Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2006 Baltijos Sprendimai ( * Authorship: Aleksandr Panzin ( * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package lt.bsprendimai.ddesk; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import javax.faces.model.SelectItem; import lt.bsprendimai.ddesk.dao.Person; import lt.bsprendimai.ddesk.dao.SessionHolder; import lt.bsprendimai.ddesk.dao.Status; import lt.bsprendimai.ddesk.dao.TicketInfo; import lt.bsprendimai.ddesk.dao.Timekeeping; import org.hibernate.CacheMode; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.criterion.Conjunction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Disjunction; import org.hibernate.criterion.Expression; import org.hibernate.criterion.MatchMode; import org.hibernate.criterion.Order; /** * Ticket search funtionality. * * @author Aleksandr Panzin (JAlexoid) */ @SuppressWarnings({ "deprecation", "unchecked" }) public class SearchParameters implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 7634389289051481925L; private TicketAccessor ti; private static final int PAGE_STEP = 15; private TicketFilter spe = new TicketFilter(); private String ticketName; private String uniqueId; // private Double version; private Integer person; private Integer company; private Integer status; private Integer priority; private Integer assigned; private Integer project; private Integer module; boolean unvoidDate = false; Date forDate; int page = 0; int accepted = 0; int closed = 0; int chargeable = 0; boolean lastEmpty = true; /** Creates a new instance of SearchParameters */ public SearchParameters() { } public List<TicketInfo> getTicketList() { // System.out.println("Getting list at page "+page); try { Criteria crit = SessionHolder.currentSession().getSess().createCriteria(TicketInfo.class); if (getSpe().sortEditDate != null) { if (getSpe().sortEditDate) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("editDate")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("editDate")); } else if (getSpe().sortAsignee != null) { if (getSpe().sortAsignee) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("asignee")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("asignee")); } else if (getSpe().sortStatus != null) { if (getSpe().sortStatus) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("status")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("status")); } else if (getSpe().sortPriority != null) { if (getSpe().sortPriority) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("priority")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("priority")); } else if (getSpe().sortCompany != null) { if (getSpe().sortCompany) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("companyName")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("companyName")); } else if (getSpe().sortReportDate != null) { if (getSpe().sortReportDate) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("reportDate")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("reportDate")); } else if (getSpe().sortName != null) { if (getSpe().sortName) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("name")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("name")); } else if (getSpe().sortUniqueId != null) { if (getSpe().sortUniqueId) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("uniqueId")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("uniqueId")); } else if (getSpe().sortPlaned != null) { if (getSpe().sortPlaned) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("planedDate")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("planedDate")); } else if (getSpe().sortType != null) { if (getSpe().sortType) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("type")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("type")); } else if (getSpe().sortVersion != null) { if (getSpe().sortVersion) crit.addOrder(Order.asc("version")); else crit.addOrder(Order.desc("version")); } else { crit.addOrder(Order.desc("id")); } if (spe.status != null)// for verbosity, if != to initial state crit.add(Expression.eq("status", spe.status)); else { if (spe.accepted > 0) {// for verbosity, if != to initial state if (spe.accepted == 1) crit.add("status", Status.ACCEPTED)); else crit.add("status", Status.ACCEPTED)); } if (spe.closed > 0) {// for verbosity, if != to initial state if (spe.closed == 1) crit.add(Expression.isNotNull("dateClosed")); else crit.add(Expression.isNull("dateClosed")); } } if (spe.chargeable != 0)// for verbosity, if != to initial state