Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (c) 2014, the Railo Company Ltd. * Copyright (c) 2015, Lucee Assosication Switzerland * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <>. * */ package lucee.runtime.tag; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lucee.commons.lang.ExceptionUtil; import lucee.commons.lang.PageContextThread; import lucee.commons.lang.StringUtil; import lucee.commons.lang.mimetype.ContentType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lucee.runtime.PageContext; import lucee.runtime.PageContextImpl; import lucee.runtime.cache.tag.CacheHandler; import lucee.runtime.cache.tag.CacheHandlerCollectionImpl; import lucee.runtime.cache.tag.CacheHandlerPro; import lucee.runtime.cache.tag.CacheItem; import lucee.runtime.cache.tag.http.HTTPCacheItem; import lucee.runtime.config.Config; import lucee.runtime.config.ConfigWeb; import lucee.runtime.config.Constants; import lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException; import lucee.runtime.exp.ExpressionException; import lucee.runtime.exp.HTTPException; import lucee.runtime.exp.NativeException; import lucee.runtime.exp.PageException; import lucee.runtime.exp.RequestTimeoutException; import lucee.runtime.ext.tag.BodyTagImpl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lucee.runtime.op.Caster; import lucee.runtime.text.csv.CSVParser; import lucee.runtime.type.Array; import lucee.runtime.type.ArrayImpl; import lucee.runtime.type.Collection.Key; import lucee.runtime.type.KeyImpl; import lucee.runtime.type.Query; import lucee.runtime.type.QueryImpl; import lucee.runtime.type.Struct; import lucee.runtime.type.StructImpl; import lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTime; import lucee.runtime.type.dt.TimeSpan; import lucee.runtime.type.dt.TimeSpanImpl; import lucee.runtime.type.util.ArrayUtil; import lucee.runtime.type.util.KeyConstants; import lucee.runtime.type.util.ListUtil; import lucee.runtime.util.PageContextUtil; import lucee.runtime.util.URLResolver; import org.apache.http.HttpEntityEnclosingRequest; import org.apache.http.HttpHost; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.NameValuePair; import org.apache.http.annotation.NotThreadSafe; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpHead; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpOptions; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPut; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpRequestBase; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpTrace; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpUriRequest; import org.apache.http.config.Registry; import org.apache.http.config.RegistryBuilder; import org.apache.http.config.SocketConfig; import org.apache.http.conn.socket.ConnectionSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.conn.socket.PlainConnectionSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.FormBodyPart; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.MultipartEntityBuilder; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.ContentBody; import org.apache.http.entity.mime.content.StringBody; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCookieStore; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultRedirectStrategy; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.apache.http.impl.conn.PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager; import org.apache.http.message.BasicNameValuePair; import org.apache.http.protocol.BasicHttpContext; import org.apache.http.protocol.HttpContext; // MUST change behavor of mltiple headers now is a array, it das so? /** * Lets you execute HTTP POST and GET operations on files. Using cfhttp, you can execute standard GET operations and create a query object from a text file. * POST operations lets you upload MIME file types to a server, or post cookie, formfield, URL, file, or CGI variables directly to a specified server. * * * * **/ public final class Http extends BodyTagImpl { public static final String MULTIPART_RELATED = "multipart/related"; public static final String MULTIPART_FORM_DATA = "multipart/form-data"; /** * Maximum redirect count (5) */ public static final short MAX_REDIRECT = 15; /** * Constant value for HTTP Status Code "moved Permanently 301" */ public static final int STATUS_REDIRECT_MOVED_PERMANENTLY = 301; /** * Constant value for HTTP Status Code "Found 302" */ public static final int STATUS_REDIRECT_FOUND = 302; /** * Constant value for HTTP Status Code "see other 303" */ public static final int STATUS_REDIRECT_SEE_OTHER = 303; public static final int STATUS_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT = 307; private static final short METHOD_GET = 0; private static final short METHOD_POST = 1; private static final short METHOD_HEAD = 2; private static final short METHOD_PUT = 3; private static final short METHOD_DELETE = 4; private static final short METHOD_OPTIONS = 5; private static final short METHOD_TRACE = 6; private static final short METHOD_PATCH = 7; private static final String NO_MIMETYPE = "Unable to determine MIME type of file."; private static final short GET_AS_BINARY_NO = 0; private static final short GET_AS_BINARY_YES = 1; private static final short GET_AS_BINARY_AUTO = 2; private static final Key STATUSCODE = KeyConstants._statuscode; private static final Key CHARSET = KeyConstants._charset; private static final Key ERROR_DETAIL = KeyImpl.intern("errordetail"); private static final Key STATUS_CODE = KeyImpl.intern("status_code"); private static final Key STATUS_TEXT = KeyImpl.intern("status_text"); private static final Key HTTP_VERSION = KeyImpl.intern("http_version"); private static final Key EXPLANATION = KeyImpl.intern("explanation"); private static final Key RESPONSEHEADER = KeyImpl.intern("responseheader"); private static final Key SET_COOKIE = KeyImpl.intern("set-cookie"); private static final short AUTH_TYPE_BASIC = 0; private static final short AUTH_TYPE_NTLM = 1; static { // Protocol myhttps = new Protocol("https", new EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory(), 443); // Protocol.registerProtocol("https", new Protocol("https", new EasySSLProtocolSocketFactory(), 443)); } private ArrayList<HttpParamBean> params = new ArrayList<HttpParamBean>(); /** When required by a server, a valid password. */ private String password; /** Required for creating a query. Options are a tab or comma. Default is a comma. */ private char delimiter = ','; /** * Yes or No. Default is No. For GET and POST operations, if Yes, page reference returned into the fileContent internal variable has its internal URLs fully * resolved, including port number, so that links remain intact. */ private boolean resolveurl; /** A value, in seconds. When a URL timeout is specified in the browser */ private TimeSpan timeout = null; /** Host name or IP address of a proxy server. */ private String proxyserver; /** * The filename to be used for the file that is accessed. For GET operations, defaults to the name pecified in url. Enter path information in the path * attribute. */ private String strFile; /** * The path to the directory in which a file is to be stored. If a path is not specified in a POST or GET operation, a variable is created * (cfhttp.fileContent) that you can use to display the results of the POST operation in a cfoutput. */ private String strPath; /** * Boolean indicating whether to throw an exception that can be caught by using the cftry and cfcatch tags. The default is NO. */ private boolean throwonerror; /** set the charset for the call. */ private String charset = null; /** * The port number on the proxy server from which the object is requested. Default is 80. When used with resolveURL, the URLs of retrieved documents that * specify a port number are automatically resolved to preserve links in the retrieved document. */ private int proxyport = 80; /** Specifies the column names for a query when creating a query as a result of a cfhttp GET. */ private