Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 The Project Lombok Authors. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package lombok.ast.grammar; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import lombok.Getter; import lombok.ast.Comment; import lombok.ast.Expression; import lombok.ast.ForwardingAstVisitor; import lombok.ast.JavadocContainer; import lombok.ast.Node; import lombok.ast.Position; import org.parboiled.Context; import org.parboiled.RecoveringParseRunner; import org.parboiled.errors.ParseError; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class Source { @Getter private final String name; @Getter private final String rawInput; private List<Node> nodes; private List<ParseProblem> problems; private List<Comment> comments; private boolean parsed; private ParsingResult<Node> parsingResult; private TreeMap<Integer, Integer> positionDeltas; private Map<org.parboiled.Node<Node>, Node> registeredStructures; private Map<org.parboiled.Node<Node>, List<Comment>> registeredComments; private String preprocessed; private Map<Node, Collection<SourceStructure>> cachedSourceStructures; private List<Integer> lineEndings; public Source(String rawInput, String name) { this.rawInput = rawInput; = name; clear(); } public List<Node> getNodes() { parseCompilationUnit(); if (!parsed) throw new IllegalStateException("Code hasn't been parsed yet."); return nodes; } public List<ParseProblem> getProblems() { parseCompilationUnit(); return problems; } public void clear() { nodes = Lists.newArrayList(); problems = Lists.newArrayList(); comments = Lists.newArrayList(); lineEndings = ImmutableList.of(); parsed = false; parsingResult = null; positionDeltas = Maps.newTreeMap(); registeredComments = new MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap(); registeredStructures = new MapMaker().weakKeys().makeMap(); cachedSourceStructures = null; } public String getOverviewProfileInformation() { clear(); preProcess(); ParserGroup group = new ParserGroup(this); ProfilerParseRunner<Node> runner = new ProfilerParseRunner<Node>(group.structures.compilationUnitEoi(), preprocessed); this.parsingResult =; StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); out.append(runner.getOverviewReport()); postProcess(); return out.toString(); } public List<String> getDetailedProfileInformation(int top) { clear(); preProcess(); ParserGroup group = new ParserGroup(this); ProfilerParseRunner<Node> runner = new ProfilerParseRunner<Node>(group.structures.compilationUnitEoi(), preprocessed); this.parsingResult =; List<String> result = Lists.newArrayList(); result.add(runner.getOverviewReport()); result.addAll(runner.getExtendedReport(top)); postProcess(); return result; } private List<Integer> calculateLineEndings() { ImmutableList.Builder<Integer> builder = ImmutableList.builder(); boolean atCR = false; for (int i = 0; i < rawInput.length(); i++) { char c = rawInput.charAt(i); if (c == '\n' && !atCR) builder.add(i); atCR = c == '\r'; if (atCR) builder.add(i); } return; } public void parseCompilationUnit() { if (parsed) return; preProcess(); ParserGroup group = new ParserGroup(this); parsingResult =, preprocessed); postProcess(); } public void parseMember() { if (parsed) return; preProcess(); ParserGroup group = new ParserGroup(this); parsingResult =, preprocessed); postProcess(); } public void parseStatement() { if (parsed) return; preProcess(); ParserGroup group = new ParserGroup(this); parsingResult =, preprocessed); postProcess(); } public void parseExpression() { if (parsed) return; preProcess(); ParserGroup group = new ParserGroup(this); parsingResult =, preprocessed); postProcess(); } public void parseVariableDefinition() { if (parsed) return; preProcess(); ParserGroup group = new ParserGroup(this); parsingResult =, preprocessed); postProcess(); } private void postProcess() { for (ParseError error : parsingResult.parseErrors) { int errStart = error.getStartIndex(); int errEnd = error.getEndIndex(); problems.add( new ParseProblem(new Position(mapPosition(errStart), mapPosition(errEnd)), error.toString())); } if (parsingResult.parseTreeRoot != null) { nodes.add(parsingResult.parseTreeRoot.getValue()); gatherComments(parsingResult.parseTreeRoot); } comments = Collections.unmodifiableList(comments); nodes = Collections.unmodifiableList(nodes); problems = Collections.unmodifiableList(problems); rtrimPositions(nodes, comments); //TODO Write test case with javadoc intermixed with empty declares. //TODO test javadoc on a package declaration. //TODO javadoc in between keywords. associateJavadoc(comments, nodes); fixPositions(nodes); fixPositions(comments); parsed = true; } void registerStructure(Node node, org.parboiled.Node<Node> pNode) { registeredStructures.put(pNode, node); } public Map<Node, Collection<SourceStructure>> getSourceStructures() { if (cachedSourceStructures != null) return cachedSourceStructures; parseCompilationUnit(); ListMultimap<Node, SourceStructure> map = LinkedListMultimap.create(); org.parboiled.Node<Node> pNode = parsingResult.parseTreeRoot; buildSourceStructures(pNode, null, map); Map<Node, Collection<SourceStructure>> result = map.asMap(); for (Collection<SourceStructure> structures : result.values()) { for (SourceStructure structure : structures) { structure.setPosition(new Position(mapPosition(structure.getPosition().getStart()), mapPosition(structure.getPosition().getEnd()))); } } return cachedSourceStructures = result; } private void addSourceStructure(ListMultimap<Node, SourceStructure> map, Node node, SourceStructure structure) { if (structure.getPosition().size() > 0 && structure.getContent().trim().length() > 0 && !structure.getPosition().equals(node.getPosition())) { map.put(node, structure); } } private void buildSourceStructures(org.parboiled.Node<Node> pNode, Node owner, ListMultimap<Node, SourceStructure> map) { Node target = registeredStructures.remove(pNode); if (target != null || pNode.getChildren().isEmpty()) { int start = pNode.getStartIndex(); int end = pNode.getEndIndex(); String text = preprocessed.substring(start, end); SourceStructure structure = new SourceStructure(new Position(start, end), text); if (target != null) addSourceStructure(map, target, structure); else if (pNode.getValue() != null && !(pNode.getValue() instanceof TemporaryNode)) addSourceStructure(map, pNode.getValue(), structure); else if (owner != null) addSourceStructure(map, owner, structure); } else { Node possibleOwner = pNode.getValue(); if (possibleOwner instanceof TemporaryNode) possibleOwner = null; for (org.parboiled.Node<Node> child : pNode.getChildren()) { if (child.getValue() == null || child.getValue() instanceof TemporaryNode) continue; /* If the next if holds true, then we aren't the true generator; the child generated the node and this pNode adopted it */ if (child.getValue() == possibleOwner) possibleOwner = null; } if (possibleOwner != null) owner = possibleOwner; for (org.parboiled.Node<Node> child : pNode.getChildren()) { buildSourceStructures(child, owner, map); } } } /** * The end positions of all nodes include their trailing whitespace which isn't very convenient. * We'll 'fix' the end marker of each node by trimming it back. This is somewhat complicated as comments also need to be trimmed across. * We also adjust all positions to conform with the raw input (undoing any positional shifts caused by preprocessing). */ private void rtrimPositions(List<Node> nodes, List<Comment> comments) { final boolean[] whitespace = new boolean[preprocessed.length()]; for (Comment comment : comments) { Position p = comment.getPosition(); if (!p.isUnplaced()) { for (int i = p.getStart(); i < p.getEnd(); i++) whitespace[i] = true; } } /* Process actual whitespace in preprocessed source data */ { char[] chars = preprocessed.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) if (Character.isWhitespace(chars[i])) whitespace[i] = true; } for (Node node : nodes) node.accept(new ForwardingAstVisitor() { @Override public boolean visitNode(Node node) { Position p = node.getPosition(); if (p.isUnplaced()) return false; int trimmed = Math.min(whitespace.length, p.getEnd()); while (trimmed > 0 && whitespace[trimmed - 1]) trimmed--; int start, end; if (p.getEnd() - p.getStart() == 0) { if (node.getParent() != null) { start = Math.min(node.getParent().getPosition().getEnd(), Math.max(node.getParent().getPosition().getStart(), p.getStart())); end = start; } else { start = p.getStart(); end = start; } } else { start = p.getStart(); end = Math.max(trimmed, start); } node.setPosition(new Position(start, end)); return false; } }); } private void fixPositions(List<? extends Node> nodes) { for (Node node : nodes) node.accept(new ForwardingAstVisitor() { @Override public boolean visitNode(Node node) { Position p = node.getPosition(); if (!p.isUnplaced()) { node.setPosition(new Position(mapPosition(p.getStart()), mapPosition(p.getEnd()))); } if (node instanceof Expression) { List<Position> list = ((Expression) node).astParensPositions(); if (list != null) { ListIterator<Position> li = list.listIterator(); while (li.hasNext()) { Position parenPos =; if (!parenPos.isUnplaced()) { parenPos = new Position(mapPosition(parenPos.getStart()), mapPosition(parenPos.getEnd())); li.set(parenPos); } } } } return false; } }); } /** * Associates comments that are javadocs to the node they belong to, by checking if the node that immediately follows a javadoc node is a JavadocContainer. */ private void associateJavadoc(List<Comment> comments, List<Node> nodes) { final TreeMap<Integer, Node> startPosMap = Maps.newTreeMap(); for (Node node : nodes) node.accept(new ForwardingAstVisitor() { @Override public boolean visitNode(Node node) { if (node.isGenerated()) return false; int startPos = node.getPosition().getStart(); Node current = startPosMap.get(startPos); if (current == null || !