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 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
 * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
 * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
 * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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package ly.stealth.xmlavro;

import org.apache.avro.Schema;
import org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData;
import org.json.JSONException;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.skyscreamer.jsonassert.JSONAssert;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.TimeZone;

import static junit.framework.Assert.*;

public class ConverterTest {
    public void basic() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>"
                + "  <xs:element name='root' type='xs:string'/>" + "</xs:schema>";


        try { // no namespace
        } catch (ConverterException e) {
            String message = e.getMessage();
            assertTrue(message, message.contains(""));
            assertTrue(message, message.contains("namespace"));

    public void rootIntPrimitive() {
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:int", "-1", Schema.Type.INT, -1);
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:unsignedByte", "1", Schema.Type.INT, 1);
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:unsignedShort", "5", Schema.Type.INT, 5);

    public void rootLongPrimitive() {
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:long", "20", Schema.Type.LONG, (long) 20);
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:unsignedInt", "30", Schema.Type.LONG, (long) 30);

    public void rootDoublePrimitive() {
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:decimal", "999999999.999999999", Schema.Type.DOUBLE, 999999999.999999999);

    public void rootUnsignedLongShouldBeKeptAsAvroString() {
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:unsignedLong", "18446744073709551615", Schema.Type.STRING,

    public void rootDateTimePrimitive() {
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:dateTime", "2014-10-30T14:58:33", Schema.Type.LONG, 1414681113000L);
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:dateTime", "2014-09-10T12:58:33", Schema.Type.LONG, 1410353913000L);

        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:dateTime", "2014-10-30T07:58:33", Schema.Type.LONG, 1414681113000L);
        rootPrimitiveWithType("xs:dateTime", "2014-09-10T05:58:33", Schema.Type.LONG, 1410353913000L);

    public <T> void rootPrimitiveWithType(String xmlType, String xmlValue, Schema.Type avroType, T avroValue) {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>"
                + "   <xs:element name='value' type='" + xmlType + "'/>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        assertEquals(avroType, schema.getType());

        String xml = "<value>" + xmlValue + "</value>";
        assertEquals(avroValue, Converter.createDatum(schema, xml));

    public void severalRoots() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>"
                + "   <xs:element name='i' type='xs:int'/>" + "   <xs:element name='r'>" + "     <xs:complexType>"
                + "       <xs:sequence>" + "         <xs:element name='s' type='xs:string'/>"
                + "       </xs:sequence>" + "     </xs:complexType>" + "   </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.RECORD, schema.getType());
        assertTrue("Schema should have a valid name", schema.getName() != null && !schema.getName().isEmpty());
        assertEquals(Source.DOCUMENT, schema.getProp(Source.SOURCE));
        assertEquals(2, schema.getFields().size());

        Schema.Field field0 = schema.getFields().get(0);
        assertEquals("" + new Source("i"), field0.getProp(Source.SOURCE));
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, field0.schema().getType());
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.INT, field0.schema().getTypes().get(1).getType());
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, field0.schema().getTypes().get(0).getType());

        Schema.Field field1 = schema.getFields().get(1);
        assertEquals("" + new Source("r"), field1.getProp(Source.SOURCE));
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, field1.schema().getType());
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.RECORD, field1.schema().getTypes().get(1).getType());
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.NULL, field1.schema().getTypes().get(0).getType());

        String xml = "<i>5</i>";
        GenericData.Record record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        assertEquals(null, record.get("r"));
        assertEquals(5, record.get("i"));

        xml = "<r><s>s</s></r>";
        record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        GenericData.Record subRecord = (GenericData.Record) record.get("r");
        assertEquals("s", subRecord.get("s"));

    public void rootRecord() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "   <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "     <xs:complexType>" + "       <xs:sequence>" + "         <xs:element name='i' type='xs:int'/>"
                + "         <xs:element name='s' type='xs:string'/>"
                + "         <xs:element name='d' type='xs:double'/>" + "       </xs:sequence>"
                + "     </xs:complexType>" + "   </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.RECORD, schema.getType());
        assertEquals("AnonType_root", schema.getName());
        assertEquals(3, schema.getFields().size());

        assertEquals(Schema.Type.INT, schema.getField("i").schema().getType());
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, schema.getField("s").schema().getType());
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.DOUBLE, schema.getField("d").schema().getType());