crit.add(Expression.eq("chargeable", spe.chargeable == 1)); if (spe.ticketName != null && !spe.ticketName.trim().equals(""))// for verbosity, if != // to initial state crit.add("name", spe.ticketName, MatchMode.ANYWHERE)); if (spe.uniqueId != null && !spe.uniqueId.trim().equals(""))// for verbosity, if != to // initial state crit.add(Expression.ilike("uniqueId", spe.uniqueId, MatchMode.START)); if (spe.person != null)// for verbosity, if != to initial state crit.add(Expression.eq("person", spe.person)); if ( != null)// for verbosity, if != to initial state crit.add(Expression.eq("company",; if (spe.priority != null)// for verbosity, if != to initial state crit.add(Expression.eq("priority", spe.priority)); if (spe.assigned != null) {// for verbosity, if != to initial state if (spe.assigned >= 0) crit.add(Expression.eq("assignedTo", spe.assigned)); else { if (spe.assigned == -2) crit.add(Expression.isNotNull("assignedTo")); else crit.add(Expression.isNull("assignedTo")); } } if (spe.project != null)// for verbosity, if != to initial state crit.add(Expression.eq("project", spe.project)); if (spe.module != null)// for verbosity, if != to initial state crit.add(Expression.eq("module", spe.module)); if (spe.version != null)// for verbosity, if != to initial state crit.add(Expression.eq("version", spe.version)); if (spe.type != null)// for verbosity, if != to initial state crit.add(Expression.eq("type", spe.type)); if (ti.getUserHandler().isPartner()) { Disjunction dis = Expression.disjunction(); dis.add(Expression.eq("projectsCompany", ti.getUserHandler().getUser().getCompany())); dis.add(Expression.eq("assignedTo", ti.getUserHandler().getUser().getId())); dis.add(Expression.eq("reportBy", ti.getUserHandler().getUser().getId())); crit.add(dis); } if (spe.forDate != null) { Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(spe.forDate); c.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); long time1 = c.getTimeInMillis(); c.set(Calendar.HOUR, 23); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); long time2 = c.getTimeInMillis(); crit.add(Expression.between("planedDate", new Date(time1), new Date(time2))); } crit.setCacheMode(CacheMode.NORMAL); crit.setMaxResults(PAGE_STEP); crit.setFirstResult(page * PAGE_STEP); List<TicketInfo> l = (List<TicketInfo>) crit.list(); this.lastEmpty = l.size() == 0 || l.size() < PAGE_STEP; return l; } catch (Exception ex) { SessionHolder.endSession(); UIMessenger.addFatalKeyMessage("error.transaction.abort", ti.getUserHandler().getUserLocale()); ex.printStackTrace(); return TicketAccessor.getEMPTYInfoList(); } } public List<Timekeeping> getTimerList() { try { if (forDate == null) return new LinkedList<Timekeeping>(); Criteria crit = SessionHolder.currentSession().getSess().createCriteria(Timekeeping.class); crit.addOrder(Order.desc("id")); if (person == null) { person = ti.getUserHandler().getUser().getId(); } crit.add(Expression.eq("person", person)); Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance(); c.setTime(forDate); c.set(Calendar.HOUR, 0); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 0); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 0); Date dt1 = c.getTime(); c.set(Calendar.HOUR, 23); c.set(Calendar.MINUTE, 59); c.set(Calendar.SECOND, 59); Date dt2 = c.getTime(); Conjunction cr = Expression.conjunction(); cr.add(Expression.le("start", dt1)); cr.add("finish", dt2)); Disjunction dj = Expression.disjunction(); dj.add(cr); dj.add(Expression.between("start", dt1, dt2)); dj.add(Expression.between("finish", dt1, dt2)); crit.add(dj); List<Timekeeping> l = (List<Timekeeping>) crit.list(); return l; } catch (Exception ex) { SessionHolder.endSession(); UIMessenger.addFatalKeyMessage("error.transaction.abort", ti.getUserHandler().getUserLocale()); ex.printStackTrace(); return new LinkedList<Timekeeping>(); } } public List<TicketInfo> getLateTicketList() { if (spe.assigned == null) return TicketAccessor.getEMPTYInfoList(); try { return (List<TicketInfo>) SessionHolder.currentSession().getSess().createQuery("from " + TicketInfo.class.getName() + " t WHERE t.dateClosed IS NULL AND t.assignedTo = ? AND (t.planedDate <= ? OR t.planedDate IS NULL) ORDER BY t.planedDate DESC, t.priority ASC ") .setInteger(0, spe.assigned).setTimestamp(1, new Date(System.currentTimeMillis() - 43200000l)) .list(); } catch (Exception ex) { SessionHolder.endSession(); UIMessenger.addFatalKeyMessage("error.transaction.abort", ti.getUserHandler().getUserLocale()); ex.printStackTrace(); return TicketAccessor.getEMPTYInfoList(); } } // Sortings public String sortEditDateAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortEditDate; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortEditDate = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortEditDate = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortAsigneeAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortAsignee; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortAsignee = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortAsignee = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortStatusAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortStatus; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortStatus = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortStatus = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortVersionAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortVersion; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortVersion = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortVersion = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortPriorityAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortPriority; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortPriority = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortPriority = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortCompanyAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortCompany; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortCompany = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortCompany = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortReportDateAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortReportDate; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortReportDate = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortReportDate = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortNameAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortName; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortName = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortName = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortUniqueIdAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortUniqueId; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortUniqueId = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortUniqueId = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortPlanedAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortPlaned; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortPlaned = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortPlaned = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } public String sortTypeAction() { Boolean copy = getSpe().sortType; clearSort(); if (copy != null) { getSpe().sortType = !copy; } else { getSpe().sortType = true; } return StandardResults.STAY; } // // public List<SelectItem> getSearchSubjectSelect() { // List<SelectItem> ll = new LinkedList<SelectItem>(); // // SelectItem si; // // si = new SelectItem(); // si.setValue(new Integer(0)); // si.setLabel("Admin"); // ll.add(si); // // si = new SelectItem(); // si.setValue(new Integer(1)); // si.setLabel("Kiti"); // ll.add(si); // // return ll; // // } public String getTicketName() { return ticketName; } public void setTicketName(String ticketName) { this.ticketName = ticketName; } public String getUniqueId() { return uniqueId; } public void setUniqueId(String uniqueId) { this.uniqueId = uniqueId; } public Integer getPerson() { return person; } public void setPerson(Integer person) { this.person = person; } public Integer getCompany() { return company; } public void setCompany(Integer company) { = company; } public String apply() { page = 0; return StandardResults.STAY; } public void clearSort() { getSpe().sortEditDate = null; getSpe().sortAsignee = null; getSpe().sortStatus = null; getSpe().sortPriority = null; getSpe().sortCompany = null; getSpe().sortReportDate = null; getSpe().sortName = null; getSpe().sortUniqueId = null; getSpe().sortVersion = null; getSpe().sortType = null; } public String clear() { spe.ticketName = null; spe.uniqueId = null; spe.person = null; = null; spe.accepted = 0; spe.closed = 0; spe.chargeable = 0; page = 0; spe.assigned = null; spe.version = null; spe.status = null; unvoidDate = false; spe.forDate = null; spe.project = null; spe.module = null; person = null; forDate = null; clearSort(); return StandardResults.VIEW; } public String next() { if (!this.lastEmpty) page++; // System.out.println("Page inc "+page); return StandardResults.STAY; } public String previous() { page--; if (page < 0) page = 