String[] columns; /** * The port number on the server from which the object is requested. Default is 80. When used with resolveURL, the URLs of retrieved documents that specify * a port number are automatically resolved to preserve links in the retrieved document. If a port number is specified in the url attribute, the port value * overrides the value of the port attribute. */ private int port = -1; /** User agent request header. */ private String useragent = Constants.NAME + " (CFML Engine)"; /** * Required for creating a query. Indicates the start and finish of a column. Should be appropriately escaped when embedded in a column. For example, if the * qualifier is a double quotation mark, it should be escaped as """". If there is no text qualifier in the file, specify it as " ". Default is the double * quotation mark ("). */ private char textqualifier = '"'; /** When required by a server, a valid username. */ private String username; /** * Full URL of the host name or IP address of the server on which the file resides. The URL must be an absolute URL, including the protocol (http or https) * and hostname. It may optionally contain a port number. Port numbers specified in the url attribute override the port attribute. */ private String url; /** Boolean indicating whether to redirect execution or stop execution. */ private boolean redirect = true; /** The name to assign to a query if the a query is constructed from a file. */ private String name; /** * GET or POST. Use GET to download a text or binary file or to create a query from the contents of a text file. Use POST to send information to a server * page or a CGI program for processing. POST requires the use of a cfhttpparam tag. */ private short method = METHOD_GET; // private boolean hasBody=false; private boolean firstrowasheaders = true; private String proxyuser = null; private String proxypassword = ""; private boolean multiPart = false; private String multiPartType = MULTIPART_FORM_DATA; private short getAsBinary = GET_AS_BINARY_NO; private String result = "cfhttp"; private boolean addtoken = false; private short authType = AUTH_TYPE_BASIC; private String workStation = null; private String domain = null; private boolean preauth = true; private boolean encoded = true; private boolean compression = true; private Object cachedWithin; /** The full path to a PKCS12 format file that contains the client certificate for the request. */ private String clientCert; /** Password used to decrypt the client certificate. */ private String clientCertPassword; @Override public void release() { super.release(); params.clear(); password = null; delimiter = ','; resolveurl = false; timeout = null; proxyserver = null; proxyport = 80; proxyuser = null; proxypassword = ""; strFile = null; throwonerror = false; charset = null; columns = null; port = -1; useragent = Constants.NAME + " (CFML Engine)"; textqualifier = '"'; username = null; url = null; redirect = true; strPath = null; name = null; method = METHOD_GET; // hasBody=false; firstrowasheaders = true; getAsBinary = GET_AS_BINARY_NO; multiPart = false; multiPartType = MULTIPART_FORM_DATA; result = "cfhttp"; addtoken = false; authType = AUTH_TYPE_BASIC; workStation = null; domain = null; preauth = true; encoded = true; compression = true; clientCert = null; clientCertPassword = null; cachedWithin = null; } /** * @param firstrowasheaders */ public void setFirstrowasheaders(boolean firstrowasheaders) { this.firstrowasheaders = firstrowasheaders; } public void setEncodeurl(boolean encoded) { this.encoded = encoded; } /** * set the value password When required by a server, a valid password. * * @param password * value to set **/ public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } /** * set the value password When required by a proxy server, a valid password. * * @param proxypassword * value to set **/ public void setProxypassword(String proxypassword) { this.proxypassword = proxypassword; } /** * set the value delimiter Required for creating a query. Options are a tab or comma. Default is a comma. * * @param delimiter * value to set **/ public void setDelimiter(String delimiter) { this.delimiter = delimiter.length() == 0 ? ',' : delimiter.charAt(0); } /** * set the value resolveurl Yes or No. Default is No. For GET and POST operations, if Yes, page reference returned into the fileContent internal variable * has its internal URLs fully resolved, including port number, so that links remain intact. * * @param resolveurl * value to set **/ public void setResolveurl(boolean resolveurl) { this.resolveurl = resolveurl; } public void setPreauth(boolean preauth) { this.preauth = preauth; } /** * set the value timeout * * @param timeout * value to set * @throws ExpressionException **/ public void setTimeout(Object timeout) throws PageException { if (timeout instanceof TimeSpan) this.timeout = (TimeSpan) timeout; // seconds else { int i = Caster.toIntValue(timeout); if (i < 0) throw new ApplicationException("invalid value [" + i + "] for attribute timeout, value must be a positive integer greater or equal than 0"); this.timeout = new TimeSpanImpl(0, 0, 0, i); } } /** * set the value proxyserver Host name or IP address of a proxy server. * * @param proxyserver * value to set **/ public void setProxyserver(String proxyserver) { this.proxyserver = proxyserver; } /** * set the value proxyport The port number on the proxy server from which the object is requested. Default is 80. When used with resolveURL, the URLs of * retrieved documents that specify a port number are automatically resolved to preserve links in the retrieved document. * * @param proxyport * value to set **/ public void setProxyport(double proxyport) { this.proxyport = (int) proxyport; } /** * set the value file The filename to be used for the file that is accessed. For GET operations, defaults to the name pecified in url. Enter path * information in the path attribute. * * @param file * value to set **/ public void setFile(String file) { this.strFile = file; } /** * set the value throwonerror Boolean indicating whether to throw an exception that can be caught by using the cftry and cfcatch tags. The default is NO. * * @param throwonerror * value to set **/ public void setThrowonerror(boolean throwonerror) { this.throwonerror = throwonerror; } /** * set the value charset set the charset for the call. * * @param charset * value to set **/ public void setCharset(String charset) { this.charset = charset; } /** * set the value columns * * @param columns * value to set * @throws PageException **/ public void setColumns(String columns) throws PageException { this.columns = ListUtil.toStringArray(ListUtil.listToArrayRemoveEmpty(columns, ",")); } /** * set the value port The port number on the server from which the object is requested. Default is 80. When used with resolveURL, the URLs of retrieved * documents that specify a port number are automatically resolved to preserve links in the retrieved document. If a port number is specified in the url * attribute, the port value overrides the value of the port attribute. * * @param port * value to set **/ public void setPort(double port) { this.port = (int) port; } /** * set the value useragent User agent request header. * * @param useragent * value to set **/ public void setUseragent(String useragent) { this.useragent = useragent; } /** * set the value textqualifier Required for creating a query. Indicates the start and finish of a column. Should be appropriately escaped when embedded in a * column. For example, if the qualifier is a double quotation mark, it should be escaped as """". If there is no text qualifier in the file, specify it as * " ". Default is the double quotation mark ("). * * @param textqualifier * value to set **/ public void setTextqualifier(String textqualifier) { this.textqualifier = textqualifier.length() == 0 ? '"' : textqualifier.charAt(0); } /** * set the value username When required by a proxy server, a valid username. * * @param