Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Sony Mobile Communications, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package lumbermill.internal.elasticsearch; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.node.ObjectNode; import com.squareup.okhttp.*; import lumbermill.api.JsonEvent; import lumbermill.api.Observables; import lumbermill.api.Timer; import lumbermill.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchBulkRequestEvent; import lumbermill.elasticsearch.ElasticSearchBulkResponseEvent; import lumbermill.elasticsearch.FatalIndexException; import lumbermill.elasticsearch.IndexFailedException; import lumbermill.internal.MapWrap; import lumbermill.internal.StringTemplate; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import rx.Observable; import rx.subjects.ReplaySubject; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.time.Duration; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import static; /** * Elasticsearch BULK API client based on OkHttpClient. This client attempts to be logstash compatible. * * Currently the bulk api support _/bulk only, not by index and type. * * With index prefix: * <pre><code> * new ElasticSearchOkHttpClient("http://host:port", "lumbermill-", "atype", true); *</code></pre> * No index prefix: * <pre><code> * new ElasticSearchOkHttpClient("http://host:port", "lumbermill", "atype", false); * </code></pre> * * It supports both "normal" Elasticsearch and AWS Elasticsearch identity based access control. * To use AWS, lumbermill-aws RequestSigner implementation must be used. * * */ @SuppressWarnings("unused") public class ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl { public static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl.class); public static final MediaType TEXT = MediaType.parse("application/text; charset=utf-8"); public static final ObjectMapper OBJECT_MAPPER = new ObjectMapper(); private static final String AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME = "Authorization"; /** * Http client is shared */ private final OkHttpClient client = new OkHttpClient(); { String https_proxy = System.getenv("https_proxy"); // Support for empty value as well as null if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(https_proxy)) { URI proxy = URI.create(https_proxy);"Using proxy {}", proxy); client.setProxy(new Proxy(Proxy.Type.HTTP, new InetSocketAddress(proxy.getHost(), proxy.getPort()))); } client.setRetryOnConnectionFailure(true); } private final boolean indexIsPrefix; private String timestampField = "@timestamp"; private final URL url; private final StringTemplate index; private final StringTemplate type; private Optional<String> basicAuthHeader = Optional.empty(); private Optional<StringTemplate> documentId = Optional.empty(); private Optional<RequestSigner> signer = Optional.empty(); private Timer.Factory timerFactory = Observables.fixedTimer(2000); private int retryAttempts = 20; public ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl(String esUrl, String index, String type, boolean isPrefix) { this.indexIsPrefix = isPrefix; try { this.url = new URL(esUrl + (esUrl.endsWith("/") ? "_bulk" : "/_bulk")); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new IllegalStateException(e); } this.index = StringTemplate.compile(index); this.type = StringTemplate.compile(type); } /** * Provides access to the underlying http client, useful in tests and * to customize things we have not thought about. */ public OkHttpClient client() { return client; } /** * Set AWS Signer if using AWS Elasticsearch as service with identity based access */ public ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl withSigner(RequestSigner signer) { this.signer = Optional.of(signer); return this; } /** * Change timestamp field if you are not using @timestamp. The correct fieldname is currently * required in order to create correct timestamped indices. */ public ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl withTimestampField(String field) { this.timestampField = field; return this; } public ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl withRetryTimer(Timer.Factory timer, int attempts) { this.timerFactory = timer; this.retryAttempts = attempts; return this; } public ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl withDispatcher(Dispatcher dispatcher) { this.client.setDispatcher(dispatcher); return this; } public ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl withBasicAuth(String user, String passwd) { this.basicAuthHeader = Optional.of(Credentials.basic(user, passwd)); return this; } /** * Set the _id of each document in bulk, supports StringTemplate. * @param documentId - Is a patten for extracting the _id to use * @return */ public ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl withDocumentId(String documentId) { this.documentId = Optional.of(StringTemplate.compile(documentId)); return