Java tutorial
/* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package lineage2.gameserver.instancemanager; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import javax.xml.parsers.DocumentBuilderFactory; import lineage2.commons.geometry.Polygon; import lineage2.commons.threading.RunnableImpl; import lineage2.gameserver.Config; import lineage2.gameserver.ThreadPoolManager; import; import; import lineage2.gameserver.model.Creature; import lineage2.gameserver.model.SimpleSpawner; import lineage2.gameserver.model.Territory; import lineage2.gameserver.templates.npc.NpcTemplate; import lineage2.gameserver.utils.Location; import lineage2.gameserver.utils.ReflectionUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.w3c.dom.Document; import org.w3c.dom.Node; /** * @author Mobius * @version $Revision: 1.0 $ */ public class HellboundManager { /** * Field _log. */ private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HellboundManager.class); /** * Field _list. */ private static ArrayList<HellboundSpawn> _list; /** * Field _spawnList. */ private static List<SimpleSpawner> _spawnList; /** * Field _instance. */ private static HellboundManager _instance; /** * Field _initialStage. */ static int _initialStage; /** * Field _taskDelay. */ private static final long _taskDelay = 2 * 60 * 1000L; /** * Field _deathListener. */ DeathListener _deathListener = new DeathListener(); /** * Method getInstance. * @return HellboundManager */ public static HellboundManager getInstance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new HellboundManager(); } return _instance; } /** * Constructor for HellboundManager. */ public HellboundManager() { getHellboundSpawn(); spawnHellbound(); doorHandler(); _initialStage = getHellboundLevel(); ThreadPoolManager.getInstance().scheduleAtFixedRate(new StageCheckTask(), _taskDelay, _taskDelay);"Hellbound Manager: Loaded"); } /** * Method openHellbound. */ public void openHellbound() { if (getHellboundLevel() == 0) { addConfidence(1); spawnHellbound(); doorHandler(); _initialStage = getHellboundLevel(); } } /** * Method getConfidence. * @return long */ public static long getConfidence() { return ServerVariables.getLong("HellboundConfidence", 0); } /** * Method addConfidence. * @param value long */ public static void addConfidence(long value) { ServerVariables.set("HellboundConfidence", Math.round(getConfidence() + (value * Config.RATE_HELLBOUND_CONFIDENCE))); } /** * Method reduceConfidence. * @param value long */ public static void reduceConfidence(long value) { long i = getConfidence() - value; if (i < 1) { i = 1; } ServerVariables.set("HellboundConfidence", i); } /** * Method setConfidence. * @param value long */ public static void setConfidence(long value) { ServerVariables.set("HellboundConfidence", value); } /** * Method getHellboundLevel. * @return int */ public static int getHellboundLevel() { long confidence = ServerVariables.getLong("HellboundConfidence", 0); boolean judesBoxes = ServerVariables.getBool("HB_judesBoxes", false); boolean bernardBoxes = ServerVariables.getBool("HB_bernardBoxes", false); boolean derekKilled = ServerVariables.getBool("HB_derekKilled", false); boolean captainKilled = ServerVariables.getBool("HB_captainKilled", false); if (confidence < 1) { return 0; } else if ((confidence >= 1) && (confidence < 300000)) { return 1; } else if ((confidence >= 300000) && (confidence < 600000)) { return 2; } else if ((confidence >= 600000) && (confidence < 1000000)) { return 3; } else if ((confidence >= 1000000) && (confidence < 1200000)) { if (derekKilled && judesBoxes && bernardBoxes) { return 5; } else if (!derekKilled && judesBoxes && bernardBoxes) { return 4; } else if (!derekKilled && (!judesBoxes || !bernardBoxes)) { return 3; } } else if ((confidence >= 1200000) && (confidence < 1500000)) { return 6; } else if ((confidence >= 1500000) && (confidence < 1800000)) { return 7; } else if ((confidence >= 1800000) && (confidence < 2100000)) { if (captainKilled) { return 9; } return 8; } else if ((confidence >= 2100000) && (confidence < 2200000)) { return 10; } else if (confidence >= 2200000) { return 11; } return 0; } /** * @author Mobius */ private class DeathListener implements OnDeathListener { /** * Constructor for DeathListener. */ public DeathListener() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } /** * Method onDeath. * @param cha Creature * @param killer Creature * @see, Creature) */ @Override public void onDeath(Creature cha, Creature killer) { if ((killer == null) || !cha.isMonster() || !killer.isPlayable()) { return; } switch (getHellboundLevel()) { case 0: break; case 1: { switch (cha.getNpcId()) { case 22320: case 22321: case 22324: case 22325: addConfidence(1); break; case 22327: case 22328: case 22329: addConfidence(3); break; case 22322: case 22323: case 32299: reduceConfidence(10); break; } break; } case 2: { switch (cha.getNpcId()) { case 18463: case 18464: addConfidence(5); break; case 22322: case 22323: case 32299: reduceConfidence(10); break; } break; } case 3: { switch (cha.getNpcId()) { case 22342: case 22343: addConfidence(3); break; case 22341: addConfidence(100); break; case 22322: case 22323: case 32299: reduceConfidence(10); break; } break; } case 4: { switch (cha.getNpcId()) { case 18465: addConfidence(10000); ServerVariables.set("HB_derekKilled", true); break; case 22322: case 22323: case 32299: reduceConfidence(10); break; } break; } case 5: { switch (cha.getNpcId()) { case 22448: reduceConfidence(50); break; } break; } case 6: { switch (cha.getNpcId()) { case 22326: addConfidence(500); break; case 18484: addConfidence(5); break; } break; } case 8: { switch (cha.getNpcId()) { case 18466: addConfidence(10000); ServerVariables.set("HB_captainKilled", true); break; } break; } default: break; } } } /** * Method spawnHellbound. */ void spawnHellbound() { SimpleSpawner spawnDat; NpcTemplate template; for (HellboundSpawn hbsi : _list) { if (ArrayUtils.contains(hbsi.getStages(), getHellboundLevel())) { try { template = NpcHolder.getInstance().getTemplate(hbsi.getNpcId()); for (int i = 0; i < hbsi.getAmount(); i++) { spawnDat = new SimpleSpawner(template); spawnDat.setAmount(1); if (hbsi.getLoc() != null) { spawnDat.setLoc(hbsi.getLoc()); } if (hbsi.getSpawnTerritory() != null) { spawnDat.setTerritory(hbsi.getSpawnTerritory()); } spawnDat.setReflection(ReflectionManager.DEFAULT); spawnDat.setRespawnDelay(hbsi.getRespawn(), hbsi.getRespawnRnd()); spawnDat.setRespawnTime(0); spawnDat.doSpawn(true); spawnDat.getLastSpawn().addListener(_deathListener); spawnDat.startRespawn(); _spawnList.add(spawnDat); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }"HellboundManager: Spawned " + _spawnList.size() + " mobs and NPCs according to the current Hellbound stage"); } /** * Method getHellboundSpawn. */ private void getHellboundSpawn() { _list = new ArrayList<>(); _spawnList = new ArrayList<>(); try { File file = new File(Config.DATAPACK_ROOT + "/data/xml/other/hellbound_spawnlist.xml"); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); factory.setValidating(false); factory.setIgnoringComments(true); Document doc1 = factory.newDocumentBuilder().parse(file); int counter = 0; for (Node n1 = doc1.getFirstChild(); n1 != null; n1 = n1.getNextSibling()) { if ("list".equalsIgnoreCase(n1.getNodeName())) { for (Node d1 = n1.getFirstChild(); d1 != null; d1 = d1.getNextSibling()) { if ("data".equalsIgnoreCase(d1.getNodeName())) { counter++; int npcId = Integer.parseInt(d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("npc_id").getNodeValue()); Location spawnLoc = null; if (d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("loc") != null) { spawnLoc = Location.parseLoc(d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("loc").getNodeValue()); } int count = 1; if (d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("count") != null) { count = Integer.parseInt(d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("count").getNodeValue()); } int respawn = 60; if (d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("respawn") != null) { respawn = Integer .parseInt(d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("respawn").getNodeValue()); } int respawnRnd = 0; if (d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("respawn_rnd") != null) { respawnRnd = Integer .parseInt(d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("respawn_rnd").getNodeValue()); } Node att = d1.getAttributes().getNamedItem("stage"); StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(att.getNodeValue(), ";"); int tokenCount = st.countTokens(); int[] stages = new int[tokenCount]; for (int i = 0; i < tokenCount; i++) { Integer value = Integer.decode(st.nextToken().trim()); stages[i] = value; } Territory territory = null; for (Node s1 = d1.getFirstChild(); s1 != null; s1 = s1.getNextSibling()) { if ("territory".equalsIgnoreCase(s1.getNodeName())) { Polygon poly = new Polygon(); for (Node s2 = s1.getFirstChild(); s2 != null; s2 = s2.getNextSibling()) { if ("add".equalsIgnoreCase(s2.getNodeName())) { int x = Integer .parseInt(s2.getAttributes().getNamedItem("x").getNodeValue()); int y = Integer .parseInt(s2.getAttributes().getNamedItem("y").getNodeValue()); int minZ = Integer.parseInt( s2.getAttributes().getNamedItem("zmin").getNodeValue()); int maxZ = Integer.parseInt( s2.getAttributes().getNamedItem("zmax").getNodeValue()); poly.add(x, y).setZmin(minZ).setZmax(maxZ); } } territory = new Territory().add(poly); if (!poly.validate()) { _log.error("HellboundManager: Invalid spawn territory : " + poly + "!"); continue; } } } if ((spawnLoc == null) && (territory == null)) { _log.error("HellboundManager: no spawn data for npc id : " + npcId + "!"); continue; } HellboundSpawn hbs = new HellboundSpawn(npcId, spawnLoc, count, territory, respawn, respawnRnd, stages); _list.add(hbs); } } } }"HellboundManager: Loaded " + counter + " spawn entries."); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("HellboundManager: Spawn table could not be initialized."); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * Method despawnHellbound. */ void despawnHellbound() { for (SimpleSpawner spawnToDelete : _spawnList) { spawnToDelete.deleteAll(); } _spawnList.clear(); } /** * @author Mobius */ private class StageCheckTask extends RunnableImpl { /** * Constructor for StageCheckTask. */ public StageCheckTask() { // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub } /** * Method runImpl. */ @Override public void runImpl() { if (_initialStage != getHellboundLevel()) { despawnHellbound(); spawnHellbound(); doorHandler(); _initialStage = getHellboundLevel(); } } } /** * @author Mobius */ public class HellboundSpawn { /** * Field _npcId. */ private final int _npcId; /** * Field _loc. */ private final Location _loc; /** * Field _amount. */ private final int _amount; /** * Field _spawnTerritory. */ private final Territory _spawnTerritory; /** * Field _respawn. */ private final int _respawn; /** * Field _respawnRnd. */ private final int _respawnRnd; /** * Field _stages. */ private final int[] _stages; /** * Constructor for HellboundSpawn. * @param npcId int * @param loc Location * @param amount int * @param spawnTerritory Territory * @param respawn int * @param respawnRnd int * @param stages int[] */ public HellboundSpawn(int npcId, Location loc, int amount, Territory spawnTerritory, int respawn, int respawnRnd, int[] stages) { _npcId = npcId; _loc = loc; _amount = amount; _spawnTerritory = spawnTerritory; _respawn = respawn; _respawnRnd = respawnRnd; _stages = stages; } /** * Method getNpcId. * @return int */ public int getNpcId() { return _npcId; } /** * Method getLoc. * @return Location */ public Location getLoc() { return _loc; } /** * Method getAmount. * @return int */ public int getAmount() { return _amount; } /** * Method getSpawnTerritory. * @return Territory */ public Territory getSpawnTerritory() { return _spawnTerritory; } /** * Method getRespawn. * @return int */ public int getRespawn() { return _respawn; } /** * Method getRespawnRnd. * @return int */ public int getRespawnRnd() { return _respawnRnd; } /** * Method getStages. * @return int[] */ public int[] getStages() { return _stages; } } /** * Method doorHandler. */ static void doorHandler() { final int NativeHell_native0131 = 19250001; final int NativeHell_native0132 = 19250002; final int NativeHell_native0133 = 19250003; final int NativeHell_native0134 = 19250004; final int sdoor_trans_mesh00 = 20250002; final int Hell_gate_door = 20250001; final int[] _doors = { NativeHell_native0131, NativeHell_native0132, NativeHell_native0133, NativeHell_native0134, sdoor_trans_mesh00, Hell_gate_door }; for (int _door : _doors) { ReflectionUtils.getDoor(_door).closeMe(); } switch (getHellboundLevel()) { case 0: break; case 1: break; case 2: break; case 3: break; case 4: break; case 5: ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0131).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0132).openMe(); break; case 6: ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0131).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0132).openMe(); break; case 7: ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0131).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0132).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(sdoor_trans_mesh00).openMe(); break; case 8: ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0131).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0132).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(sdoor_trans_mesh00).openMe(); break; case 9: ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0131).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0132).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(sdoor_trans_mesh00).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(Hell_gate_door).openMe(); break; case 10: ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0131).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0132).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(sdoor_trans_mesh00).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(Hell_gate_door).openMe(); break; case 11: ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0131).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(NativeHell_native0132).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(sdoor_trans_mesh00).openMe(); ReflectionUtils.getDoor(Hell_gate_door).openMe(); break; default: break; } } }