proxyuser * value to set **/ public void setProxyuser(String proxyuser) { this.proxyuser = proxyuser; } /** * set the value username When required by a server, a valid username. * * @param username * value to set **/ public void setUsername(String username) { this.username = username; } /** * set the value url Full URL of the host name or IP address of the server on which the file resides. The URL must be an absolute URL, including the * protocol (http or https) and hostname. It may optionally contain a port number. Port numbers specified in the url attribute override the port attribute. * * @param url * value to set **/ public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } /** * set the value redirect * * @param redirect * value to set **/ public void setRedirect(boolean redirect) { this.redirect = redirect; } /** * set the value path The path to the directory in which a file is to be stored. If a path is not specified in a POST or GET operation, a variable is * created (cfhttp.fileContent) that you can use to display the results of the POST operation in a cfoutput. * * @param path * value to set **/ public void setPath(String path) { this.strPath = path; } /** * set the value name The name to assign to a query if the a query is constructed from a file. * * @param name * value to set **/ public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setAuthtype(String strAuthType) throws ExpressionException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(strAuthType, true)) return; strAuthType = strAuthType.trim(); if ("basic".equalsIgnoreCase(strAuthType)) authType = AUTH_TYPE_BASIC; else if ("ntlm".equalsIgnoreCase(strAuthType)) authType = AUTH_TYPE_NTLM; else throw new ExpressionException("invalid value [" + strAuthType + "] for attribute authType, value must be one of the following [basic,ntlm]"); } public void setWorkstation(String workStation) { this.workStation = workStation; } public void setDomain(String domain) { this.domain = domain; } /** * set the value method GET or POST. Use GET to download a text or binary file or to create a query from the contents of a text file. Use POST to send * information to a server page or a CGI program for processing. POST requires the use of a cfhttpparam tag. * * @param method * value to set * @throws ApplicationException **/ public void setMethod(String method) throws ApplicationException { method = method.toLowerCase().trim(); if (method.equals("post")) this.method = METHOD_POST; else if (method.equals("get")) this.method = METHOD_GET; else if (method.equals("head")) this.method = METHOD_HEAD; else if (method.equals("delete")) this.method = METHOD_DELETE; else if (method.equals("put")) this.method = METHOD_PUT; else if (method.equals("trace")) this.method = METHOD_TRACE; else if (method.equals("options")) this.method = METHOD_OPTIONS; else if (method.equals("patch")) this.method = METHOD_PATCH; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid method type [" + (method.toUpperCase()) + "], valid types are POST,GET,HEAD,DELETE,PUT,TRACE,OPTIONS,PATCH"); } public void setCompression(String strCompression) throws ApplicationException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(strCompression, true)) return; Boolean b = Caster.toBoolean(strCompression, null); if (b != null) compression = b.booleanValue(); else if (strCompression.trim().equalsIgnoreCase("none")) compression = false; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid value for attribute compression [" + strCompression + "], valid values are: true,false or none"); } public void setCachedwithin(Object cachedwithin) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(cachedwithin)) return; this.cachedWithin = cachedwithin; } @Override public int doStartTag() throws PageException { if (addtoken) { setParam(HttpParamBean.TYPE_COOKIE, "cfid", pageContext.getCFID()); setParam(HttpParamBean.TYPE_COOKIE, "cftoken", pageContext.getCFToken()); String jsessionid = pageContext.getJSessionId(); if (jsessionid != null) setParam(HttpParamBean.TYPE_COOKIE, "jsessionid", jsessionid); } // cache within if (StringUtil.isEmpty(cachedWithin)) { Object tmp = ((PageContextImpl) pageContext).getCachedWithin(ConfigWeb.CACHEDWITHIN_HTTP); if (tmp != null) setCachedwithin(tmp); } return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; } private void setParam(int type, String name, String value) { HttpParamBean hpb = new HttpParamBean(); hpb.setType(type); hpb.setName(name); hpb.setValue(value); setParam(hpb); } @Override public int doEndTag() throws PageException { // because commons PrintStream out = System.out; try { // System.setOut(new PrintStream(DevNullOutputStream.DEV_NULL_OUTPUT_STREAM)); _doEndTag(); return EVAL_PAGE; } catch (IOException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } finally { System.setOut(out); } } private void _doEndTag() throws PageException, IOException { long start = System.nanoTime(); HttpClientBuilder builder = HTTPEngine4Impl.getHttpClientBuilder(); ssl(builder); // redirect if (redirect) builder.setRedirectStrategy(new DefaultRedirectStrategy()); else builder.disableRedirectHandling(); // cookies BasicCookieStore cookieStore = new BasicCookieStore(); builder.setDefaultCookieStore(cookieStore); ConfigWeb cw = pageContext.getConfig(); HttpRequestBase req = null; HttpContext httpContext = null; CacheHandler cacheHandler = null; String cacheId = null; // HttpRequestBase req = init(pageContext.getConfig(),this,client,params,url,port); { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(charset, true)) charset = ((PageContextImpl) pageContext).getWebCharset().name(); else charset = charset.trim(); // check if has fileUploads boolean doUploadFile = false; for (int i = 0; i < this.params.size(); i++) { if ((this.params.get(i)).getType() == HttpParamBean.TYPE_FILE) { doUploadFile = true; break; } } // parse url (also query string) int len = this.params.size(); StringBuilder sbQS = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { HttpParamBean param = this.params.get(i); int type = param.getType(); // URL if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_URL) { if (sbQS.length() > 0) sbQS.append('&'); sbQS.append(param.getEncoded() ? urlenc(param.getName(), charset) : param.getName()); sbQS.append('='); sbQS.append(param.getEncoded() ? urlenc(param.getValueAsString(), charset) : param.getValueAsString()); } } String host = null; HttpHost httpHost; try { URL _url = HTTPUtil.toURL(url, port, encoded); httpHost = new HttpHost(_url.getHost(), _url.getPort()); host = _url.getHost(); url = _url.toExternalForm(); if (sbQS.length() > 0) { // no existing QS if (StringUtil.isEmpty(_url.getQuery())) { url += "?" + sbQS; } else { url += "&" + sbQS; } } } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { throw Caster.toPageException(mue); } // cache if (cachedWithin != null) { cacheId = createCacheId(); cacheHandler = pageContext.getConfig().getCacheHandlerCollection(Config.CACHE_TYPE_HTTP, null) .getInstanceMatchingObject(cachedWithin, null); if (cacheHandler instanceof CacheHandlerPro) { CacheItem cacheItem = ((CacheHandlerPro) cacheHandler).get(pageContext, cacheId, cachedWithin); if (cacheItem instanceof HTTPCacheItem) { pageContext.setVariable(result, ((HTTPCacheItem) cacheItem).getData()); return; } } else if (cacheHandler != null) { // TODO this else block can be removed when all cache handlers implement CacheHandlerPro CacheItem cacheItem = cacheHandler.get(pageContext, cacheId); if (cacheItem instanceof HTTPCacheItem) { pageContext.setVariable(result, ((HTTPCacheItem) cacheItem).getData()); return; } } } // cache not found, process and cache result if needed // select best matching method (get,post, post multpart (file)) boolean isBinary = false; boolean doMultiPart = doUploadFile || this.multiPart; HttpEntityEnclosingRequest eeReqPost = null; HttpEntityEnclosingRequest eeReq = null; if (this.method == METHOD_GET) { req = new HttpGetWithBody(url); eeReq = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) req; } else if (this.method == METHOD_HEAD) { req = new HttpHead(url); } else if (this.method == METHOD_DELETE) { isBinary = true; req = new HttpDeleteWithBody(url); eeReq = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) req; } else if (this.method == METHOD_PUT) { isBinary = true; HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url); eeReqPost = put; req = put; eeReq = put; } else if (this.method == METHOD_TRACE) { isBinary = true; req = new HttpTrace(url); } else if (this.method == METHOD_OPTIONS) { isBinary = true; req = new HttpOptions(url); } else if (this.method == METHOD_PATCH) { isBinary = true; eeReq = HTTPPatchFactory.getHTTPPatch(url); req = (HttpRequestBase) eeReq; } else { isBinary = true; eeReqPost = new HttpPost(url); req = (HttpPost) eeReqPost; eeReq = eeReqPost; } boolean hasForm = false; boolean hasBody = false; boolean hasContentType = false; // Set http params ArrayList<FormBodyPart> parts = new ArrayList<FormBodyPart>(); StringBuilder acceptEncoding = new StringBuilder(); java.util.List<NameValuePair> postParam = eeReqPost != null ? new ArrayList<NameValuePair>() : null; for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { HttpParamBean param = this.params.get(i); int type = param.getType(); // URL if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_URL) { // listQS.add(new BasicNameValuePair(translateEncoding(param.getName(), http.charset),translateEncoding(param.getValueAsString(), // http.charset))); } // Form else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_FORM) { hasForm = true; if (this.method == METHOD_GET) throw new ApplicationException( "httpparam with type formfield can only be used when the method attribute of the parent http tag is set to post"); if (eeReqPost != null) { if (doMultiPart) { parts.add(new FormBodyPart(param.getName(), new StringBody(param.getValueAsString(), CharsetUtil.toCharset(charset)))); } else { postParam.add(new BasicNameValuePair(param.getName(), param.getValueAsString())); } } // else if(multi!=null)multi.addParameter(param.getName(),param.getValueAsString()); } // CGI else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_CGI) { if (param.getEncoded()) req.addHeader(urlenc(param.getName(), charset), urlenc(param.getValueAsString(), charset)); else req.addHeader(param.getName(), param.getValueAsString()); } // Header else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_HEADER) { if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("content-type")) hasContentType = true; if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Length")) { } else if (param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Accept-Encoding")) { acceptEncoding.append(headerValue(param.getValueAsString())); acceptEncoding.append(", "); } else req.addHeader(param.getName(), headerValue(param.getValueAsString())); } // Cookie else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_COOKIE) { HTTPEngine4Impl.addCookie(cookieStore, host, param.getName(), param.getValueAsString(), "/", charset); } // File else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_FILE) { hasForm = true; if (this.method == METHOD_GET) throw new ApplicationException( "httpparam type file can't only be used, when method of the tag http equal post"); // if(param.getFile()==null) throw new ApplicationException("httpparam type file can't only be used, when method of the tag http equal // post"); String strCT = getContentType(param); ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(strCT, null); String mt = "text/xml"; if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true)) mt = ct.getMimeType(); String cs = charset; if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true)) cs = ct.getCharset(); if (doMultiPart) { try { Resource res = param.getFile(); parts.add(new FormBodyPart(param.getName(), new ResourceBody(res, mt, res.getName(), cs))); // parts.add(new ResourcePart(param.getName(),new ResourcePartSource(param.getFile()),getContentType(param),_charset)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ApplicationException("can't upload file, path is invalid", e.getMessage()); } } } // XML else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_XML) { ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(param.getMimeType(), null); String mt = "text/xml"; if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true)) mt = ct.getMimeType(); String cs = charset; if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true)) cs = ct.getCharset(); hasBody = true; hasContentType = true; req.addHeader("Content-type", mt + "; charset=" + cs); if (eeReq == null) throw new ApplicationException( "type xml is only supported for methods get, delete, post, and put"); HTTPEngine4Impl.setBody(eeReq, param.getValueAsString(), mt, cs); } // Body else if (type == HttpParamBean.TYPE_BODY) { ContentType ct = HTTPUtil.toContentType(param.getMimeType(), null); String mt = null; if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getMimeType(), true)) mt = ct.getMimeType(); String cs = charset; if (ct != null && !StringUtil.isEmpty(ct.getCharset(), true)) cs = ct.getCharset(); hasBody = true; if (eeReq == null) throw new ApplicationException( "type body is only supported for methods get, delete, post, and put"); HTTPEngine4Impl.setBody(eeReq, param.getValue(), mt, cs); } else { throw new ApplicationException("invalid type [" + type + "]"); } } // post params if (postParam != null && postParam.size() > 0) eeReqPost.setEntity(new org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParam, charset)); if (compression) { acceptEncoding.append("gzip"); } else { acceptEncoding.append("deflate;q=0"); req.setHeader("TE", "deflate;q=0"); } req.setHeader("Accept-Encoding", acceptEncoding.toString()); // multipart if (doMultiPart && eeReq != null) { hasContentType = true; boolean doIt = true; if (!this.multiPart && parts.size() == 1) { ContentBody body = parts.get(0).getBody(); if (body instanceof StringBody) { StringBody sb = (StringBody) body; try { org.apache.http.entity.ContentType ct = org.apache.http.entity.ContentType .create(sb.getMimeType(), sb.getCharset()); String str = IOUtil.toString(sb.getReader()); StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(str, ct); eeReq.setEntity(entity); } catch (IOException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } doIt = false; } } if (doIt) { MultipartEntityBuilder mpeBuilder = MultipartEntityBuilder.create().setStrictMode(); // enabling the line below will append charset=... to the Content-Type header // if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(charset, true)) // mpeBuilder.setCharset(CharsetUtil.toCharset(charset)); Iterator<FormBodyPart> it = parts.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { FormBodyPart part =; mpeBuilder.addPart(part); } eeReq.setEntity(; } // eem.