Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package lux.index;

import static lux.index.IndexConfiguration.*;

import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map.Entry;


import lux.Compiler;
import lux.exception.LuxException;
import lux.index.field.FieldDefinition;
import lux.xml.OffsetDocBuilder;
import lux.xml.SaxonDocBuilder;
import lux.xml.Serializer;
import lux.xml.XmlReader;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.Processor;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.SaxonApiException;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathCompiler;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathExecutable;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XPathSelector;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmNode;
import net.sf.saxon.s9api.XdmValue;

import org.apache.lucene.index.CorruptIndexException;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriterConfig;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableField;
import org.apache.lucene.index.Term;

 * Indexes XML documents.  The constructor accepts a set of flags that
 * define a set of fields known to XmlIndexer.  The fields are represented
 * by instances of XmlField.  Instances of XmlField are immutable; they
 * hold no data, merely serving as markers.  Additional fields can also be
 * added using addField().  A field may be associated with a StAXHandler;
 * the indexer is responsible for feeding the handlers with StAX (XML)
 * events.  Some fields may share the same handler.  The association
 * between field and handler is implicit: the field calls an XmlIndexer
 * getter to retrieve the handler.
 * This class is not thread-safe 
 * This is all kind of a mess, and not readily extendable.  If you want to
 * add a new type of field (a new XmlField instance), you have to modify
 * the indexer, which has knowledge of all the possible fields.
 * Also, not every combination of indexing options will actually work.  We
 * need to consider which things one might actually want to turn on and
 * off.
 * We could make each field act as a StAXHandler factory?  For efficiency
 * though, some fields share the same handler instance.  For now, we leave
 * things as they are; we'll refactor as we add more fields.
 * Indexing is triggered by a call to indexDocument(). read(InputStream)
 * parses and gathers the values.  which are retrieved by calling
 * XmlField.getFieldValues(XmlIndexer) for each field.
public class XmlIndexer {

    private final IndexConfiguration configuration;
    private XmlReader xmlReader;
    private Processor processor;
    private XPathCompiler compiler;
    private SaxonDocBuilder saxonBuilder;
    private Serializer serializer;
    private XmlPathMapper pathMapper;
    private String uri;
    private byte[] documentBytes;
    private XdmNode xdmNode;
    private HashMap<String, XPathExecutable> xpathCache;

     * Make a new instance with default options
    public XmlIndexer() {
        this(new IndexConfiguration());

     * Make a new instance with the given configuration. Options in the configuration control
     * how documents are indexed, and which kinds of indexed values will be available after indexing
     * a document.
     * @param config the index configuration to use
    public XmlIndexer(IndexConfiguration config) {
        this.configuration = config;
        xpathCache = new HashMap<String, XPathExecutable>();

     * Make a new instance with the given options. Used mostly for testing.
     * @param options the index configuration options to use
    public XmlIndexer(long options) {
        this(new IndexConfiguration(options));

     * Make a new instance with the given options and Compiler. The runtime uses this to
     * index documents from its nodes directly, without serializing and parsing.
     * @param indexConfig the index configuration options to use 
     * @param compiler the indexer will make XPath that is compatible with this compiler 
    public XmlIndexer(IndexConfiguration indexConfig, Compiler compiler) {
        this.configuration = indexConfig;
        xpathCache = new HashMap<String, XPathExecutable>();
        this.processor = compiler.getProcessor();
        this.compiler = null;

      * initialize the indexer; an extension of the constructors.  Creates subsidiary objects
      * required for indexing based on the index options.
    protected void init() {
        xmlReader = new XmlReader();
        if (isOption(INDEX_QNAMES) || isOption(INDEX_PATHS)) {
            // accumulate XML paths and QNames for indexing
            if (isOption(INDEX_VALUES)) {
                pathMapper = new XPathValueMapper();
            } else {
                pathMapper = new XmlPathMapper();
        if (isOption(INDEX_FULLTEXT)) {
        if (isOption(STORE_DOCUMENT)) {
            if (!isOption(STORE_TINY_BINARY)) {
                serializer = new Serializer();
        if (isOption(BUILD_DOCUMENT) && saxonBuilder == null) {
        if (isOption(STRIP_NAMESPACES)) {

