Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


// Copyright (C) 2014 Guibing Guo
// This file is part of LibRec.
// LibRec is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// LibRec is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with LibRec. If not, see <>.


import java.sql.Connection;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;

import org.apache.commons.dbutils.DbUtils;

import librec.util.Dates;
import librec.util.FileIO;
import librec.util.Logs;
import librec.util.Stats;
import librec.util.Strings;
import cdTest.DatabaseManager;


 * A data access object (DAO) to a data file
 * @author guoguibing
public class DataDAO {

    // name of data file
    private String dataName;
    // directory of data file
    private String dataDir;
    // path to data file
    private String dataPath;
    // store rate data as {user, item, rate} matrix
    private SparseMatrix rateMatrix;
    // store time data as {user, item, timestamp} matrix
    private SparseMatrix timeMatrix;
    // store rate data as a sparse tensor
    private SparseTensor rateTensor;

    // is item type as user
    private boolean isItemAsUser;
    // is first head line
    private boolean isHeadline = false;

    // data scales
    private List<Double> ratingScale;
    // scale distribution
    private Multiset<Double> scaleDist;

    // number of rates
    private int numRatings;

    // user/item {raw id, inner id} map
    //   private BiMap<String, Integer> userIds, itemIds;
    private BiMap<Integer, Integer> userIds, itemIds;

    // inverse views of userIds, itemIds
    //   private BiMap<Integer, String> idUsers, idItems;
    private BiMap<Integer, Integer> idUsers, idItems;

    // time unit may depend on data sets, e.g. in MovieLens, it is unix seconds
    private TimeUnit timeUnit;

    // minimum/maximum rating timestamp
    private long minTimestamp, maxTimestamp;

     * Constructor for a data DAO object
     * @param path
     *            path to data file
     * @param userIds
     *            user: {raw id, inner id} map
     * @param itemIds
     *            item: {raw id, inner id} map
    public DataDAO(BiMap<Integer, Integer> userIds, BiMap<Integer, Integer> itemIds) {
        //      dataPath = path;

        if (userIds == null)
            this.userIds = HashBiMap.create();
            this.userIds = userIds;

        if (itemIds == null)
            this.itemIds = HashBiMap.create();
            this.itemIds = itemIds;

        scaleDist = HashMultiset.create();

        isItemAsUser = this.userIds == this.itemIds;
        timeUnit = TimeUnit.SECONDS;

     * Contructor for data DAO object
     * @param path
     *            path to data file
    public DataDAO() {
        this(null, null);

     * Contructor for data DAO object
    public DataDAO(BiMap<Integer, Integer> userIds) {
        this(userIds, userIds);

     * Read data from the database.
     * @return a sparse matrix storing all the relevant data
    public SparseMatrix[] loadData() throws Exception {
        return loadData(-1, -1);

     * Read data from the database.
     * @return a sparse matrix storing all the relevant data
    public SparseMatrix[] loadData(double binThold) throws Exception {
        return loadData(binThold, -1);

     * Read data from the database. Note that we don't take care of duplicate lines.
     * @return a sparse matrix storing all the relevant data
    public SparseMatrix[] loadData(double binThold, int maxIds) throws Exception {"Dataset: From database");

        // Table {row-id, col-id, rate}
        Table<Integer, Integer, Double> dataTable = HashBasedTable.create();
        // Table {row-id, col-id, timestamp}
        Table<Integer, Integer, Long> timeTable = null;
        // Map {col-id, multiple row-id}: used to fast build a rating matrix
        Multimap<Integer, Integer> colMap = HashMultimap.create();

        DatabaseManager dbm = new DatabaseManager();
        Connection conn = null;
        PreparedStatement stmnt = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;

        minTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
        maxTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE;

        try {
            conn = dbm.getConnection();

            if (maxIds > 0) {
                stmnt = conn.prepareStatement(
                        "SELECT UserId, ItemId, Time, Rating FROM Rating WHERE ItemId < ? AND UserId < ?;");
                stmnt.setInt(1, maxIds);
                stmnt.setInt(2, maxIds);
            } else {
                stmnt = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT UserId, ItemId, Time, Rating FROM Rating;");
            //"Executing statement: {}", stmnt);
            rs = stmnt.executeQuery();
            while ( {

                int user = rs.getInt("UserId");
                int item = rs.getInt("ItemId");

                // convert time to milliseconds
                long mms = rs.getTimestamp("Time").getTime();
                long timestamp = timeUnit.toMillis(mms);

                Double rate = rs.getDouble("Rating");

