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Copyright 2015 Georgia Institute of Technology
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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package lucenetools;

import analyzers.DebugAnalyzer;
import com.mongodb.DB;
import com.mongodb.DBCollection;
import com.mongodb.DBCursor;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;
import com.mongodb.MongoClient;
import com.mongodb.MongoTimeoutException;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;

 * This class controls indexing tweets from MongoDB.
 * @author Ashley Beavers
public class DocIndexerMongo {
    // number of documents added to the Lucene index
    private static int docsIndexed = 0;

     * This method extracts the keywords from the config parameters.
     * @param   kwString            csv string of keywrords
     * @return  ArrahList<String>   list of keywords
    static ArrayList<String> getKeywords(String kwString) {
        //words to include and exclude
        ArrayList<String> keywords = new ArrayList<>();
        if (!"".equals(kwString)) {
            String[] keywordsBeforeTrim = kwString.split(",");
            for (String each : keywordsBeforeTrim) {
        return keywords;

     * This method returns the number of docs indexed.
     * @return int      number of docs indexed
    static int getDocsIndexed() {
        return docsIndexed;

     * This method creates the Mongo cursor object for the connection
     * details specified in the config file.
     * @param   opts                    options object
     * @return  DBCursor                mongo cursor
     * @throws  UnknownHostException    cannot connect to mongo host
    static DBCursor getCursor(Options opts) throws UnknownHostException {
        MongoClient mongoClient = new MongoClient(, opts.port);
        DB db = mongoClient.getDB(opts.database);
        DBCollection coll = db.getCollection(opts.collection);
        DBCursor cursor = coll.find();
        return cursor;

     * Determine if the words indicated are included or excluded
     * @param   text       text of tweet
     * @param   include    keywords to inlude
     * @param   exclude    keywords to exclude
     * @return  boolean    whether or not the keyword constraints are satisfied
    static boolean eval(String text, ArrayList<String> include, ArrayList<String> exclude) {
        boolean in, ex;
        in = true;
        if (!include.isEmpty()) {
            in = false;
            for (String each : include) {
                if (text.contains(each)) {
                    in = true;
        ex = true;
        if (!exclude.isEmpty()) {
            ex = true;
            for (String each : exclude) {
                if (text.contains(each)) {
                    ex = false;
        return (in && ex);

     * Construct a 'path' to identify this tweet.
     * @param   opts       options object
     * @return  String     'path' to identify this tweet
    static String getPath(Options opts) {
        return + "_" + opts.port + "_" + opts.database + "_" + opts.collection;

    * Indexes the given Mongo collection using the given writer. Each tweet
    * will be indexed as a separate document.
    * @param    writer                      writer to use for indexing documents
    * @param    opts                        options object
    * @param    analyzer                    analyzer specified from config file
    * @throws   MongoTimeoutException       if the mongo instance cannot be connected to
    * @throws   IOException                 if there is an issue with the document
    * @throws   NoSuchMethodException       if method not found
    * @throws   IllegalAccessException      cannot access class
    * @throws   IllegalArgumentException    wrong set of arguments
    * @throws   InvocationTargetException   instantiated class has a problem
    static void indexDocs(IndexWriter writer, Options opts, Analyzer analyzer)
            throws MongoTimeoutException, IOException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException,
            IllegalArgumentException, InvocationTargetException {
        DBCursor cursor = getCursor(opts);
        boolean noLimit = false;
        int origLimit = opts.limit;
        if (-1 == opts.limit) {
            noLimit = true;
            opts.limit = 1;
        ArrayList<String> include = getKeywords(opts.include);
        ArrayList<String> exclude = getKeywords(opts.exclude);
        String tweet, tweetLower, tweetIndex;
        try {
            if (cursor.size() == 0) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < opts.limit; i++) {
                    if (cursor.hasNext()) {
                        // read the next tweet from mongo
                        DBObject tweetJSON =;
                        tweet = tweetJSON.get("text").toString();
                        tweetLower = tweet.toLowerCase();
                        if (eval(tweetLower, include, exclude)) {
                            // the tweet index is the MongoID associated with that tweet
                            tweetIndex = tweetJSON.get("_id").toString();
                            // identify the db path to retrieve the tweet
                            String path = getPath(opts) + "_" + tweetIndex;
                            // use the analyzer's package name to find out if there is a custom
                            // implementation of the Utils class with the addDocument function
                            String packageName = opts.analyzerName.split("\\.")[0];
                            try {
                                Class<?> cla = Class.forName(packageName + ".Utils");
                                Method method = cla.getMethod("addDocument", String.class, String.class,
                                method.invoke(null, tweetJSON.toString(), path, writer);
                                // use the default Utils implementaiton
                            } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoSuchMethodException cnfe) {
                                Utils.addDocument(tweetJSON.toString(), path, writer);
                            if (0 == (docsIndexed % 1000)) {
                                System.out.print("Docs analyzed and indexed: " + docsIndexed + "\r");
                            // increment limit to emulate no limit being used
                            if (noLimit) {
                        } else { //ensure that the limit is reached 
                    } else {
                        if (origLimit != -1)
                            System.out.println("Maximum available documents is " + (i + 1)
                                    + "; unable to reach desired limit of " + origLimit + ".");
            if (origLimit != -1)
                System.out.printf("Searched %d tweets to find %d that met the filter requirements.\n",
                        opts.limit - 1, origLimit);
        } catch (MongoTimeoutException mte) {
                    "Timed out while waiting to connect." + "\nEnsure that the host/port/database/collection "
                            + "configuration in your YAML file is correct.");
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
            System.out.println("\nWARNING: Cursor returned with 0 documents - "
                    + "ensure that the database/collection \n" + "configuration in your YAML file is correct.");
        } finally {


    * Show analysis for tweets
    * @param    n             number of tweets to show the analysis for
    * @param    opts          options object
    * @param    analyzer      analyzer specified from config file
    * @throws   IOException   if there is an issue with the document
    public static void showTweetAnalysis(int n, Options opts, Analyzer analyzer) throws IOException {
        DBCursor cursor = getCursor(opts);
        boolean noLimit = false;
        if (-1 == opts.limit) {
            noLimit = true;
            opts.limit = 1;
        ArrayList<String> include = getKeywords(opts.include);
        ArrayList<String> exclude = getKeywords(opts.exclude);
        System.out.println("Analysis results for Mongo client" + ", " + n + " tweets max:\n");
        int count = 0;
        String tweet, tweetLower;
        try {
            if (cursor.size() == 0) {
                throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
            } else {

                for (int i = 0; i < opts.limit; i++) {
                    if (cursor.hasNext()) {
                        // read the next tweet from mongo
                        DBObject tweetJSON =;
                        tweet = tweetJSON.get("text").toString();
                        tweetLower = tweet.toLowerCase();
                        //check for keywords
                        if (eval(tweetLower, include, exclude)) {
                            DebugAnalyzer.showAnalysisFromStream(new StringReader(tweet), analyzer);
                            if (count >= n) {
                                        "Searched %d tweets to find %d that met the filter requirements.\n", i + 1,
                            if (noLimit)
                        } else {
        } catch (MongoTimeoutException mte) {
                    "Timed out while waiting to connect." + "\nEnsure that the host/port/database/collection "
                            + "configuration in your YAML file is correct.");
        } catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
            System.out.println("\nWARNING: Cursor returned with 0 documents - "
                    + "ensure that the database/collection \n" + "configuration in your YAML file is correct.");
        } finally {