Java tutorial
// // Burp Suite Logger++ // // Released as open source by NCC Group Plc - // // Developed by Soroush Dalili (@irsdl) // // Project link: // // Released under AGPL see LICENSE for more information // package loggerplusplus; import burp.*; import loggerplusplus.filter.ColorFilter; import loggerplusplus.userinterface.LogTable; import loggerplusplus.userinterface.LogTableColumn; import loggerplusplus.userinterface.LogTableColumnModel; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringEscapeUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import javax.swing.*; import; import java.text.ParseException; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; // // class to hold details of each log entry // //TODO Better column to value mapping. public class LogEntry extends RowFilter.Entry { public boolean isImported; public UUID uuid; public IHttpRequestResponse requestResponse; public int tool; public String host = ""; public String method = ""; public URL url; public String relativeURL = ""; public boolean params = false; public Short status = -1; public boolean hasBodyParam = false; public boolean hasCookieParam = false; public String targetIP = ""; // Burp Suite API does not give it to me! public String title = ""; public String newCookies = ""; public String sentCookies = ""; public String listenerInterface = ""; public boolean isSSL = false; public String urlExtension = ""; public String referrerURL = ""; public String requestContentType = ""; public String protocol = ""; public int targetPort = -1; public int requestLength = -1; public String clientIP = ""; public boolean hasSetCookies = false; public String responseTime = ""; public String responseMimeType = ""; public String responseInferredMimeType = ""; public int responseLength = -1; public String responseContentType = ""; public boolean complete = false; public cookieJarStatus usesCookieJar = cookieJarStatus.NO; // public User Relatedpublic public String comment = ""; // public RegEx Variablespublic public String[] regexAllReq = { "", "", "", "", "" }; public String[] regexAllResp = { "", "", "", "", "" }; public ArrayList<UUID> matchingColorFilters; public int requestBodyOffset; public int responseBodyOffset; public String requestTime; public String requestResponseDelay; public String responseHeaders; public String requestHeaders; // Defining necessary parameters from the caller public LogEntry() { this.uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); this.matchingColorFilters = new ArrayList<UUID>(); this.comment = ""; this.requestTime = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss").format(new Date()); } public LogEntry(boolean isImported) { this(); this.isImported = isImported; if (isImported) { this.requestTime = "NA"; this.responseTime = "NA"; this.requestResponseDelay = "NA"; } } public void processRequest(int tool, IHttpRequestResponse requestResponse, URL url, IRequestInfo tempAnalyzedReq, IInterceptedProxyMessage message) { IHttpService tempRequestResponseHttpService = requestResponse.getHttpService(); String strFullRequest = new String(requestResponse.getRequest()); List<String> lstFullRequestHeader = tempAnalyzedReq.getHeaders(); requestHeaders = StringUtils.join(lstFullRequestHeader, ", "); LogTable logTable = LoggerPlusPlus.getInstance().getLogTable(); this.tool = tool; this.requestResponse = requestResponse; this.url = url; if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("path")) // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming this.relativeURL = url.getPath(); = tempRequestResponseHttpService.getHost(); this.protocol = tempRequestResponseHttpService.getProtocol(); this.isSSL = this.protocol.equals("https"); if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("targetPort")) // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming this.targetPort = tempRequestResponseHttpService.getPort(); if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("method")) // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming this.method = tempAnalyzedReq.getMethod(); try { // I don't want to delete special characters such as ; or : from the extension as it may really be part of the extension! (burp proxy log ignores them) String tempPath = url.getPath().replaceAll("\\\\", "/"); tempPath = tempPath.substring(tempPath.lastIndexOf("/")); int tempPathDotLocation = tempPath.lastIndexOf("."); if (tempPathDotLocation >= 0) this.urlExtension = tempPath.substring(tempPathDotLocation + 1); } catch (Exception e) { this.urlExtension = ""; } if (message != null) { if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("listenerInterface")) // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming this.listenerInterface = message.getListenerInterface(); if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("clientIP")) // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming this.clientIP = message.getClientIpAddress().toString(); } requestBodyOffset = tempAnalyzedReq.getBodyOffset(); this.requestLength = requestResponse.getRequest().length - requestBodyOffset; this.hasBodyParam = requestLength > 0; this.params = this.url.getQuery() != null || this.hasBodyParam; this.hasCookieParam = false; // reading request headers like a boss! if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("sentCookies") || logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("hasCookieParam") || logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("usesCookieJar") || logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("referrer") || logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("requestContentType")) { // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming for (String item : lstFullRequestHeader) { if (item.indexOf(":") >= 0) { String[] headerItem = item.split(":\\s", 2); headerItem[0] = headerItem[0].toLowerCase(); if (headerItem[0].equals("cookie")) { this.sentCookies = headerItem[1]; if (!this.sentCookies.isEmpty()) { this.hasCookieParam = true; this.sentCookies += ";"; // we need to ad this to search it in cookie Jar! // to ensure it is enabled as it is process consuming if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("usesCookieJar")) { // Check to see if it uses cookie Jars! List<ICookie> cookieJars = LoggerPlusPlus.getCallbacks().getCookieJarContents(); boolean oneNotMatched = false; boolean anyParamMatched = false; for (ICookie cookieItem : cookieJars) { if (cookieItem.getDomain().equals( { // now we want to see if any of these cookies have been set here! String currentCookieJarParam = cookieItem.getName() + "=" + cookieItem.getValue() + ";"; if (this.sentCookies.contains(currentCookieJarParam)) { anyParamMatched = true; } else { oneNotMatched = true; } } if (anyParamMatched && oneNotMatched) { break; // we do not need to analyse it more! } } if (oneNotMatched && anyParamMatched) { this.usesCookieJar = cookieJarStatus.PARTIALLY; } else if (!oneNotMatched && anyParamMatched) { this.usesCookieJar = cookieJarStatus.YES; } } } } else if (headerItem[0].equals("referer")) { this.referrerURL = headerItem[1]; } else if (headerItem[0].equals("content-type")) { this.requestContentType = headerItem[1]; } } } } // RegEx processing for requests - should be available only when we have a RegEx rule! // There are 5 RegEx rule for requests for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) { String regexVarName = "regex" + (i + 1) + "Req"; if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled(regexVarName)) { // so this rule is enabled! // check to see if the RegEx is not empty LogTableColumn regexColumn = logTable.getColumnModel().getColumnByName(regexVarName); String regexString = regexColumn.getRegExData().getRegExString(); if (!regexString.isEmpty()) { // now we can process it safely! Pattern p = null; try { if (regexColumn.getRegExData().isRegExCaseSensitive()) p = Pattern.compile(regexString); else p = Pattern.compile(regexString, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(strFullRequest); StringBuilder allMatches = new StringBuilder(); int counter = 1; while (m.find()) { if (counter == 2) { allMatches.insert(0, ""); allMatches.append(""); } if (counter > 1) { allMatches.append("" + + ""); } else { allMatches.append(; } counter++; } this.regexAllReq[i] = allMatches.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { LoggerPlusPlus.getCallbacks().printError("Error in regular expression: " + regexString); } } } } } public void processResponse(IHttpRequestResponse requestResponse) { if (!isImported) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"); Date responseDate = new Date(); this.responseTime = sdf.format(responseDate); try { Date requestDate = sdf.parse(this.requestTime); this.requestResponseDelay = formatDelay(responseDate.getTime() - requestDate.getTime()); } catch (ParseException e) { } } //Finalise request,response by saving to temp file and clearing from memory. if (requestResponse instanceof IHttpRequestResponsePersisted) { this.requestResponse = requestResponse; } else { this.requestResponse = LoggerPlusPlus.getCallbacks().saveBuffersToTempFiles(requestResponse); } IResponseInfo tempAnalyzedResp = LoggerPlusPlus.getCallbacks().getHelpers() .analyzeResponse(requestResponse.getResponse()); String strFullResponse = new String(requestResponse.getResponse()); this.responseBodyOffset = tempAnalyzedResp.getBodyOffset(); this.responseLength = requestResponse.getResponse().length - responseBodyOffset; LogTable