Java tutorial
/** * * Copyright (c) 2014, the Railo Company Ltd. All rights reserved. * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library. If not, see <>. * **/ package lucee.runtime.tag; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.GradientPaint; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.TimeZone; import lucee.commons.color.ColorCaster; import; import; import; import lucee.commons.lang.Md5; import lucee.commons.lang.StringUtil; import lucee.runtime.chart.BarRenderer3DWrap; import lucee.runtime.chart.CategoryToolTipGeneratorImpl; import lucee.runtime.chart.LabelFormatUtil; import lucee.runtime.chart.PieSectionLabelGeneratorImpl; import lucee.runtime.chart.PieSectionLegendLabelGeneratorImpl; import lucee.runtime.chart.PieToolTipGeneratorImpl; import lucee.runtime.chart.TickUnitsImpl; import lucee.runtime.converter.JavaConverter; import lucee.runtime.engine.ThreadLocalPageContext; import lucee.runtime.exp.ApplicationException; import lucee.runtime.exp.ExpressionException; import lucee.runtime.exp.PageException; import lucee.runtime.ext.tag.BodyTagImpl; import lucee.runtime.functions.dateTime.DateAdd; import lucee.runtime.img.Image; import lucee.runtime.op.Caster; import; import lucee.runtime.type.dt.DateTime; import org.jfree.chart.ChartFactory; import org.jfree.chart.ChartRenderingInfo; import org.jfree.chart.ChartUtilities; import org.jfree.chart.JFreeChart; import org.jfree.chart.axis.Axis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.AxisLocation; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.CategoryLabelPositions; import org.jfree.chart.axis.SymbolAxis; import org.jfree.chart.axis.ValueAxis; import org.jfree.chart.block.ColumnArrangement; import org.jfree.chart.block.LineBorder; import org.jfree.chart.plot.CategoryPlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PiePlot3D; import org.jfree.chart.plot.Plot; import org.jfree.chart.plot.PlotOrientation; import org.jfree.chart.plot.XYPlot; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.BarRenderer3D; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.CategoryItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.category.LineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYItemRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.renderer.xy.XYLineAndShapeRenderer; import org.jfree.chart.title.LegendTitle; import org.jfree.chart.title.TextTitle; import org.jfree.chart.urls.PieURLGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.urls.StandardCategoryURLGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.urls.StandardXYURLGenerator; import org.jfree.chart.urls.URLUtilities; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.jfree.ui.HorizontalAlignment; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleAnchor; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleEdge; import org.jfree.ui.RectangleInsets; import org.jfree.util.ShapeUtilities; public final class Chart extends BodyTagImpl implements Serializable { public static final Color COLOR_999999 = new Color(0x99, 0x99, 0x99); public static final Color COLOR_666666 = new Color(0x66, 0x66, 0x66); public static final Color COLOR_333333 = new Color(0x33, 0x33, 0x33); public static final String FONT_ARIAL = "arial"; public static final String FONT_TIMES = "times"; public static final String FONT_COURIER = "courier"; public static final String FONT_ARIAL_UNICODE_MS = "arialunicodems"; public static final int FORMAT_GIF = 0; public static final int FORMAT_JPG = 1; public static final int FORMAT_PNG = 2; public static final int FORMAT_FLASH = 3; public static final int PIE_SLICE_STYLE_SOLID = 0; public static final int PIE_SLICE_STYLE_SLICED = 1; public static final int SERIES_PLACEMENT_DEFAULT = 0; public static final int SERIES_PLACEMENT_CLUSTER = 1; public static final int SERIES_PLACEMENT_STACKED = 2; public static final int SERIES_PLACEMENT_PERCENT = 3; public static final int TIP_STYLE_NONE = 0; public static final int TIP_STYLE_FORMATS = 1; public static final int TIP_STYLE_MOUSEDOWN = 2; public static final int TIP_STYLE_MOUSEOVER = 3; public static final CategoryLabelPositions LABEL_HORIZONTAL = CategoryLabelPositions.STANDARD; public static final CategoryLabelPositions LABEL_VERTICAL = CategoryLabelPositions.DOWN_90; public static final CategoryLabelPositions LABEL_DOWN_90 = CategoryLabelPositions.DOWN_90; public static final CategoryLabelPositions LABEL_DOWN_45 = CategoryLabelPositions.DOWN_45; public static final CategoryLabelPositions LABEL_UP_45 = CategoryLabelPositions.UP_45; public static final CategoryLabelPositions LABEL_UP_90 = CategoryLabelPositions.UP_90; private static final int NONE = 0; private static final int YES = 1; private static final int NO = 2; private static int chartIndex = 0; private Color backgroundcolor = Color.WHITE; private Color databackgroundcolor = Color.WHITE; private Color foregroundcolor = Color.BLACK; private Color tipbgcolor = Color.WHITE; private String xaxistitle = null; private String yaxistitle = null; private int chartheight = 240; private int chartwidth = 320; private String font = FONT_ARIAL; private int fontstyle = 0; private int fontsize = 11; private int format = FORMAT_PNG; private int gridlines = 10; private int labelFormat = LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_NUMBER; private CategoryLabelPositions labelPosition = LABEL_HORIZONTAL; private int markersize = -1; private String name = null; private