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntityFlex(parts.toArray(new Part[parts.size()]), eem.getParams(),http.multiPartType)); } if (hasBody && hasForm) throw new ApplicationException("mixing httpparam type file/formfield and body/XML is not allowed"); if (!hasContentType) { if (isBinary) { if (hasBody) req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream"); else req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=" + charset); } else { if (hasBody) req.addHeader("Content-type", "text/html; charset=" + charset); } } // set User Agent if (!hasHeaderIgnoreCase(req, "User-Agent")) req.setHeader("User-Agent", this.useragent); // set timeout setTimeout(builder, checkRemainingTimeout()); // set Username and Password if (this.username != null) { if (this.password == null) this.password = ""; if (AUTH_TYPE_NTLM == this.authType) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(this.workStation, true)) throw new ApplicationException( "attribute workstation is required when authentication type is [NTLM]"); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(this.domain, true)) throw new ApplicationException( "attribute domain is required when authentication type is [NTLM]"); HTTPEngine4Impl.setNTCredentials(builder, this.username, this.password, this.workStation, this.domain); } else httpContext = HTTPEngine4Impl.setCredentials(builder, httpHost, this.username, this.password, preauth); } // set Proxy ProxyData proxy = null; if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(this.proxyserver)) { proxy = ProxyDataImpl.getInstance(this.proxyserver, this.proxyport, this.proxyuser, this.proxypassword); } if (pageContext.getConfig().isProxyEnableFor(host)) { proxy = pageContext.getConfig().getProxyData(); } HTTPEngine4Impl.setProxy(builder, req, proxy); } CloseableHttpClient client = null; try { if (httpContext == null) httpContext = new BasicHttpContext(); Struct cfhttp = new StructImpl(); cfhttp.setEL(ERROR_DETAIL, ""); pageContext.setVariable(result, cfhttp); /////////////////////////////////////////// EXECUTE ///////////////////////////////////////////////// client =; Executor4 e = new Executor4(pageContext, this, client, httpContext, req, redirect); HTTPResponse4Impl rsp = null; if (timeout == null || timeout.getMillis() <= 0) { try { rsp = e.execute(httpContext); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtil.rethrowIfNecessary(t); if (!throwonerror) { if (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException) setRequestTimeout(cfhttp); else setUnknownHost(cfhttp, t); return; } throw toPageException(t, rsp); } } else { e.start(); try { synchronized (this) {// print.err(timeout); this.wait(timeout.getMillis()); } } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw Caster.toPageException(ie); } if (e.t != null) { if (!throwonerror) { setUnknownHost(cfhttp, e.t); return; } throw toPageException(e.t, rsp); } rsp = e.response; if (!e.done) { req.abort(); if (throwonerror) throw new HTTPException("408 Request Time-out", "a timeout occurred in tag http", 408, "Time-out", rsp == null ? null : rsp.getURL()); setRequestTimeout(cfhttp); return; // throw new ApplicationException("timeout"); } } /////////////////////////////////////////// EXECUTE ///////////////////////////////////////////////// Charset responseCharset = CharsetUtil.toCharset(rsp.getCharset()); int statCode = 0; // Write Response Scope // String rawHeader=httpMethod.getStatusLine().toString(); String mimetype = null; String contentEncoding = null; // status code cfhttp.set(STATUSCODE, ((rsp.getStatusCode() + " " + rsp.getStatusText()).trim())); cfhttp.set(STATUS_CODE, new Double(statCode = rsp.getStatusCode())); cfhttp.set(STATUS_TEXT, (rsp.getStatusText())); cfhttp.set(HTTP_VERSION, (rsp.getProtocolVersion())); // responseHeader[] headers = rsp.getAllHeaders(); StringBuffer raw = new StringBuffer(rsp.getStatusLine() + " "); Struct responseHeader = new StructImpl(); Struct cookie; Array setCookie = new ArrayImpl(); Query cookies = new QueryImpl( new String[] { "name", "value", "path", "domain", "expires", "secure", "httpOnly" }, 0, "cookies"); for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { header = headers[i]; // print.ln(header); raw.append(header.toString() + " "); if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Set-Cookie")) { setCookie.append(header.getValue()); parseCookie(cookies, header.getValue()); } else { // print.ln(header.getName()+"-"+header.getValue()); Object value = responseHeader.get(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), null); if (value == null) responseHeader.set(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), header.getValue()); else { Array arr = null; if (value instanceof Array) { arr = (Array) value; } else { arr = new ArrayImpl(); responseHeader.set(KeyImpl.getInstance(header.getName()), arr); arr.appendEL(value); } arr.appendEL(header.getValue()); } } // Content-Type if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Type")) { mimetype = header.getValue(); if (mimetype == null) mimetype = NO_MIMETYPE; } // Content-Encoding if (header.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Content-Encoding")) { contentEncoding = header.getValue(); } } cfhttp.set(RESPONSEHEADER, responseHeader); cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._cookies, cookies); responseHeader.set(STATUS_CODE, new Double(statCode = rsp.getStatusCode())); responseHeader.set(EXPLANATION, (rsp.getStatusText())); if (setCookie.size() > 0) responseHeader.set(SET_COOKIE, setCookie); // is text boolean isText = mimetype == null || mimetype == NO_MIMETYPE || HTTPUtil.isTextMimeType(mimetype); // is multipart boolean isMultipart = MultiPartResponseUtils.isMultipart(mimetype); cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._text, Caster.toBoolean(isText)); // mimetype charset // boolean responseProvideCharset=false; if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(mimetype, true)) { if (isText) { String[] types = HTTPUtil.splitMimeTypeAndCharset(mimetype, null); if (types[0] != null) cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, types[0]); if (types[1] != null) cfhttp.set(CHARSET, types[1]); } else cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, mimetype); } else cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._mimetype, NO_MIMETYPE); // File Resource file = null; if (strFile != null && strPath != null) { file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strPath).getRealResource(strFile); } else if (strFile != null) { file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strFile); } else if (strPath != null) { file = ResourceUtil.toResourceNotExisting(pageContext, strPath); // Resource dir = file.getParentResource(); if (file.isDirectory()) { file = file.getRealResource(req.getURI().getPath());// TODO was getName() // -> } } if (file != null) pageContext.getConfig().getSecurityManager().checkFileLocation(file); // filecontent InputStream is = null; if (isText && getAsBinary != GET_AS_BINARY_YES) { String str; try { // read content if (method != METHOD_HEAD) { is = rsp.getContentAsStream(); if (is != null && isGzipEncoded(contentEncoding)) is = rsp.getStatusCode() != 200 ? new CachingGZIPInputStream(is) : new GZIPInputStream(is); } try { try { str = is == null ? "" : IOUtil.toString(is, responseCharset, checkRemainingTimeout().getMillis()); } catch (EOFException eof) { if (is instanceof CachingGZIPInputStream) { str = IOUtil.toString(is = ((CachingGZIPInputStream) is).getRawData(), responseCharset, checkRemainingTimeout().getMillis()); } else throw eof; } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException uee) { str = IOUtil.toString(is, (Charset) null, checkRemainingTimeout().getMillis()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw Caster.toPageException(ioe); } finally { IOUtil.closeEL(is); } if (str == null) str = ""; if (resolveurl) { // if(e.redirectURL!