Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * QBiC Offer Generator provides an infrastructure for creating offers using QBiC portal and * infrastructure. Copyright (C) 2017 Aydn Can Polatkan, 2018 Benjamin Sailer * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the * GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without * even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If * not, see *******************************************************************************/ package life.qbic.components; import; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.*; import; import com.vaadin.ui.*; import life.qbic.dbase.DBManager; import life.qbic.dbase.Database; import life.qbic.portal.liferayandvaadinhelpers.main.LiferayAndVaadinUtils; import life.qbic.utils.Docx4jUtils; import life.qbic.utils.RefreshableGrid; import org.docx4j.Docx4J; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.exceptions.Docx4JException; import org.docx4j.openpackaging.packages.WordprocessingMLPackage; import org.vaadin.gridutil.cell.GridCellFilter; import*; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.*; import static life.qbic.components.OfferManagerTabPackageComponent.createOfferManagerTabPackageComponent; import static life.qbic.utils.XMLUtils.*; import static life.qbic.utils.qOfferManagerUtils.*; final class OfferManagerTab { private static FileDownloader fileDownloader; private static FileDownloader exportFileDownloader; private static RefreshableGrid offerManagerGrid; private static VerticalLayout detailsLayout; private static ComboBox packageGroupComboBox; private static String pathOnServer = "/home/tomcat-liferay/liferay_production/tmp/"; static RefreshableGrid getOfferManagerGrid() { return offerManagerGrid; } static VerticalLayout getDetailsLayout() { return detailsLayout; } static String getPackageGroupComboBoxValue() { return packageGroupComboBox.getValue().toString(); } static String getPathOnServer() { return pathOnServer; } /** * creates the tab for displaying and modifying the offers in a vaadin grid * @return vaadin component * @throws SQLException: */ static Component createOfferManagerTab() throws SQLException { Database db = qOfferManager.getDb(); VerticalLayout offerManLayout = new VerticalLayout(); HorizontalLayout editSettingsLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); detailsLayout = new VerticalLayout(); editSettingsLayout.setSpacing(true); detailsLayout.setSizeFull(); ComboBox updateStatus = new ComboBox("Select Status"); updateStatus.addItem("In Progress"); updateStatus.addItem("Sent"); updateStatus.addItem("Accepted"); updateStatus.addItem("Rejected"); Button updateButton = new Button("Update"); updateButton.setIcon(FontAwesome.SPINNER); updateButton.setDescription("Click here to update the currently selected offer."); Button deleteOfferButton = new Button("Delete"); deleteOfferButton.setIcon(FontAwesome.TRASH_O); deleteOfferButton.setDescription("Click here to delete the currently selected offer."); packageGroupComboBox = new ComboBox("Select package group"); packageGroupComboBox.addItems("All", "Bioinformatics Analysis", "Mass spectrometry", "Project Management", "Sequencing", "Other"); packageGroupComboBox.setValue("All"); packageGroupComboBox.setNullSelectionAllowed(false); packageGroupComboBox .setDescription("Click here to select the package group for the packages displayed below."); Button exportTableButton = new Button("Export as .csv"); exportTableButton.setIcon(FontAwesome.DOWNLOAD); exportTableButton.setDescription("Click here to export the table as .csv file."); editSettingsLayout.addComponent(updateStatus); editSettingsLayout.addComponent(updateButton); editSettingsLayout.addComponent(deleteOfferButton); editSettingsLayout.addComponent(packageGroupComboBox); editSettingsLayout.addComponent(exportTableButton); editSettingsLayout.setComponentAlignment(updateButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); editSettingsLayout.setComponentAlignment(deleteOfferButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); editSettingsLayout.setComponentAlignment(packageGroupComboBox, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); editSettingsLayout.setComponentAlignment(exportTableButton, Alignment.BOTTOM_CENTER); Button generateOfferButton = new Button("Download offer"); generateOfferButton.setIcon(FontAwesome.DOWNLOAD); generateOfferButton .setDescription("Select an offer from the grid then click here to download it as .docx!"); generateOfferButton.setEnabled(false); offerManLayout.setMargin(true); offerManLayout.setSpacing(true); offerManLayout.setSizeFull(); TableQuery tq = new TableQuery("offers", DBManager.getDatabaseInstanceAlternative()); tq.setVersionColumn("OPTLOCK"); SQLContainer container = new SQLContainer(tq); container.setAutoCommit(true); offerManagerGrid = new RefreshableGrid(container); // add