Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (c) 2014, the Railo Company Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <>. * **/ package lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.udf; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import lucee.commons.lang.CFTypes; import lucee.commons.lang.StringUtil; import lucee.runtime.Component; import lucee.runtime.exp.TemplateException; import lucee.runtime.listener.AppListenerUtil; import lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgument; import lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgumentImpl; import lucee.runtime.type.FunctionArgumentLight; import lucee.runtime.type.util.ComponentUtil; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.Body; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.BytecodeContext; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.BytecodeException; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.Literal; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.Page; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.Position; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.cast.CastBoolean; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.cast.CastInt; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.cast.CastString; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.expression.ExprBoolean; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.expression.ExprInt; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.expression.ExprString; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.expression.Expression; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.expression.var.Variable; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.literal.LitBoolean; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.literal.LitInteger; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.literal.LitString; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.Argument; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.HasBody; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.IFunction; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.StatementBaseNoFinal; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.tag.Attribute; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.util.ASMConstants; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.util.ASMUtil; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.util.ExpressionUtil; import lucee.transformer.bytecode.util.Types; import lucee.transformer.cfml.evaluator.EvaluatorException; import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes; import org.objectweb.asm.Type; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.GeneratorAdapter; import org.objectweb.asm.commons.Method; public abstract class Function extends StatementBaseNoFinal implements Opcodes, IFunction, HasBody { // Scope variablesScope() static final Method VARIABLE_SCOPE = new Method("variablesScope", Types.VARIABLES, new Type[] {}); // Scope variablesScope() static final Method GET_PAGESOURCE = new Method("getPageSource", Types.PAGE_SOURCE, new Type[] {}); // Object set(String,Object) static final Method SET_STR = new Method("set", Types.OBJECT, new Type[] { Types.STRING, Types.OBJECT }); static final Method SET_KEY = new Method("set", Types.OBJECT, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY, Types.OBJECT }); /*static final Method REG_UDF_STR = new Method( "registerUDF", Types.VOID, new Type[]{Types.STRING,Types.UDF_PROPERTIES} );*/ static final Method REG_UDF_KEY = new Method("registerUDF", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY, Types.UDF_PROPERTIES }); private static final ExprString ANY = LitString.toExprString("any"); // <init>(Page,FunctionArgument[],int String,String,boolean); private static final Type FUNCTION_ARGUMENT = Type.getType(FunctionArgument.class); private static final Type FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_IMPL = Type.getType(FunctionArgumentImpl.class); private static final Type FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_LIGHT = Type.getType(FunctionArgumentLight.class); private static final Type FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_ARRAY = Type.getType(FunctionArgument[].class); protected static final Method INIT_UDF_IMPL_PROP = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.UDF_PROPERTIES }); private static final Method INIT_UDF_PROPERTIES_STRTYPE = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.PAGE_SOURCE, FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, Types.INT_VALUE, Types.STRING, Types.STRING, Types.STRING, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.INT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN, Types.STRING, Types.STRING, Types.STRING, Types.BOOLEAN, Types.BOOLEAN, Types.OBJECT, Types.INTEGER, Page.STRUCT_IMPL }); private static final Method INIT_UDF_PROPERTIES_SHORTTYPE = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.PAGE_SOURCE, FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, Types.INT_VALUE, Types.STRING, Types.SHORT_VALUE, Types.STRING, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.INT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN, Types.STRING, Types.STRING, Types.STRING, Types.BOOLEAN, Types.BOOLEAN, Types.OBJECT, Types.INTEGER, Page.STRUCT_IMPL }); private static final Method INIT_UDF_PROPERTIES_SHORTTYPE_LIGHT = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.PAGE_SOURCE, FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_ARRAY, Types.INT_VALUE, Types.STRING, Types.SHORT_VALUE, Types.STRING, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.INT_VALUE }); // FunctionArgumentImpl(String name,String type,boolean required,int defaultType,String dspName,String hint,StructImpl meta) private static final Method INIT_FAI_KEY1 = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY }); private static final Method INIT_FAI_KEY3 = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY, Types.STRING, Types.SHORT_VALUE }); private static final Method INIT_FAI_KEY4 = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY, Types.STRING, Types.SHORT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE }); private static final Method INIT_FAI_KEY5 = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY, Types.STRING, Types.SHORT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.INT_VALUE }); private static final Method INIT_FAI_KEY6 = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY, Types.STRING, Types.SHORT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.INT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE }); private static final Method INIT_FAI_KEY7 = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY, Types.STRING, Types.SHORT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.INT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.STRING }); private static final Method INIT_FAI_KEY8 = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY, Types.STRING, Types.SHORT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.INT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.STRING, Types.STRING }); private static final Method INIT_FAI_KEY9 = new Method("<init>", Types.VOID, new Type[] { Types.COLLECTION_KEY, Types.STRING, Types.SHORT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.INT_VALUE, Types.BOOLEAN_VALUE, Types.STRING, Types.STRING, Page.STRUCT_IMPL }); private static final Method[] INIT_FAI_KEY = new Method[] { INIT_FAI_KEY1, INIT_FAI_KEY3, INIT_FAI_KEY4, INIT_FAI_KEY5, INIT_FAI_KEY6, INIT_FAI_KEY7, INIT_FAI_KEY8, INIT_FAI_KEY9 }; private static final Method[] INIT_FAI_KEY_LIGHT = new Method[] { INIT_FAI_KEY1, INIT_FAI_KEY3 }; ExprString name; ExprString returnType = ANY; ExprBoolean output = LitBoolean.TRUE; ExprBoolean bufferOutput; //ExprBoolean abstry=LitBoolean.FALSE; int access = Component.ACCESS_PUBLIC; ExprString displayName = LitString.EMPTY; ExprString hint = LitString.EMPTY; Body body; List<Argument> arguments = new ArrayList<Argument>(); Map<String, Attribute> metadata; ExprString returnFormat; ExprString description; ExprBoolean secureJson; ExprBoolean verifyClient; ExprInt localMode; protected int valueIndex; protected int arrayIndex; private Literal cachedWithin; private boolean _abstract; private boolean _final; public Function(Page page, String name, int access, String returnType, Body body, Position start, Position end) { super(start, end); = LitString.toExprString(name); this.access = access; if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(returnType)) this.returnType = LitString.toExprString(returnType); this.body = body; body.setParent(this); int[] indexes = page.addFunction(this); valueIndex = indexes[VALUE_INDEX]; arrayIndex = indexes[ARRAY_INDEX]; } public Function(Page page, Expression name, Expression returnType, Expression returnFormat, Expression output, Expression bufferOutput, int access, Expression displayName, Expression description, Expression hint, Expression secureJson, Expression verifyClient, Expression localMode, Literal cachedWithin, boolean _abstract, boolean _final, Body body, Position start, Position end) { super(start, end); = CastString.toExprString(name); this.returnType = CastString.toExprString(returnType); this.returnFormat = returnFormat != null ? CastString.toExprString(returnFormat) : null; this.output = CastBoolean.toExprBoolean(output); this.bufferOutput = bufferOutput == null ? null : CastBoolean.toExprBoolean(bufferOutput); this.access = access; this.description = description != null ? CastString.toExprString(description) : null; this.displayName = CastString.toExprString(displayName); this.hint = CastString.toExprString(hint); this.secureJson = secureJson != null ? CastBoolean.toExprBoolean(secureJson) : null; this.verifyClient = verifyClient != null ? CastBoolean.toExprBoolean(verifyClient) : null; this.cachedWithin = cachedWithin; this._abstract = _abstract; this._final = _final; this.localMode = toLocalMode(localMode, null); this.body = body; body.setParent(this); int[] indexes = page.addFunction(this); valueIndex = indexes[VALUE_INDEX]; arrayIndex = indexes[ARRAY_INDEX]; } public static ExprInt toLocalMode(Expression expr, ExprInt defaultValue) { int mode = -1; if (expr instanceof Literal) { String str = ((Literal) expr).getString(); str = str.trim().toLowerCase(); mode = AppListenerUtil.toLocalMode(str, -1); } if (mode == -1) return defaultValue; return LitInteger.toExpr(mode); } /*private static void checkNameConflict(ExprString expr) { if(expr instanceof LitString){ String name=((LitString)expr).getString(); if() } }*/ /** * @see lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.IFunction#writeOut(lucee.transformer.bytecode.BytecodeContext, int) */ public final void writeOut(BytecodeContext bc, int type) throws BytecodeException { ExpressionUtil.visitLine(bc, getStart()); _writeOut(bc, type); ExpressionUtil.visitLine(bc, getEnd()); } /** * @see lucee.transformer.bytecode.statement.StatementBase#_writeOut(lucee.transformer.bytecode.BytecodeContext) */ public final void _writeOut(BytecodeContext bc) throws BytecodeException { _writeOut(bc, PAGE_TYPE_REGULAR); } public abstract void _writeOut(BytecodeContext bc, int pageType) throws BytecodeException; public final void loadUDFProperties(BytecodeContext bc, int valueIndex, int arrayIndex, boolean closure) throws BytecodeException { BytecodeContext constr = bc.getConstructor(); GeneratorAdapter cga = constr.getAdapter(); GeneratorAdapter ga = bc.getAdapter(); // store cga.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); cga.visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, bc.getClassName(), "udfs", Types.UDF_PROPERTIES_ARRAY.toString()); cga.push(arrayIndex); createUDFProperties(constr, valueIndex, closure); //cga.visitInsn(DUP_X2); cga.visitInsn(AASTORE); // get ga.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 0); ga.visitFieldInsn(GETFIELD, bc.getClassName(), "udfs", Types.UDF_PROPERTIES_ARRAY.toString()); ga.push(arrayIndex); ga.visitInsn(AALOAD); } public final void createUDFProperties(BytecodeContext bc, int index, boolean closure) throws BytecodeException { GeneratorAdapter adapter = bc.getAdapter(); adapter.newInstance(Types.UDF_PROPERTIES_IMPL); adapter.dup(); if (closure) { adapter.loadThis(); adapter.invokeVirtual(Types.PAGE, GET_PAGESOURCE); } else adapter.visitVarInsn(ALOAD, 1); // page //adapter.loadLocal(0); //adapter.loadThis(); // arguments createArguments(bc); // index adapter.push(index); // name ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(name, bc, Expression.MODE_REF); // return type short type = ExpressionUtil.toShortType(returnType, false, CFTypes.TYPE_UNKNOW); if (type == CFTypes.TYPE_UNKNOW) ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(returnType, bc, Expression.MODE_REF); else adapter.push(type); // return format if (returnFormat != null) ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(returnFormat, bc, Expression.MODE_REF); else ASMConstants.NULL(adapter); // output ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(output, bc, Expression.MODE_VALUE); // access writeOutAccess(bc, access); boolean light = type != -1; if (light && !LitString.EMPTY.equals(displayName)) light = false; if (light && description != null && !LitString.EMPTY.equals(description)) light = false; if (light && !LitString.EMPTY.equals(hint)) light = false; if (light && secureJson != null) light = false; if (light && verifyClient != null) light = false; if (light && cachedWithin != null) light = false; if (light && bufferOutput != null) light = false; if (light && localMode != null) light = false; if (light && Page.hasMetaDataStruct(metadata, null)) light = false; if (light) { adapter.invokeConstructor(Types.UDF_PROPERTIES_IMPL, INIT_UDF_PROPERTIES_SHORTTYPE_LIGHT); return; } // buffer output if (bufferOutput != null) ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(bufferOutput, bc, Expression.MODE_REF); else ASMConstants.NULL(adapter); // displayName ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(displayName, bc, Expression.MODE_REF);// displayName; // description if (description != null) ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(description, bc, Expression.MODE_REF);// displayName; else adapter.push(""); // hint ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(hint, bc, Expression.MODE_REF);// hint; // secureJson if (secureJson != null) ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(secureJson, bc, Expression.MODE_REF); else ASMConstants.NULL(adapter); // verify client if (verifyClient != null) ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(verifyClient, bc, Expression.MODE_REF); else ASMConstants.NULL(adapter); // cachedwithin if (cachedWithin != null) { cachedWithin.writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_REF); } else ASMConstants.NULL(adapter); //adapter.push(cachedWithin<0?0:cachedWithin); // localMode if (localMode != null) ExpressionUtil.writeOutSilent(localMode, bc, Expression.MODE_REF); else ASMConstants.NULL(adapter); // meta Page.createMetaDataStruct(bc, metadata, null); adapter.invokeConstructor(Types.UDF_PROPERTIES_IMPL, type == -1 ? INIT_UDF_PROPERTIES_STRTYPE : INIT_UDF_PROPERTIES_SHORTTYPE); } /*public final void loadUDF(BytecodeContext bc, int index) throws BytecodeException { // new UDF(...) GeneratorAdapter adapter=bc.getAdapter(); adapter.newInstance(Types.UDF_IMPL); adapter.dup(); loadUDFProperties(bc, index,false); adapter.invokeConstructor(Types.UDF_IMPL, INIT_UDF_IMPL_PROP); }*/ public final void createUDF(BytecodeContext bc, int index, boolean closure) throws BytecodeException { // new UDF(...) GeneratorAdapter adapter = bc.getAdapter(); adapter.newInstance(closure ? Types.CLOSURE : Types.UDF_IMPL); adapter.dup(); createUDFProperties(bc, index, closure); //loadUDFProperties(bc, index,closure); adapter.invokeConstructor(closure ? Types.CLOSURE : Types.UDF_IMPL, INIT_UDF_IMPL_PROP); } private final void createArguments(BytecodeContext bc) throws BytecodeException { GeneratorAdapter ga = bc.getAdapter(); ga.push(arguments.size()); ga.newArray(FUNCTION_ARGUMENT); Argument arg; for (int i = 0; i < arguments.size(); i++) { arg = arguments.get(i); boolean canHaveKey = Variable.canRegisterKey(arg.getName()); // CHECK if default values // type ExprString _strType = arg.getType(); short _type = CFTypes.TYPE_UNKNOW; if (_strType instanceof LitString) { _type = CFTypes.toShortStrict(((LitString) _strType).getString(), CFTypes.TYPE_UNKNOW); } boolean useType = !canHaveKey || _type != CFTypes.TYPE_ANY; //boolean useStrType=useType && (_type==CFTypes.TYPE_UNDEFINED || _type==CFTypes.TYPE_UNKNOW || CFTypes.toString(_type, null)==null); // required ExprBoolean _req = arg.getRequired(); boolean useReq = !canHaveKey || toBoolean(_req, null) != Boolean.FALSE; // default-type Expression _def = arg.getDefaultValueType(); boolean useDef = !canHaveKey || toInt(_def, -1) != FunctionArgument.DEFAULT_TYPE_NULL; // pass by reference ExprBoolean _pass = arg.isPassByReference(); boolean usePass = !canHaveKey || toBoolean(_pass, null) != Boolean.TRUE; // display-hint ExprString _dsp = arg.getDisplayName(); boolean useDsp = !canHaveKey || !isLiteralEmptyString(_dsp); // hint ExprString _hint = arg.getHint(); boolean useHint = !canHaveKey || !isLiteralEmptyString(_hint); // meta Map _meta = arg.getMetaData(); boolean useMeta = !canHaveKey || (_meta != null && !_meta.isEmpty()); int functionIndex = 7; if (!useMeta) { functionIndex--; if (!useHint) { functionIndex--; if (!useDsp) { functionIndex--; if (!usePass) { functionIndex--; if (!useDef) { functionIndex--; if (!useReq) { functionIndex--; if (!useType) { functionIndex--; } } } } } } } // write out arguments ga.dup(); ga.push(i); // new FunctionArgument(...) ga.newInstance(canHaveKey && functionIndex < INIT_FAI_KEY_LIGHT.length ? FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_LIGHT : FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_IMPL); ga.dup(); Variable.registerKey(bc, arg.getName(), false); // type if (functionIndex >= INIT_FAI_KEY.length - 7) { _strType.writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_REF); bc.getAdapter().push(_type); } // required if (functionIndex >= INIT_FAI_KEY.length - 6) _req.writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_VALUE); // default value if (functionIndex >= INIT_FAI_KEY.length - 5) _def.writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_VALUE); // pass by reference if (functionIndex >= INIT_FAI_KEY.length - 4) _pass.writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_VALUE); // display-name if (functionIndex >= INIT_FAI_KEY.length - 3) _dsp.writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_REF); // hint if (functionIndex >= INIT_FAI_KEY.length - 2) _hint.writeOut(bc, Expression.MODE_REF); //meta if (functionIndex == INIT_FAI_KEY.length - 1) Page.createMetaDataStruct(bc, _meta, null); if (functionIndex < INIT_FAI_KEY_LIGHT.length) ga.invokeConstructor(FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_LIGHT, INIT_FAI_KEY[functionIndex]); else ga.invokeConstructor(FUNCTION_ARGUMENT_IMPL, INIT_FAI_KEY[functionIndex]); ga.visitInsn(Opcodes.AASTORE); } } private final int toInt(Expression expr, int defaultValue) { if (expr instanceof LitInteger) { return ((LitInteger) expr).getInteger().intValue(); } return defaultValue; } private final Boolean toBoolean(ExprBoolean expr, Boolean defaultValue) { if (expr instanceof LitBoolean) { return ((LitBoolean) expr).getBooleanValue() ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } return defaultValue; } private final boolean isLiteralEmptyString(ExprString expr) { if (expr instanceof