Java tutorial
/** * Author: Piotr Kordy ( <>) Date: * 10/12/2015 Copyright (c) 2015,2013,2012 University of Luxembourg -- Faculty * of Science, Technology and Communication FSTC All rights reserved. Licensed * under GNU Affero General Public License 3.0; This program is free software: * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero * General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either * version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package lu.uni.adtool.ui.canvas; import java.awt.BasicStroke; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import java.awt.Point; import java.awt.Polygon; import java.awt.Rectangle; import java.awt.RenderingHints; import java.awt.Shape; import java.awt.geom.AffineTransform; import java.awt.geom.Arc2D; import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D; import java.awt.geom.Line2D; import java.awt.geom.NoninvertibleTransformException; import java.awt.geom.Point2D; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.print.PageFormat; import java.awt.print.Pageable; import java.awt.print.Printable; import java.awt.print.PrinterException; import java.awt.print.PrinterJob; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import javax.print.attribute.HashPrintRequestAttributeSet; import javax.print.attribute.PrintRequestAttributeSet; import javax.print.attribute.standard.MediaSizeName; import javax.print.attribute.standard.PageRanges; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.Scrollable; import javax.swing.SwingConstants; import org.abego.treelayout.NodeExtentProvider; import org.abego.treelayout.util.DefaultConfiguration; import com.itextpdf.awt.PdfGraphics2D; import com.itextpdf.text.Document; import com.itextpdf.text.DocumentException; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfContentByte; import com.itextpdf.text.pdf.PdfWriter; import lu.uni.adtool.ADToolMain; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.ADTNode; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.DomainFactory; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.GuiNode; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.LocalExtentProvider; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.Node; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.NodeTree; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.SandNode; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.SharedExtentProvider; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.TreeChangeListener; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.TreeLayout; import lu.uni.adtool.tree.XmlConverter; import lu.uni.adtool.ui.ADAction; import lu.uni.adtool.ui.DomainDockable; import lu.uni.adtool.ui.MainController; import lu.uni.adtool.ui.TreeDockable; public abstract class AbstractTreeCanvas extends JPanel implements Scrollable, TreeChangeListener, Printable, Pageable { public AbstractTreeCanvas(NodeTree tree, MainController mc) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.tree = tree; this.controller = mc; this.localExtentProvider = false; if (tree != null) { this.getSharedExtentProvider().registerCanvas(this); } this.setBackground(Options.canv_BackgroundColor); this.scrollPane = null; this.printAttr = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); this.printAttr.add(MediaSizeName.ISO_A4); this.pageFormat = new PageFormat(); this.history = new History(); this.scale = 1; setScale(scale); } /** * Constructor used to export tree without showing it in a dockable */ public AbstractTreeCanvas(NodeTree tree) { super(new BorderLayout()); this.tree = tree; this.controller = null; this.localExtentProvider = true; this.setBackground(Options.canv_BackgroundColor); this.scrollPane = null; this.printAttr = new HashPrintRequestAttributeSet(); this.printAttr.add(MediaSizeName.ISO_A4); this.pageFormat = new PageFormat(); this.history = new History(); this.scale = 1; setScale(scale); } public boolean isSand() { if (tree != null) { return tree.getLayout().isSand(); } else { return true; } } public void treeChanged() { this.recalculateLayout(); this.repaint(); } public void notifyAllTreeChanged() { controller.getFrame().getDomainFactory().notifyAllTreeChanged(this.getTreeId()); this.treeChanged(); } /** * Gets the scrollPane for this instance. * * @return The scrollPane. */ public JScrollPane getScrollPane() { return this.scrollPane; } public void addEditAction(EditAction a) { AbstractTreeCanvas canvas = this.getTreeCanvas(); if (canvas != null) { canvas.history.addAction(a); canvas.updateUndoRedoItems(); } } public void undo() { AbstractTreeCanvas canvas = this.getTreeCanvas(); if (canvas != null) { canvas.history.undo(canvas); canvas.updateUndoRedoItems(); } } public void redo() { AbstractTreeCanvas canvas = this.getTreeCanvas(); if (canvas != null) { canvas.history.redo(canvas); canvas.updateUndoRedoItems(); } } public void setNodeLayout(NodeLayout layout) { if (layout != this.nodeLayout) { this.nodeLayout = layout; this.recalculateLayout(); this.repaint(); } } public NodeLayout getNodeLayout() { return this.nodeLayout; } public abstract void setScrollPane(JScrollPane pane); public abstract void repaintAll(); /** * Gets