                // binarize the rating for item recommendation task
                if (binThold >= 0)
                    rate = rate > binThold ? 1.0 : 0.0;


                // inner id starting from 0
                int row = userIds.containsKey(user) ? userIds.get(user) : userIds.size();
                userIds.put(user, row);

                int col = itemIds.containsKey(item) ? itemIds.get(item) : itemIds.size();
                itemIds.put(item, col);

                dataTable.put(row, col, rate);
                colMap.put(col, row);

                // record rating's issuing time
                if (timeTable == null)
                    timeTable = HashBasedTable.create();

                if (minTimestamp > timestamp)
                    minTimestamp = timestamp;

                if (maxTimestamp < timestamp)
                    maxTimestamp = timestamp;

                timeTable.put(row, col, timestamp);
                //            if(dataTable.size() % 100000 == 0)
                //     "Ratings loaded into dataTable: {}", dataTable.size());
        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {

        //"All ratings loaded into dataTable");

        numRatings = scaleDist.size();
        ratingScale = new ArrayList<>(scaleDist.elementSet());

        int numRows = numUsers(), numCols = numItems();

        // if min-rate = 0.0, shift upper a scale
        double minRate = ratingScale.get(0).doubleValue();
        double epsilon = minRate == 0.0 ? ratingScale.get(1).doubleValue() - minRate : 0;
        if (epsilon > 0) {
            // shift upper a scale
            for (int i = 0, im = ratingScale.size(); i < im; i++) {
                double val = ratingScale.get(i);
                ratingScale.set(i, val + epsilon);
            // update data table
            for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++) {
                for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++) {
                    if (dataTable.contains(row, col))
                        dataTable.put(row, col, dataTable.get(row, col) + epsilon);

        String dateRange = "";
        dateRange = String.format(", Timestamps = {%s, %s}", Dates.toString(minTimestamp),

        Logs.debug("With Specs: {Users, {}} = {{}, {}, {}}, Scale = {{}}{}",
                (isItemAsUser ? "Users, Links" : "Items, Ratings"), numRows, numCols, numRatings,
                Strings.toString(ratingScale), dateRange);

        // build rating matrix
        rateMatrix = new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, dataTable, colMap);

        if (timeTable != null)
            timeMatrix = new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, timeTable, colMap);

        // release memory of data table
        dataTable = null;
        timeTable = null;

        return new SparseMatrix[] { rateMatrix, timeMatrix };


