Java tutorial
/** * This file is part of LukeUtils. * * LukeUtils is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the cc-by-nc-sa (Creative Commons Attribution- * NonCommercial-ShareAlike) as released by the Creative Commons * organisation, version 3.0. * * LukeUtils is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. * * You should have received a copy of the cc-by-nc-sa-license along * with this LukeUtils. If not, see * <>. * * Copyright Lukas Rose 2013 - 2015 */ package listener; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.logging.LogManager; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import exception.AliasNotFoundException; import exception.InsufficientPrivilegeException; import exception.PrivilegeNotFoundException; import util.FileHandler; import util.StringTools; import logging.Logger; import misc.Account; import misc.AccountManager; import misc.AccountOnlineManager; import misc.AccountPrivileges; import misc.Chat; import misc.Message; import misc.ThreadManager; import misc.ThreadWrapper; import misc.User; import network.MessageHandler; public class Handler extends Thread { private String messageString = ""; private JSONObject messageObject = null; private Notifier notifier; private Message message; // private boolean parsingNeeded = true; private boolean raw = false; private boolean waitsForUserInfo = false; // private boolean parsedWell = false; private int id = -1; // private int commandDepthParsed = 0; private boolean verbose = true; private boolean skipOwn = true; private int ownID = 54916622; // Hardcoded, TODO: detect automatically. private Account acc = null; private AccountOnlineManager acos = null; /** * Constructor, if incoming message was parsed successfully to JSON by * {@link listener.Notifier}. * * @param obj * The {@link org.json.JSONObject} that represents the message to * be parsed. * @param notifier * The {@link listener.Notifier} that spawned this * {@link Handler}. Needed for back-communication. * @param id * The ID of the message this {@link Handler} parses. Used for * identification. * @param raw * A boolean value to force RAW-mode even if a * {@link org.json.JSONObject} was passed. This will suppress any * answers sent to telegram, assuming that this was a console * message. */ public Handler(JSONObject obj, Notifier notifier, int id, boolean raw) { if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, "New Handler for message " + String.valueOf(id) + " with JSONObject, raw is " + String.valueOf(raw) + "."); this.messageObject = obj; this.notifier = notifier; = id; this.raw = raw; this.start(); } /** * Constructor, if incoming message was parsed successfully to JSON by * {@link listener.Notifier}. * * @param obj * The {@link org.json.JSONObject} that represents the message to * be parsed. * @param notifier * The {@link listener.Notifier} that spawned this * {@link Handler}. Needed for back-communication. * @param id * The ID of the message this {@link Handler} parses. Used for * identification. */ public Handler(JSONObject obj, Notifier notifier, int id) { this(obj, notifier, id, false); } /** * Constructor, if incoming message couldn't be parsed to JSON by * {@link listener.Notifier}. This happens, when the incoming messageString * is not in JSON, but in RAW format. A flag is set internally that the * {@link misc.Message} handled by this {@link Handler} was in RAW format. * * @param message * The messageString to be parsed by this {@link Handler}. * @param notifier * The {@link listener.Notifier} that spawned this * {@link Handler}. Needed for back-comminication. * @param id * The ID of the message this {@link Handler} parses. Used for * identification. */ public Handler(String message, Notifier notifier, int id) { if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, "New Handler for message " + String.valueOf(id) + " with RAW message, raw is true."); this.messageString = message; this.notifier = notifier; = id; this.raw = true; this.start(); } public void run() { if (raw) { if (messageObject != null) { if (this.parseMessageJSON(messageObject)) { this.handleMessage(this.message.getContents()); } } else if (!messageString.equals("")) { if (this.parseMessageRAW(messageString)) { this.handleMessage(this.message.getContents()); } } else { Logger.logMessage('E', this, "Neither messageObject nor messageString are set in Handler. Exit."); } } else { if (this.parseMessageJSON(messageObject)) { this.handleMessage(this.message.getContents()); } } } /** * This method is used for parsing incoming messages, when they are provided * as {@link org.json.JSONObject}. In those cases, incoming messageStrings * have successfully been tested as JSON Strings and parsed by the Notifier. * * @param obj * The {@link org.json.JSONObject} provided that represents the * message this Handler should handle. * @return True when parsing succeeded, false when