int pieslicestyle = PIE_SLICE_STYLE_SLICED; private double scalefrom = Double.NaN; private double scaleto = Double.NaN; private boolean legendMultiLine = false; private int seriesplacement = SERIES_PLACEMENT_DEFAULT; private boolean show3d = false; private boolean showtooltip = true; private boolean showborder = false; private boolean showlegend = true; private boolean showmarkers = true; private int showxgridlines = NONE; private boolean showygridlines = false; private boolean sortxaxis = false; private String style = null; private String title = ""; private int tipstyle = TIP_STYLE_MOUSEOVER; private List<ChartSeriesBean> _series = new ArrayList<ChartSeriesBean>(); private String url; private double xoffset = 0.1; private double yoffset = 0.1; private String xaxistype = "category"; private String yaxistype = "category"; private double smallest; private double biggest; private boolean showXLabel = true; private String source; private List<String> _plotItemLables = new ArrayList<String>(); public void release() { _series.clear(); url = null; xoffset = 0.1; yoffset = 0.1; xaxistype = "category"; yaxistype = "category"; xaxistitle = ""; yaxistitle = ""; legendMultiLine = false; // TODO super.release(); backgroundcolor = Color.WHITE; databackgroundcolor = Color.WHITE; foregroundcolor = Color.BLACK; tipbgcolor = Color.WHITE; chartheight = 240; chartwidth = 320; font = FONT_ARIAL; fontstyle = 0; fontsize = 11; format = FORMAT_PNG; gridlines = 10; labelFormat = LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_NUMBER; labelPosition = LABEL_HORIZONTAL; markersize = -1; name = null; pieslicestyle = PIE_SLICE_STYLE_SLICED; scalefrom = Double.NaN; scaleto = Double.NaN; seriesplacement = SERIES_PLACEMENT_DEFAULT; show3d = false; showborder = false; showlegend = true; showmarkers = true; showxgridlines = NONE; showygridlines = false; sortxaxis = false; showXLabel = true; showtooltip = true; style = null; title = ""; source = null; tipstyle = TIP_STYLE_MOUSEOVER; _plotItemLables = new ArrayList<String>(); } public void setShowxlabel(boolean showXLabel) { this.showXLabel = showXLabel; } public void setCategorylabelpositions(String strOrientation) { strOrientation = strOrientation.trim().toLowerCase(); if ("vertical".equals(strOrientation)) labelPosition = LABEL_VERTICAL; else if ("up_45".equals(strOrientation)) labelPosition = LABEL_UP_45; else if ("up_90".equals(strOrientation)) labelPosition = LABEL_UP_90; else if ("down_45".equals(strOrientation)) labelPosition = LABEL_DOWN_45; else if ("down_90".equals(strOrientation)) labelPosition = LABEL_DOWN_90; else if ("standard".equals(strOrientation)) labelPosition = LABEL_HORIZONTAL; else labelPosition = LABEL_HORIZONTAL; //else throw new ExpressionException("invalid value ["+strOrientation+"] for attribute CategoryLabelPositions, for this attribute only the following values are supported [horizontal,vertical,up_90,up_45,down_90,down_45]"); } public void setSource(String source) { this.source = source; } public void setShowtooltip(boolean showtooltip) { this.showtooltip = showtooltip; } public void setBackgroundcolor(String strBackgroundColor) throws ExpressionException { this.backgroundcolor = ColorCaster.toColor(strBackgroundColor); } public void setDatabackgroundcolor(String strDatabackgroundcolor) throws ExpressionException { this.databackgroundcolor = ColorCaster.toColor(strDatabackgroundcolor); } public void setForegroundcolor(String strForegroundcolor) throws ExpressionException { this.foregroundcolor = ColorCaster.toColor(strForegroundcolor); } public void setTipbgcolor(String strTipbgcolor) throws ExpressionException { this.tipbgcolor = ColorCaster.toColor(strTipbgcolor); } public void setChartheight(double chartheight) { this.chartheight = (int) chartheight; } public void setChartwidth(double chartwidth) { this.chartwidth = (int) chartwidth; } public void setFont(String strFont) { strFont = strFont.trim().toLowerCase(); if ("arial".equals(strFont)) font = FONT_ARIAL; else if ("times".equals(strFont)) font = FONT_TIMES; else if ("courier".equals(strFont)) font = FONT_COURIER; else if ("arialunicodems".equals(strFont)) font = FONT_ARIAL_UNICODE_MS; else font = strFont; //else throw new ExpressionException("invalid value ["+strFont+"] for attribute font, for this attribute only the following values are supported [arial,times,courier,arialunicodeMS]"); } public void setFontbold(boolean fontbold) { if (fontbold) fontstyle += Font.BOLD; } public void setFontitalic(boolean fontitalic) { if (fontitalic) fontstyle += Font.ITALIC; } public void setFontsize(double fontsize) { this.fontsize = (int) fontsize; } public void setFormat(String strFormat) throws ExpressionException { strFormat = strFormat.trim().toLowerCase(); if ("gif".equals(strFormat)) format = FORMAT_GIF; else if ("jpg".equals(strFormat)) format = FORMAT_JPG; else if ("jpeg".equals(strFormat)) format = FORMAT_JPG; else if ("jpe".equals(strFormat)) format = FORMAT_JPG; else if ("png".equals(strFormat)) format = FORMAT_PNG; //else if("flash".equals(strFormat)) format=FORMAT_FLASH; //else if("swf".equals(strFormat)) format=FORMAT_FLASH; else throw new ExpressionException("invalid value [" + strFormat + "] for attribute format, for this attribute only the following values are supported [gif,jpg,png]"); } public void setGridlines(double gridlines) { this.gridlines = (int) gridlines; } public void setLabelformat(String strLabelFormat) throws