     * Constructs a new Lucene IndexWriter for the given index directory
     * supplied with the proper analyzers for each field.  The directory
     * must exist: if there is no index in the directory, a new one will be
     * created.  If there is an existing directory, it will be locked for
     * writing until the writer is closed.
     * @param dir the directory where the index is stored
     * @return the IndexWriter
     * @throws IOException if there is a problem with the index
    public IndexWriter newIndexWriter(Directory dir) throws IOException {
        return new IndexWriter(dir, new IndexWriterConfig(LUCENE_VERSION, configuration.getFieldAnalyzers()));

     * this is primarily for internal use
     * @return an XPathCompiler 
    public XPathCompiler getXPathCompiler() {
        if (compiler == null) {
            compiler = getProcessor().newXPathCompiler();
            for (Entry<String, String> nsmap : configuration.getNamespaceMap().entrySet()) {
                compiler.declareNamespace(nsmap.getKey(), nsmap.getValue());
        return compiler;

    public Processor getProcessor() {
        if (processor == null) {
            processor = new Processor(false);
        return processor;

     * this is primarily for internal use
     * @param xpath an xpath expression to evaluate
     * @return the result of evaluating the xpath expression with the last indexed as context 
     * @throws SaxonApiException if there is an error during compilation or evaluation
    public XdmValue evaluateXPath(String xpath) throws SaxonApiException {
        XPathExecutable xpathExec = xpathCache.get(xpath);
        if (xpathExec == null) {
            xpathExec = getXPathCompiler().compile(xpath);
            xpathCache.put(xpath, xpathExec);
        XPathSelector xps = xpathExec.load();
        return xps.evaluate();

    private void initDocBuilder() {
        try {
            if (isOption(COMPUTE_OFFSETS)) {
                saxonBuilder = new OffsetDocBuilder(getProcessor());
            } else {
                saxonBuilder = new SaxonDocBuilder(getProcessor());
        } catch (SaxonApiException e) {
            throw new LuxException(e);

     * Index the document read from the stream, caching field values to be written
     * to the Lucene index.
     * @param xml the document, as a byte-based InputStream
     * @param inputUri the uri to assign to the document
     * @throws XMLStreamException 
    public void index(InputStream xml, String inputUri) throws XMLStreamException {
        this.uri = inputUri;;
        xdmNode = getBuilderNode();

     * Index the document read from the Reader, caching field values to be written
     * to the Lucene index.
     * @param xml the document, as a character-based Reader
     * @param inputUri the uri to assign to the document
     * @throws XMLStreamException 
    public void index(Reader xml, String inputUri) throws XMLStreamException {
        this.uri = inputUri;;
        xdmNode = getBuilderNode();

     * Index the document read from the String, caching field values to be
     * written to the Lucene index.
     * @param doc the document (or element) as a Saxon NodeInfo
     * @param inputUri the uri to assign to the document
     * @throws XMLStreamException 
    public void index(NodeInfo doc, String inputUri) throws XMLStreamException {
        this.uri = inputUri;
        // We'd like to use the input node directly and skip building a copy of it,
        // however the input may be an element, and not a document, and we need a document.;
        xdmNode = getBuilderNode();

    /** Clear out internal storage cached by #index when indexing a document */
    public void reset() {
        uri = null;
        xdmNode = null;
        documentBytes = null;

     * @param option an option flag; one of: NAMESPACE_AWARE, STORE_XML,
     * @return whether the option is set
    private boolean isOption(int option) {
        return configuration.isOption(option);

    private Collection<FieldDefinition> getFields() {
        return configuration.getFields();

     * @return the uri cached from the last invocation of #index
    public String getURI() {
        return uri;

     * @return the document cached from the last invocation of #index, as a Saxon XdmNode.
     * This will be null if the indexer options don't require the generation of an XdmNode.
    public XdmNode getXdmNode() {
        return xdmNode;

    private XdmNode getBuilderNode() {
        if (saxonBuilder == null) {
            return null;
        try {
            return saxonBuilder.getDocument();
        } catch (SaxonApiException e) {
            throw new LuxException(e);

     * @return the document cached from the last invocation of #index, as a
     * String.  This will be null if the indexer options don't require the
     * generation of a serialized document.  The document is always re-serialized
     * after parsing.
    public String getDocumentText() {
        if (serializer != null) {
            return serializer.getDocument();
        return null;