not. */ private boolean parseMessageJSON(JSONObject obj) { if (obj.has("event") ? obj.getString("event").equals("message") : false) { message = new Message(obj); if (skipOwn) { if (message.getFromID() == ownID) { return false; } } if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, "Resulting messageText " + String.valueOf(id) + ": " + message.getText()); notifier.setSendCommand("msg "); return true; } else { Logger.logMessage('E', this, "Given JSONString " + String.valueOf(id) + " is not a message."); return false; } } /** * This method is used for parsing incoming messageStrings, which are RAW * messages (e.g. from a plain console for debugging purposes instead of * telegram cli). These messages are not formatted as JSON, only their * message content is provided. This method checks if the incoming * messageString really is a RAW message, and then passes it to * {@link #parseMessageRAWFinal}. * * @param messageString * The messageString to parse. * @return True when parsing succeeded, false when not. * @see #parseMessageRAWFinal(String) */ private boolean parseMessageRAW(String messageString) { if (!messageString.startsWith("{")) { // If it starts with "{", it is probably an JSON-String return this.parseMessageRAWFinal(messageString); // Pass it to parsing. } else { // Try to parse messageString as a JSON-Object. If it fails, it is probably a RAW messageString. try { return this.parseMessageJSON(new JSONObject(messageString)); } catch (Exception ex) { // Couldn't parse messageString as a JSON-Object. Handle it as a RAW messageString. return this.parseMessageRAWFinal(messageString); // Pass it to parsing } } } /** * This method is just used internally, only after an incoming messageString * has been checked for truly being a RAW messageString. It shouldn't be * used from any other place than {@link #parseMessageRAW(String)}. * * @param messageString * The messageString to be parsed. * @return True if parsing succeeded, false when not. * @see #parseMessageRAW(String) */ private boolean parseMessageRAWFinal(String messageString) { try { message = new Message(); message.setFrom(new User()); message.setText(messageString); message.setFromFirstName("raw console"); message.getFrom().genPrintName(); message.setFromChatID(-99); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } } /** * Used internally for the procedure to load the sender's account by his ID. * It is saved internally and used by other methods. */ private void detectAccount() { if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, "Loading account for sender ID " + String.valueOf(this.message.getFromID())); Account dummy = new Account("Dummy", this.message.getFromID()); acc = AccountManager.getAccount(dummy); if (acc == null) { Logger.logMessage('W', this, "Account for sender ID " + String.valueOf(this.message.getFromID()) + " doesn't exist yet. Creating one!"); dummy.setAccountName(this.message.getFromPrintName()); acc = dummy; AccountManager.addAccount(acc); } else { if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, "Account for sender ID " + String.valueOf(this.message.getFromID()) + " found with name " + acc.getAccountName() + "!"); } dummy = null; // acc.setHandler(this); } /** * Used internally for the procedure of a) sending the User a welcome * message if he was offline before, and b) to set an offline timer to the * sender's account to set him offline again after a given time. Uses the * account loaded by {@link #detectAccount()}, that was saved internally. */ private void dealAccountOnline() { if (acc.getAccountState() == Account.STATE_LOGGEDOFF) { if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, "Sending welcome back because of message " + String.valueOf(id)); this.replyMessage("Welcome back, " + acc.getAccountName()); } acos = AccountManager.getAccountOnlineManager(acc); if (acos == null) { Logger.logMessage('E', this, "No account online manager found for Account " + acc.getAccountName() + ". No online timer set."); } else { acos.setOnline(); } } /** * The actual procedure to handle the message. It checks the message's * contents for known commands, and passes the message to the procedures to * handle the specific context. Further syntax planned. * * @param message * The message to be handled. */ private void handleMessage(String[] message) { this.detectAccount(); this.dealAccountOnline(); if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_ACCESS)) { if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, "Handling command " + String.valueOf(id) + ": " + message[0]); switch (message[0].toLowerCase()) { // make sure everything is lowercase, for case-insensitive matching case "ping":; break; case "echo": this.echo(message); break; case "kick": this.exit(message); break; case "kill": this.killThread(message); break; case "killThread": this.killThread(message); break; case "switchon": this.switchOn(message); break; case "switchoff": this.switchOff(message); break; case "switch": this.switchPower(message); break; case "manageswitch": this.manageSwitch(message); break; case "delay": this.postpone(message); break; case "postpone": this.postpone(message); break; case "help":; break; case "info":; break; case "giveprivilege": this.givePrivilege(message); break; case "giveadmin": this.giveAdmin(message); break; case "listprivileges": this.listPrivileges(message); break; case "repeat": this.repeat(message); case "for": this.repeat(message); case "addalias": this.addAlias(message); case "listalias": this.listAlias(message); case "removealias": this.removeAlias(message); case "healthreport": this.healthreport(message); break; case "userinfo": this.userInfo(message); break; case "shutdown": this.shutdown(message); break; case "restart": this.restart(message); break; default: if (acc.hasAlias(message[0])) { try { String[] alias = acc.getAlias(message[0]); this.replyMessage("Handling alias " + message[0] + " with contents: " + StringTools.StringArrayToString(alias)); this.handleMessage(alias); } catch (AliasNotFoundException e) { Logger.logMessage('E', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " has no alias" + " with name '" + message[0] + "', although I checked before."); this.replyMessage("An error occured: Alias disappeared after checking."); } } else { Logger.logMessage('I', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " provided invalid command: " + message[0] + ". Exiting."); this.replyMessage("Sorry: Command not recognized. Try 'help' for a list of available " + "commands or 'listAlias' for a list of available aliases in your profile."); } } } else { try { Logger.logMessage('I', this, "Account " + acc.getAccountName() + " has no " + AccountPrivileges.getPrivString(AccountPrivileges.PERM_ACCESS) + "-permission. Not handling."); } catch (PrivilegeNotFoundException e) { Logger.logMessage('E', this, "Error when trying to get PrivilegeString for privilegeID " + String.valueOf(AccountPrivileges.PERM_ACCESS) + " in debug output for handleMessage(String[])."); Logger.logMessage('I', this, "Account " + acc.getAccountName() + " has no ID-" + String.valueOf(AccountPrivileges.PERM_ACCESS) + "-permission. Not handling."); } } } // ------ Begin of command-related methods ------ private void ping(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_PING)) { this.replyMessage("ping received!"); } else { this.noPermAns("ping"); } } private void echo(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_ECHO)) { if (message.length > 1) { if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, "Executing echo command"); this.replyMessage(message[1]); } else { String error = "usage: echo <message>; see help for more information."; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "not enough arguments for echo command. " + error); this.replyMessage(error); } } else { this.noPermAns("echo"); } } private void exit(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_KICK)) { String infoString = "Received Exit-command over network. Exiting."; this.replyMessage(infoString); Logger.logMessage('I', this, infoString); logging.LogManager.saveLogFile("log.txt"); AccountManager.saveAccounts(); System.exit(0); } else { this.noPermAns("exit"); } } private void killThread(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_KILL)) { if (message.length >= 2) { int id = -1; boolean err = false; try { id = Integer.parseInt(message[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { err = true; Logger.logMessage('W', this, "Parsing of ID User " + acc.toString() + " passed to " + "killThread-command failed: " + message[1]); this.replyMessage("Error: Given ID is not numeric: " + message[1] + ". Exiting."); } if (!err) { ThreadWrapper t = ThreadManager.getThreadWrapperByIndex(id); if (t != null) { if (t.allowKill(acc)) { Logger.logMessage('I', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " is killing his own Thread " + String.valueOf(id) + "."); this.replyMessage("Killing Thread " + String.valueOf(id)); t.getThread().interrupt(); } else { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_KILL_OTHERS)) { Logger.logMessage('I', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " is killing Thread " + String.valueOf(id) + " which belongs to " + t.owner().toString() + ". He is allowed to override this."); this.replyMessage("Killing Thread " + String.valueOf(id) + ", which was" + " owned by " + t.getOwner().toString()); t.getThread().interrupt(); } else { Logger.logMessage('W', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " tried to kill" + " Thread with ID " + String.valueOf(id) + ", which is owned by " + t.owner().toString() + ". User has no permission to override this."); this.replyMessage("You're not allowed to kill Thread " + String.valueOf(id)); } } } else { Logger.logMessage('W', this, "Thread