ExpressionException { strLabelFormat = strLabelFormat.trim().toLowerCase(); if ("number".equals(strLabelFormat)) labelFormat = LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_NUMBER; else if ("numeric".equals(strLabelFormat)) labelFormat = LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_NUMBER; else if ("currency".equals(strLabelFormat)) labelFormat = LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_CURRENCY; else if ("date".equals(strLabelFormat)) labelFormat = LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_DATE; else if ("percent".equals(strLabelFormat)) labelFormat = LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_PERCENT; //else if("integer".equals(strLabelFormat)) labelFormat=LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_INTEGER; else throw new ExpressionException("invalid value [" + strLabelFormat + "] for attribute labelFormat, for this attribute only the following values are supported [date,percent,currency,number]"); } public void setMarkersize(double markersize) throws ExpressionException { if (markersize < 1) throw new ExpressionException("invalid value [" + markersize + "] for attribute markersize, value must be a positive integer greater than 0"); this.markersize = (int) markersize; } public void setName(String name) { = name; } public void setPieslicestyle(String strPieslicestyle) throws ExpressionException { strPieslicestyle = strPieslicestyle.trim().toLowerCase(); if ("sliced".equals(strPieslicestyle)) pieslicestyle = PIE_SLICE_STYLE_SLICED; else if ("slice".equals(strPieslicestyle)) pieslicestyle = PIE_SLICE_STYLE_SLICED; else if ("solid".equals(strPieslicestyle)) pieslicestyle = PIE_SLICE_STYLE_SOLID; else throw new ExpressionException("invalid value [" + strPieslicestyle + "] for attribute pieSliceStyle, for this attribute only the following values are supported [sliced,solid]"); } public void setScaleto(double scaleto) { //if(scaleto<0) throw new ExpressionException("invalid value ["+scaleto+"] for attribute scaleto, value must be a positive integer greater or equal than 0"); this.scaleto = scaleto; } public void setScalefrom(double scaletrom) { //if(scaletrom<0) throw new ExpressionException("invalid value ["+scaletrom+"] for attribute scaletrom, value must be a positive integer greater or equal than 0"); this.scalefrom = scaletrom; } public void setSeriesplacement(String strSeriesplacement) throws ExpressionException { strSeriesplacement = strSeriesplacement.trim().toLowerCase(); if ("default".equals(strSeriesplacement)) seriesplacement = SERIES_PLACEMENT_DEFAULT; else if ("cluster".equals(strSeriesplacement)) seriesplacement = SERIES_PLACEMENT_CLUSTER; else if ("stacked".equals(strSeriesplacement)) seriesplacement = SERIES_PLACEMENT_STACKED; else if ("percent".equals(strSeriesplacement)) seriesplacement = SERIES_PLACEMENT_PERCENT; else throw new ExpressionException("invalid value [" + strSeriesplacement + "] for attribute seriesplacement, for this attribute only the following values are supported [default,cluster,percent,stacked]"); } public void setShow3d(boolean show3d) { this.show3d = show3d; } public void setShowborder(boolean showborder) { this.showborder = showborder; } public void setShowlegend(boolean showlegend) { this.showlegend = showlegend; } public void setShowmarkers(boolean showmarkers) { this.showmarkers = showmarkers; } public void setShowxgridlines(boolean showxgridlines) { this.showxgridlines = showxgridlines ? YES : NO; } public void setShowygridlines(boolean showygridlines) { this.showygridlines = showygridlines; } public void setSortxaxis(boolean sortxaxis) { this.sortxaxis = sortxaxis; } public void setStyle(String style) { = style; } public void setTitle(String title) { this.title = title; } public void setTipstyle(String strTipstyle) throws ExpressionException { strTipstyle = strTipstyle.trim().toLowerCase(); if ("mousedown".equals(strTipstyle)) tipstyle = TIP_STYLE_MOUSEDOWN; else if ("mouseover".equals(strTipstyle)) tipstyle = TIP_STYLE_MOUSEOVER; else if ("none".equals(strTipstyle)) tipstyle = TIP_STYLE_NONE; else if ("formats".equals(strTipstyle)) tipstyle = TIP_STYLE_FORMATS; else throw new ExpressionException("invalid value [" + strTipstyle + "] for attribute Tipstyle, for this attribute only the following values are supported [mouseover,mousedown,one,formats]"); } /** * @param xaxistitle the xaxistitle to set */ public void setXaxistitle(String xaxistitle) { this.xaxistitle = xaxistitle; } /** * @param yaxistitle the yaxistitle to set */ public void setYaxistitle(String yaxistitle) { this.yaxistitle = yaxistitle; } public void addChartSeries(ChartSeriesBean series) { _series.add(series); } public int doStartTag() { return EVAL_BODY_INCLUDE; } @Override public int doEndTag() throws PageException { if (_series.size() == 0) throw new ApplicationException("at least one cfchartseries tag required inside cfchart"); //if(_series.size()>1) throw new ApplicationException("only one cfchartseries tag allowed inside cfchart"); //doSingleSeries((ChartSeriesBean) _series.get(0)); ChartSeriesBean first = _series.get(0); try { if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_BAR) //throw new ApplicationException("type bar is not supported"); chartBar(); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_TIME) chartTimeLine(); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_AREA) chartArea(); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_CONE) throw