logTable = LoggerPlusPlus.getInstance().getLogTable(); List<String> lstFullResponseHeader = tempAnalyzedResp.getHeaders(); responseHeaders = StringUtils.join(lstFullResponseHeader, ", "); this.status = tempAnalyzedResp.getStatusCode(); if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("MimeType")) // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming this.responseMimeType = tempAnalyzedResp.getStatedMimeType(); if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("InferredType")) // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming this.responseInferredMimeType = tempAnalyzedResp.getInferredMimeType(); if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("newCookies")) // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming for (ICookie cookieItem : tempAnalyzedResp.getCookies()) { this.newCookies += cookieItem.getName() + "=" + cookieItem.getValue() + "; "; } this.hasSetCookies = !newCookies.isEmpty(); if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("responseContentType")) { // This is good to increase the speed when it is time consuming for (String item : lstFullResponseHeader) { item = item.toLowerCase(); if (item.startsWith("content-type: ")) { String[] temp = item.split("content-type:\\s", 2); if (temp.length > 0) this.responseContentType = temp[1]; } } } Pattern titlePattern = Pattern.compile("(?<=<title>)(.)+(?=</title>)"); Matcher titleMatcher = titlePattern.matcher(strFullResponse); if (titleMatcher.find()) { this.title =; } // RegEx processing for responses - should be available only when we have a RegEx rule! // There are 5 RegEx rule for requests for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { String regexVarName = "regex" + (i + 1) + "Resp"; if (logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled(regexVarName)) { // so this rule is enabled! // check to see if the RegEx is not empty LogTableColumn regexColumn = logTable.getColumnModel().getColumnByName(regexVarName); String regexString = regexColumn.getRegExData().getRegExString(); if (!regexString.isEmpty()) { // now we can process it safely! Pattern p = null; try { if (regexColumn.getRegExData().isRegExCaseSensitive()) p = Pattern.compile(regexString); else p = Pattern.compile(regexString, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher m = p.matcher(strFullResponse); StringBuilder allMatches = new StringBuilder(); int counter = 1; while (m.find()) { if (counter == 2) { allMatches.insert(0, ""); allMatches.append(""); } if (counter > 1) { allMatches.append("" + + ""); } else { allMatches.append(; } counter++; } this.regexAllResp[i] = allMatches.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { LoggerPlusPlus.getCallbacks().printError("Error in regular expression: " + regexString); } } } } if (!logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("response") && !logTable.getColumnModel().isColumnEnabled("request")) { this.requestResponse = null; } this.complete = true; } private String formatDelay(long l) { if (l < 1000) return String.format("%dms", l); if (l < 60000) { return String.format("%ds %dms", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(l), l - TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(l))); } else return String.format("%dmin %ds", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(l), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(l) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(l))); } @Override public Object getModel() { return null; } @Override public int getValueCount() { return 42; } @Override public Object getValue(int i) { switch (i) { case 0://number return 0; case 1://tool return LoggerPlusPlus.getCallbacks().getToolName(tool); case 2://host return this.protocol + "://" +; case 3://method return method; case 4: //url return url; case 5: //path return this.relativeURL; case 6: //query return this.url != null ? (this.url.getQuery() == null ? "" : this.url.getQuery()) : ""; case 7: //params return params; case 8: //status return status; case 9: //responseLength return responseLength; case 10: //responseMimeType return responseMimeType; case 11: //urlExtension return urlExtension; case 12: //comment return comment; case 13: //isSSL return isSSL; case 14: //newCookies return newCookies; case 15: //requestTime return requestTime; case 16: //listenerInterface return listenerInterface; case 17: //clientIP return clientIP; case 18: //responseContentType return responseContentType; case 19: //responseInferredMimeType return responseInferredMimeType; case 20: //hasQueryStringParam return this.url.getQuery() != null; case 21: //hasBodyParam return hasBodyParam; case 22: //hasCookieParam return hasCookieParam; case 23: //sentCookies return sentCookies; case 24: //usesCookieJar return usesCookieJar.toString(); case 25: //protocol return protocol; case 26: //hostname return; case 27: //targetPort return targetPort; case 28: //requestContentType return requestContentType; case 29: //referrerURL return referrerURL; case 30: //requestLength return requestLength; case 31: //hasSetCookies return hasSetCookies; case 32: //complete return complete; case 33: //regex1Req return regexAllReq[0]; case 34: //regex2Req return regexAllReq[1]; case 35: //regex3Req return regexAllReq[2]; case 36: //regex4Req return regexAllReq[3]; case 37: //regex5Req return regexAllReq[4]; case 38: //regex1Resp return regexAllResp[0]; case 39: //regex2Resp return regexAllResp[1]; case 40: //regex3Resp return regexAllResp[2]; case 41: //regex4Resp return regexAllResp[3]; case 42: //regex5Resp return regexAllResp[4]; case 43: //request return requestResponse != null && requestResponse.getRequest() != null ? new String(ArrayUtils .subarray(requestResponse.getRequest(), requestBodyOffset, requestResponse.getRequest().length)) : ""; case 44: //response return requestResponse != null && requestResponse.getResponse() != null ? new String(ArrayUtils.subarray(requestResponse.getResponse(), responseBodyOffset, requestResponse.getResponse().length)) : ""; case 45: //responseTime return responseTime != null ? responseTime : ""; case 46: //requestResponseDelay return requestResponseDelay != null ? requestResponseDelay : ""; case 47: //requestHeaders return requestHeaders != null ? requestHeaders : ""; case 48: //requestHeaders return responseHeaders != null ? responseHeaders : ""; default: return null; } } @Override public Object getIdentifier() { return null; } public static String getCSVHeader(LogTable table, boolean isFullLog) { return getCSVHeader(table, isFullLog, isFullLog); } public static String getCSVHeader(LogTable table, boolean includeRequest, boolean includeResponse) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); boolean firstDone = false; ArrayList<LogTableColumn> columns = table.getColumnModel().getAllColumns(); Collections.sort(columns); for (LogTableColumn logTableColumn : columns) { if (logTableColumn.isVisible() && logTableColumn.isEnabled()) { if (firstDone) { result.append(","); } else { firstDone = true; } result.append(logTableColumn.getName()); } } if (includeRequest) { result.append(","); result.append("Request"); } if (includeResponse) { result.append(","); result.append("Response"); } return result.toString(); } // We need StringEscapeUtils library from public String toCSVString(boolean isFullLog) { return toCSVString(isFullLog, isFullLog); } public String toCSVString(boolean includeRequests, boolean includeResponses) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); // for (int i=1; i<loggerTableDetails.length; i++) { // // result.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeCsv(String.valueOf(getValueByName((String) loggerTableDetails[i][0])))); // // if(i<tableHelper.getLogTableModel().getColumnCount()-1) // result.append(","); // } LogTableColumnModel columnModel = LoggerPlusPlus.getInstance().getLogTable().getColumnModel(); ArrayList<LogTableColumn> columns = columnModel.getAllColumns(); Collections.sort(columns); boolean firstDone = false; for (LogTableColumn logTableColumn : columns) { if (logTableColumn.isVisible() && logTableColumn.isEnabled()) { if (firstDone) { result.append(","); } else { firstDone = true; } result.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeCsv(getValue(logTableColumn.getIdentifier()).toString())); } } if (includeRequests) { result.append(","); if (requestResponse != null && requestResponse.getRequest() != null) result.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeCsv(new String(requestResponse.getRequest()))); } if (includeResponses) { result.append(","); if (requestResponse != null && requestResponse.getResponse() != null) result.append(StringEscapeUtils.escapeCsv(new String(requestResponse.getResponse()))); } return result.toString(); } public Object getValueByKey(columnNamesType columnName) { // switch (name.toLowerCase()) // this works fine in Java v7 try { switch (columnName) { case TOOL: return LoggerPlusPlus.getCallbacks().getToolName(tool); case URL: return this.url; case PATH: return this.relativeURL; case QUERY: return this.url.getQuery(); case STATUS: return this.status; case PROTOCOL: return this.protocol; case HOSTNAME: return; case HOST: return this.protocol + "://" +; case MIMETYPE: return this.responseMimeType; case RESPONSELENGTH: return this.responseLength; case TARGETPORT: return this.targetPort; case METHOD: return this.method; case RESPONSETIME: return this.responseTime; case COMMENT: return this.comment; case REQUESTCONTENTTYPE: return this.requestContentType; case URLEXTENSION: return this.urlExtension; case REFERRER: return this.referrerURL; case HASQUERYSTRINGPARAM: return this.url.getQuery() != null; case HASBODYPARAM: return this.hasBodyParam; case HASCOOKIEPARAM: return this.hasCookieParam; case REQUESTLENGTH: return this.requestLength; case RESPONSECONTENTTYPE: return this.responseContentType; case INFERREDTYPE: return this.responseInferredMimeType; case HASSETCOOKIES: return this.hasSetCookies; case PARAMS: return this.params; case TITLE: return this.title; case ISSSL: return this.isSSL; case TARGETIP: return this.targetIP; case NEWCOOKIES: return this.newCookies; case LISTENERINTERFACE: return this.listenerInterface; case CLIENTIP: return this.clientIP; case COMPLETE: return this.complete; case SENTCOOKIES: return this.sentCookies; case USESCOOKIEJAR: return this.usesCookieJar.toString(); case REGEX1REQ: return this.regexAllReq[0]; case REGEX2REQ: return this.regexAllReq[1]; case REGEX3REQ: return this.regexAllReq[2]; case REGEX4REQ: return this.regexAllReq[3]; case REGEX5REQ: return this.regexAllReq[4]; case REGEX1RESP: return this.regexAllResp[0]; case REGEX2RESP: return this.regexAllResp[1]; case REGEX3RESP: return this.regexAllResp[2]; case REGEX4RESP: return this.regexAllResp[3]; case REGEX5RESP: return this.regexAllResp[4]; case REQUEST: //request return new String(requestResponse.getRequest()) .substring(requestResponse.getRequest().length - requestLength); case RESPONSE: //response return new String(requestResponse.getResponse()) .substring(requestResponse.getResponse().length - responseLength); case REQUESTTIME: //requestTime return requestTime; case RESPONSEDELAY: return requestResponseDelay; case REQUESTHEADERS: return requestHeaders != null ? requestHeaders : ""; case RESPONSEHEADERS: return responseHeaders != null ? responseHeaders : ""; default: return ""; } } catch (Exception e) { return ""; } } public ArrayList<UUID> getMatchingColorFilters() { return matchingColorFilters; } public enum cookieJarStatus { YES("Yes"), NO("No"), PARTIALLY("Partially"); private String value; cookieJarStatus(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } @Override public String toString() { return getValue(); } } // This has been designed for Java v6 that cannot support String in "switch" public enum columnNamesType { TOOL("TOOL"), URL("URL"), PATH("PATH"), QUERY("QUERY"), STATUS("STATUS"), PROTOCOL("PROTOCOL"), HOSTNAME( "HOSTNAME"), HOST("HOST"), MIMETYPE("MIMETYPE"), RESPONSELENGTH("RESPONSELENGTH"), TARGETPORT( "TARGETPORT"), METHOD("METHOD"), RESPONSETIME("RESPONSETIME"), REQUESTTIME( "REQUESTTIME"), RESPONSEDELAY("RESPONSEDELAY"), COMMENT( "COMMENT"), REQUESTCONTENTTYPE("REQUESTCONTENTTYPE"), URLEXTENSION( "URLEXTENSION"), REFERRER("REFERRER"), HASQUERYSTRINGPARAM( "HASQUERYSTRINGPARAM"), HASBODYPARAM( "HASBODYPARAM"), HASCOOKIEPARAM( "HASCOOKIEPARAM"), REQUESTLENGTH( "REQUESTLENGTH"), RESPONSECONTENTTYPE( "RESPONSECONTENTTYPE"), INFERREDTYPE( "INFERREDTYPE"), HASSETCOOKIES( "HASSETCOOKIES"), PARAMS( "PARAMS"), TITLE( "TITLE"), ISSSL( "ISSSL"), TARGETIP( "TARGETIP"), NEWCOOKIES( "NEWCOOKIES"), LISTENERINTERFACE( "LISTENERINTERFACE"), CLIENTIP( "CLIENTIP"), COMPLETE( "COMPLETE"), SENTCOOKIES( "SENTCOOKIES"), USESCOOKIEJAR( "USESCOOKIEJAR"), REGEX1REQ( "REGEX1REQ"), REGEX2REQ( "REGEX2REQ"), REGEX3REQ( "REGEX3REQ"), REGEX4REQ( "REGEX4REQ"), REGEX5REQ( "REGEX5REQ"), REGEX1RESP( "REGEX1RESP"), REGEX2RESP( "REGEX2RESP"), REGEX3RESP( "REGEX3RESP"), REGEX4RESP( "REGEX4RESP"), REGEX5RESP( "REGEX5RESP"), REQUEST( "REQUEST"), RESPONSE( "RESPONSE"), REQUESTHEADERS( "REQUESTHEADERS"), RESPONSEHEADERS( "RESPONSEHEADERS"); private String value; columnNamesType(String value) { this.value = value; } public String getValue() { return value; } @Override public String toString() { return getValue(); } } public synchronized boolean testColorFilter(ColorFilter colorFilter, boolean retest) { if (!colorFilter.isEnabled() || colorFilter.getFilter() == null) { return this.getMatchingColorFilters().remove(colorFilter.getUid()); } if (!this.matchingColorFilters.contains(colorFilter.getUid())) { if (colorFilter.getFilter().matches(this)) { this.matchingColorFilters.add(colorFilter.getUid()); return true; } else { return false; } } else if (retest) { if (!colorFilter.getFilter().matches(this)) { this.matchingColorFilters.remove(colorFilter.getUid()); } return true; } else { return false; } } @Override public String toString() { return this.url.toString(); } public static class PendingRequestEntry extends LogEntry { private int logRow; public PendingRequestEntry() { super(); } public int getLogRow() { return logRow; } public void setLogRow(int logRow) { this.logRow = logRow; } } }