the label separated into lines * * @return The array of labels with each line as a separate entry */ public abstract String getLabel(Node node); /** * Gets the label separated into lines * * @return The array of labels with each line as a separate entry */ public String[] getLabelLines(Node node) { return getLabel(node).split("\n"); } /** * Gets the node that covers a given point. * * @param x * x-coordinate of the point. * @param y * y-coordinate of the point. * @return */ public Node getNode(double x, double y) { if (tree != null) { try { Point2D point = viewTransform.inverseTransform(new Point2D.Double(x, y), null); x = point.getX(); y = point.getY(); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { System.err.println("Cannot translate click point!!"); } if (x > sizeX || y > sizeY || x < 0 || y < 0) { return null; } Shape shape; for (Node node : bufferedLayout.keySet()) { Rectangle2D rect = bufferedLayout.get(node); switch (Options.canv_ShapeDef) { case RECTANGLE: shape = rect; break; case OVAL: shape = new Ellipse2D.Double(rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); break; // case ROUNDRECT: default: shape = new RoundRectangle2D.Double(rect.getX(), rect.getY(), rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight(), Options.canv_ArcSize, Options.canv_ArcSize); break; } if (shape.contains(x, y)) { return node; } } } return null; } public NodeTree getTree() { return this.tree; } public void report(String msg) {; } public void reportError(String msg) { controller.reportError(msg); } public MainController getController() { return controller; } public SharedExtentProvider getSharedExtentProvider() { return tree.getSharedExtentProvider(); } public void moveTree(double x, double y) { Rectangle r = scrollPane.getViewport().getViewRect(); this.setMoveX(moveX + x); this.setMoveY(moveY + y); this.updateSize(); this.scrollPane.scrollRectToVisible(r); this.repaint(); } /** * Gets the scale for this instance. * * @return The scale. */ public double getScale() { return this.scale; } public void zoomIn() { if (scale < 100) { this.setScale(scale * Options.canv_scaleFactor); this.repaint(); } } /** * Returns label of the root node */ public String getRootLabel() { return tree.getRoot(true).getName(); } /** * Zoom out. * */ public void zoomOut() { Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(sizeX + borderPad / 2, sizeY + borderPad / 2); this.viewTransform.transform(point, point); if (Math.max(point.getX() - moveX * getScale(), point.getY() - moveY * getScale()) > 20) { this.setScale(scale / Options.canv_scaleFactor); this.repaint(); } } /** * Reset zoom; * */ public void resetZoom() { setScale(1); this.repaint(); } /** * Sets the scale for this instance. * * @param scale * The scale. */ public void setScale(double scale) { this.scale = scale; this.viewTransform = new AffineTransform(); this.viewTransform.scale(scale, scale); this.viewTransform.translate(moveX, moveY); this.viewTransform.translate(borderPad / 2, borderPad / 2); this.updateSize(); } /** * Scales and centeres the tree to fit the window. * */ public void fitToWindow() { int x = viewPortSize.width; int y = viewPortSize.height; double sX = sizeX + borderPad; double sY = sizeY + borderPad; double newScale = getScale() * Math.min(x / (sX * getScale()), y / (sY * getScale())); setScale(newScale); setMoveX((x / getScale() - (sX)) / 2.0); setMoveY((y / getScale() - (sY)) / 2.0); this.updateSize(); this.repaint(); } /** * Sets the focus for the node. * * @param focused * The focused node */ public void setFocus(Node focused) { if (this.focused != null) { lastFocused = this.focused; } // TODO - ensure unique focus? // if (focused != null){ // tree.defocusAll(); // } this.focused = (GuiNode) focused; if (focused != null) { Rectangle2D b2 = bufferedLayout.get(focused); if (b2 == null) { this.recalculateLayout(); b2 = bufferedLayout.get(focused); } Point2D p1 = new Point2D.Double(b2.getX() - borderPad / 2, b2.getY() - borderPad / 2); Point2D p2 = new Point2D.Double((b2.getWidth() + borderPad) * scale, (b2.getHeight() + borderPad) * scale); viewTransform.transform(p1, p1); if (p1.getX() < 0) { setMoveX(getMoveX() - p1.getX() / scale); p1.setLocation(0, p1.getY()); } if (p1.getY() < 0) { setMoveY(getMoveY() - p1.getY() / scale); p1.setLocation(p1.getX(), 0); } this.updateSize(); scrollRectToVisible(new Rectangle((int) p1.getX(), (int) p1.getY(), (int) p2.getX(), (int) p2.getY())); } this.repaint(); if (controller != null && this instanceof AbstractDomainCanvas) { controller.getFrame().getRankingView().setFocus(this, focused, false); } } /** * Show print dialog and print canvas. * * @param doPrint * @return true if user clicked ok, false otherwise * */ public boolean showPrintDialog(boolean doPrint) { if (tree != null) { try { PrinterJob pjob = PrinterJob.getPrinterJob(); pjob.setPageable(this); printAttr.add(new PageRanges(1, getNumberOfPages())); if (doPrint) { if (pjob.printDialog(printAttr)) { pageFormat = pjob.getPageFormat(printAttr); pjob.print(); return true; } } else { PageFormat page = pjob.pageDialog(getPageFormat(0)); if (page != getPageFormat(0)) { setPageFormat(page); return true; } } } catch (PrinterException exc) { reportError(exc.getLocalizedMessage()); } } return false; } /** * Scrolls canvas by a given vector. * * @param xShift * x-coordinate of the point. * @param yShift * y-coordinate of the point. * @return returns by how much canvas was really scrolled */ public Point scrollTo(double xShift, double yShift) { Rectangle r = scrollPane.getViewport().getViewRect(); Point p = r.getLocation(); r.translate((int) -xShift, (int) -yShift); scrollRectToVisible(r); Rectangle r2 = scrollPane.getViewport().getViewRect(); p = new Point((int) (p.getX() - r2.getX()), (int) (p.getY() - r2.getY())); return p; } /** * Removes the subtree with node as root. * * @param node * root of a subtree. */ public void removeTree(Node node) { if (!node.equals(tree.getRoot(true))) { this.addEditAction(new RemoveTree(node)); if (lastFocused != null && lastFocused.equals(node)) { lastFocused = ((GuiNode) node).getParent(true); } if (lastFocused == null) { lastFocused = (GuiNode) tree.getRoot(true); } if (focused != null) { if (focused.equals(node)) { setFocus(((GuiNode) node).getParent(true)); } } tree.removeTree(node); this.notifyAllTreeChanged(); this.updateTerms(); } } public void removeChildren(Node node) { this.addEditAction(new RemoveChildren(node)); tree.removeAllChildren(node); this.notifyAllTreeChanged(); this.updateTerms(); } public Point2D transform(Point2D point) { try { return viewTransform.inverseTransform(point, null); } catch (NoninvertibleTransformException e) { return point; } } /** * Sets the viewPortSize for this instance. * * @param viewPortSize * The viewPortSize. */ public void setViewPortSize(Dimension viewPortSize) { this.viewPortSize = viewPortSize; // make up for dissapearing scrollbars if (this.scrollPane != null) { if (this.scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().isVisible()) { this.viewPortSize.height += this.scrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().getPreferredSize().height; } if (this.scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().isVisible()) { this.viewPortSize.width += this.scrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().getPreferredSize().width; } } this.updateSize(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Scrollable#getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() */ public Dimension getPreferredScrollableViewportSize() { return getPreferredSize(); } /** * Sets the moveX for this instance. * * @param moveX * The moveX. */ public void setMoveX(double moveX) { if ((moveX) < 0) { moveX = 0; } this.viewTransform.translate(moveX - this.moveX, 0); this.moveX = moveX; } /** * Gets the moveX for this instance. * * @return The moveX. */ public double getMoveX() { return this.moveX; } /** * Sets the moveY for this instance. * * @param moveY * The moveY. */ public void setMoveY(double moveY) { if ((moveY) < 0) { moveY = 0; } this.viewTransform.translate(0, moveY - this.moveY); this.moveY = moveY; } /** * Gets the moveY for this instance. * * @return The moveY. */ public double getMoveY() { return this.moveY; } /** * Recalculates the positions of all nodes. * */ protected void recalculateLayout() { // Debug.log("tree " + tree); this.sizeX = 0; this.sizeY = 0; bufferedLayout = null; NodeExtentProvider<Node> extentProvider; if (localExtentProvider) { extentProvider = new LocalExtentProvider(this); } else { Debug.log("tree:" + tree); extentProvider = tree.getSharedExtentProvider(); } org.abego.treelayout.TreeLayout<Node> treeLayout = new org.abego.treelayout.TreeLayout<Node>( tree.getTreeForLayout(), (NodeExtentProvider<Node>) extentProvider, configuration); bufferedLayout = treeLayout.getNodeBounds(); for (Rectangle2D.Double rect : bufferedLayout.values()) { sizeX = Math.max(sizeX, rect.getMaxX()); sizeY = Math.max(sizeY, rect.getMaxY()); } if (this.nodeLayout == NodeLayout.RADIAL) { Node root = this.tree.getRoot(false); Rectangle2D.Double rect = bufferedLayout.get(root); radialX = rect.getCenterX(); radialY = rect.getCenterY(); double minX = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxX = Double.MIN_VALUE; double minY = Double.MAX_VALUE; double maxY = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (Node node : bufferedLayout.keySet()) { rect = bufferedLayout.get(node); double angle = -((rect.getCenterX() - radialX) / sizeX) * 2 * Math.PI; double r = Options.canv_radialRadiusScale * (rect.getCenterY() - radialY); // Debug.log("r:" + r + " angle:"+angle); // Debug.log("getX:" + rect.getX() + " getY:"+rect.getY() + " w:"+ rect.getWidth()+ " h:"+ rect.getHeight()+ " name:" + node.getName()); rect.setRect(r * Math.cos(angle) + radialX - rect.getWidth() / 2, r * Math.sin(angle) + radialY - rect.getHeight() / 2, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); minX = Math.min(minX, rect.getMinX()); minY = Math.min(minY, rect.getMinY()); maxX = Math.max(maxX, rect.getMaxX()); maxY = Math.max(maxY, rect.getMaxY()); bufferedLayout.put(node, rect); } for (Node node : bufferedLayout.keySet()) { rect = bufferedLayout.get(node); rect.setRect(rect.getX() - minX, rect.getY() - minY, rect.getWidth(), rect.getHeight()); } sizeX = maxX - minX; sizeY = maxY - minY; radialX = radialX - minX; radialY = radialY - minY; } setScale(scale); } /** * Gets the focused node for this instance. * * @return The focused node. */ public GuiNode getFocused() { return this.focused; } /** * Gets the lastFocused for this instance. * * @return The lastFocused. */ public GuiNode getLastFocused() { return this.lastFocused; } /** * Get the right sibling of a node. * * @param node * @return */ public GuiNode getRightSibling(Node node) { return ((GuiNode) node).getRightSibling(); } /** * Get the left sibling of a node. * * @param node * @return */ public GuiNode getLeftSibling(Node node) { return ((GuiNode) node).getLeftSibling(); } public GuiNode getMiddleChild(Node node) { return ((GuiNode) node).getMiddleChild(); } public GuiNode getParentNode(Node node) { return ((GuiNode) node).getParent(false); } public void toggleFold(Node node) { this.addEditAction(new FoldAction(node, false)); if (node != null && node.getChildren().size() > 0) { tree.toggleFold(node, true); notifyAllTreeChanged(); } } public void toggleAboveFold(Node node) { this.addEditAction(new FoldAction(node, true)); if (node.getParent() != null) { tree.toggleAboveFold(node, true); notifyAllTreeChanged(); } } public void createPdf(FileOutputStream fileStream) { double oldScale = getScale(); Dimension dim = getPreferredSize(); if (dim.width > 14399 || dim.height > 14399) { setScale(14000.0 / Math.max(dim.width, dim.height) * oldScale); dim = getPreferredSize(); } try { Document document = new Document(new com.itextpdf.text.Rectangle(dim.width, dim.height)); PdfWriter writer = PdfWriter.getInstance(document, fileStream);; PdfContentByte canv = writer.getDirectContent(); Graphics2D g2 = new PdfGraphics2D(canv, dim.width, dim.height); this.paintComponent(g2); g2.dispose(); document.close(); fileStream.close(); } catch (DocumentException e) { reportError(Options.getMsg("error.exportingpdf") + e); } catch (IOException e) { reportError(Options.getMsg("error.exportingpdf") + e); } setScale(oldScale); } /** * Save tree as an image * * @param fileStream * stream to which we write * @param formatName * informal name of the format e. g. "jpg" or "png" */ public void createImage(FileOutputStream fileStream, String formatName) { Dimension dim = getPreferredSize(); BufferedImage bufferedImage = new BufferedImage(dim.width, dim.height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB); Graphics2D g2d = bufferedImage.createGraphics(); g2d.setColor(Options.canv_BackgroundColor); Rectangle r = new Rectangle(dim); if (r != null) { g2d.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } this.paintComponent(g2d); g2d.dispose(); try { ImageIO.write(bufferedImage, formatName, fileStream); fileStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { reportError(Options.getMsg("") + e); } } /** * Save tree in XML format * * @param fileStream * stream to which we write */ public void createXml(FileOutputStream fileStream) { XmlConverter converter = new XmlConverter(); try { TreeLayout layout = tree.getLayout(); if (Options.main_saveDomains) { Set<Integer> ids = new TreeSet<Integer>(); for (ValuationDomain values : layout.getDomains()) { ids.add(values.getDomainId()); } converter.exportTo(fileStream, layout, ids); } else { converter.exportTo(fileStream, layout, null); } } catch (IOException e) { reportError(Options.getMsg("") + e); } } /** * Save tree in Latex format * * @param fileStream * stream to which we write */ public void createLatex(FileOutputStream fileStream) { XmlConverter converter = new XmlConverter(); try { TreeLayout layout = tree.getLayout(); converter.exportLatex(fileStream, layout); } catch (IOException e) { reportError(Options.getMsg("") + e); } } /** * Get string representing term of the tree. */ public String getTermsString() { if (this.tree.getRoot(true) instanceof SandNode) { return ((SandNode) this.tree.getRoot(true)).toTerms(); } else { return ((ADTNode) this.tree.getRoot(true)).toTerms(); } } public void createTxt(FileOutputStream fileStream) throws IOException { Node root = this.tree.getRoot(true); if (root instanceof SandNode) { fileStream.write(((SandNode) root).toTerms().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); } else { fileStream.write(((ADTNode) root).toTerms().getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8"))); } fileStream.close(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Scrollable#getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle,int,int) */ public int getScrollableUnitIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction) { return 0; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Scrollable#getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle,int,int) */ public int getScrollableBlockIncrement(Rectangle visibleRect, int orientation, int direction) { int maxUnitIncrement = 1; if (orientation == SwingConstants.HORIZONTAL) return visibleRect.width - maxUnitIncrement; else return visibleRect.height - maxUnitIncrement; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Scrollable#getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() */ public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportWidth() { return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Scrollable#getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() */ public boolean getScrollableTracksViewportHeight() { return false; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Printable#print(Graphics,PageFormat,int) */ public int print(Graphics g, PageFormat pf, int page) { double pW = pf.getImageableWidth(); double pH = pf.getImageableHeight(); Point p = getColsRows(pW, pH, getNumberOfPages()); if (page >= (int) (p.getX() * p.getY())) { return NO_SUCH_PAGE; } // store focus and set it to null GuiNode tFocus = focused; focused = null; double printScaleX = (pW * p.getX()) / (sizeX + Options.canv_LineWidth); double printScaleY = (pH * p.getY()) / (sizeY + Options.canv_LineWidth); if (Options.print_perserveAspectRatio) { if (printScaleX < printScaleY) { printScaleY = printScaleX; } else { printScaleX = printScaleY; } } int shiftX = page % (int) p.getX(); int shiftY = page / (int) p.getX(); // align origin g.translate((int) (pf.getImageableX() - (shiftX * pW)), (int) (pf.getImageableY() - (shiftY * pH))); ((Graphics2D) g).scale(printScaleX, printScaleY); g.translate(Options.canv_LineWidth, Options.canv_LineWidth); this.paintComponent((Graphics2D) g, tree.getRoot(false)); // restore focus focused = tFocus; return PAGE_EXISTS; } /** * Paint the canvas starting at startNode. * * @param g2 * graphics context. * @param startNode * root node from which we paint. */ public void paintComponent(final Graphics2D g2, Node startNode) { g2.setStroke(basicStroke); if (Options.canv_DoAntialiasing) { g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON); } else { g2.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_OFF); } paintEdges(g2, startNode); // paint the boxes paintBox(g2, startNode); if (focused != null) { paintFocus(g2, focused); } } public abstract void updateTerms(); /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see javax.swing.JComponent#paintComponent(Graphics) */ public void paintComponent(final Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); final Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; g2.setColor(Options.canv_BackgroundColor); Rectangle r = g2.getClipBounds(); if (r != null) { g2.fillRect(r.x, r.y, r.width, r.height); } else { Debug.log("null clip bounds"); } g2.transform(viewTransform); // g2.clearRect(-borderPad, -borderPad, (int) sizeX + borderPad, (int) sizeY // + borderPad); if (tree != null) { paintComponent(g2, tree.getRoot(false)); } } public void undoGetNewLabel() { labelCounter = labelCounter - 1; } public void updateUndoRedoItems() { ADAction undo = controller.getUndoItem(); ADAction redo = controller.getRedoItem(); AbstractTreeCanvas canvas = this.getTreeCanvas(); if (canvas != null) { String text = canvas.history.getUndoText(); if (text != null) { undo.setEnabled(true); undo.setName(text); } else { undo.setEnabled(false); undo.setName(Options.getMsg("edit.undo.txt")); } text = canvas.history.getRedoText(); if (text != null) { redo.setEnabled(true); redo.setName(text); } else { redo.setEnabled(false); redo.setName(Options.getMsg("edit.redo.txt")); } } else { undo.setEnabled(false); undo.setName(Options.getMsg("edit.undo.txt")); redo.setEnabled(false); redo.setName(Options.getMsg("edit.redo.txt")); } } @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public void addDomain(Domain<Ring> domain) { TreeDockable currentTree = (TreeDockable) this.controller.getControl() .getMultipleDockable(TreeDockable.TREE_ID + Integer.toString(this.getTreeId())); if (currentTree != null) { int domainId = tree.getLayout().getNewDomainId(); this.addEditAction(new AddDomain(domainId, domain)); DomainDockable d = null; DomainFactory factory = controller.getFrame().getDomainFactory(); if (domain instanceof SandDomain) { d = ValuationDomain(this.getTreeId(), domainId, (SandDomain) domain)); } else { d = ValuationDomain(this.getTreeId(), domainId, (AdtDomain) domain)); } Debug.log("Adding domain to control with id:" + d.getUniqueId()); controller.getControl().addDockable(d.getUniqueId(), d); currentTree.showDomain(d); } } public void removeDomain(DomainDockable dockable) { boolean localExtentProvider = dockable.getCanvas().hasLocalExtentProvider(); if (!localExtentProvider) { dockable.getCanvas().setLocalExtentProvider(true); } if (this.getTree().getLayout().removeValuation(dockable.getCanvas().getValues())) { this.addEditAction(new RemoveDomain(dockable.getCanvas().getValues(), localExtentProvider)); this.controller.getFrame().getDomainFactory().removeDomain(dockable); } } public abstract AbstractTreeCanvas getTreeCanvas(); protected String getNewLabel() { labelCounter = labelCounter + 1; return LABEL_PREFIX + labelCounter; } /* * * * print functions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */ /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Pageable#getNumberOfPages() */ public int getNumberOfPages() { // return 1; return Options.print_noPages; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Pageable#getPrintable(int) */ public Printable getPrintable(int pageIndex) { if (pageIndex >= Options.print_noPages) { throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No page with number " + pageIndex); } return this; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see Pageable#getPageFormat(int) */ public PageFormat getPageFormat(int pageIndex) { return pageFormat; } /** * Sets the pageFormat for this instance. * * @param pageFormat * The pageFormat. */ public void setPageFormat(PageFormat pageFormat) { this.pageFormat = pageFormat; } public Point getColsRows(int noMaxPages) { PageFormat pf = getPageFormat(0); return getColsRows(pf.getImageableWidth(), pf.getImageableHeight(), noMaxPages); } public int getTreeId() { if (tree == null) { if (this instanceof AbstractDomainCanvas) { return ((AbstractDomainCanvas<?