new ApplicationException("type cone is not supported"); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_CURVE) chartLine(); //throw new ApplicationException("type curve is not supported"); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_CYLINDER) throw new ApplicationException("type cylinder is not supported"); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_HORIZONTALBAR) chartHorizontalBar(); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_LINE) chartLine(); //throw new ApplicationException("type line is not supported"); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_PIE) chartPie(); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_PYRAMID) throw new ApplicationException("type pyramid is not supported"); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_SCATTER) chartScatter(); else if (first.getType() == ChartSeriesBean.TYPE_STEP) chartStep(); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw Caster.toPageException(ioe); } return EVAL_PAGE; } private void chartPie() throws PageException, IOException { // do dataset DefaultPieDataset dataset = new DefaultPieDataset(); ChartSeriesBean csb = _series.get(0); ChartDataBean cdb; List datas = csb.getDatas(); if (sortxaxis) Collections.sort(datas); Iterator itt = datas.iterator(); while (itt.hasNext()) { cdb = (ChartDataBean); dataset.setValue(cdb.getItemAsString(), cdb.getValue()); } JFreeChart chart = show3d ? ChartFactory.createPieChart3D(title, dataset, false, true, true) : ChartFactory.createPieChart(title, dataset, false, true, true); Plot p = chart.getPlot(); PiePlot pp = (PiePlot) p; Font _font = getFont(); pp.setLegendLabelGenerator(new PieSectionLegendLabelGeneratorImpl(_font, chartwidth)); pp.setBaseSectionOutlinePaint(Color.GRAY); // border pp.setLegendItemShape(new Rectangle(7, 7)); pp.setLabelFont(new Font(font, 0, 11)); pp.setLabelLinkPaint(COLOR_333333); pp.setLabelLinkMargin(-0.05); pp.setInteriorGap(0.123); pp.setLabelGenerator(new PieSectionLabelGeneratorImpl(labelFormat)); databackgroundcolor = backgroundcolor; setBackground(chart, p); setBorder(chart, p); setLegend(chart, p, _font); set3d(p); setFont(chart, _font); setTooltip(chart); setScale(chart); // Slice Type and colors boolean doSclice = pieslicestyle == PIE_SLICE_STYLE_SLICED; Color[] colors = csb.getColorlist(); Iterator it = csb.getDatas().iterator(); int count = 0; while (it.hasNext()) { cdb = (ChartDataBean); if (doSclice) pp.setExplodePercent(cdb.getItemAsString(), 0.13); if (count < colors.length) { pp.setSectionPaint(cdb.getItemAsString(), colors[count]); } count++; } writeOut(chart); } private void set3d(Plot plot) { if (!show3d) return; plot.setForegroundAlpha(0.6f); if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) { plot.setForegroundAlpha(0.8f); CategoryPlot cp = (CategoryPlot) plot; CategoryItemRenderer renderer = cp.getRenderer(); if (renderer instanceof BarRenderer3D) { BarRenderer3D br3d = (BarRenderer3D) renderer; cp.setRenderer(new BarRenderer3DWrap(br3d, xoffset, yoffset)); } } else if (plot instanceof PiePlot3D) { PiePlot3D pp3d = (PiePlot3D) plot; pp3d.setDepthFactor(0.10); } //CategoryItemRenderer renderer = plot.getRenderer(); } private void setFont(JFreeChart chart, Font font) { // title TextTitle title = chart.getTitle(); if (title != null) { title.setFont(font); title.setPaint(foregroundcolor); chart.setTitle(title); } // axis fonts Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot cp = (CategoryPlot) plot; setAxis(cp.getRangeAxis(), font); setAxis(cp.getDomainAxis(), font); } if (plot instanceof XYPlot) { XYPlot cp = (XYPlot) plot; setAxis(cp.getRangeAxis(), font); setAxis(cp.getDomainAxis(), font); } } private void setAxis(Axis axis, Font font) { if (axis != null) { axis.setLabelFont(font); axis.setLabelPaint(foregroundcolor); axis.setTickLabelFont(font); axis.setTickLabelPaint(foregroundcolor); axis.setTickLabelsVisible(true); } } private void setLegend(JFreeChart chart, Plot plot, Font font) { if (!showlegend) return; Color bg = backgroundcolor == null ? databackgroundcolor : backgroundcolor; if (font == null) font = getFont(); LegendTitle legend = legendMultiLine ? new LegendTitle(plot, new ColumnArrangement(), new ColumnArrangement()) : new LegendTitle(plot); legend.setBackgroundPaint(bg); legend.setMargin(new RectangleInsets(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0)); legend.setFrame(new LineBorder()); legend.setPosition(RectangleEdge.BOTTOM); legend.setHorizontalAlignment(HorizontalAlignment.LEFT); legend.setWidth(chartwidth - 20);// geht nicht legend.setItemFont(font); legend.setItemPaint(foregroundcolor); //RectangleInsets labelPadding; legend.setItemLabelPadding(new RectangleInsets(2, 2, 2, 2)); legend.setBorder(0, 0, 0, 0); legend.setLegendItemGraphicLocation(RectangleAnchor.TOP_LEFT); legend.setLegendItemGraphicPadding(new RectangleInsets(8, 10, 0, 0)); chart.addLegend(legend); } private void setBorder(JFreeChart chart, Plot plot) { chart.setBorderVisible(false); chart.setBorderPaint(foregroundcolor); plot.setOutlinePaint(foregroundcolor); } private void setBackground(JFreeChart chart, Plot plot) { //Color bg = backgroundcolor==null?databackgroundcolor:backgroundcolor; chart.setBackgroundPaint(backgroundcolor); plot.setBackgroundPaint(databackgroundcolor); chart.setBorderPaint(databackgroundcolor); plot.setOutlineVisible(false); // Pie if (plot instanceof PiePlot) { PiePlot pp = (PiePlot) plot; pp.setLabelOutlinePaint(backgroundcolor); pp.setLabelBackgroundPaint(backgroundcolor); pp.setLabelShadowPaint(backgroundcolor); pp.setShadowPaint(backgroundcolor); } // Bar /*if(plot instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot cp=(CategoryPlot) plot; }*/ } private Font getFont() { return new Font(font, fontstyle, fontsize); } private void writeOut(JFreeChart jfc) throws PageException, IOException { final ChartRenderingInfo info = new ChartRenderingInfo(); // map name chartIndex++; if (chartIndex < 0) chartIndex = 0; String mapName = "chart_" + chartIndex; setUrl(jfc); // write out to variable if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(name)) { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); copy(baos, jfc, info); pageContext.setVariable(name, baos.toByteArray()); return; } // write out as link String id = Md5.getDigestAsString(JavaConverter.serialize(this)); Resource graph = pageContext.getConfig().getTempDirectory().getRealResource("graph"); Resource res = graph.getRealResource(id); if (!res.exists()) { clean(graph); copy(res.getOutputStream(), jfc, info); } else { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); copy(baos, jfc, info); } String contextPath = pageContext.getHttpServletRequest().getContextPath(); contextPath = StringUtil.isEmpty(contextPath) ? "/" : contextPath + "/"; String src = contextPath + "lucee/graph.cfm?img=" + id + "&type=" + formatToString(format); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(source)) { pageContext.setVariable(source, src); return; } try { if (showtooltip || !StringUtil.isEmpty(url)) { String map = ChartUtilities.getImageMap(mapName, info).trim(); pageContext.write(map); } pageContext.write("<img border=\"0\" usemap=\"#" + mapName + "\" src=\"" + src + "\">"); } catch (IOException e) { throw Caster.toPageException(e); } } private void copy(OutputStream os, JFreeChart jfc, ChartRenderingInfo info) throws ApplicationException, IOException, ExpressionException { //OutputStream os = null; try { //os = res.getOutputStream(); BufferedImage bi; if (format == FORMAT_JPG) { bi = jfc.createBufferedImage(chartwidth, chartheight, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB, info); } else { bi = jfc.createBufferedImage(chartwidth, chartheight, info); } Image img; // add border if (showborder) { try { img = new Image(bi); img.addBorder(1, Color.BLACK, Image.BORDER_TYPE_CONSTANT); bi = img.getBufferedImage(); } catch (PageException e) { } } if (format == FORMAT_PNG) ChartUtilities.writeBufferedImageAsPNG(os, bi); else if (format == FORMAT_JPG) ChartUtilities.writeBufferedImageAsJPEG(os, bi); else if (format == FORMAT_GIF) { img = new lucee.runtime.img.Image(bi); img.writeOut(os, "gif", 1, true); //throw new ApplicationException("format gif not supported"); } else if (format == FORMAT_FLASH) throw new ApplicationException("format flash not supported"); } finally { IOUtil.flushEL(os); IOUtil.closeEL(os); } } private String formatToString(int format) { if (format == FORMAT_GIF) return "gif"; if (format == FORMAT_JPG) return "jpeg"; if (format == FORMAT_PNG) return "png"; return "swf"; } private void clean(Resource graph) throws IOException { if (!graph.exists()) graph.createDirectory(true); else if (graph.isDirectory() && ResourceUtil.getRealSize(graph) > (1024 * 1024)) { Resource[] children = graph.listResources(); long maxAge = System.currentTimeMillis() - (1000 * 60); for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { if (children[i].lastModified() < maxAge) children[i].delete(); } } } private void chartBar() throws PageException, IOException { // create the chart... final JFreeChart chart = show3d ? ChartFactory.createBarChart3D(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createDatasetCategory(), PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false) : ChartFactory.createBarChart(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createDatasetCategory(), PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); Plot p = chart.getPlot(); Font _font = getFont(); // settings setBackground(chart, p); setBorder(chart, p); set3d(p); setFont(chart, _font); setLabelFormat(chart); setLegend(chart, p, _font); setTooltip(chart); setScale(chart); setAxis(chart); setColor(chart); writeOut(chart); } private void chartLine() throws PageException, IOException { // create the chart... final JFreeChart chart = show3d ? ChartFactory.createLineChart3D(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createDatasetCategory(), PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false) : ChartFactory.createLineChart(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createDatasetCategory(), PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); Plot p = chart.getPlot(); Font _font = getFont(); // settings setMarker(chart, p); setBackground(chart, p); setBorder(chart, p); set3d(p); setFont(chart, _font); setLabelFormat(chart); setLegend(chart, p, _font); setTooltip(chart); setScale(chart); setAxis(chart); setColor(chart); writeOut(chart); } private void chartArea() throws PageException, IOException { // create the chart... final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createAreaChart(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createDatasetCategory(), PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); Plot p = chart.getPlot(); Font _font = getFont(); // settings