    //   /**
    //    * Default relevant columns {0: user column, 1: item column, 2: rate column}; default recommendation task is rating
    //    * prediction;
    //    * 
    //    * 
    //    * @return a sparse matrix storing all the relevant data
    //    */
    //   public SparseMatrix[] readData() throws Exception {
    //      return readData(new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, -1);
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * @param isCCSUsed
    //    *            whether to construct CCS structures while reading data
    //    */
    //   public SparseMatrix[] readData(double binThold) throws Exception {
    //      return readData(new int[] { 0, 1, 2 }, binThold);
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * Read data from the data file. Note that we didn't take care of the duplicated lines.
    //    * 
    //    * @param cols
    //    *            the indexes of the relevant columns in the data file: {user, item, [rating, timestamp] (optional)}
    //    * @param binThold
    //    *            the threshold to binarize a rating. If a rating is greater than the threshold, the value will be 1;
    //    *            otherwise 0. To disable this feature, i.e., keep the original rating value, set the threshold a
    //    *            negative value
    //    * @return a sparse matrix storing all the relevant data
    //    */
    //   public SparseMatrix[] readData(int[] cols, double binThold) throws Exception {
    //"Dataset: %s", Strings.last(dataPath, 38)));
    //      // Table {row-id, col-id, rate}
    //      Table<Integer, Integer, Double> dataTable = HashBasedTable.create();
    //      // Table {row-id, col-id, timestamp}
    //      Table<Integer, Integer, Long> timeTable = null;
    //      // Map {col-id, multiple row-id}: used to fast build a rating matrix
    //      Multimap<Integer, Integer> colMap = HashMultimap.create();
    //      BufferedReader br = FileIO.getReader(dataPath);
    //      String line = null;
    //      minTimestamp = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    //      maxTimestamp = Long.MIN_VALUE;
    //      while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    //         if (isHeadline()) {
    //            setHeadline(false);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         String[] data = line.trim().split("[ \t,]+");
    //         String user = data[cols[0]];
    //         String item = data[cols[1]];
    //         Double rate = (cols.length >= 3 && data.length >= 3) ? Double.valueOf(data[cols[2]]) : 1.0;
    //         // binarize the rating for item recommendation task
    //         if (binThold >= 0)
    //            rate = rate > binThold ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    //         scaleDist.add(rate);
    //         // inner id starting from 0
    //         int row = userIds.containsKey(user) ? userIds.get(user) : userIds.size();
    //         userIds.put(user, row);
    //         int col = itemIds.containsKey(item) ? itemIds.get(item) : itemIds.size();
    //         itemIds.put(item, col);
    //         dataTable.put(row, col, rate);
    //         colMap.put(col, row);
    //         // record rating's issuing time
    //         if (cols.length >= 4 && data.length >= 4) {
    //            if (timeTable == null)
    //               timeTable = HashBasedTable.create();
    //            // convert to million-seconds
    //            long mms = 0L;
    //            try {
    //               mms = Long.parseLong(data[cols[3]]); // cannot format "9.7323480e+008"
    //            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
    //               mms = (long) Double.parseDouble(data[cols[3]]);
    //            }
    //            long timestamp = timeUnit.toMillis(mms);
    //            if (minTimestamp > timestamp)
    //               minTimestamp = timestamp;
    //            if (maxTimestamp < timestamp)
    //               maxTimestamp = timestamp;
    //            timeTable.put(row, col, timestamp);
    //         }
    //      }
    //      br.close();
    //      numRatings = scaleDist.size();
    //      ratingScale = new ArrayList<>(scaleDist.elementSet());
    //      Collections.sort(ratingScale);
    //      int numRows = numUsers(), numCols = numItems();
    //      // if min-rate = 0.0, shift upper a scale
    //      double minRate = ratingScale.get(0).doubleValue();
    //      double epsilon = minRate == 0.0 ? ratingScale.get(1).doubleValue() - minRate : 0;
    //      if (epsilon > 0) {
    //         // shift upper a scale
    //         for (int i = 0, im = ratingScale.size(); i < im; i++) {
    //            double val = ratingScale.get(i);
    //            ratingScale.set(i, val + epsilon);
    //         }
    //         // update data table
    //         for (int row = 0; row < numRows; row++) {
    //            for (int col = 0; col < numCols; col++) {
    //               if (dataTable.contains(row, col))
    //                  dataTable.put(row, col, dataTable.get(row, col) + epsilon);
    //            }
    //         }
    //      }
    //      String dateRange = "";
    //      if (cols.length >= 4)
    //         dateRange = String.format(", Timestamps = {%s, %s}", Dates.toString(minTimestamp),
    //               Dates.toString(maxTimestamp));
    //      Logs.debug("With Specs: {Users, {}} = {{}, {}, {}}, Scale = {{}}{}", (isItemAsUser ? "Users, Links"
    //            : "Items, Ratings"), numRows, numCols, numRatings, Strings.toString(ratingScale), dateRange);
    //      // build rating matrix
    //      rateMatrix = new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, dataTable, colMap);
    //      if (timeTable != null)
    //         timeMatrix = new SparseMatrix(numRows, numCols, timeTable, colMap);
    //      // release memory of data table
    //      dataTable = null;
    //      timeTable = null;
    //      return new SparseMatrix[] { rateMatrix, timeMatrix };
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * Read data from the data file. Note that we didn't take care of the duplicated lines.
    //    * 
    //    * @param cols