>) this).values.getTreeId(); } return -1; } return tree.getLayout().getTreeId(); } /** * Paints the node labels. * * @param g * @param node * @param textCol * color for the text. */ protected void paintLabels(final Graphics2D g, final Node node, final Color textCol) { final Rectangle2D.Double box = bufferedLayout.get(node); int x = (int) box.x; int y = (int) box.y; // draw the text on top of the box (possibly multiple lines) final String[] lines = this.getLabelLines(node); final FontMetrics m = getFontMetrics(Options.canv_Font); // center vertically y = (int) (y + box.height / 2 - (lines.length * m.getHeight()) / 2) - 1; // center horizontally x = x + (int) (box.width / 2); // draw strings y += m.getAscent() + m.getLeading() + 1; g.setColor(textCol); g.setFont(Options.canv_Font); for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { g.drawString(lines[i], x - (m.stringWidth(lines[i])) / 2, y); y += m.getHeight(); } } /** * Paints the node box and text. * * @param g * @param node */ protected void paintBox(final Graphics2D g, final Node node) { // draw the box in the background Options.ShapeType shape; Color fillCol; Color borderCol; Color textCol; fillCol = getFillColor(node); // ATTACKER type if (node instanceof ADTNode) { ADTNode.Role defender = tree.getLayout().getSwitchRole() ? ADTNode.Role.PROPONENT : ADTNode.Role.OPPONENT; if (((ADTNode) node).getRole() == defender) { borderCol = Options.canv_BorderColorDef; textCol = Options.canv_TextColorDef; shape = Options.canv_ShapeDef; } else { // ATTACKER type borderCol = Options.canv_BorderColorAtt; textCol = Options.canv_TextColorAtt; shape = Options.canv_ShapeAtt; } } else { borderCol = Options.canv_BorderColorAtt; textCol = Options.canv_TextColorAtt; shape = Options.canv_ShapeAtt; } // get position of node final Rectangle2D.Double box = bufferedLayout.get(node); int x = (int) box.x; int y = (int) box.y; g.setColor(Options.canv_EdgesColor); if (((GuiNode) node).isFolded()) { Polygon triangle = new Polygon(); triangle.addPoint(x + (int) (box.width / 2.0), y); triangle.addPoint(x, y + (int) box.height + 6); triangle.addPoint(x + (int) box.width, y + (int) box.height + 6); g.fillPolygon(triangle); } if (((GuiNode) node).isAboveFolded()) { Polygon triangle = new Polygon(); triangle.addPoint(x + (int) (box.width / 2.0), y - 10); triangle.addPoint(x + (int) (box.width / 2.0) - 6, y); triangle.addPoint(x + (int) (box.width / 2.0) + 6, y); g.fillPolygon(triangle); } g.setColor(fillCol); g.setStroke(basicStroke); switch (shape) { case RECTANGLE: g.fillRect(x, y, (int) box.width - 1, (int) box.height - 1); g.setColor(borderCol); g.drawRect(x, y, (int) box.width - 1, (int) box.height - 1); break; case OVAL: g.fillOval(x, y, (int) box.width - 1, (int) box.height - 1); g.setColor(borderCol); g.drawOval(x, y, (int) box.width - 1, (int) box.height - 1); break; // case ROUNDRECT: // default: // g.fillRoundRect(x, y, (int) box.width - 1, (int) box.height - 1, // Options.canv_ArcSize, // Options.canv_ArcSize); // g.setColor(borderCol); // g.drawRoundRect(x, y, (int) box.width - 1, (int) box.height - 1, // Options.canv_ArcSize, // Options.canv_ArcSize); // break; } paintLabels(g, node, textCol); for (Node child : tree.getChildrenList(node, false)) { paintBox(g, child); } } /** * Draws the edges of the tree * * @param g2 * @param parent */ protected void paintEdges(final Graphics2D g2, final Node parent) { if (parent.getNotNullChildren().size() != 0) { final Rectangle2D.Double b1 = bufferedLayout.get(parent); final double x1 = b1.getCenterX(); final double y1 = b1.getCenterY(); g2.setColor(Options.canv_EdgesColor); ArrayList<Node> children = tree.getChildrenList(parent, false); int noChildren = children.size(); boolean drawArc = false; boolean drawArrow = false; if (parent instanceof ADTNode && ((ADTNode) parent).isCountered()) { noChildren--; } if (parent instanceof SandNode) { if ((((SandNode) parent).getType() == SandNode.Type.AND || ((SandNode) parent).getType() == SandNode.Type.SAND) && noChildren > 1) { drawArc = true; if (((SandNode) parent).getType() == SandNode.Type.SAND) { drawArrow = true; } } } else if (parent instanceof ADTNode) { if ((((ADTNode) parent).getType() == ADTNode.Type.AND_OPP || ((ADTNode) parent).getType() == ADTNode.Type.AND_PRO) && noChildren > 1) { drawArc = true; } } if (this.nodeLayout == NodeLayout.NORMAL) { double maxX = 0; double minX = x1; Rectangle2D.Double b2 = new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, 0, 0); //paint edges for (Node child : children) { b2 = bufferedLayout.get(child); if (parent instanceof ADTNode && ((ADTNode) child).getRole() != ((ADTNode) parent).getRole()) { g2.setStroke(counterStroke); } else { g2.setStroke(basicStroke); } if (!