setMarker(chart, p); setBackground(chart, p); setBorder(chart, p); set3d(p); setFont(chart, _font); setLabelFormat(chart); setLegend(chart, p, _font); setTooltip(chart); setScale(chart); setAxis(chart); setColor(chart); writeOut(chart); } private void chartTimeLine() throws PageException, IOException { // create the chart... final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createTimeSeriesCollection(), false, true, false); Plot p = chart.getPlot(); Font _font = getFont(); // settings setMarker(chart, p); setBackground(chart, p); setBorder(chart, p); set3d(p); setFont(chart, _font); setLabelFormat(chart); setLegend(chart, p, _font); setTooltip(chart); setScale(chart); setAxis(chart); setColor(chart); writeOut(chart); } private void chartHorizontalBar() throws PageException, IOException { // create the chart... final JFreeChart chart = show3d ? ChartFactory.createBarChart3D(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createDatasetCategory(), PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, false, true, false) : ChartFactory.createBarChart(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createDatasetCategory(), PlotOrientation.HORIZONTAL, false, true, false); final CategoryPlot p = chart.getCategoryPlot(); p.setRangeAxisLocation(AxisLocation.BOTTOM_OR_LEFT); Font _font = getFont(); // settings setBackground(chart, p); setBorder(chart, p); set3d(p); setFont(chart, _font); setLabelFormat(chart); setLegend(chart, p, _font); setTooltip(chart); setScale(chart); setAxis(chart); setColor(chart); writeOut(chart); } private void chartScatter() throws PageException, IOException { // create the chart... final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createScatterPlot(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createXYSeriesCollection(), PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); final XYPlot p = chart.getXYPlot(); Font _font = getFont(); // settings setBackground(chart, p); setBorder(chart, p); set3d(p); setFont(chart, _font); setLabelFormat(chart); setLegend(chart, p, _font); setTooltip(chart); setScale(chart); setAxis(chart); setColor(chart); writeOut(chart); } private void chartStep() throws PageException, IOException { // create the chart... final JFreeChart chart = ChartFactory.createXYStepChart(title, xaxistitle, yaxistitle, createXYSeriesCollection(), PlotOrientation.VERTICAL, false, true, false); final XYPlot p = chart.getXYPlot(); Font _font = getFont(); // settings setBackground(chart, p); setBorder(chart, p); set3d(p); setFont(chart, _font); setLabelFormat(chart); p.getDomainAxis().setRange( Range.expandToInclude(p.getDomainAxis().getRange(), p.getDomainAxis().getUpperBound() + 0.25)); p.getDomainAxis().setRange( Range.expandToInclude(p.getDomainAxis().getRange(), p.getDomainAxis().getLowerBound() - 0.25)); setLegend(chart, p, _font); setTooltip(chart); setScale(chart); setAxis(chart); setColor(chart); writeOut(chart); } private void setMarker(JFreeChart chart, Plot p) { if (!showmarkers) return; if (markersize < 1 || markersize > 100) markersize = 4; if (p instanceof XYPlot) { XYPlot xyp = (XYPlot) p; XYItemRenderer r = xyp.getRenderer(); if (r instanceof XYLineAndShapeRenderer) { XYLineAndShapeRenderer xyr = (XYLineAndShapeRenderer) r; xyr.setBaseShapesVisible(true); xyr.setBaseShapesFilled(true); int seriesCount = _series.size(); for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) { xyr.setSeriesShapesVisible(i, true); xyr.setSeriesItemLabelsVisible(i, true); xyr.setSeriesShape(i, ShapeUtilities.createDiamond(markersize)); xyr.setUseFillPaint(true); xyr.setBaseFillPaint(databackgroundcolor); } } } else if (p instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot cp = (CategoryPlot) p; CategoryItemRenderer r = cp.getRenderer(); if (r instanceof LineAndShapeRenderer) { LineAndShapeRenderer lsr = (LineAndShapeRenderer) r; int seriesCount = _series.size(); for (int i = 0; i < seriesCount; i++) { lsr.setSeriesShapesVisible(i, true); lsr.setSeriesItemLabelsVisible(i, true); lsr.setSeriesShape(i, ShapeUtilities.createDiamond(markersize)); lsr.setUseFillPaint(true); lsr.setBaseFillPaint(databackgroundcolor); } } } } private void setAxis(JFreeChart chart) { Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot cp = (CategoryPlot) plot; // Y cp.setDomainGridlinesVisible(showygridlines); if (showygridlines) cp.setDomainGridlinePaint(foregroundcolor); cp.setRangeGridlinesVisible(showxgridlines != NO); if (showxgridlines == NONE) cp.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.GRAY); else if (showxgridlines == YES) cp.setRangeGridlinePaint(foregroundcolor); } else if (plot instanceof XYPlot) { XYPlot cp = (XYPlot) plot; // Y cp.setDomainGridlinesVisible(showygridlines); if (showygridlines) cp.setDomainGridlinePaint(foregroundcolor); cp.setRangeGridlinesVisible(showxgridlines != NO); if (showxgridlines == NONE) cp.setRangeGridlinePaint(Color.GRAY); else if (showxgridlines == YES) cp.setRangeGridlinePaint(foregroundcolor); } } private void setTooltip(JFreeChart chart) { Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); if (plot instanceof PiePlot) { PiePlot pp = (PiePlot) plot; pp.setToolTipGenerator(new PieToolTipGeneratorImpl(labelFormat)); } else if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot cp = (CategoryPlot) plot; CategoryItemRenderer renderer = cp.getRenderer(); renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new CategoryToolTipGeneratorImpl(labelFormat)); } /*else if(plot instanceof XYPlot) { XYPlot cp=(XYPlot) plot; XYItemRenderer