        String xml = "<root>" + "  <i>1</i>" + "  <s>s</s>" + "  <d>1.0</d>" + "</root>";

        GenericData.Record record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);

        assertEquals(1, record.get("i"));
        assertEquals("s", record.get("s"));
        assertEquals(1.0, record.get("d"));

    public void nestedRecursiveRecords() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:complexType name='type'>"
                + "    <xs:sequence>" + "      <xs:element name='node' type='type' minOccurs='0'/>"
                + "    </xs:sequence>" + "  </xs:complexType>" + "  <xs:element name='root' type='type'/>"
                + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);

        Schema.Field field = schema.getField("node");
        Schema subSchema = field.schema();
        assertSame(schema, subSchema.getTypes().get(1));

        String xml = "<root><node></node></root>";
        GenericData.Record record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);

        GenericData.Record child = (GenericData.Record) record.get("node");
        assertEquals(record.getSchema(), child.getSchema());


    public void attributes() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "    <xs:complexType>" + "      <xs:attribute name='required' use='required'/>"
                + "      <xs:attribute name='prohibited' use='prohibited'/>"
                + "      <xs:attribute name='optional' use='optional'/>" + "    </xs:complexType>"
                + "  </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);

        Schema.Field required = schema.getField("required");
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, required.schema().getType());


        Schema.Field optional = schema.getField("optional");
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, optional.schema().getType());
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Schema.create(Schema.Type.NULL), Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING)),

        String xml = "<root required='required' optional='optional'/>";
        GenericData.Record record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        assertEquals("required", record.get("required"));
        assertEquals("optional", record.get("optional"));

        xml = "<root required='required'/>";
        record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        assertEquals("required", record.get("required"));

    public void uniqueFieldNames() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:complexType name='type'>"
                + "    <xs:sequence>" + "      <xs:element name='field' type='xs:string'/>" + "    </xs:sequence>"
                + "    <xs:attribute name='field' type='xs:string'/>" + "  </xs:complexType>"
                + "  <xs:element name='root' type='type'/>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);

        assertEquals(2, schema.getFields().size());
        Schema.Field field = schema.getField("field");
        assertEquals("" + new Source("field", true), field.getProp(Source.SOURCE));

        Schema.Field field0 = schema.getField("field0");
        assertEquals("" + new Source("field", false), field0.getProp(Source.SOURCE));

        String xml = "<root field='value'><field>value0</field></root>";
        GenericData.Record record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);

        assertEquals("value", record.get("field"));
        assertEquals("value0", record.get("field0"));

    public void recordWithWildcardField() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:complexType name='type'>"
                + "    <xs:sequence>" + "      <xs:element name='field' type='xs:string'/>" + "      <xs:any/>"
                + "    </xs:sequence>" + "  </xs:complexType>" + "  <xs:element name='root' type='type'/>"
                + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        assertEquals(2, schema.getFields().size());

        Schema.Field wildcardField = schema.getField(Source.WILDCARD);
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.MAP, wildcardField.schema().getType());

        // Two wildcard-matched elements
        String xml = "<root>" + "  <field>field</field>" + "  <field0>field0</field0>" + "  <field1>field1</field1>"
                + "</root>";

        GenericData.Record record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        assertEquals("field", record.get("field"));

        java.util.Map<String, String> map = (java.util.Map<String, String>) record.get(Source.WILDCARD);

        assertEquals(2, map.size());
        assertEquals("field0", map.get("field0"));
        assertEquals("field1", map.get("field1"));