the filters to the grid GridCellFilter filter = new GridCellFilter(offerManagerGrid); filter.setTextFilter("offer_id", true, true); filter.setTextFilter("offer_number", true, false); filter.setTextFilter("offer_project_reference", true, false); filter.setTextFilter("offer_facility", true, false); filter.setTextFilter("offer_name", true, false); filter.setTextFilter("offer_description", true, false); filter.setDateFilter("offer_date"); filter.setDateFilter("last_edited"); filter.setComboBoxFilter("offer_status", Arrays.asList("In Progress", "Sent", "Accepted", "Rejected")); offerManagerGrid.setSelectionMode(Grid.SelectionMode.SINGLE); addListeners(db, updateStatus, updateButton, deleteOfferButton, generateOfferButton, container, exportTableButton); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("offer_id").setHeaderCaption("Id").setWidth(100).setEditable(false); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("offer_number").setHeaderCaption("Quotation Number").setWidth(200) .setEditable(false); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("offer_project_reference").setHeaderCaption("Project Reference") .setEditable(false); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("offer_name").setHeaderCaption("Offer Name").setWidth(200); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("offer_facility").setHeaderCaption("Prospect"); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("offer_description").setHeaderCaption("Description").setWidth(300); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("offer_total").setHeaderCaption("Price ()").setEditable(false); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("offer_status").setHeaderCaption("Status").setEditable(false); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("offer_date").setHeaderCaption("Date").setEditable(false); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("last_edited").setHeaderCaption("Last edited").setEditable(false); offerManagerGrid.getColumn("added_by").setHeaderCaption("Added by").setEditable(false); offerManagerGrid.setColumnOrder("offer_id", "offer_project_reference", "offer_number", "offer_name", "offer_description", "offer_total", "offer_facility", "offer_status", "offer_date", "last_edited", "added_by"); offerManagerGrid.removeColumn("discount"); offerManagerGrid.removeColumn("internal"); offerManagerGrid.removeColumn("offer_group"); offerManagerGrid.removeColumn("offer_extra_price"); offerManagerGrid.removeColumn("offer_price"); offerManagerGrid.sort("offer_date", SortDirection.DESCENDING); offerManagerGrid.setWidth("100%"); offerManagerGrid.setSelectionMode(Grid.SelectionMode.SINGLE); offerManagerGrid.setEditorEnabled(true); // add tooltips to the cells offerManagerGrid.setCellDescriptionGenerator((Grid.CellDescriptionGenerator) cell -> { if (cell.getValue() == null) return null; return cell.getValue().toString(); }); // add tooltips to the header row for (Grid.Column column : offerManagerGrid.getColumns()) { Grid.HeaderCell cell = offerManagerGrid.getDefaultHeaderRow().getCell(column.getPropertyId()); String htmlWithTooltip = String.format("<span title=\"%s\">%s</span>", cell.getText(), cell.getText()); cell.setHtml(htmlWithTooltip); } offerManLayout.addComponent(offerManagerGrid); offerManLayout.addComponent(editSettingsLayout); offerManLayout.addComponent(detailsLayout); offerManLayout.addComponent(generateOfferButton); return offerManLayout; } /** * adds the listeners to the offer manager tab * @param db: database instance to query * @param updateStatusComboBox: combo box for selecting the status of the offer * @param updateButton: button for updating the status of the offer * @param deleteOfferButton: button for deleting an offer * @param generateOfferButton: button for printing an offer * @param container: sql container holding the data from the database * @param exportTableButton: button for exporting the grid as csv */ private static void addListeners(Database db, ComboBox updateStatusComboBox, Button updateButton, Button deleteOfferButton, Button generateOfferButton, SQLContainer container, Button exportTableButton) { // several lists holding the package names, descriptions, prices, etc. for the current offer // TODO: change to one list of packageBeans List<String> packageNames = qOfferManager.getPackageNames(); List<String> packageDescriptions = qOfferManager.getPackageDescriptions(); List<String> packageCounts = qOfferManager.getPackageCounts(); List<String> packageUnitPrices = qOfferManager.getPackageUnitPrices(); List<String> packageTotalPrices = qOfferManager.getPackageTotalPrices(); offerManagerGrid.addSelectionListener(selectionEvent -> { // Get selection from the selection model Object selected = ((Grid.SingleSelectionModel) offerManagerGrid.getSelectionModel()).getSelectedRow(); if (selected != null) { // check if any of the packages