for ID " + String.valueOf(id) + ", original: " + message[1] + ", as passed by user " + acc.toString() + " couldn't be found."); this.replyMessage("Couldn't find Thread with ID " + String.valueOf(id)); } } } else { String usage = "killThread <id>; where ID is the ID of the Thread to be killed."; Logger.logMessage('W', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " passed not enough arguments" + " to killThread-command. Exiting."); this.replyMessage("Not enough arguments. usage: " + usage); } } else { this.noPermAns("kill"); } } private void manageSwitch(String[] message) { } private void switchPower(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_SWITCHPOWER)) { // if (message.length > ) if (message.length > 3) { String infoString = "Executing switch command"; if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, infoString); this.replyMessage(infoString); if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, "infoString"); try { Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sudo send " + message[1] + " " + message[2] + " " + message[3]); } catch (IOException e) { String error = "Error when trying to execute send command"; Logger.logException('E', error, e); this.replyMessage(error + " " + e.getMessage() + System.lineSeparator() + e.getStackTrace()); } } else { String error = "usage: switchOn <systemID> <unitID>; switchOff <systemID> <unitID>; switch <systemID> <unitID> <state>; see help for more information."; // TODO: Multi-line messages Logger.logMessage('E', "not enough arguments for switchOn command. " + error); this.replyMessage(error); } } else { this.noPermAns("switchPower"); } } private void switchOn(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_SWITCHON)) { // if (message.length > 2){ // if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, // "Executing switchOn command"); // try { // Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sudo send " + message[1] + " " + // message[2] + " 1"); // } catch (IOException e) { // String error = "Error when trying to execute send command"; // Logger.logException('E', error, e); // notifier.send(answerCommand + error + " " + e.getMessage() + // System.lineSeparator() + e.getStackTrace()); // } String[] messageNew = new String[message.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < message.length; i++) { messageNew[i] = message[i]; } messageNew[messageNew.length - 1] = "1"; // } else { // String error = // "usage: switchOn <systemID> <unitID>; see help for more information."; // Logger.logMessage('E', // "not enough arguments for switchOn command. " + error); // notifier.send(answerCommand + error); // } } else { this.noPermAns("switchOn"); } } private void switchOff(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_SWITCHOFF)) { // if (message.length > 2){ // if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, // "Executing switchOff command"); // try { // Runtime.getRuntime().exec("sudo send " + message[1] + " " + // message[2] + " 0"); // } catch (IOException e) { // String error = "Error when trying to execute send command"; // Logger.logException('E', error, e); // notifier.send(answerCommand + error + " " + e.getMessage() + // System.lineSeparator() + e.getStackTrace()); // } String[] messageNew = new String[message.length + 1]; for (int i = 0; i < message.length; i++) { messageNew[i] = message[i]; } messageNew[messageNew.length - 1] = "0"; // } else { // String error = // "usage: switchOff <systemID> <unitID>; see help for more information."; // Logger.logMessage('E', // "not enough arguments for switchOn command. " + error); // notifier.send(answerCommand + error); // } } else { this.noPermAns("switchOff"); } } private void postpone(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_POSTPONE)) { // if ((message.getContents().length - commandDepthParsed) > 2){ if (message.length > 2) { String info = "Executing postpone-command... I'm " + String.valueOf(ThreadManager.register(this, acc)); if (verbose) Logger.logMessage('I', this, info); this.replyMessage(info); try { long offset = Long.parseLong(message[1]); Thread.sleep(offset); // commandDepthParsed = commandDepthParsed + 2; handleMessage(Arrays.copyOfRange(message, 2, message.length)); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: find possible exceptions String error = "err0r when trying to postpone command execution"; Logger.logException(this, error, ex); this.replyMessage(error); } } else { String error = "usage: postpone <offset> <command> [command options]..; see help for more information."; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "not enough arguments given for postpone command. " + error); this.replyMessage(error); } } else { this.noPermAns("postpone"); } } private void givePrivilege(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_GIVEPRIVILEGE)) { if (message.length >= 4) { //givePrivilege <user> <privilege> <state> boolean err = false; int userID = -1; int privID = -1; boolean state = false; try { userID = Integer.parseInt(message[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: Find possible exceptions err = true; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(acc.getAccountID()) + " provided wrong userID '" + message[1] + "' for givePrivilege-command"); this.replyMessage("Wrong userID provided: '" + message[1] + "'. Use userInfo-" + "command to get userIDs."); } try { privID = Integer.parseInt(message[2]); } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: Find possible exceptions err = true; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(acc.getAccountID()) + " provided invalid permissionID '" + message[2] + "' for givePrivilege-command"); this.replyMessage("Wrong privilegeID provided: '" + message[2] + "'. Use listPermissions-" + "command to get privilege IDs."); } switch (message[3].toLowerCase()) { case "false": state = false; break; case "true": state = true; break; case "0": state = false; break; case "1": state = true; break; case "deny": state = false; break; case "allow": state = true; break; default: err = true; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(acc.getAccountID()) + " provided invalid state '" + message[3] + "' for givePrivilege-command"); this.replyMessage("Wrong state provided: '" + message[3] + "'. Values 'true', 'false'," + " '0', '1', 'allow', 'deny' allowed."); } if (!err) { Account dummy = new Account(userID); Account dest = AccountManager.getAccount(dummy); if (dest != null) { try { dest.setAccountPrivilege(privID, state, acc); } catch (InsufficientPrivilegeException e) { err = true; this.replyMessage( "You are not allowed to set the " + AccountPrivileges.getPrivStringSafe(privID) + "-privilege for the account " + dest.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(dest.getAccountID() + ". No changes made.")); } catch (PrivilegeNotFoundException e) { err = true; this.replyMessage( "Privilege with ID " + String.valueOf(privID) + " not found. No changes made."); } } if (!err) { try { this.replyMessage("Set " + AccountPrivileges.getPrivString(privID) + "-privilege for Account " + dest.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(dest.getAccountID()) + " to " + String.valueOf(state) + "."); } catch (PrivilegeNotFoundException e) { this.replyMessage("Set " + "ID-" + String.valueOf(privID) + "-privilege for Account " + dest.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(dest.getAccountID()) + " to " + String.valueOf(state) + "."); } this.sendMessage(String.valueOf(userID), "You now have the " + AccountPrivileges.getPrivStringSafe(privID) + "-privilege, " + "granted by " + acc.toString() + "."); } } } else { //Command length is insufficient String usage = "usage: givePrivilege <user> <privilegeID> <state>"; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " provided not enough arguments for givePrivilege-command: " + usage); this.replyMessage(usage); } } else { //Account has no cmd_givePrivilege-privilege this.noPermAns("givePrivilege"); } } private void giveAdmin(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_GIVEADMIN)) { if (message.length >= 4) { boolean err = false; int userID = -1; int adminID = -1; boolean state = false; try { userID = Integer.parseInt(message[1]); } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: Find possible exceptions err = true; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(acc.getAccountID()) + " provided wrong userID '" + message[1] + "' for giveAdmin-command"); this.replyMessage("Wrong userID provided: '" + message[1] + "'. Use userInfo-" + "command to get userIDs."); } try { adminID = Integer.parseInt(message[2]); } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO: Find possible exceptions err = true; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(acc.getAccountID()) + " provided invalid permissionID '" + message[2] + "' for giveAdmin-command"); this.replyMessage("Wrong privilegeID provided: '" + message[2] + "'. Use listPermissions-" + "command to get privilege IDs."); } switch (message[3].toLowerCase()) { case "false": state = false; break; case "true": state = true; break; case "0": state = false; break; case "1": state = true; break; case "deny": state = false; break; case "allow": state = true; break; default: err = true; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(acc.getAccountID()) + " provided invalid state '" + message[3] + "' for giveAdmin-command"); this.replyMessage("Wrong state provided: '" + message[3] + "'. Values 'true', 'false'," + " '0', '1', 'allow', 'deny' allowed."); } if (!err) { Account dummy = new Account(userID); Account dest = AccountManager.getAccount(dummy); if (dest != null) { try { dest.getPriv().setAdmin(adminID, state, acc); } catch (InsufficientPrivilegeException e) { err = true; this.replyMessage( "You are not allowed to set the " + AccountPrivileges.getPrivStringSafe(adminID) + "-privilege for the account " + dest.