultColumns = dbmd.getColumns(catalog, schemaPattern, tableNamePattern, columnNamePattern); Set<String> columns = new HashSet<String>(); while ( { String columnName = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(resultColumns.getString(4)); columns.add(columnName); } info.put(tableName, columns); } return info; } private Map<String, Set<String>> specifyColumns(String tableName) throws Exception { Map<String, Set<String>> info = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>(); DatabaseMetaData dbmd = con.getMetaData(); // dtabase metadata object // listing tables and columns String catalog = null; String schemaPattern = null; String columnNamePattern = null; String tname = tableName; if (tname.contains(".")) { schemaPattern = tname.split("\\.")[0]; tname = tname.split("\\.")[1]; } ResultSet resultColumns = dbmd.getColumns(catalog, schemaPattern, tname, columnNamePattern); Set<String> columns = new HashSet<String>(); while ( { String columnName = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJava(resultColumns.getString(4)); columns.add(columnName); } info.put(tableName, columns); resultColumns.close(); return info; } private void createSample() throws Exception { System.out.println(this.statCols.keySet()); System.out.println(this.statCols.keySet().size()); for (String tableName : this.statCols.keySet()) { // if(!tableName.equals("COLLATIONS")) continue; StringBuilder mm = new StringBuilder(); int i = 0; for (String c : this.statCols.get(tableName)) { String minQuery = " (select * from " + tableName + " t where t." + c + " in (select min(t2." + c + ") from " + tableName + " t2) limit 1) "; String maxQuery = " (select * from " + tableName + " t where t." + c + " in (select max(t2." + c + ") from " + tableName + " t2) limit 1) "; if (this.vendor == Vendor.Oracle) { minQuery = " (select * from " + tableName + " t where t." + c + " in (select min(t2." + c + ") from " + tableName + " t2) and ROWNUM<2) "; maxQuery = " (select * from " + tableName + " t where t." + c + " in (select max(t2." + c + ") from " + tableName + " t2) and ROWNUM<2) "; } mm.append(minQuery).append(" UNION ALL ").append(maxQuery); if (i < this.statCols.get(tableName).size() - 1) mm.append(" UNION ALL "); i++; } String sampleQuery = ""; switch (this.vendor) { case Oracle: sampleQuery = "select * from (oracle jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + this.ip + ":" + this.port + ":" + this.dbName + " u:" + this.username + " p:" + this.password + " select * from ( select * from " + tableName + " order by dbms_random.value() ) where ROWNUM <= 1000 UNION ALL " + mm.toString() + " );"; break; case Mysql: // sampleQuery = // "select * from (mysql h: port:3306 u:root db:information_schema select * from `" // + tableName + "` order by rand() limit 1000)"; if (this.password.isEmpty()) { sampleQuery = "select * from (mysql h:" + this.ip + " port:" + this.port + " u:" + this.username + " db:" + this.dbName + " (select * from " + tableName + " order by rand() limit 1000) UNION ALL " + mm.toString() + ");"; } else { sampleQuery = "select * from (mysql h:" + this.ip + " port:" + this.port + " u:" + this.username + " p:" + this.password + " db:" + this.dbName + " (select * from " + tableName + " order by rand() limit 1000) UNION ALL " + mm.toString() + " ;"; } System.out.println("=========================="); System.out.println("==========================\n\n"); System.out.println(sampleQuery); break; case Postgres: // select * from (postgres h: port:5432 u:root p:rootpw // db:testdb select 5 as num, 'test' as text); sampleQuery = "select * from (postgres h:" + this.ip + " port:" + this.port + " u:" + this.username + " p:" + this.password + " db:" + this.dbName + " (select * from " + tableName + " order by random() limit 1000) UNION ALL " + mm.toString() + ");"; // break; } String command = "echo \"create table " + tableName + " as " + sampleQuery + "\" | " + PYTHON_PATH + " " + MADIS_PATH + " " + TMP_SAMPLE_DIR + tableName + ".db"; // hugeCommand.append(command); // if(j < this.statCols.keySet().size() - 1) // hugeCommand.append(" ; "); String[] cmd = { "/bin/sh", "-c", command }; Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); process.waitFor(); BufferedReader dbr = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(process.getErrorStream())); String s; while ((s = dbr.readLine()) != null) { System.out.println(s); } // System.out.println(command); System.out.println("ENDED: " + tableName); System.out.println(sampleQuery); // gatherStats(); // break; } // System.out.println(hugeCommand.toString()); // String[] cmd = {"/bin/sh", "-c", hugeCommand.toString()}; // Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); // process.waitFor(); } private void countRows() throws Exception { // this.tableCount = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); for (String tableName : this.statCols.keySet()) { String countRows = "select count(*) as count from " + tableName; Statement crStmt = this.con.createStatement(); ResultSet crRs = crStmt.executeQuery(countRows); int count = 0; while ( { count = crRs.getInt("count"); } crRs.close(); crStmt.close(); this.tableCount.put(tableName, count); } } public void deleteSamples() throws Exception { // String[] cmd = {"/bin/sh", "-c", // "rm ./files/sample/*; rm ./files/json/*"}; // Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(cmd); // process.waitFor(); } private void gatherStats() throws Exception { for (String s : this.statCols.keySet()) { Gatherer g = new Gatherer(TMP_SAMPLE_DIR + s + ".db", s); g.gather(GATHER_JSON); } } private void buildStats() throws Exception { String[] db = this.statCols.keySet().toArray(new String[this.statCols.keySet().size()]); StatBuilder sb = new StatBuilder(BUILD_JSON, db, HistogramBuildMethod.Primitive);; } public void closeConnection() throws SQLException { this.con.close(); } public void createConnection(String vendorName) throws Exception { if (vendorName.equals("Oracle")) { this.vendor = Vendor.Oracle; Class.forName("oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:oracle:thin:@" + this.ip + ":" + this.port + ":" + this.dbName, this.username, this.password); } else if (vendorName.equals("Mysql")) { this.vendor = Vendor.Mysql; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://" + this.ip + ":" + this.port + "/" + this.dbName, this.username, this.password); } else if (vendorName.equals("Postgres")) { this.vendor = Vendor.Postgres; } } }