        // No wildcard-matched element
        xml = "<root><field>field</field></root>";
        record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);

        assertEquals("field", record.get("field"));
        assertEquals(Collections.emptyMap(), record.get(Source.WILDCARD));

    public void severalWildcards() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "    <xs:complexType>" + "      <xs:sequence>" + "        <xs:any/>" + "        <xs:any/>"
                + "      </xs:sequence>" + "    </xs:complexType>" + "  </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        assertEquals(1, schema.getFields().size());

        Schema.Field field = schema.getField(Source.WILDCARD);
        assertEquals(null, field.getProp(Source.SOURCE));

    public void optionalElementValues() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "    <xs:complexType>" + "      <xs:sequence>"
                + "        <xs:element name='required' type='xs:string'/>"
                + "        <xs:element name='optional' type='xs:string' minOccurs='0'/>" + "      </xs:sequence>"
                + "    </xs:complexType>" + "  </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        assertEquals(2, schema.getFields().size());

        Schema.Field requiredField = schema.getField("required");
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, requiredField.schema().getType());

        Schema.Field optionalField = schema.getField("optional");
        Schema optionalSchema = optionalField.schema();
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, optionalSchema.getType());

        assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Schema.create(Schema.Type.NULL), Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING)),

        String xml = "<root><required>required</required></root>";
        GenericData.Record record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);

        assertEquals("required", record.get("required"));

        xml = "<root>" + "  <required>required</required>" + "  <optional>optional</optional>" + "</root>";

        record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        assertEquals("optional", record.get("optional"));

    public void array() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "    <xs:complexType>" + "      <xs:sequence>"
                + "        <xs:element name='value' type='xs:string' maxOccurs='unbounded'/>"
                + "      </xs:sequence>" + "    </xs:complexType>" + "  </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        Schema.Field valueField = schema.getField("value");
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.ARRAY, valueField.schema().getType());
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.STRING, valueField.schema().getElementType().getType());

        String xml = "<root>" + "  <value>1</value>" + "  <value>2</value>" + "  <value>3</value>" + "</root>";

        GenericData.Record record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList("1", "2", "3"), record.get("value"));

    public void choiceElements() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "    <xs:complexType>" + "      <xs:choice>" + "        <xs:element name='s' type='xs:string'/>"
                + "        <xs:element name='i' type='xs:int'/>" + "      </xs:choice>" + "    </xs:complexType>"
                + "  </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.RECORD, schema.getType());
        assertEquals(2, schema.getFields().size());

        Schema.Field sField = schema.getField("s");
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, sField.schema().getType());
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Schema.create(Schema.Type.NULL), Schema.create(Schema.Type.STRING)),

        Schema.Field iField = schema.getField("i");
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.UNION, iField.schema().getType());
        assertEquals(Arrays.asList(Schema.create(Schema.Type.NULL), Schema.create(Schema.Type.INT)),

        String xml = "<root><s>s</s></root>";
        GenericData.Record record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        assertEquals("s", record.get("s"));

        xml = "<root><i>1</i></root>";
        record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        assertEquals(1, record.get("i"));

    public void arrayOfUnboundedChoiceElements() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "    <xs:complexType>" + "      <xs:choice maxOccurs='unbounded'>"
                + "        <xs:element name='s' type='xs:string'/>" + "        <xs:element name='i' type='xs:int'/>"
                + "      </xs:choice>" + "    </xs:complexType>" + "  </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.ARRAY, schema.getType());
        final Schema elementType = schema.getElementType();
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.RECORD, elementType.getType());

    public void arrayOfChoiceElements() {
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "    <xs:complexType>" + "      <xs:choice maxOccurs='3'>"
                + "        <xs:element name='s' type='xs:string'/>" + "        <xs:element name='i' type='xs:int'/>"
                + "      </xs:choice>" + "    </xs:complexType>" + "  </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.ARRAY, schema.getType());
        final Schema elementType = schema.getElementType();
        assertEquals(Schema.Type.RECORD, elementType.getType());

        assertEquals(2, elementType.getFields().size());

        String xml = "<root><s>s</s><i>1</i><i>2</i></root>";
        GenericData.Array record = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);
        Object firstRecord = record.get(0);
        assertTrue(firstRecord instanceof GenericData.Record);
        assertEquals("s", ((GenericData.Record) firstRecord).get("s"));