(parent instanceof ADTNode && ((ADTNode) child).getRole() != ((ADTNode) parent).getRole())) { maxX = Math.max(maxX, b2.getCenterX()); minX = Math.min(minX, b2.getCenterX()); } g2.drawLine((int) x1, (int) y1, (int) b2.getCenterX(), (int) b2.getCenterY()); } g2.setStroke(basicStroke); if (drawArc) { double tangens1 = (b2.getCenterY() - (double) y1) / (minX - (double) x1); double tangens2 = (b2.getCenterY() - (double) y1) / (maxX - (double) x1 - 1); double shear = (double) (b1.getWidth() + Options.canv_ArcPadding) / (double) (b1.getHeight() + Options.canv_ArcPadding); double startAngle = -Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(tangens2 * shear)); g2.setColor(Options.canv_ArcColor); if (startAngle > 0) { startAngle = startAngle - 180; } double endAngle = -180 - Math.toDegrees(Math.atan(tangens1 * shear)); double a = b1.getWidth() + Options.canv_ArcPadding; double b = b1.getHeight() + Options.canv_ArcPadding; Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(b1.getX() - Options.canv_ArcPadding / 2, b1.getY() - Options.canv_ArcPadding / 2, a, b, startAngle, endAngle - startAngle, Arc2D.OPEN); if (arc != null) { g2.draw(arc); } if (drawArrow) { double cos = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(startAngle)); double sin = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(startAngle)); double cos2 = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(startAngle - 75)); double sin2 = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(startAngle - 75)); double cos3 = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(startAngle - 125)); double sin3 = Math.sin(Math.toRadians(startAngle - 125)); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1 + a * cos / (double) 2, y1 - b * sin / (double) 2, x1 + a * cos / (double) 2 + 8 * cos2, y1 - b * sin / (double) 2 - 8 * sin2)); g2.draw(new Line2D.Double(x1 + a * cos / (double) 2, y1 - b * sin / (double) 2, x1 + a * cos / (double) 2 + 8 * cos3, y1 - b * sin / (double) 2 - 8 * sin3)); } } } else { //RADIAL layout if (children.size() > 0) { Rectangle2D.Double bParen = bufferedLayout.get(parent); double tempX = bParen.getCenterX() - radialX; double tempY = bParen.getCenterY() - radialY; double parenR = Math.sqrt((tempX * tempX + tempY * tempY)); double firstAngle = Double.MAX_VALUE; double counterAngle = Double.MIN_VALUE; double lastAngle = Double.MIN_VALUE; double r = -1; double halfR = -1; double meanX = 0; double meanY = 0; int i = 1; //draw lines for (Node child : children) { Rectangle2D.Double b2 = bufferedLayout.get(child); tempX = b2.getCenterX() - radialX; tempY = b2.getCenterY() - radialY; meanX = meanX + tempX; meanY = meanY + tempY; if (r < 0) { //assumnig radius r is the same for all children r = Math.sqrt(tempX * tempX + tempY * tempY); halfR = (parenR + r) / 2; } double angle = (Math.atan2(-tempY, tempX) + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI); // Debug.log("angle="+Double.toString(Math.toDegrees(angle)) + " i:"+Integer.toString(i) + " child.size():"+Integer.toString( children.size())+ " label:"+child.getName()); if (i == 1) { firstAngle = angle; } if (i == children.size()) { counterAngle = angle; } if (i == noChildren) { lastAngle = angle; } if (i > noChildren) { g2.setStroke(counterStroke); } else { g2.setStroke(basicStroke); } g2.drawLine((int) (r * Math.cos(angle) + radialX), (int) (-r * Math.sin(angle) + radialY), (int) (halfR * Math.cos(angle) + radialX), (int) (-halfR * Math.sin(angle) + radialY)); i = i + 1; } while (counterAngle < firstAngle) { counterAngle += 2 * Math.PI; } if (lastAngle == firstAngle) { lastAngle = (firstAngle + counterAngle) / 2; } if (noChildren > 0) { g2.setStroke(basicStroke); } double midAngle = (firstAngle + counterAngle) / 2; g2.drawLine((int) (parenR * Math.cos(midAngle) + radialX), (int) (-parenR * Math.sin(midAngle) + radialY), (int) (halfR * Math.cos(midAngle) + radialX), (int) (-halfR * Math.sin(midAngle) + radialY)); meanX = meanX / i; meanY = meanY / i; //draw arc for non-countered children if (noChildren > 0) { Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(radialX - halfR, radialY - halfR, 2 * halfR, 2 * halfR, Math.toDegrees(firstAngle), Math.toDegrees((lastAngle - firstAngle + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI)), Arc2D.OPEN); g2.draw(arc); } //draw arc for OR operator if (drawArc) { Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(radialX - halfR - Options.canv_ArcPadding / 2, radialY - halfR - Options.canv_ArcPadding / 2, 2 * halfR + Options.canv_ArcPadding, 2 * halfR + Options.canv_ArcPadding, Math.toDegrees(firstAngle), Math.toDegrees((lastAngle - firstAngle + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI)), Arc2D.OPEN); g2.draw(arc); } //draw arc for countered child if (noChildren < children.size() && noChildren > 0) { g2.setStroke(counterStroke); Arc2D arc = new Arc2D.Double(radialX - halfR, radialY - halfR, 2 * halfR, 2 * halfR, Math.toDegrees(lastAngle), Math.toDegrees((counterAngle - lastAngle + 2 * Math.PI) % (2 * Math.PI)), Arc2D.OPEN); g2.draw(arc); } // Debug.log("firstAngle="+Double.toString(Math.toDegrees(firstAngle)) + "lastAngle="+Double.toString(Math.toDegrees(lastAngle))); // Debug.log("counterAngle="+Double.toString(Math.toDegrees(counterAngle)) + "midAngle="+Double.toString(Math.toDegrees(midAngle))+ " noChildren:"+ Integer.toString(noChildren)); } } for (Node child : children) { paintEdges(g2, child); } } g2.setStroke(basicStroke); } protected abstract Color getFillColor(Node node); /** * Draws the node focus indication. * * @param g2 * @param node */ protected void paintFocus(final Graphics2D g2, final Node node) { final Rectangle2D.Double box = bufferedLayout.get(node); if (box == null) { return; } int x = (int) box.x - focusPad / 2; int y = (int) box.y - focusPad / 2; g2.setColor(; g2.setStroke(selectionStroke); // ATTACKER type Options.ShapeType shape = Options.canv_ShapeAtt; if (node instanceof ADTNode) { ADTNode.Role defender = tree.getLayout().getSwitchRole() ? ADTNode.Role.PROPONENT : ADTNode.Role.OPPONENT; if (((ADTNode) node).getRole() == defender) { shape = Options.canv_ShapeDef; } } switch (shape) { case RECTANGLE: g2.drawRect(x, y, (int) box.width + focusPad - 1, (int) box.height + focusPad - 1); break; case OVAL: g2.drawOval(x, y, (int) box.width + focusPad - 1, (int) box.height + focusPad - 1); break; // case ROUNDRECT: // default: // g2.drawRoundRect(x, y, (int) box.width + focusPad - 1, (int) box.height + // focusPad - 1, // Options.canv_ArcSize + 1, Options.canv_ArcSize + 1); // break; } } /** * Recalculates the total size of the tree. * */ protected void updateSize() { Point2D.Double point = new Point2D.Double(this.sizeX + this.borderPad / 2, this.sizeY + this.borderPad / 2); this.viewTransform.transform(point, point); int x = 0; int y = 0; if (this.viewPortSize != null) { x = this.viewPortSize.width + x; y = this.viewPortSize.height + y; } Dimension dim = new Dimension(Math.max((int) point.getX(), x), Math.max((int) point.getY(), y)); this.setPreferredSize(dim); this.setMinimumSize(dim); this.revalidate(); } public ADToolMain getFrame() { return controller.getFrame(); } /** * Calculates optimal number of rows and columns - used for printing. * * @param pageHeight * height of the page. * @param pageWidth * width of the page. * @param noPages * maximum number of pages. * @return */ private Point getColsRows(double pageHeight, double pageWidth, int noPages) { double ratio = (pageWidth / pageHeight) / (sizeY / sizeX); int rows = 1; int cols = 1; while (true) { if (ratio * ((double) rows / cols) > 1) { cols++; if (cols * rows > noPages) { cols--; return new Point((int) cols, (int) rows); } } else { rows++; if (cols * rows > noPages) { rows--; return new Point((int) cols, (int) rows); } } } } protected NodeTree tree; /** * Size of canvas */ protected double sizeX = 0; /** * Size of canvas after transformation */ protected double sizeY = 0; /** * If true then we do not synchronize our size with other canvases. */ protected boolean localExtentProvider; /** * A page format used for printing. */ protected PageFormat pageFormat; protected PrintRequestAttributeSet printAttr; /** * Holds a size of the viewPort */ protected Dimension viewPortSize; /** * A map between nodes and its positions. Used to buffer the result of Walkers * algorithm. */ protected Map<Node, Rectangle2D.Double> bufferedLayout; protected DefaultConfiguration<Node> configuration; protected GuiNode focused; /** * If focused is null, this holds the value of last focused node - never null. */ protected GuiNode lastFocused; /** * Transformation doing scaling and moving. */ protected AffineTransform viewTransform = new AffineTransform(); /** * A scale factor for drawing. */ protected double scale = 1; protected final int borderPad = 20; /** * How much we move the canvas horizontally. */ protected double moveX = 0; /** * How much we move the canvas vertically. */ protected double moveY = 0; /** * How much a focus circle is padded. */ protected final int focusPad = 10; /** * JScrollPane that handles canvas scrolling. */ protected JScrollPane scrollPane; /** * Parameters for the Walkers algorithm. */ protected final BasicStroke selectionStroke = new BasicStroke(1, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0, new float[] { 6, 10 }, 0); protected final BasicStroke basicStroke = new BasicStroke(Options.canv_LineWidth, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND); private final BasicStroke counterStroke = new BasicStroke(Options.canv_LineWidth, BasicStroke.CAP_ROUND, BasicStroke.JOIN_ROUND, 0, new float[] { 0, 6 }, 0); protected MainController controller; protected History history; static final long serialVersionUID = 158222312311522883L; protected int labelCounter; protected static final String LABEL_PREFIX = "N_"; public static enum NodeLayout { NORMAL, RADIAL } protected NodeLayout nodeLayout = Options.canv_defaultLayout; /** * Center of root node when using RADIAL display layout - x component */ protected double radialX = 0; /** * Center of root node when using RADIAL display layout - y component */ protected double radialY = 0; }