LitString) { return StringUtil.isEmpty(((LitString) expr).getString()); } return false; } private final void writeOutAccess(BytecodeContext bc, ExprString expr) { // write short type if (expr instanceof LitString) { int access = ComponentUtil.toIntAccess(((LitString) expr).getString(), Component.ACCESS_PUBLIC); bc.getAdapter().push(access); } else bc.getAdapter().push(Component.ACCESS_PUBLIC); } private final void writeOutAccess(BytecodeContext bc, int access) { bc.getAdapter().push(access); } public final void addArgument(String name, String type, boolean required, Expression defaultValue) { addArgument(LitString.toExprString(name), LitString.toExprString(type), LitBoolean.toExprBoolean(required), defaultValue, LitBoolean.TRUE, LitString.EMPTY, LitString.EMPTY, null); } public final void addArgument(Expression name, Expression type, Expression required, Expression defaultValue, ExprBoolean passByReference, Expression displayName, Expression hint, Map meta) { arguments.add(new Argument(name, type, required, defaultValue, passByReference, displayName, hint, meta)); } /** * @return the arguments */ public final List<Argument> getArguments() { return arguments; } /** * @return the body */ public final Body getBody() { return body; } public final void setMetaData(Map<String, Attribute> metadata) { this.metadata = metadata; } public final void setHint(String hint) { this.hint = LitString.toExprString(hint); } public final void addAttribute(Attribute attr) throws TemplateException { String name = attr.getName().toLowerCase(); // name if ("name".equals(name)) { throw new BytecodeException("name cannot be defined twice", getStart()); //; } else if ("returntype".equals(name)) { this.returnType = toLitString(name, attr.getValue()); } else if ("access".equals(name)) { LitString ls = toLitString(name, attr.getValue()); String strAccess = ls.getString(); int acc = ComponentUtil.toIntAccess(strAccess, -1); if (acc == -1) throw new BytecodeException("invalid access type [" + strAccess + "], access types are remote, public, package, private", getStart()); access = acc; } else if ("output".equals(name)) this.output = toLitBoolean(name, attr.getValue()); else if ("bufferoutput".equals(name)) this.bufferOutput = toLitBoolean(name, attr.getValue()); else if ("displayname".equals(name)) this.displayName = toLitString(name, attr.getValue()); else if ("hint".equals(name)) this.hint = toLitString(name, attr.getValue()); else if ("description".equals(name)) this.description = toLitString(name, attr.getValue()); else if ("returnformat".equals(name)) this.returnFormat = toLitString(name, attr.getValue()); else if ("securejson".equals(name)) this.secureJson = toLitBoolean(name, attr.getValue()); else if ("verifyclient".equals(name)) this.verifyClient = toLitBoolean(name, attr.getValue()); else if ("localmode".equals(name)) { Expression v = attr.getValue(); if (v != null) { String str = ASMUtil.toString(v, null); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(str)) { int mode = AppListenerUtil.toLocalMode(str, -1); if (mode != -1) this.localMode = LitInteger.toExpr(mode); else throw new BytecodeException( "Attribute localMode of the Tag Function, must be a literal value (modern, classic, true or false)", getStart()); } } } else if ("cachedwithin".equals(name)) { try { this.cachedWithin = ASMUtil.cachedWithinValue(attr.getValue());//ASMUtil.timeSpanToLong(attr.getValue()); } catch (EvaluatorException e) { throw new TemplateException(e.getMessage()); } } else if ("modifier".equals(name)) { Expression val = attr.getValue(); if (val instanceof Literal) { Literal l = (Literal) val; String str = StringUtil.emptyIfNull(l.getString()).trim(); if ("abstract".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) _abstract = true; else if ("final".equalsIgnoreCase(str)) _final = true; } } else { toLitString(name, attr.getValue());// needed for testing if (metadata == null) metadata = new HashMap<String, Attribute>(); metadata.put(attr.getName(), attr); } } private final LitString toLitString(String name, Expression value) throws BytecodeException { ExprString es = CastString.toExprString(value); if (!(es instanceof LitString)) throw new BytecodeException("value of attribute [" + name + "] must have a literal/constant value", getStart()); return (LitString) es; } private final LitBoolean toLitBoolean(String name, Expression value) throws BytecodeException { ExprBoolean eb = CastBoolean.toExprBoolean(value); if (!(eb instanceof LitBoolean)) throw new BytecodeException("value of attribute [" + name + "] must have a literal/constant value", getStart()); return (LitBoolean) eb; } private final ExprInt toLitInt(String name, Expression value) throws BytecodeException { ExprInt eb = CastInt.toExprInt(value); if (!(eb instanceof Literal)) throw new BytecodeException("value of attribute [" + name + "] must have a literal/constant value", getStart()); return eb; } }