this; } public Observable<ElasticSearchBulkResponseEvent> postEvent(ElasticSearchBulkRequestEvent requestEvent) throws IndexFailedException { // TODO - Not sure how we really want this to work... List<JsonEvent> batch = requestEvent.indexRequests().stream() .map(jsonEventJsonEventTuple2 -> jsonEventJsonEventTuple2.getSecond()).collect(toList()); LOGGER.debug("Sending batch of {} events", batch.size()); RequestContext request = new RequestContext(batch, new ElasticSearchRequest(batch, url)); post(request); return request.subject; } public Observable<ElasticSearchBulkResponseEvent> post(List<JsonEvent> batch) throws IndexFailedException { if (batch.isEmpty()) {"Event batch is empty, skipping"); Observable.just(batch); } LOGGER.debug("Sending batch of {} events", batch.size()); RequestContext request = new RequestContext(batch, new ElasticSearchRequest(batch, url)); post(request); return request.subject; } public void post(RequestContext request) throws IndexFailedException { if (signer.isPresent()) { LOGGER.trace("Found RequestSigner, signing request"); signer.get().sign(request.signableRequest); } doOkHttpPost(request); } /** * Handles the response from OkHttp client to determine if the response was ok, is retryable or not * @param request - Used for logging purposed if the request was a 400 BadRequest * @param response */ private void handleResponse(RequestContext request, Response response) { if (response.code() == 200) { ElasticSearchBulkResponse bulkResponse = ElasticSearchBulkResponse.parse(request.signableRequest, response); if (bulkResponse.hasErrors()) { Optional<Observable<RequestContext>> requestContextObservable = request.nextAttempt(bulkResponse); if (!requestContextObservable.isPresent()) { request.done(bulkResponse); } else { requestContextObservable.get().doOnNext(requestContext -> post(requestContext)) .doOnError(throwable -> request.error(throwable)).subscribe(); } } else { request.done(bulkResponse); } return; } if (response.code() == 400) { request.error(createFatalIndexException(request.signableRequest, response)); return; } request.error(IndexFailedException.of(response)); } /** * Possible to override this method to perform postSuccess operations */ protected void success(RequestSigner.SignableRequest request, Response response) { } /** * Converts the events to a BulkApi request */ protected StringBuilder toBulkApiRequest(List<JsonEvent> batch) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); -> builder.append(indexRowWithDateAndType(event)).append("\n") .append(event.toString(false)).append("\n"))); return builder; } private String indexRowWithDateAndType(JsonEvent event) { Optional<String> formattedType = type.format(event); if (!formattedType.isPresent()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Issue with type, could not extract field from event " + type.original()); } Optional<String> formattedIndex = index.format(event); if (!formattedIndex.isPresent()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Issue with index, could not extract field from event: " + index.original()); } Optional<String> formattedDocumentId = Optional.empty(); if (documentId.isPresent()) { formattedDocumentId = documentId.get().format(event); if (!formattedDocumentId.isPresent()) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Issue with index, could not extract field from event: " + index.original()); } } ObjectNode objectNode = OBJECT_MAPPER.createObjectNode(); ObjectNode data = OBJECT_MAPPER.createObjectNode(); // Prepare for adding day to index for each event if (indexIsPrefix) { LocalDate indexDate; // TODO: Not sure how to handle this... what should be the behaviour if the specified timestamp field // does not exist if (event.has(this.timestampField)) { indexDate = LocalDate.parse(event.valueAsString(this.timestampField).substring(0, 10), DateTimeFormatter.ISO_DATE); } else { indexDate =; } data.put("_index", formattedIndex.get() + indexDate.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy.MM.dd"))); } else { data.put("_index", formattedIndex.get()); } data.put("_type", formattedType.get()); if (formattedDocumentId.isPresent()) { data.put("_id", formattedDocumentId.get()); } objectNode.set("index", data); return objectNode.toString(); } protected void doOkHttpPost(RequestContext requestCtx) { RequestBody body = RequestBody.create(TEXT, requestCtx.signableRequest.payload().get()); Request request = new Request.Builder().url(url).post(body) .headers(Headers.of(requestCtx.signableRequest.headers())).build(); // Add some sanity logging to be able to figure out the load if (LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) { int requestsInQueue = client.getDispatcher().getQueuedCallCount(); int requestsInProgress = client.getDispatcher().getRunningCallCount(); if (requestsInQueue > 0) { LOGGER.debug("There are {} requests