        Object secondRecord = record.get(1);
        assertTrue(secondRecord instanceof GenericData.Record);
        assertEquals(1, ((GenericData.Record) secondRecord).get("i"));

        Object thirdRecord = record.get(2);
        assertTrue(thirdRecord instanceof GenericData.Record);
        assertEquals(2, ((GenericData.Record) thirdRecord).get("i"));

    public void arrayFromComplexTypeChoiceElements() throws JSONException {
        // Given
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "    <xs:complexType>" + "      <xs:choice maxOccurs='unbounded'>"
                + "        <xs:element name='s' type='xs:string'/>" + "        <xs:element name='i' type='xs:int'/>"
                + "      </xs:choice>" + "    </xs:complexType>" + "  </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        String xml = "<root>" + "<s>s</s>" + "<i>1</i>" + "<i>2</i>" + "</root>";

        // When
        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        Object datum = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);

        // Then
                "{" + "    'type': 'array'," + "    'items': {" + "        'type': 'record',"
                        + "        'name': 'AnonType_root'," + "        'fields': [" + "            {"
                        + "                'name': 's'," + "                'type': ['null', 'string']"
                        + "            }," + "            {" + "                'name': 'i',"
                        + "                'type': ['null', 'int']" + "            }" + "        ]" + "    }" + "}",
                schema.toString(), false);

        JSONAssert.assertEquals("[" + "{'s': 's'}," + "{'i': 1}," + "{'i': 2}" + "]", datum.toString(), false);

    public void arrayFromComplexTypeSequenceOfChoiceElements() throws JSONException {
        // Given
        String xsd = "<xs:schema xmlns:xs=''>" + "  <xs:element name='root'>"
                + "    <xs:complexType>" + "     <xs:sequence>" + "        <xs:element name='s' type='xs:string'/>"
                + "        <xs:element name='i' type='xs:int'/>" + "        <xs:choice maxOccurs='2'>"
                + "          <xs:element name='x' type='xs:string'/>"
                + "          <xs:element name='y' type='xs:int'/>" + "        </xs:choice>" + "     </xs:sequence>"
                + "    </xs:complexType>" + "  </xs:element>" + "</xs:schema>";

        String xml = "<root>" + "<s>s</s>" + "<i>1</i>" + "<x>x1</x>" + "<y>2</y>" + "</root>";

        // When
        Schema schema = Converter.createSchema(xsd);
        Object datum = Converter.createDatum(schema, xml);

        // Then
        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{" + "    'type': 'record'," + "    'fields': [" + "        {"
                + "            'name': 's'," + "            'type': 'string'" + "        }," + "        {"
                + "            'name': 'i'," + "            'type': 'int'" + "        }," + "        {"
                + "            'name': 'type0'," + "            'type': {" + "                'type': 'array',"
                + "                'items': {" + "                    'type': 'record',"
                + "                    'name': 'type1'," + "                    'fields': ["
                + "                        {" + "                            'name': 'x',"
                + "                            'type': ['null','string']" + "                        },"
                + "                        {" + "                            'name': 'y',"
                + "                            'type': ['null','int']" + "                        }"
                + "                    ]" + "                }" + "            }" + "        }" + "    ]" + "}",
                schema.toString(), false);

        JSONAssert.assertEquals("{" + "    's': 's'," + "    'i': 1," + "    'type0': [" + "        {'x': 'x1'},"
                + "        {'y': 2}" + "    ]" + "}", datum.toString(), false);

    public void SchemaBuilder_validName() {
        SchemaBuilder builder = new SchemaBuilder();

        assertEquals("", builder.validName(""));

        assertEquals("a1", builder.validName("$a#1"));

        assertEquals("a_1", builder.validName("a.1"));
        assertEquals("a_1", builder.validName("a-1"));

        // built-in types
        assertEquals("string0", builder.validName("string"));
        assertEquals("record1", builder.validName("record"));