Java tutorial
/* Copyright (c) 2010, Johannes Kster <> * All rights reserved. * * This software is open-source under the BSD license; see "license.txt" * for a description. */ package logicProteinHypernetwork.networkStates; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Stack; import modalLogic.formula.Formula; import modalLogic.tableau.KRules; import modalLogic.tableau.LabelledFormula; import modalLogic.tableau.Rules; import modalLogic.tableau.Tableau; import modalLogic.tableau.World; import modalLogic.tableau.comparators.PointerComparator; import logicProteinHypernetwork.formulas.NetworkEntityToMinimalNetworkStateFormula; import org.apache.commons.collections15.Transformer; import proteinHypernetwork.NetworkEntity; import proteinHypernetwork.ProteinHypernetwork; import proteinHypernetwork.interactions.Interaction; import proteinHypernetwork.proteins.Protein; /** * Calculates minimal network states for a network entity. * * @author Johannes Kster <> */ public class NetworkEntityToMinimalNetworkStates implements Transformer<NetworkEntity, Collection<MinimalNetworkState>> { private ProteinHypernetwork hypernetwork; private Rules<NetworkEntity> tableauRules = new KRules<NetworkEntity>(); private PointerComparator<NetworkEntity> propositionComparator = new PointerComparator<NetworkEntity>(); private TableauToMinimalNetworkState ts = new TableauToMinimalNetworkState(); private NetworkEntityToMinimalNetworkStateFormula networkEntityToFormula; /** * Constructor of class NetworkEntityToMinimalNetworkStates. * * @param hypernetwork * the hypernetwork * @param perturbations * the perturbations */ public NetworkEntityToMinimalNetworkStates(ProteinHypernetwork hypernetwork, Collection<NetworkEntity> perturbations) { this.hypernetwork = hypernetwork; networkEntityToFormula = new NetworkEntityToMinimalNetworkStateFormula(hypernetwork, perturbations); } /** * Returns all minimal network states for a given entity. * * @param e * the network entity * @return all minimal network states */ public Collection<MinimalNetworkState> transform(final NetworkEntity e) { Collection<MinimalNetworkState> states = new ArrayList<MinimalNetworkState>(); Formula<NetworkEntity> f = networkEntityToFormula.transform(e); calculateAllTableauPaths(e, f, states); return states; } /** * Calculates all minimally constrained satisfying models using the tableau * algorithm and derives the minimal network states. * * @param e * the network entity * @param f * the minimal network state formula * @param states * the place where all minimal network states are collected */ public void calculateAllTableauPaths(final NetworkEntity e, final Formula<NetworkEntity> f, final Collection<MinimalNetworkState> states) { f.toNegationNormalForm(); Stack<Collection<Formula<NetworkEntity>>> blocked = new Stack<Collection<Formula<NetworkEntity>>>(); blocked.push(new ArrayList<Formula<NetworkEntity>>()); boolean first = true; while (!blocked.isEmpty()) { Tableau<NetworkEntity> tableau = new Tableau<NetworkEntity>(tableauRules, propositionComparator, false); tableau.setFormula(f); Collection<Formula<NetworkEntity>> bs = blocked.pop(); World start = new World(0, propositionComparator); for (Formula<NetworkEntity> b : bs) { tableau.block(start, b); } boolean satisfiable = tableau.proofSearch(); if (!satisfiable && first) { System.err.println("Formula not satisfiable for entity " + e + ". This indicates a circular interaction dependency which is not allowed. Until you fix this, we assume that the entity does not have any competitors or dependencies."); MinimalNetworkState mns = new MinimalNetworkState(); mns.setEntity(e); mns.addNecessary(e); if (e instanceof Interaction) { for (Protein p : ((Interaction) e).getProteins()) mns.addNecessary(p); } states.add(mns); } if (satisfiable) { MinimalNetworkState s = ts.transform(tableau); s.setEntity(e); states.add(s); for (LabelledFormula<NetworkEntity> d : tableau.getDisjunctions()) { Formula<NetworkEntity> active = tableau.getActiveDisjunct(d).getFormula(); int index = active.getParent().indexOf(active); if (index != 0) { // find other children that are not yet pre-blocked for (Formula<NetworkEntity> child : d.getFormula()) { LabelledFormula<NetworkEntity> lf = tableau.getLabelledFormula(d.getWorld(), child); if (lf != null) { for (Formula<NetworkEntity> el : lf.getEliminationExplanation()) { if (el.indexOf( tableau.getActiveDisjunct(tableau.getLabelledFormula(d.getWorld(), el)) .getFormula()) == 0) { Collection<Formula<NetworkEntity>> bs2 = new ArrayList<Formula<NetworkEntity>>( bs); bs2.add(tableau.getActiveDisjunct(d).getFormula()); blocked.push(bs2); } } } } } } } first = false; } } }