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(dest.getAccountID() + ". No changes made.")); } catch (PrivilegeNotFoundException e) { err = true; this.replyMessage("Admin-level with ID " + String.valueOf(adminID) + " not found. No changes made."); } } else { err = true; } if (!err) { try { this.replyMessage("Set " + AccountPrivileges.getPrivString(adminID) + "-privilege for Account " + dest.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(dest.getAccountID()) + " to " + String.valueOf(state) + "."); } catch (PrivilegeNotFoundException e) { this.replyMessage("Set " + "ID-" + String.valueOf(adminID) + "-privilege for Account " + dest.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(dest.getAccountID()) + " to " + String.valueOf(state) + "."); } this.sendMessage(String.valueOf(userID), "You now have the " + AccountPrivileges.getPrivStringSafe(adminID) + "-level, " + "granted by " + acc.toString() + "."); } } } else { //Command length is insufficient String usage = "usage: giveAdmin <user> <level> <state>"; Logger.logMessage('W', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " provided not enough arguments for giveAdmin-Command: " + usage); this.replyMessage(usage); } } else { //Account has no cmd_giveAdmin-privilege this.noPermAns("giveAdmin"); } } private void listPrivileges(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_LISTPRIVILEGES)) { String privileges = ""; for (int i = 0; i < AccountPrivileges.MOST_PERMISSION_ID; i++) { if (i != 0) { privileges = privileges + ", "; } privileges = privileges + String.valueOf(i); try { privileges = privileges + ": " + AccountPrivileges.getPrivString(i); } catch (PrivilegeNotFoundException e) { // Do nothing } } this.replyMessage(privileges); } } private void addAlias(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_ADDALIAS)) { if (message.length >= 3) { //addAlias <aliasName> <command> acc.addAlias(message[1], Arrays.copyOfRange(message, 2, message.length)); } else { String usage = "usage: addAlias <aliasName> <command>"; Logger.logMessage('I', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " provided not enough" + " arguments for addAlias-command. No changes made."); this.replyMessage("Not enough argumenets! " + usage); } } else { this.noPermAns("addAlias"); } } private void listAlias(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_LISTALIAS)) { try { this.replyMessage("List of aliases for Account " + acc.toString() + "\n" + StringTools.StringArrayToString(acc.getAllAlias())); } catch (AliasNotFoundException e) { Logger.logMessage('I', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " does not seem to have" + " any aliases to list in listAlias-command."); } } else { this.noPermAns("listAlias"); } } private void removeAlias(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_REMOVEALIAS)) { if (message.length >= 2) { //<removeAlias> <aliasName> try { acc.removeAlias(message[1]); } catch (AliasNotFoundException ex) { Logger.logMessage('I', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " provided invalid" + " alias name for removeAlias-command: " + message[1]); this.replyMessage("Alias not found: " + message[1]); } } else { String usage = "usage: removeAlias <aliasName>"; Logger.logMessage('I', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " didn't provide enough" + " arguments for removeAlias-command."); this.replyMessage("Not enough arguments! " + usage); } } else { this.noPermAns("removeAlias"); } } private void help(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_INFO) && acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_HELP)) { try { StringBuilder info = FileHandler.readStringBuilder("information"); info.append(FileHandler.readStringBuilder("commandHelp")); this.replyMessage(info.toString().replace(System.lineSeparator(), " ")); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: find possible exceptions String error = "Error when reading help file."; Logger.logMessage('E', this, error); this.replyMessage(error); } } else { this.noPermAns("help"); } } @SuppressWarnings("unused") private void info(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_INFO)) { try { StringBuilder info = FileHandler.readStringBuilder("information"); this.replyMessage(info.toString()); } catch (Exception ex) { // TODO: find possible exceptions String error = "Error when reading info file."; Logger.logMessage('E', this, error); this.replyMessage(error); } } else { this.noPermAns("info"); } } private void healthreport(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_HEALTHREPORT)) { if (message.length < 1) { switch (message[1]) { case "now": break; // make a new healthreport now } } else { // send the last healthreport } } else { this.noPermAns("healthreport"); } } private