waiting to be processed", requestsInQueue); } if (requestsInProgress > 0) { LOGGER.debug("There are {} requests currently executing", requestsInProgress); } } client.newCall(request).enqueue(new Callback() { @Override public void onFailure(Request request, IOException e) { requestCtx.error(IndexFailedException.ofIOException(e)); } @Override public void onResponse(Response response) throws IOException { handleResponse(requestCtx, response); } }); } public static FatalIndexException createFatalIndexException(RequestSigner.SignableRequest request, Response response) { try { return new FatalIndexException( response.code() + ", message:" + response.message() + ", body: " + response.body().string()); } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.warn("Failed to extract body from error message: " + e.getMessage()); return new FatalIndexException(response.code() + ", message:" + response.message()); } } private class ElasticSearchRequest implements RequestSigner.SignableRequest { private final List<JsonEvent> events; private final Optional<byte[]> payload; private final URL url; public final Map<String, String> headers; public ElasticSearchRequest(List<JsonEvent> events, URL url) { = events; this.url = url; headers = MapWrap.of("host", url.getHost()).toMap(); payload = Optional.of(toBulkApiRequest(events).toString().getBytes()); } @Override public String uri() { return "/_bulk"; } @Override public String method() { return "POST"; } @Override public Map<String, String> queryParams() { return Collections.emptyMap(); } @Override public Map<String, String> headers() { // It is not possible to create a client with both signed and basic-auth so we do not have to worry here. if (basicAuthHeader.isPresent()) { headers.put(AUTHORIZATION_HEADER_NAME, basicAuthHeader.get()); } return headers; } @Override public Optional<byte[]> payload() { return payload; } @Override public List<JsonEvent> original() { return events; } @Override public void addSignedHeaders(Map<String, String> headers) { this.headers.putAll(headers); } } /** * Contains state in order to track retries as well as returning response to pipeline. */ private class RequestContext { public final ReplaySubject<ElasticSearchBulkResponseEvent> subject = ReplaySubject.createWithSize(1); /** * Keep them here until we are done, then return them */ public final List<JsonEvent> events; public ElasticSearchBulkResponseEvent response; /** * Request to execute */ public RequestSigner.SignableRequest signableRequest; /** * Attempt count */ public AtomicInteger attempt = new AtomicInteger(1); /** * Start time of the request */ public long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); /** * The timer for each request */ public Timer timer = ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl.this.timerFactory.create(); public RequestContext(List<JsonEvent> events, RequestSigner.SignableRequest signableRequest) { = events; this.signableRequest = signableRequest; } private boolean hasNextAttempt() { return attempt.get() > ElasticSearchOkHttpClientImpl.this.retryAttempts ? false : true; } public Optional<Observable<RequestContext>> nextAttempt(ElasticSearchBulkResponse result) { updateResponseEvent(result); Optional<RequestSigner.SignableRequest> signableRequest = failedRecords(result); if (!signableRequest.isPresent()) { return Optional.empty(); } this.signableRequest = signableRequest.get(); this.attempt.incrementAndGet(); if (!hasNextAttempt()) { FatalIndexException ex = FatalIndexException.of("Too many retries"); error(ex); throw ex; } return Optional.of(Observables.just(this).withDelay(timer)); } private synchronized void updateResponseEvent(ElasticSearchBulkResponse bulkResponse) { if (this.response == null) { response = ElasticSearchBulkResponseEvent.of(bulkResponse); } else { response = response.nextAttempt(bulkResponse); } } private Optional<RequestSigner.SignableRequest> failedRecords(ElasticSearchBulkResponse result) { List<JsonEvent> retryableItems = result.getRetryableItems(this.signableRequest); if (retryableItems.size() == 0) { // This occurs if we got errors but they where all 400 BAD REQUEST, these will not be retried return Optional.empty(); } return Optional.of(new ElasticSearchRequest(retryableItems, url)); } public void done(ElasticSearchBulkResponse bulkResponse) { // Fix return ALL + ES response LOGGER.debug("Request took {} seconds / {} attempts / events {}", Duration.ofMillis(System.currentTimeMillis() - start).getSeconds(), attempt.get(), events.size()); updateResponseEvent(bulkResponse); this.subject.onNext(response); this.subject.onCompleted(); } public void error(Throwable t) { LOGGER.debug("Request took {} seconds / {} attempts and ended with error {}:{}", Duration.ofMillis(System.currentTimeMillis() - start).getSeconds(), attempt.get(), t.getClass().getSimpleName(), t.getMessage()); this.subject.onError(t); } } }