in the current offer has no package_grp (e.g. "Bioinformatics Analysis", // "Project Management", etc.) associated with it and display a warning for the user ArrayList<String> packageIdsWithoutPackageGroup = db.getPackageIdsWithoutPackageGroup( container.getItem(selected).getItemProperty("offer_id").getValue().toString()); if (packageIdsWithoutPackageGroup.size() > 0) { String firstPackageName = db.getPackageNameFromPackageId(packageIdsWithoutPackageGroup.get(0)); displayNotification("Package not associated to package group", "The package " + firstPackageName + " with id " + packageIdsWithoutPackageGroup.get(0) + " has no package group associated with it. Please consider assigning the package to a " + "package group.", "warning"); } container.getItem(selected).getItemProperty("offer_id").getValue().toString())); // enable the print offer button generateOfferButton.setEnabled(true);"Selected " + db.getOfferStatus( container.getItem(selected).getItemProperty("offer_id").getValue().toString())); detailsLayout.removeAllComponents(); try { detailsLayout.addComponent(createOfferManagerTabPackageComponent(container, container.getItem(selected).getItemProperty("offer_id").getValue().toString(), "All")); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }); updateButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 8910018717791341602L; @Override public void buttonClick(Button.ClickEvent event) { if (offerManagerGrid.getSelectedRow() == null) { displayNotification("oOps! Forgot something?!", "Please make sure that you select an offer to update.", "error"); } else if (updateStatusComboBox.getValue() == null) { displayNotification("oOps! Forgot something?!", "Please make sure that you select an option for status update.", "error"); } else { // update the status of the offer (sent, accepted, declined, etc.) db.updateStatus(updateStatusComboBox.getValue().toString(), offerManagerGrid.getSelectedRow().toString()); container.refresh(); } } }); deleteOfferButton.addClickListener((Button.ClickListener) event -> { Object selectedRow = offerManagerGrid.getSelectedRow(); if (selectedRow == null) { displayNotification("No offer selected!", "Please select an offer to delete.", "error"); return; } int selectedOfferId = (int) offerManagerGrid.getContainerDataSource().getItem(selectedRow) .getItemProperty("offer_id").getValue(); db.deleteOffer(selectedOfferId); // since refreshing the rows doesn't work properly; we force an update of the grid by setting the sort direction // of the package name column offerManagerGrid.sort("offer_id", SortDirection.ASCENDING); displayNotification("Offer deleted", "Offer " + selectedOfferId + " " + "successfully deleted.", "success"); }); packageGroupComboBox.addValueChangeListener((Property.ValueChangeListener) event -> { Object selected = ((Grid.SingleSelectionModel) offerManagerGrid.getSelectionModel()).getSelectedRow(); if (selected == null) { displayNotification("No offer selected.", "Please select an offer to display", "error"); return; } // e.g. "All", "Sequencing", or "Project Management" String selectedPackageGroup = packageGroupComboBox.getValue().toString(); // change the view to display only the packages for the selected package group detailsLayout.removeAllComponents(); try { detailsLayout.addComponent(createOfferManagerTabPackageComponent(container, container.getItem(selected).getItemProperty("offer_id").getValue().toString(), selectedPackageGroup)); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }); // adds the file creation and the export functionality to the print offer button try { setupOfferFileExportFunctionality(db, generateOfferButton, container, packageNames, packageDescriptions, packageCounts, packageUnitPrices, packageTotalPrices); } catch (IOException e) { displayNotification("Whoops, something went wrong.", "A file could not be found, please try" + "again.", "error"); e.printStackTrace(); } try { setupTableExportFunctionality(container, exportTableButton); } catch (IOException e) { displayNotification("Whoops, something went wrong.", "A file could not be found, please try" + "again.", "error"); e.printStackTrace(); } } /** * adds the functionality of exporting the offer grid to the exportGridButton * @param container: SQLContainer holding the data * @param exportGridButton: button the export functionality should be added to * @throws IOException: */ private static void setupTableExportFunctionality(SQLContainer container, Button exportGridButton) throws IOException { // setup the export as .csv file functionality String exportOffersFileName = pathOnServer + "offers.csv"; exportFileDownloader = new FileDownloader(new FileResource(new File(exportOffersFileName))) { @Override public boolean handleConnectorRequest(VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response, String path) throws IOException { createExportContent(container, exportOffersFileName, exportFileDownloader); return super.handleConnectorRequest(request, response, path); } }; exportFileDownloader.extend(exportGridButton); } /** * adds the functionality of generating the offer file and exporting it to the printOfferButton * @param db: database to connect to * @param printOfferButton: button where the functionality should be added * @param container: SQLContainer holding the data * @param packageNames: list of all the package names in the current offer * @param packageDescriptions: list of all the package descriptions in the current offer * @param packageCounts: list of all the package counts in the current offer * @param packageUnitPrices: list of all the package prices in the current offer * @param packageTotalPrices: list of all the package total prices in the current offer * @throws IOException: */ private static void setupOfferFileExportFunctionality(Database db, Button printOfferButton, SQLContainer container, List<String> packageNames, List<String> packageDescriptions, List<String> packageCounts, List<String> packageUnitPrices, List<String> packageTotalPrices) throws IOException { // init with some non-existent file fileDownloader = new FileDownloader(new FileResource(new File("temp"))) { @Override public boolean handleConnectorRequest(VaadinRequest request, VaadinResponse response, String path) throws IOException { // fails if no offer has been selected boolean success = generateOfferFile(container, db, packageNames, packageDescriptions, packageCounts, packageUnitPrices, packageTotalPrices, fileDownloader); // offer file could not be generated, so we return nothing if (!success) { return false; } // handle the download of the file return super.handleConnectorRequest(request, response, path); } }; fileDownloader.extend(printOfferButton); } /** * generates the .docx file for the offer * @param container: sql container holding the offers * @param db: database instance * @param packageNames: list of the package names in the offer * @param packageDescriptions: list of the package descriptions in the offer * @param packageCounts: list of the package counts in the offer * @param packageUnitPrices: list of the package unit prices (=price for one package) * @param packageTotalPrices: list of the total package prices (package_unit_price*count)*discount * @param fileDownloader: file downloader for enabling the download of the file * @return whether or not creating the file has worked */ private static boolean generateOfferFile(SQLContainer container, Database db, List<String> packageNames, List<String> packageDescriptions, List<String> packageCounts, List<String> packageUnitPrices, List<String> packageTotalPrices, FileDownloader fileDownloader) { if (offerManagerGrid.getSelectedRow() == null) { displayNotification("oOps! Forgot something?!", "Please make sure that you select an offer.", "error"); return false; } displayNotification("File is being generated", "Please wait a few seconds while the file is " + "being generated..", "warning"); // since we take the package specific values from the grid showing the packages for the current offers, // we need to check whether all packages are displayed or e.g. only the sequencing packages String selectedPackageGroup = packageGroupComboBox.getValue().toString(); if (!selectedPackageGroup.equals("All")) { packageGroupComboBox.setValue("All"); } String basepath = VaadinService.getCurrent().getBaseDirectory().getAbsolutePath(); // file holding the content controls for the bindings String contentControlFilename = basepath + "/WEB-INF/resourceFiles/contentControlTemplate.xml"; // template .docx file containing the bindings String templateFileName = basepath + "/WEB-INF/resourceFiles/Template.docx"; String clientName = container.getItem(offerManagerGrid.getSelectedRow()).getItemProperty("offer_facility") .getValue().toString(); String offerNumber = container.getItem(offerManagerGrid.getSelectedRow()).getItemProperty("offer_number") .getValue().toString(); String[] address = db.getAddressForPerson(clientName); String groupAcronym = null; String institute = null; String umbrellaOrganization = null; String street = null; String cityZipCodeAndCounty = null; String zipCode; String city; String country; // deal with the potential errors; address[0] contains a more detailed error message and tells the user how to fix the issue if (address.length == 1) { displayNotification("Database entry not found!", address[0], "warning"); } else { groupAcronym = address[0]; institute = address[1]; umbrellaOrganization = address[2]; street = address[3]; zipCode = address[4]; city = address[5]; country = address[6]; // e.g. D - 72076 Tbingen, Germany // TODO: country in english (database entry is in german..), postal code of country (is not in the database) cityZipCodeAndCounty = zipCode + " " + city + ", " + country; } String