renderer = cp.getRenderer(); renderer.setBaseToolTipGenerator(new XYToolTipGeneratorImpl(labelFormat)); }*/ } private void setUrl(JFreeChart chart) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(url)) return; Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); if (plot instanceof PiePlot) { PiePlot pp = (PiePlot) plot; pp.setURLGenerator(new PieURLGenerator() { public String generateURL(PieDataset dataset, Comparable key, int pieIndex) { if (!StringUtil.contains(url, "?")) url += "?series=$SERIESLABEL$&category=$ITEMLABEL$&value=$VALUE$"; String retUrl = StringUtil.replace(url, "$ITEMLABEL$", URLUtilities.encode(key.toString(), "UTF-8"), false, true); retUrl = StringUtil.replace(retUrl, "$SERIESLABEL$", Integer.toString(pieIndex), false, true); retUrl = StringUtil.replace(retUrl, "$VALUE$", URLUtilities.encode(dataset.getValue(key).toString(), "UTF-8"), false, true); return retUrl; } }); } else if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot cp = (CategoryPlot) plot; CategoryItemRenderer renderer = cp.getRenderer(); renderer.setBaseItemURLGenerator(new StandardCategoryURLGenerator() { public String generateURL(CategoryDataset dataset, int series, int category) { if (!StringUtil.contains(url, "?")) url += "?series=$SERIESLABEL$&category=$ITEMLABEL$&value=$VALUE$"; String retUrl = StringUtil.replace(url, "$ITEMLABEL$", URLUtilities.encode(dataset.getColumnKey(category).toString(), "UTF-8"), false, true); retUrl = StringUtil.replace(retUrl, "$SERIESLABEL$", URLUtilities.encode(dataset.getRowKey(series).toString(), "UTF-8"), false, true); retUrl = StringUtil.replace(retUrl, "$VALUE$", URLUtilities.encode(dataset.getValue(series, category).toString(), "UTF-8"), false, true); return retUrl; } }); } else if (plot instanceof XYPlot) { XYPlot cp = (XYPlot) plot; XYItemRenderer renderer = cp.getRenderer(); renderer.setURLGenerator(new StandardXYURLGenerator() { public String generateURL(XYDataset dataset, int series, int category) { if (!StringUtil.contains(url, "?")) url += "?series=$SERIESLABEL$&category=$ITEMLABEL$&value=$VALUE$"; String itemLabel = _plotItemLables.get(category + 1) != null ? _plotItemLables.get(category + 1) : dataset.getX(series, category).toString(); String retUrl = StringUtil.replace(url, "$ITEMLABEL$", URLUtilities.encode(itemLabel, "UTF-8"), false, true); retUrl = StringUtil.replace(retUrl, "$SERIESLABEL$", URLUtilities.encode(dataset.getSeriesKey(series).toString(), "UTF-8"), false, true); retUrl = StringUtil.replace(retUrl, "$VALUE$", URLUtilities.encode(dataset.getY(series, category).toString(), "UTF-8"), false, true); return retUrl; } }); } } private void setScale(JFreeChart chart) { Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot cp = (CategoryPlot) plot; ValueAxis rangeAxis = cp.getRangeAxis(); Range r = rangeAxis.getRange(); double lower = r.getLowerBound(); double upper = r.getUpperBound(); if (labelFormat == LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_DATE && rangeAxis.getRange().getLowerBound() == 0) { lower = smallest; upper = biggest; try { DateTime d = Caster.toDate(Caster.toDouble(lower), true, null, null); lower =, "yyyy", -1, d).castToDoubleValue(lower); } catch (PageException e) { } } if (!Double.isNaN(scalefrom)) lower = scalefrom; if (!Double.isNaN(scaleto)) upper = scaleto; rangeAxis.setRange(new Range(lower, upper), true, true); } else if (plot instanceof XYPlot) { XYPlot cp = (XYPlot) plot; ValueAxis rangeAxis = cp.getRangeAxis(); Range r = rangeAxis.getRange(); double lower = r.getLowerBound(); double upper = r.getUpperBound(); if (labelFormat == LabelFormatUtil.LABEL_FORMAT_DATE && rangeAxis.getRange().getLowerBound() == 0) { lower = smallest; upper = biggest; try { DateTime d = Caster.toDate(Caster.toDouble(lower), true, null, null); lower =, "yyyy", -1, d).castToDoubleValue(lower); } catch (PageException e) { } } if (!Double.isNaN(scalefrom)) lower = scalefrom; if (!Double.isNaN(scaleto)) upper = scaleto; rangeAxis.setRange(new Range(lower, upper), true, true); } } private void setLabelFormat(JFreeChart chart) { Plot plot = chart.getPlot(); if (plot instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot cp = (CategoryPlot) plot; ValueAxis rangeAxis = cp.getRangeAxis(); rangeAxis.setAutoTickUnitSelection(true); rangeAxis.setStandardTickUnits(new TickUnitsImpl(rangeAxis.getStandardTickUnits(), labelFormat)); CategoryItemRenderer r = cp.getRenderer(); r.setBaseItemLabelsVisible(false); CategoryAxis da = cp.getDomainAxis(); if (!showXLabel) da.setTickLabelsVisible(false); da.setCategoryLabelPositions(labelPosition); da.setMaximumCategoryLabelWidthRatio(100); //da.setVisible(false); } if (plot instanceof XYPlot) { XYPlot cp = (XYPlot) plot; ValueAxis rangeAxis = cp.getRangeAxis(); rangeAxis.setAutoTickUnitSelection(true); rangeAxis.setStandardTickUnits(new TickUnitsImpl(rangeAxis.getStandardTickUnits(), labelFormat)); XYItemRenderer r = cp.getRenderer(); r.setBaseItemLabelsVisible(false); ValueAxis da = cp.getDomainAxis(); if (!