=null)url=e.redirectURL.toExternalForm(); str = new URLResolver().transform(str, e.response.getTargetURL(), false); } cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, str); try { if (file != null) { IOUtil.write(file, str, ((PageContextImpl) pageContext).getWebCharset(), false); } } catch (IOException e1) { } if (name != null) { Query qry = CSVParser.toQuery(str, delimiter, textqualifier, columns, firstrowasheaders); pageContext.setVariable(name, qry); } } // Binary else { byte[] barr = null; if (isGzipEncoded(contentEncoding)) { if (method != METHOD_HEAD) { is = rsp.getContentAsStream(); is = rsp.getStatusCode() != 200 ? new CachingGZIPInputStream(is) : new GZIPInputStream(is); } try { try { barr = is == null ? new byte[0] : IOUtil.toBytes(is); } catch (EOFException eof) { if (is instanceof CachingGZIPInputStream) barr = IOUtil.toBytes(((CachingGZIPInputStream) is).getRawData()); else throw eof; } } catch (IOException t) { throw Caster.toPageException(t); } finally { IOUtil.closeEL(is); } } else { try { if (method != METHOD_HEAD) barr = rsp.getContentAsByteArray(); else barr = new byte[0]; } catch (IOException t) { throw Caster.toPageException(t); } } // IF Multipart response get file content and parse parts if (barr != null) { if (isMultipart) { cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, MultiPartResponseUtils.getParts(barr, mimetype)); } else { cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, barr); } } else cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._filecontent, ""); if (file != null) { try { if (barr != null) IOUtil.copy(new ByteArrayInputStream(barr), file, true); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw Caster.toPageException(ioe); } } } // header cfhttp.set(KeyConstants._header, raw.toString()); if (!isStatusOK(rsp.getStatusCode())) { String msg = rsp.getStatusCode() + " " + rsp.getStatusText(); cfhttp.setEL(ERROR_DETAIL, msg); if (throwonerror) { throw new HTTPException(msg, null, rsp.getStatusCode(), rsp.getStatusText(), rsp.getURL()); } } // TODO: check if we can use statCode instead of rsp.getStatusCode() everywhere and cleanup the code if (cacheHandler != null && rsp.getStatusCode() == 200) { // add to cache cacheHandler.set(pageContext, cacheId, cachedWithin, new HTTPCacheItem(cfhttp, url, System.nanoTime() - start)); } } finally { if (client != null) client.close(); } } private void ssl(HttpClientBuilder builder) throws PageException { try { // SSLContext sslcontext = SSLContexts.createSystemDefault(); SSLContext sslcontext = SSLContext.getInstance("TLSv1.2"); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(this.clientCert)) { if (this.clientCertPassword == null) this.clientCertPassword = ""; File ksFile = new File(this.clientCert); KeyStore clientStore = KeyStore.getInstance("PKCS12"); clientStore.load(new FileInputStream(ksFile), this.clientCertPassword.toCharArray()); KeyManagerFactory kmf = KeyManagerFactory.getInstance(KeyManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()); kmf.init(clientStore, this.clientCertPassword.toCharArray()); sslcontext.init(kmf.getKeyManagers(), null, new; } else { sslcontext.init(null, null, new; } final SSLConnectionSocketFactory sslsf = new SSLConnectionSocketFactoryImpl(sslcontext, new DefaultHostnameVerifierImpl()); builder.setSSLSocketFactory(sslsf); Registry<ConnectionSocketFactory> reg = RegistryBuilder.<ConnectionSocketFactory>create() .register("http", PlainConnectionSocketFactory.getSocketFactory()).register("https", sslsf) .build(); PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager cm = new PoolingHttpClientConnectionManager( new DefaultHttpClientConnectionOperatorImpl(reg), null, -1, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); // TODO review -1 setting builder.setConnectionManager(cm); } catch (Exception e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } } private TimeSpan checkRemainingTimeout() throws RequestTimeoutException { TimeSpan remaining = PageContextUtil.remainingTime(pageContext, true); if (this.timeout == null || ((int) this.timeout.getSeconds()) <= 0 || timeout.getSeconds() > remaining.getSeconds()) { // not set this.timeout = remaining; } return timeout; } private String createCacheId() { return CacheHandlerCollectionImpl.createId(url, addtoken ? pageContext.getURLToken() : "", method, params, username, password, this.port, proxyserver, proxyport, proxyuser, proxypassword, useragent); } private void parseCookie(Query cookies, String raw) { String[] arr = ListUtil.trimItems(ListUtil.trim(ListUtil.listToStringArray(raw, ';'))); if (arr.length == 0) return; int row = cookies.addRow(); String item; int index; // name/value if (arr.length > 0) { item = arr[0]; index = item.indexOf('='); if (index == -1) // only name cookies.setAtEL(KeyConstants._name, row, dec(item)); else { // name and value cookies.setAtEL(KeyConstants._name, row, dec(item.substring(0, index))); cookies.setAtEL(KeyConstants._value, row, dec(item.substring(index + 1))); } } String n, v; cookies.setAtEL("secure", row, Boolean.FALSE); cookies.setAtEL("httpOnly", row, Boolean.FALSE); for (int i = 1; i < arr.length; i++) { item = arr[i]; index = item.indexOf('='); if (index == -1) // only name cookies.setAtEL(dec(item), row, Boolean.TRUE); else { // name and value n = dec(item.substring(0, index)); v = dec(item.substring(index + 1)); if (n.equalsIgnoreCase("expires")) { DateTime d = Caster.toDate(v, false, null, null); if (d != null) { cookies.setAtEL(n, row, d); continue; } } cookies.setAtEL(n, row, v); } } } public String dec(String str) { return ReqRspUtil.decode(str, charset, false); } public static boolean isStatusOK(int statusCode) { return statusCode >= 200 && statusCode <= 299; } private PageException toPageException(Throwable t, HTTPResponse4Impl rsp) { if (t instanceof SocketTimeoutException) { HTTPException he = new HTTPException("408 Request Time-out", "a timeout occurred in tag http", 408, "Time-out", rsp == null ? null : rsp.getURL()); List<StackTraceElement> merged = ArrayUtil.merge(t.getStackTrace(), he.getStackTrace()); StackTraceElement[] traces = new StackTraceElement[merged.size()]; Iterator<StackTraceElement> it = merged.iterator(); int index = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { traces[index++] =; } he.setStackTrace(traces); return he; } PageException pe = Caster.toPageException(t); if (pe instanceof NativeException) { ((NativeException) pe).setAdditional(KeyConstants._url, url); } return pe; } private void setUnknownHost(Struct cfhttp, Throwable t) { cfhttp.setEL(CHARSET, ""); cfhttp.setEL(ERROR_DETAIL, "Unknown host: " + t.getMessage()); cfhttp.setEL(KeyConstants._filecontent, "Connection Failure"); cfhttp.setEL(KeyConstants._header, ""); cfhttp.setEL(KeyConstants._mimetype, "Unable to determine MIME type of file."); cfhttp.setEL(RESPONSEHEADER, new StructImpl()); cfhttp.setEL(STATUSCODE, "Connection Failure. Status code unavailable."); cfhttp.setEL(STATUS_CODE, new Double(0)); cfhttp.setEL(STATUS_TEXT, "Connection Failure"); cfhttp.setEL(KeyConstants._text, Boolean.TRUE); } private void setRequestTimeout(Struct cfhttp) { cfhttp.setEL(CHARSET, ""); cfhttp.setEL(ERROR_DETAIL, ""); cfhttp.setEL(KeyConstants._filecontent, "Connection Timeout"); cfhttp.setEL(KeyConstants._header, ""); cfhttp.setEL(KeyConstants._mimetype, "Unable to determine MIME type of file."); cfhttp.setEL(RESPONSEHEADER, new StructImpl()); cfhttp.setEL(STATUSCODE, "408 Request Time-out"); cfhttp.setEL(STATUS_CODE, new Double(408)); cfhttp.setEL(STATUS_TEXT, "Request Time-out"); cfhttp.setEL(KeyConstants._text, Boolean.TRUE); } /* * private static HttpMethod execute(Http http, HttpClient client, HttpMethod httpMethod, boolean redirect) throws PageException { try { // Execute Request * short count=0; URL lu; * * while(isRedirect(client.executeMethod(httpMethod)) && redirect && count++ < MAX_REDIRECT) { lu=locationURL(httpMethod); * httpMethod=createMethod(http,client,lu.toExternalForm(),-1); } } catch (IOException e) { PageException pe = Caster.toPageException(e); if(pe instanceof * NativeException) { ((NativeException) pe).setAdditional("url", HTTPUtil.toURL(httpMethod)); } throw pe; } return httpMethod; } */ /* * static URL locationURL(HttpMethod method) throws MalformedURLException, ExpressionException { Header location = method.getResponseHeader("location"); * * if(location==null) throw new ExpressionException("missing location header definition"); * * * HostConfiguration config = method.getHostConfiguration(); URL url; try { url = new URL(location.getValue()); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { url=new * URL(config.getProtocol().getScheme(), config.getHost(), config.getPort(), mergePath(method.getPath(),location.getValue())); } * * return url; } */ /* * static HttpRequestBase init(Config cw,Http4 http, DefaultHttpClient client, HttpParams params, String url, int port) throws PageException, IOException { * String charset=http.charset; if(StringUtil.isEmpty(charset,true)) charset=cw.getWebCharset(); else charset=charset.trim(); * * HttpRequestBase req; * * // check if has fileUploads boolean doUploadFile=false; for(int i=0;i<http.params.size();i++) { if((http.params.get(i)).getType().equals("file")) { * doUploadFile=true; break; } } * * // parse url (also query string) int len=http.params.size(); StringBuilder sbQS=new StringBuilder(); for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { HttpParamBean * param=http.params.get(i); String type=param.getType(); // URL if(type.equals("url")) { if(sbQS.length()>0)sbQS.append('&'); * sbQS.append(translateEncoding(param.getName(), charset)); sbQS.append('='); sbQS.append(translateEncoding(param.getValueAsString(), charset)); } } String * host=null; HttpHost httpHost; try { URL _url = HTTPUtil.toURL(url,port); httpHost = new HttpHost(_url.getHost(),_url.getPort()); host=_url.getHost(); * url=_url.toExternalForm(); if(sbQS.length()>0){ // no existing QS if(StringUtil.isEmpty(_url.getQuery())) { url+="?"