     * @return the document bytes; this will be non-null if {@link #storeDocument(IndexWriter, String, InputStream)}
     * was called.
    public byte[] getDocumentBytes() {
        return documentBytes;

     * Index and write a document to the Lucene index.
     * @param indexWriter the Lucene IndexWriter for the index to write to
     * @param docUri the uri to assign to the document; any scheme will
     * be stripped: only the path is stored in the index
     * @param xml the text of an xml document to index
     * @throws XMLStreamException if there is an error parsing the document
     * @throws IOException if there is an error writing to the index
    public void indexDocument(final IndexWriter indexWriter, final String docUri, final String xml)
            throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
        String path = normalizeUri(docUri);
        index(new StringReader(xml), path);

     * Index and write a document to the Lucene index.
     * @param indexWriter the Lucene IndexWriter for the index to write to
     * @param docUri the uri to assign to the document; any scheme will
     * be stripped: only the path is stored in the index
     * @param xmlStream a stream from which the text of an xml document is to be read
     * @throws XMLStreamException if there is an error parsing the document
     * @throws IOException if there is an error writing to the index
    public void indexDocument(final IndexWriter indexWriter, final String docUri, final InputStream xmlStream)
            throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
        String path = normalizeUri(docUri);
        index(xmlStream, path);

     * Fully read the stream and store it as a document without attempting to parse or index it.  Used for
     * binary and other non-XML text.
     * @param indexWriter the Lucene IndexWriter for the index to write to
     * @param docUri the uri to assign to the document; any scheme will be stripped: only the path is stored in the index
     * @param input the stream to read the document from
     * @throws IOException if there is an error writing to the index
    public void storeDocument(final IndexWriter indexWriter, final String docUri, final InputStream input)
            throws IOException {
        storeDocument(indexWriter, docUri, IOUtils.toByteArray(input));

     * Fully read the stream and store it as a document without attempting to parse or index it.  Used for
     * binary and other non-XML text.
     * @param indexWriter the Lucene IndexWriter for the index to write to
     * @param docUri the uri to assign to the document; any scheme will be stripped: only the path is stored in the index
     * @param bytes the document bytes to store
     * @throws IOException if there is an error writing to the index
    public void storeDocument(final IndexWriter indexWriter, final String docUri, final byte[] bytes)
            throws IOException {
        String path = normalizeUri(docUri);
        uri = path;
        documentBytes = bytes;

    private static String normalizeUri(String uri) {
        String path = uri.replaceFirst("^\\w+:/+", "/"); // strip the scheme part (file:/, lux:/, etc), if any
        path = path.replace('\\', '/');
        return path;

     * Index and write a document to the Lucene index.
     * @param indexWriter the Lucene IndexWriter for the index to write to
     * @param path the uri to assign to the document
     * @param node an xml document to index, as a Saxon NodeInfo
     * @throws XMLStreamException if there is an error parsing the document
     * @throws IOException if there is an error writing to the index
    public void indexDocument(IndexWriter indexWriter, String path, NodeInfo node)
            throws XMLStreamException, IOException {
        index(node, path);

     * @return a Lucene {@link org.apache.lucene.document.Document} created
     * from the field values stored in this indexer. The document is ready
     * to be inserted into Lucene via {@link IndexWriter#addDocument}.
    public org.apache.lucene.document.Document createLuceneDocument() {
        org.apache.lucene.document.Document doc = new org.apache.lucene.document.Document();
        for (FieldDefinition field : getFields()) {
            for (IndexableField f : field.getFieldValues(this)) {
        return doc;

    private void addLuceneDocument(IndexWriter indexWriter) throws CorruptIndexException, IOException {
        indexWriter.deleteDocuments(new Term(configuration.getUriFieldName(), uri));

    /** Primarily for internal use.
     * @return the {@link SaxonDocBuilder} used by the indexer to construct XdmNodes.
    public SaxonDocBuilder getSaxonDocBuilder() {
        return saxonBuilder;

    /** Primarily for internal use.
     * @return the {@link XmlPathMapper} used by the indexer to gather node paths.
    public XmlPathMapper getPathMapper() {
        return pathMapper;

    /** @return the index configuration */
    public IndexConfiguration getConfiguration() {
        return configuration;


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