projectReference = offerNumber.substring(offerNumber.indexOf('_') + 1); String clientEmail = db.getClientEmailFromProjectRef(projectReference); // TODO: for liferay it probably needs some adjustments, since I couldn't test this properly.. String projectManager; String projectManagerMail; try { projectManager = LiferayAndVaadinUtils.getUser().getScreenName(); projectManagerMail = db.getUserEmail(projectManager); } catch (NullPointerException e) { projectManager = "Project manager not found"; projectManagerMail = "Mail not found"; } String projectTitle = container.getItem(offerManagerGrid.getSelectedRow()).getItemProperty("offer_name") .getValue().toString(); if (projectTitle == null) { displayNotification("Offer name is null", "Warning: The offer name for the current offer is null." + "The respective fields in the .docx file will thus hold the placeholder values. Please consider " + "setting the offer name in the Offer Manager tab.", "warning"); } Object projectDescriptionObject = container.getItem(offerManagerGrid.getSelectedRow()) .getItemProperty("offer_description").getValue(); String projectDescription = projectDescriptionObject == null ? null : projectDescriptionObject.toString(); if (projectDescription == null) { displayNotification("Offer description is null.", "Warning: The offer description for the current " + "offer is null. The respective fields in the .docx file will thus hold the placeholder values. Please " + "consider setting the offer name in the Offer Manager tab.", "warning"); } DecimalFormat offerPriceFormatter = new DecimalFormat("###,###.###"); String offerTotal = offerPriceFormatter.format(Float.valueOf(container .getItem(offerManagerGrid.getSelectedRow()).getItemProperty("offer_total").getValue().toString())); String clientSurname = clientName.split(" ")[clientName.split(" ").length - 1]; String dateToday = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMdd").format(new Date()); String projectQuotationNumber = dateToday + "_" + clientSurname + "_" + projectReference; SimpleDateFormat currentDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("EEEE, dd MMMM yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); String currentDate = currentDateFormat.format(new Date()); // get the xml document holding the content for the bindings in the docx template file org.w3c.dom.Document contentControlDocument = readXMLFile(contentControlFilename); // change the fields of the content control document according to the values obtained in the grid changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "client_name", clientName); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "client_organization", groupAcronym); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "client_department", institute); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "client_university", umbrellaOrganization); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "client_address", street); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "client_address_town", cityZipCodeAndCounty); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "client_email", clientEmail); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "project_reference", projectReference); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "project_quotation_number", projectQuotationNumber); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "name", projectManager); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "email", projectManagerMail); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "project_title", projectTitle); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "objective", projectDescription); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "estimated_total", formatCurrency(offerTotal)); changeNodeTextContent(contentControlDocument, "date", currentDate); // iterate over the packages and add them to the content control .xml file for (int i = packageNames.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { addRowToTable(contentControlDocument, 1, packageNames.get(i) + ": " + packageDescriptions.get(i), packageCounts.get(i), formatCurrency(packageUnitPrices.get(i)), formatCurrency(packageTotalPrices.get(i)), String.valueOf(i + 1)); } // remove the placeholder row in the .xml file removeRowInTable(contentControlDocument, packageNames.size()); // apply the bindings to the .docx template file WordprocessingMLPackage wordProcessor = Docx4jUtils.applyBindings(contentControlDocument, templateFileName); String outputFilename = pathOnServer + projectQuotationNumber + ".docx"; // save updated document to output file try { assert wordProcessor != null; File(outputFilename), Docx4J.FLAG_SAVE_ZIP_FILE); } catch (Docx4JException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } fileDownloader.setFileDownloadResource(new FileResource(new File(outputFilename))); return true; } }