(current instanceof JavadocContainer)) { startPosMap.put(startPos, node); } return false; } }); for (Comment comment : comments) { if (!comment.isJavadoc()) continue; Map<Integer, Node> tailMap = startPosMap.tailMap(comment.getPosition().getEnd()); if (tailMap.isEmpty()) continue; Node assoc = tailMap.values().iterator().next(); if (!(assoc instanceof JavadocContainer)) continue; JavadocContainer jc = (JavadocContainer) assoc; if (jc.rawJavadoc() != null) { if (jc.rawJavadoc().getPosition().getEnd() >= comment.getPosition().getEnd()) continue; } jc.rawJavadoc(comment); } } void registerComment(Context<Node> context, Comment c) { List<Comment> list = registeredComments.get(context); if (list == null) { list = Lists.newArrayList(); registeredComments.put(context.getSubNodes().get(0), list); } list.add(c); } /** * Delves through the parboiled node tree to find comments. */ private boolean gatherComments(org.parboiled.Node<Node> parsed) { boolean foundComments = false; for (org.parboiled.Node<Node> child : parsed.getChildren()) { foundComments |= gatherComments(child); } List<Comment> cmts = registeredComments.get(parsed); if (cmts != null) for (Comment c : cmts) { comments.add(c); return true; } return foundComments; } private void setPositionDelta(int position, int delta) { Integer i = positionDeltas.get(position); if (i == null) i = 0; positionDeltas.put(position, i + delta); } public List<Integer> getLineEndingsTable() { return lineEndings; } public long lineColumn(int index) { //Possible efficiency improvement: Store in a list the index into the line table with the first line that's over 500, 1000, 1500, ... chars. //Or just binary search. int oldIdx = 0; int line = 0; for (; line < lineEndings.size(); line++) { int pos = lineEndings.get(line); if (pos > index) break; oldIdx = pos; } return ((long) line << 32 | index - oldIdx); } /** * Maps a position in the {@code preprocessed} string to the equivalent character in the {@code rawInput}. * * The difference is caused by decoding backslash-U unicode escapes, for example. */ int mapPosition(int position) { int out = position; for (int delta : positionDeltas.headMap(position, true).values()) { out += delta; } return out; } private String preProcess() { preprocessed = rawInput; this.lineEndings = calculateLineEndings(); applyBackslashU(); // applyBraceMatching(); return preprocessed; } /** * @see <a href="">JLS section 3.3</a> */ private void applyBackslashU() { StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(); int state = 0; int idx = 0; for (char c : preprocessed.toCharArray()) { idx++; switch (state) { case 0: //normal mode. Anything that isn't a backslash is not interesting. if (c != '\\') { out.append(c); break; } state = 1; break; case 1: //Last character read is an (uneven amount of) backslash. if (c != 'u') { out.append('\\'); out.append(c); state = 0; } else { buffer.setLength(0); buffer.append("\\u"); state = 2; } break; //TODO add a test for more backslash-U stuff. default: //Gobbling hex digits. state-2 is our current position. We want 4. buffer.append(c); if (c == 'u') { //JLS Puzzler: backslash-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-u-4hexdigits means the same thing as just 1 u. //So, we just keep going as if nothing changed. } else if ((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F')) { state++; if (state == 6) { //We've got our 4 hex digits. out.append((char) Integer.parseInt(buffer.substring(buffer.length() - 4), 0x10)); int delta = buffer.length() - 1; //Buffer goes away but 1 character appears in its place. setPositionDelta(idx - delta, delta); buffer.setLength(0); //We don't have to check if this char is a backslash and set state to 1; JLS says backslash-u is not recursively applied. state = 0; } } else { //Invalid unicode escape. problems.add(new ParseProblem(new Position(idx - buffer.length(), idx), "Invalid backslash-u escape: \\u is supposed to be followed by 4 hex digits.")); out.append(buffer.toString()); state = 0; } break; } } preprocessed = out.toString(); } }