void userInfo(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_USERID)) { if (message.length > 1) { this.waitsForUserInfo = true; notifier.enqueueForUserInfo(this); notifier.send("user_info " + message[1]); } else { String error = "usage: userID <user>: returns the user ID of requested user."; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "not enough arguments given for userID command. " + error); this.replyMessage(error); } } else { this.noPermAns("userID"); } } private void repeat(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_REPEAT)) { if (message.length >= 5) { //0:repeat 1:<index> 2:<start> 3:<end> 4:<command> String indexName = ""; int start = 0; int end = 0; boolean err = false; indexName = message[1]; try { start = Integer.parseInt(message[2]); } catch (Exception ex) { err = true; Logger.logMessage('W', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " provided wrong startIndex" + " for repeat-command: " + message[2]); this.replyMessage("Wrong startIndex provided: " + message[2] + ". Only numbers allowed."); } try { end = Integer.parseInt(message[3]); } catch (Exception ex) { err = true; Logger.logMessage('W', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " provided wrong endIndex" + " for repeat-command: " + message[3]); this.replyMessage("Wrong endIndex provided: " + message[3] + ". Only numbers allowed."); } if (!err) { this.replyMessage("Executing repeat-command from " + String.valueOf(start) + " to " + String.valueOf(end) + " with indexName " + indexName); String[] newMessage = Arrays.copyOfRange(message, 4, message.length); String[] workingCopy = new String[newMessage.length]; //execute command repeated for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { // System.err.println("ASDF!"); //replace occurrences of indexName in all command information for (int j = 0; j < newMessage.length; j++) { workingCopy[j] = newMessage[j].replace(indexName, String.valueOf(i)); } // this.replyMessage("Executing command: " + StringTools.StringArrayToString(workingCopy)); handleMessage(workingCopy); } } } else { String usage = "repeat <indexName> <startIndex> <endIndex> <command> [commandParams]; startIndex is the lowest, endIndex the highest value inserted for indexName"; Logger.logMessage('E', this, "User " + acc.toString() + " provided not enough arguments for repeat-command."); this.replyMessage("Not enough arguments! usage: " + usage); } } else { this.noPermAns("repeat"); } } private void shutdown(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_SHUTDOWN)) { } else { this.noPermAns("shutdown"); } } private void restart(String[] message) { if (acc.hasAccountPrivilege(AccountPrivileges.PERM_CMD_RESTART)) { } else { this.noPermAns("restart"); } } private void sendMessage(int recipientID, String messageText) { this.sendMessage(String.valueOf(recipientID), messageText); } private void sendMessage(String recipient, String messageText) { if (raw || message.getFrom().getID() < 0) { Logger.logMessage('W', this, "will not answer message " + String.valueOf(id) + ", because it was internal. Message text: " + messageText); } else { notifier.send(notifier.getSendCommand() + recipient + " " + messageText); } } private void replyMessage(String messageText) { sendMessage(message.getFromPrintName(), messageText); } private void noPermAns(String command) { this.replyMessage("sorry."); Logger.logMessage('W', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(acc.getAccountID()) + " has tried to execute " + command + "-command without sufficient permission."); Logger.logMessage('W', this, "User " + acc.getAccountName() + " with ID " + String.valueOf(acc.getAccountID()) + " has tried to execute " + command + "-command without sufficient permission.", "priv"); } public void on_UserInfoArrive(JSONObject obj) { String defaultValue = "n.a."; String v = ""; if (this.waitsForUserInfo) { // If an user_info was requested in this Handler if (obj.has("type") ? obj.getString("type").equals("user") : false) { // If the JSON-Object really is an user-info. notifier.send("UserInfo for ID " + ((v = String.valueOf(obj.getIntSafe("id", -1))).equals("-1") ? defaultValue : v) + ": Username: " + ((v = obj.getStringSafe("username", defaultValue)).equals("") ? defaultValue : v) + ", First Name: " + ((v = obj.getStringSafe("first_name", defaultValue)).equals("") ? defaultValue : v) + ", Last Name: " + ((v = obj.getStringSafe("last_name", defaultValue)).equals("") ? defaultValue : v) + ", Print Name: " + ((v = obj.getStringSafe("print_name", defaultValue)).equals("") ? defaultValue : v) + ", phone: " + ((v = String.valueOf(obj.getIntSafe("phone", -1))).equals("-1") ? defaultValue : v) + ", flags: " + ((v = String.valueOf(obj.getIntSafe("flags", -1))).equals("-1") ? defaultValue : v) + ", type: " + ((v = obj.getStringSafe("type", defaultValue)).equals("") ? defaultValue : v)); } } } }