_plotItemLables.isEmpty()) { _plotItemLables.add(0, ""); String[] cols = _plotItemLables.toArray(new String[_plotItemLables.size()]); SymbolAxis sa = new SymbolAxis(da.getLabel(), cols); sa.setRange(da.getRange()); if (labelPosition == LABEL_VERTICAL) { sa.setVerticalTickLabels(true); } cp.setDomainAxis(sa); } if (!showXLabel) cp.getDomainAxis().setTickLabelsVisible(false); //da.setVisible(false); } } // set individual colors for series private void setColor(JFreeChart chart) { Plot p = chart.getPlot(); if (p instanceof CategoryPlot) { CategoryPlot cp = (CategoryPlot) p; CategoryItemRenderer renderer = cp.getRenderer(); Iterator<ChartSeriesBean> cs = _series.iterator(); //int seriesCount=_series.size(); ChartSeriesBean csb; GradientPaint gp; Color c = null; Color[] ac; int index = 0; while (cs.hasNext()) { csb =; // more than 1 series //if(seriesCount>1) { c = csb.getSeriesColor(); if (c == null) { ac = csb.getColorlist(); if (ac != null && ac.length > 0) c = ac[0]; } //} if (c == null) continue; gp = new GradientPaint(0.0f, 0.0f, c, 0.0f, 0.0f, c); renderer.setSeriesPaint(index++, gp); } } else if (p instanceof XYPlot) { XYPlot cp = (XYPlot) p; XYItemRenderer renderer = cp.getRenderer(); Iterator<ChartSeriesBean> cs = _series.iterator(); //int seriesCount=_series.size(); ChartSeriesBean csb; GradientPaint gp; Color c = null; Color[] ac; int index = 0; while (cs.hasNext()) { csb =; // more than 1 series //if(seriesCount>1) { c = csb.getSeriesColor(); if (c == null) { ac = csb.getColorlist(); if (ac != null && ac.length > 0) c = ac[0]; } //} if (c == null) continue; gp = new GradientPaint(0.0f, 0.0f, c, 0.0f, 0.0f, c); renderer.setSeriesPaint(index++, gp); } } } private DefaultPieDataset createDatasetPie() { DefaultPieDataset dataset = new DefaultPieDataset(); ChartSeriesBean csb = _series.get(0); ChartDataBean cdb; // write data set Iterator itt = csb.getDatas().iterator(); while (itt.hasNext()) { cdb = (ChartDataBean); dataset.setValue(cdb.getItemAsString(), cdb.getValue()); } return dataset; } private CategoryDataset createDatasetCategory() { final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); Iterator<ChartSeriesBean> it = _series.iterator(); //int seriesCount=_series.size(); Iterator itt; List datas; ChartSeriesBean csb; ChartDataBean cdb; int count = 0; smallest = Double.MAX_VALUE; biggest = Double.MIN_VALUE; String label; boolean hasLabels = false; while (it.hasNext()) { count++; csb =; label = csb.getSeriesLabel(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(label)) label = "" + count; else hasLabels = true; datas = csb.getDatas(); if (sortxaxis) Collections.sort(datas); itt = datas.iterator(); while (itt.hasNext()) { cdb = (ChartDataBean); if (smallest > cdb.getValue()) smallest = cdb.getValue(); if (biggest < cdb.getValue()) biggest = cdb.getValue(); //if(seriesCount>1) dataset.addValue(cdb.getValue(), label, cdb.getItemAsString()); //else dataset.addValue(cdb.getValue(), cdb.getItem(),""); } } if (!hasLabels) showlegend = false; return dataset; } private XYDataset createTimeSeriesCollection() { TimeZone tz = ThreadLocalPageContext.getTimeZone(); final TimeSeriesCollection coll = new TimeSeriesCollection(tz); //final DefaultCategoryDataset dataset = new DefaultCategoryDataset(); Iterator<ChartSeriesBean> it = _series.iterator(); //int seriesCount=_series.size(); Iterator itt; List datas; ChartSeriesBean csb; ChartDataBean cdb; int count = 0; smallest = Double.MAX_VALUE; biggest = Double.MIN_VALUE; String label; boolean hasLabels = false; while (it.hasNext()) { count++; csb =; label = csb.getSeriesLabel(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(label)) label = "" + count; else hasLabels = true; datas = csb.getDatas(); if (sortxaxis) Collections.sort(datas); itt = datas.iterator(); TimeSeries ts = new TimeSeries(label, Second.class); while (itt.hasNext()) { cdb = (ChartDataBean); if (smallest > cdb.getValue()) smallest = cdb.getValue(); if (biggest < cdb.getValue()) biggest = cdb.getValue(); //if(seriesCount>1) ts.addOrUpdate(new Second( DateCaster.toDateSimple(cdb.getItem(), DateCaster.CONVERTING_TYPE_NONE, false, tz, null)), cdb.getValue()); //else dataset.addValue(cdb.getValue(), cdb.getItem(),""); } coll.addSeries(ts); } if (!hasLabels) showlegend = false; return coll; } private XYDataset createXYSeriesCollection() { final XYSeriesCollection coll = new XYSeriesCollection(); Iterator<ChartSeriesBean> it = _series.iterator(); Iterator itt; List datas; ChartSeriesBean csb; ChartDataBean cdb; int count = 0; String label; boolean hasLabels = false; while (it.hasNext()) { count++; csb =; label = csb.getSeriesLabel(); if (StringUtil.isEmpty(label)) label = "" + count; else hasLabels = true; datas = csb.getDatas(); if (sortxaxis) Collections.sort(datas); itt = datas.iterator(); XYSeries xySeries = new XYSeries(label, false, true); int stepNum = 0; while (itt.hasNext()) { cdb = (ChartDataBean); // if(cdb.getItem().toString().matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?")){ // xySeries.add(Double.parseDouble(cdb.getItem().toString()),cdb.getValue()); // } else { stepNum++; xySeries.add(stepNum, cdb.getValue()); // } if (!_plotItemLables.contains(cdb.getItem().toString())) _plotItemLables.add(cdb.getItem().toString()); } coll.addSeries(xySeries); } if (!hasLabels) showlegend = false; return coll; } /** * @param url the url to set */ public void setUrl(String url) { this.url = url; } /** * @param xoffset the xoffset to set */ public void setXoffset(double xoffset) { this.xoffset = xoffset; } /** * @param yoffset the yoffset to set */ public void setYoffset(double yoffset) { this.yoffset = yoffset; } /** * @param yaxistype the yaxistype to set */ public void setYaxistype(String yaxistype) { this.yaxistype = yaxistype; } /** * @param yaxistype the yaxistype to set */ public void setXaxistype(String xaxistype) { this.xaxistype = xaxistype; } }