+sbQS; } else { url+="&"+sbQS; } * * } * * * } catch (MalformedURLException mue) { throw Caster.toPageException(mue); } * * // select best matching method (get,post, post multpart (file)) * * boolean isBinary = false; boolean doMultiPart=doUploadFile || http.multiPart; HttpPost post=null; HttpEntityEnclosingRequest eem=null; * * * if(http.method==METHOD_GET) { req=new HttpGet(url); } else if(http.method==METHOD_HEAD) { req=new HttpHead(url); } else if(http.method==METHOD_DELETE) { * isBinary=true; req=new HttpDelete(url); } else if(http.method==METHOD_PUT) { isBinary=true; HttpPut put = new HttpPut(url); req=put; eem=put; * * } else if(http.method==METHOD_TRACE) { isBinary=true; req=new HttpTrace(url); } else if(http.method==METHOD_OPTIONS) { isBinary=true; req=new * HttpOptions(url); } else { isBinary=true; post=new HttpPost(url); req=post; eem=post; } * * boolean hasForm=false; boolean hasBody=false; boolean hasContentType=false; // Set http params ArrayList<FormBodyPart> parts=new * ArrayList<FormBodyPart>(); * * StringBuilder acceptEncoding=new StringBuilder(); java.util.List<NameValuePair> postParam = post!=null?new ArrayList <NameValuePair>():null; * * for(int i=0;i<len;i++) { HttpParamBean param=http.params.get(i); String type=param.getType(); // URL if(type.equals("url")) { //listQS.add(new * BasicNameValuePair(translateEncoding(param.getName(), http.charset),translateEncoding(param.getValueAsString(), http.charset))); } // Form else * if(type.equals("formfield") || type.equals("form")) { hasForm=true; if(http.method==METHOD_GET) throw new * ApplicationException("httpparam with type formfield can only be used when the method attribute of the parent http tag is set to post"); if(post!=null){ * if(doMultiPart){ parts.add( new FormBodyPart( param.getName(), new StringBody( param.getValueAsString(), CharsetUtil.toCharset(charset) ) ) ); } else { * postParam.add(new BasicNameValuePair(param.getName(),param.getValueAsString())); } } //else * if(multi!=null)multi.addParameter(param.getName(),param.getValueAsString()); } // CGI else if(type.equals("cgi")) { if(param.isEncoded()) req.addHeader( * translateEncoding(param.getName(),charset), translateEncoding(param.getValueAsString(),charset)); else * req.addHeader(param.getName(),param.getValueAsString()); } // Header else if(type.startsWith("head")) { * if(param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("content-type")) hasContentType=true; * * if(param.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("Accept-Encoding")) { acceptEncoding.append(headerValue(param.getValueAsString())); acceptEncoding.append(", "); } * else req.addHeader(param.getName(),headerValue(param.getValueAsString())); } // Cookie else if(type.equals("cookie")) { * HTTPEngine4Impl.addCookie(client,host,param.getName(),param.getValueAsString(),"/",charset); } // File else if(type.equals("file")) { hasForm=true; * if(http.method==METHOD_GET) throw new ApplicationException("httpparam type file can't only be used, when method of the tag http equal post"); * if(doMultiPart) { try { Resource res = param.getFile(); parts.add(new FormBodyPart( param.getName(), new ResourceBody(res, getContentType(param), * res.getName(), charset) )); //parts.add(new ResourcePart(param.getName(),new ResourcePartSource(param.getFile()),getContentType(param),_charset)); } * catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ApplicationException("can't upload file, path is invalid",e.getMessage()); } } } // XML else * if(type.equals("xml")) { hasBody=true; hasContentType=true; req.addHeader("Content-type", "text/xml; charset="+charset); if(eem==null)throw new * ApplicationException("type xml is only supported for type post and put"); HTTPEngine4Impl.setBody(eem, param.getValueAsString()); } // Body else * if(type.equals("body")) { hasBody=true; if(eem==null)throw new ApplicationException("type body is only supported for type post and put"); * HTTPEngine4Impl.setBody(eem, param.getValue()); * * } else { throw new ApplicationException("invalid type ["+type+"]"); } * * } * * // post params if(postParam!=null && postParam.size()>0) post.setEntity(new org.apache.http.client.entity.UrlEncodedFormEntity(postParam,charset)); * * req.setHeader("Accept-Encoding",acceptEncoding.append("gzip").toString()); * * // multipart if(doMultiPart && eem!=null) { hasContentType=true; boolean doIt=true; if(!http.multiPart && parts.size()==1){ ContentBody body = * parts.get(0).getBody(); if(body instanceof StringBody){ StringBody sb=(StringBody)body; try { String str = IOUtil.toString(sb.getReader()); StringEntity * entity = new StringEntity(str,sb.getMimeType(),sb.getCharset()); eem.setEntity(entity); * * } catch (IOException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } doIt=false; } } if(doIt) { MultipartEntity mpe = new * MultipartEntity(HttpMultipartMode.BROWSER_COMPATIBLE,null,CharsetUtil.toCharset(charset)); Iterator<FormBodyPart> it = parts.iterator(); * while(it.hasNext()) { mpe.addPart(; } eem.setEntity(mpe); } //eem.setRequestEntity(new MultipartRequestEntityFlex(parts.toArray(new * Part[parts.size()]), eem.getParams(),http.multiPartType)); } * * * * if(hasBody && hasForm) throw new ApplicationException("mixing httpparam type file/formfield and body/XML is not allowed"); * * if(!hasContentType) { if(isBinary) { if(hasBody) req.addHeader("Content-type", "application/octet-stream"); else req.addHeader("Content-type", * "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset="+charset); } else { if(hasBody) req.addHeader("Content-type", "text/html; charset="+charset ); } } * * * // set User Agent if(!hasHeaderIgnoreCase(req,"User-Agent")) req.setHeader("User-Agent",http.useragent); * * // set timeout if(http.timeout>0L)HTTPEngine4Impl.setTimeout(params, (int)http.timeout); * * // set Username and Password BasicHttpContext httpContext=null; if(http.username!=null) { if(http.password==null)http.password=""; * if(AUTH_TYPE_NTLM==http.authType) { if(StringUtil.isEmpty(http.workStation,true)) throw new * ApplicationException("attribute workstation is required when authentication type is [NTLM]"); if(StringUtil.isEmpty(http.domain,true)) throw new * ApplicationException("attribute domain is required when authentication type is [NTLM]"); * * HTTPEngine4Impl.setNTCredentials(client, http.username, http.password, http.workStation,http.domain); } else * httpContext=HTTPEngine4Impl.setCredentials(client, httpHost, http.username, http.password); } * * // set Proxy ProxyData proxy=null; if(!StringUtil.isEmpty(http.proxyserver)) { proxy=ProxyDataImpl.getInstance(http.proxyserver, http.proxyport, * http.proxyuser, http.proxypassword) ; } if(http.pageContext.getConfig().isProxyEnableFor(host)) { proxy=http.pageContext.getConfig().getProxyData(); } * HTTPEngine4Impl.setProxy(client, req, proxy); * * return req; } */ private static boolean hasHeaderIgnoreCase(HttpRequestBase req, String name) { org.apache.http.Header[] headers = req.getAllHeaders(); if (headers == null) return false; for (int i = 0; i < headers.length; i++) { if (name.equalsIgnoreCase(headers[i].getName())) return true; } return false; } private