0; // System.out.println("Page dec "+page); return StandardResults.STAY; } public int getPage() { return page; } public void setPage(int page) { // System.out.println("Set page "+page); = page; } public TicketAccessor getTi() { return ti; } public void setTi(TicketAccessor ti) { if (ti != null) ti.setSearchParameters(this); this.ti = ti; if (ti.getUserHandler() != null && ti.getUserHandler().getFilterSort() != null) setSpe(ti.getUserHandler().getFilterSort()); } public List<SelectItem> getPersons() { List<Person> la = new ArrayList<Person>(0); try { la = (List<Person>) SessionHolder.currentSession().getSess() .createQuery("from " + Person.class.getName() + " t WHERE = ? ORDER BY ") .setInteger(0,; } catch (Exception ex) { SessionHolder.endSession(); UIMessenger.addFatalKeyMessage("error.transaction.abort", ti.getUserHandler().getUserLocale()); ex.printStackTrace(); } List<SelectItem> ll = new LinkedList<SelectItem>(); SelectItem si = new SelectItem(); si.setValue(""); si.setLabel(""); ll.add(si); for (Person c : la) { si = new SelectItem(); si.setValue(c.getId().intValue()); si.setLabel(c.getName()); ll.add(si); } return ll; } public List<SelectItem> getModules() { if (spe.project != null) { try { return ProjectAccessor.getProjectModules(spe.project); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); SessionHolder.endSession(); UIMessenger.addFatalKeyMessage("error.transaction.abort", ti.getUserHandler().getUserLocale()); return new LinkedList<SelectItem>(); } } else { List<SelectItem> ll = new LinkedList<SelectItem>(); SelectItem si = new SelectItem(); si.setValue(""); si.setLabel(""); ll.add(si); return ll; } } public Integer getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(Integer status) { this.status = status; } public Integer getPriority() { return priority; } public void setPriority(Integer priority) { this.priority = priority; } public Integer getAssigned() { return assigned; } public void setAssigned(Integer assigned) { this.assigned = assigned; } public boolean isLastEmpty() { return lastEmpty; } public void setLastEmpty(boolean lastEmpty) { this.lastEmpty = lastEmpty; } public Date getForDate() { return forDate; } public void setForDate(Date forDate) { this.forDate = forDate; } public boolean isUnvoidDate() { return unvoidDate; } public void setUnvoidDate(boolean unvoidDate) { this.unvoidDate = unvoidDate; } public Boolean getSortEditDate() { return getSpe().sortEditDate; } public void setSortEditDate(Boolean sortEditDate) { getSpe().sortEditDate = sortEditDate; } public Boolean getSortAsignee() { return getSpe().sortAsignee; } public void setSortAsignee(Boolean sortAsignee) { getSpe().sortAsignee = sortAsignee; } public Boolean getSortStatus() { return getSpe().sortStatus; } public void setSortStatus(Boolean sortStatus) { getSpe().sortStatus = sortStatus; } public Boolean getSortPriority() { return getSpe().sortPriority; } public void setSortPriority(Boolean sortPriority) { getSpe().sortPriority = sortPriority; } public Boolean getSortCompany() { return getSpe().sortCompany; } public void setSortCompany(Boolean sortCompany) { getSpe().sortCompany = sortCompany; } public Boolean getSortReportDate() { return getSpe().sortReportDate; } public void setSortReportDate(Boolean sortReportDate) { getSpe().sortReportDate = sortReportDate; } public Boolean getSortName() { return getSpe().sortName; } public void setSortName(Boolean sortName) { getSpe().sortName = sortName; } public Boolean getSortUniqueId() { return getSpe().sortUniqueId; } public void setSortUniqueId(Boolean sortUniqueId) { getSpe().sortUniqueId = sortUniqueId; } public Boolean getSortPlaned() { return getSpe().sortPlaned; } public void setSortPlaned(Boolean sortPlaned) { getSpe().sortPlaned = sortPlaned; } public Integer getProject() { return project; } public void setProject(Integer project) { this.project = project; } public Integer getModule() { return module; } public void setModule(Integer module) { this.module = module; } public int getAccepted() { return accepted; } public void setAccepted(int accepted) { this.accepted = accepted; } public int getClosed() { return closed; } public void setClosed(int closed) { this.closed = closed; } public int getChargeable() { return chargeable; } public void setChargeable(int chargeable) { this.chargeable = chargeable; } public Double getVersion() { return spe.version; } public void setVersion(Double version) { spe.version = version; } public TicketFilter getSpe() { return spe; } public void setSpe(TicketFilter spe) { this.spe = spe; } }