Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package logic; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import model.Access; import model.AttackWay; import model.CVE; import model.Impact; import projetoac.Main; /** * * @author Elias */ public abstract class Util { private static List<CVE> tempcves; private static final String URL_API_VENDORS = ""; private static final String URL_API_SEARCH = ""; private static final String URL_API_CVE = ""; private static final String CPE_TEXT = "vulnerable_configuration"; private static final String CPE_TEXTV2 = "vulnerable_configuration_cpe_2_2"; public static List<CVE> getCvesDetails(List<CVE> cves, ProgressUpdateListener progressListener) { List<CVE> completedCves = veryfyCves(cves); int progress = 0; System.out.println("CVES size: " + cves.size()); for (CVE cve : cves) { if (!completedCves.contains(cve)) try { JsonObject cveDetails = getData(URL_API_CVE + cve.getId()).getAsJsonObject(); JsonObject impact = cveDetails.getAsJsonObject("impact"); JsonObject access = cveDetails.getAsJsonObject("access"); CVE newCve = getCveFromJson(cve, access, cveDetails.get("cvss"), cveDetails.get("cwe"), impact); JsonArray capec = cveDetails.getAsJsonArray("capec"); newCve.setAttackWays(getCapecFromJSon(capec)); completedCves.add(newCve); progress++; if (progressListener.onProgressUpdate(progress)) return null; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } return completedCves; } private static List<AttackWay> getCapecFromJSon(JsonArray capec) { List<AttackWay> attackWays = new ArrayList<>(); if (capec != null) capec.forEach(c -> { AttackWay aw = new AttackWay(); aw.setName(c.getAsJsonObject().get("name").getAsString()); c.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("solutions").forEach(s -> { aw.setSolution((aw.getSolution() == null ? "" : aw.getSolution()) + s.getAsString() + "<br>"); }); c.getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("summary").forEach(s -> { aw.setSummary((aw.getSummary() == null ? "" : aw.getSummary()) + s.getAsString() + "<br>"); }); attackWays.add(aw); }); return attackWays; } public static boolean haveCveOnJson(String id) { return (new File("database/" + id + ".json").exists()); } private static CVE getCveFromJson(CVE cve, JsonObject access, JsonElement cvss, JsonElement cwe, JsonObject impact) { CVE newCve = new CVE(); newCve.setId(cve.getId()); newCve.setVendor(cve.getVendor()); newCve.setProduct(cve.getProduct()); newCve.setSearchedVersion(cve.getSearchedVersion()); newCve.setCpe(cve.getCpe()); try { newCve.setAccess(new Access(access.get("authentication").getAsString(), access.get("complexity").getAsString(), access.get("vector").getAsString())); } catch (Exception e) { } try { newCve.setCvss(cvss.getAsFloat()); } catch (Exception e) { } try { newCve.setCwe(cwe.getAsString()); } catch (Exception e) { } try { newCve.setImpact(new Impact(impact.get("availability").getAsString(), impact.get("confidentiality").getAsString(), impact.get("integrity").getAsString())); } catch (Exception e) { } return newCve; } public static ArrayList<String> getVendors() throws IOException { ArrayList<String> vs = new ArrayList<>(); vs.add("Vendors"); JsonArray vendors = getData(URL_API_VENDORS).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("vendor"); vendors.forEach(x -> vs.add(x.getAsString())); return vs; } public static ArrayList<String> getProducts(String vendor) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> ps = new ArrayList<>(); ps.add("Products"); JsonArray products = getData(URL_API_VENDORS + "/" + vendor).getAsJsonObject().getAsJsonArray("product"); products.forEach(x -> ps.add(x.getAsString())); return ps; } public static ArrayList<String> getCvesByProduct(String vendor, String product) throws IOException { ArrayList<String> cps = new ArrayList<>(); tempcves = new ArrayList<>(); cps.add("Versions"); JsonArray products = getData(URL_API_SEARCH + "/" + vendor + "/" + product).getAsJsonArray(); products.forEach((obj) -> { String cve = obj.getAsJsonObject().get("id").getAsString(); CVE cveObj = new CVE(cve, product, vendor); getCpesFromApi(obj, cveObj, cps, CPE_TEXT); getCpesFromApi(obj, cveObj, cps, CPE_TEXTV2); tempcves.add(cveObj); }); return cps; } private static void getCpesFromApi(JsonElement obj, CVE cveObj, ArrayList<String> cps, String cpeVersion) { obj.getAsJsonObject().get(cpeVersion).getAsJsonArray().forEach(cpe -> { String version = CVE.getVersion(cpe.getAsString()); if (!version.isEmpty()) { if (!haveThisVersionInsideCpe(cveObj.getCpe(), cpe.getAsString())) cveObj.addCpe(cpe.getAsString()); if (!cps.contains(version)) cps.add(version); } }); } private static boolean haveThisVersionInsideCpe(List<String> cpes, String cpeToFind) { boolean flag = false; for (String s : cpes) { if (s.equals(cpeToFind) || CVE.getVersion(s).equals(CVE.getVersion(cpeToFind))) { flag = true; System.out.println(CVE.getVersion(s)); System.out.println(CVE.getVersion(cpeToFind)); } } return flag; } private static JsonElement getData(String urlStr) throws IOException { System.out.println(urlStr); URL url = new URL(urlStr); HttpURLConnection request = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); request.connect(); JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonElement root = jp.parse(new InputStreamReader((InputStream) request.getContent())); return root; } public static List<CVE> getCves() { return tempcves; } private static JsonElement getDatabase(String file) { JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); InputStream is; try { is = new FileInputStream(file); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { return null; } Reader inputStreamReader = new InputStreamReader(is); return jp.parse(inputStreamReader); } private static ArrayList<CVE> veryfyCves(List<CVE> cves) { Gson gson = new Gson(); ArrayList<CVE> cvesAux = new ArrayList<>(); -> { JsonElement validate = getDatabase("database/" + item.getId() + ".json"); JsonObject c = validate == null ? null : validate.isJsonObject() ? validate.getAsJsonObject() : null; if (c != null) { cvesAux.add(gson.fromJson(c, CVE.class)); } }); return cvesAux; } public static boolean getReport(String arg) { JsonElement validate = getDatabase(arg); JsonArray c = validate == null ? null : validate.isJsonArray() ? validate.getAsJsonArray() : null; Main m = new Main(new ArrayList<CVE>()); List<String> vendors = new ArrayList<>(); try { vendors = getVendors(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Server fail or no internet connection! " + e.getMessage()); } if (c != null) { for (JsonElement vulns : c) { CVE cve = new CVE(vulns.getAsJsonObject().get("vendor").getAsString(), vulns.getAsJsonObject().get("product").getAsString()); cve.setSearchedVersion(vulns.getAsJsonObject().get("version").getAsString()); try { if (vendors.contains(cve.getVendor())) { try { if (!getProducts(cve.getVendor()).contains(cve.getProduct())) throw new Exception(); getCvesByProduct(cve.getVendor(), cve.getProduct()); m.addToCves(cve); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("This vendor " + cve.getVendor() + " does not have this product: " + cve.getProduct()); } } else { System.err.println("Vendor does not exists: " + cve.getVendor()); } } catch (Exception ex) { } } m.generateReport(); } return c != null; } }