static String headerValue(String value) { if (value == null) return null; value = value.trim(); value = value.replace('\n', ' '); value = value.replace('\r', ' '); /* * int len=value.length(); char c; for(int i=0;i<len;i++){ c=value.charAt(i); if(c=='\n' || c=='\r') return value.substring(0,i); } */ return value; } private static String toQueryString(NameValuePair[] qsPairs) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (int i = 0; i < qsPairs.length; i++) { if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append('&'); sb.append(qsPairs[i].getName()); if (qsPairs[i].getValue() != null) { sb.append('='); sb.append(qsPairs[i].getValue()); } } return sb.toString(); } private static String urlenc(String str, String charset) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { if (!ReqRspUtil.needEncoding(str, false)) return str; return URLEncoder.encode(str, charset); } @Override public void doInitBody() { } @Override public int doAfterBody() { return SKIP_BODY; } /** * sets if has body or not * * @param hasBody */ public void hasBody(boolean hasBody) { } /** * @param param */ public void setParam(HttpParamBean param) { params.add(param); } /** * @param getAsBinary * The getasbinary to set. */ public void setGetasbinary(String getAsBinary) { // TODO support never, wird das verwendet? getAsBinary = getAsBinary.toLowerCase().trim(); if (getAsBinary.equals("yes") || getAsBinary.equals("true")) this.getAsBinary = GET_AS_BINARY_YES; else if (getAsBinary.equals("no") || getAsBinary.equals("false")) this.getAsBinary = GET_AS_BINARY_NO; else if (getAsBinary.equals("auto")) this.getAsBinary = GET_AS_BINARY_AUTO; } /** * @param multiPart * The multipart to set. */ public void setMultipart(boolean multiPart) { this.multiPart = multiPart; } /** * @param multiPartType * The multipart to set. * @throws ApplicationException */ public void setMultiparttype(String multiPartType) throws ApplicationException { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(multiPartType)) return; multiPartType = multiPartType.trim().toLowerCase(); if ("form-data".equals(multiPartType)) this.multiPartType = MULTIPART_FORM_DATA; else throw new ApplicationException("invalid value for attribute multiPartType [" + multiPartType + "]", "attribute must have one of the following values [form-data]"); } /** * @param result * The result to set. */ public void setResult(String result) { this.result = result; } /** * @param addtoken * the addtoken to set */ public void setAddtoken(boolean addtoken) { this.addtoken = addtoken; } /** * @param clientCert * the clientCert to set */ public void setClientcert(String clientCert) { this.clientCert = clientCert; } /** * @param clientCertPassword * the clientCertPassword to set */ public void setClientcertpassword(String clientCertPassword) { this.clientCertPassword = clientCertPassword; } /** * checks if status code is a redirect * * @param status * @return is redirect */ static boolean isRedirect(int status) { return status == STATUS_REDIRECT_FOUND || status == STATUS_REDIRECT_MOVED_PERMANENTLY || status == STATUS_REDIRECT_SEE_OTHER || status == STATUS_REDIRECT_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT; } /** * merge to pathes to one * * @param current * @param realPath * @return * @throws MalformedURLException */ public static String mergePath(String current, String realPath) throws MalformedURLException { // get current directory String currDir; if (current == null || current.indexOf('/') == -1) currDir = "/"; else if (current.endsWith("/")) currDir = current; else currDir = current.substring(0, current.lastIndexOf('/') + 1); // merge together String path; if (realPath.startsWith("./")) path = currDir + realPath.substring(2); else if (realPath.startsWith("/")) path = realPath; else if (!realPath.startsWith("../")) path = currDir + realPath; else { while (realPath.startsWith("../") || currDir.length() == 0) { realPath = realPath.substring(3); currDir = currDir.substring(0, currDir.length() - 1); int index = currDir.lastIndexOf('/'); if (index == -1) throw new MalformedURLException("invalid realpath definition for URL"); currDir = currDir.substring(0, index + 1); } path = currDir + realPath; } return path; } private static String getContentType(HttpParamBean param) { String mimeType = param.getMimeType(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(mimeType, true)) { mimeType = ResourceUtil.getMimeType(param.getFile(), null); } return mimeType; } public static boolean isGzipEncoded(String contentEncoding) { return !StringUtil.isEmpty(contentEncoding) && StringUtil.indexOfIgnoreCase(contentEncoding, "gzip") != -1; } public static Object getOutput(InputStream is, String contentType, String contentEncoding, boolean closeIS) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(contentType)) contentType = "text/html"; // Gzip if (Http.isGzipEncoded(contentEncoding)) { try { is = new GZIPInputStream(is); } catch (IOException e) { } } try { // text if (HTTPUtil.isTextMimeType(contentType)) { String[] tmp = HTTPUtil.splitMimeTypeAndCharset(contentType, null); Charset cs = Http.getCharset(tmp[1]); try { return IOUtil.toString(is, cs); } catch (IOException e) { } } // Binary else { try { return IOUtil.toBytes(is); } catch (IOException e) { } } } finally { if (closeIS) IOUtil.closeEL(is); } return ""; } public static URL locationURL(HttpUriRequest req, HttpResponse rsp) { URL url = null; try { url = req.getURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { return null; } Header h = HTTPResponse4Impl.getLastHeaderIgnoreCase(rsp, "location"); if (h != null) { String str = h.getValue(); try { return new URL(str); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { try { return new URL(url.getProtocol(), url.getHost(), url.getPort(), mergePath(url.getFile(), str)); } catch (MalformedURLException e1) { return null; } } } return null; } public static Charset getCharset(String strCharset) { if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(strCharset, true)) return CharsetUtil.toCharset(strCharset); return CharsetUtil.getWebCharset(); } public static void setTimeout(HttpClientBuilder builder, TimeSpan timeout) { if (timeout == null || timeout.getMillis() <= 0) return; int ms = (int) timeout.getMillis(); if (ms < 0) ms = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // builder.setConnectionTimeToLive(ms, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); SocketConfig sc = SocketConfig.custom().setSoTimeout(ms).build(); builder.setDefaultSocketConfig(sc); } } class Executor4 extends PageContextThread { final Http http; private final CloseableHttpClient client; final boolean redirect; Throwable t; boolean done; // URL redirectURL; HTTPResponse4Impl response; private HttpRequestBase req; private HttpContext context; public Executor4(PageContext pc, Http http, CloseableHttpClient client, HttpContext context, HttpRequestBase req, boolean redirect) { super(pc); this.http = http; this.client = client; this.context = context; this.redirect = redirect; this.req = req; } @Override public void run(PageContext pc) { try { response = execute(context); done = true; } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtil.rethrowIfNecessary(t); this.t = t; } finally { SystemUtil.notify(http); } } public HTTPResponse4Impl execute(HttpContext context) throws IOException { return response = new HTTPResponse4Impl(null, context, req, client.execute(req, context)); } } @NotThreadSafe class HttpDeleteWithBody extends HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase { public static final String METHOD_NAME = "DELETE"; public String getMethod() { return METHOD_NAME; } public HttpDeleteWithBody(final String uri) { super(); setURI(URI.create(uri)); } } @NotThreadSafe class HttpGetWithBody extends HttpEntityEnclosingRequestBase { public static final String METHOD_NAME = "GET"; public String getMethod() { return METHOD_NAME; } public HttpGetWithBody(final String uri) { super(); setURI(URI.create(uri)); } }