    //    *            the indexes of the relevant columns in the data file: {user, item, rating}, other columns are treated
    //    *            as features
    //    * @param binThold
    //    *            the threshold to binarize a rating. If a rating is greater than the threshold, the value will be 1;
    //    *            otherwise 0. To disable this feature, i.e., keep the original rating value, set the threshold a
    //    *            negative value
    //    * @return a sparse tensor storing all the relevant data
    //    */
    //   @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
    //   public SparseMatrix[] readTensor(int[] cols, double binThold) throws Exception {
    //      if (cols.length < 3)
    //         throw new Exception("Column length cannot be smaller than 3. Usage: user, item, rating columns.");
    //"Dataset: %s", Strings.last(dataPath, 38)));
    //      int[] dims = null;
    //      int numDims = 0;
    //      List<Integer>[] ndLists = null;
    //      Set<Integer>[] ndSets = null;
    //      List<Double> vals = new ArrayList<Double>();
    //      BufferedReader br = FileIO.getReader(dataPath);
    //      String line = null;
    //      while ((line = br.readLine()) != null) {
    //         if (isHeadline()) {
    //            setHeadline(false);
    //            continue;
    //         }
    //         String[] data = line.trim().split("[ \t,]+");
    //         // initialization
    //         if (dims == null) {
    //            numDims = data.length - 1;
    //            dims = new int[numDims];
    //            ndLists = (List<Integer>[]) new List<?>[numDims];
    //            ndSets = (Set<Integer>[]) new Set<?>[numDims];
    //            for (int d = 0; d < numDims; d++) {
    //               ndLists[d] = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    //               ndSets[d] = new HashSet<Integer>();
    //            }
    //            int featureDims = numDims - 2; // feature dimension should exclude user and item
    //            featureIds = new BiMap[featureDims];
    //            for (int d = 0; d < featureDims; d++){
    //               featureIds[d] = HashBiMap.create();
    //            }
    //         }
    //         // set data
    //         for (int d = 0; d < data.length; d++) {
    //            String val = data[d];
    //            int feature = -1;
    //            if (d == cols[0]) {
    //               // user
    //               feature = userIds.containsKey(val) ? userIds.get(val) : userIds.size();
    //               userIds.put(val, feature);
    //            } else if (d == cols[1]) {
    //               // item
    //               feature = itemIds.containsKey(val) ? itemIds.get(val) : itemIds.size();
    //               itemIds.put(val, feature);
    //            } else if (d == cols[2]) {
    //               // rating
    //               double rate = Double.parseDouble(val);
    //               // binarize the rating for item recommendation task
    //               if (binThold >= 0)
    //                  rate = rate > binThold ? 1.0 : 0.0;
    //               vals.add(rate);
    //               scaleDist.add(rate);
    //               continue;
    //            } else {
    //               // other: val as feature value
    //               int featureDim = d - 3;               
    //               feature = (int) (featureIds[featureDim].containsKey(val) ? featureIds[featureDim].get(val) : featureIds[featureDim].size());
    //               featureIds[featureDim].put(val, feature);
    //            }
    //            int dim = d > cols[2] ? d - 1 : d;
    //            ndLists[dim].add(feature);
    //            ndSets[dim].add(feature);
    //         }
    //      }
    //      br.close();
    //      numRatings = scaleDist.size();
    //      ratingScale = new ArrayList<>(scaleDist.elementSet());
    //      Collections.sort(ratingScale);
    //      // if min-rate = 0.0, shift upper a scale
    //      double minRate = ratingScale.get(0).doubleValue();
    //      double epsilon = minRate == 0.0 ? ratingScale.get(1).doubleValue() - minRate : 0;
    //      if (epsilon > 0) {
    //         // shift upper a scale
    //         for (int i = 0, im = ratingScale.size(); i < im; i++) {
    //            double val = ratingScale.get(i);
    //            ratingScale.set(i, val + epsilon);
    //         }
    //         // update rating values
    //         for (int i = 0; i < vals.size(); i++) {
    //            vals.set(i, vals.get(i) + epsilon);
    //         }
    //      }
    //      // get dimensions
    //      int numRows = numUsers(), numCols = numItems();
    //      for (int d = 0; d < numDims; d++) {
    //         dims[d] = ndSets[d].size();
    //      }
    //      // debug info
    //      Logs.debug("With Specs: {Users, Items, Ratings, Features} = {{}, {}, {}, {}}, Scale = {{}}", numRows, numCols,
    //            numRatings, (numDims - 2), Strings.toString(ratingScale));
    //      rateTensor = new SparseTensor(dims, ndLists, vals);
    //      rateTensor.setUserDimension(cols[0]);
    //      rateTensor.setItemDimension(cols[1]);
    //      return new SparseMatrix[] { rateTensor.rateMatrix(), null };
    //   }

     * write the rate data to another data file given by the path {@code toPath}
     * @param toPath
     *            the data file to write to
     * @param sep
     *            the sparator of the written data file
    public void writeData(String toPath, String sep) throws Exception {

        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<>(1500);
        for (MatrixEntry me : rateMatrix) {
            String line = Strings.toString(new Object[] { me.row() + 1, me.column() + 1, (float) me.get() }, sep);

            if (lines.size() >= 1000) {
                FileIO.writeList(toPath, lines, null, true);

        if (lines.size() > 0)
            FileIO.writeList(toPath, lines, null, true);

        Logs.debug("Data has been exported to {}", toPath);

     * Default sep=" " is adopted
    public void writeData(String toPath) throws Exception {
        writeData(toPath, " ");

     * Write rate matrix to a data file with format ".arff" which can be used by the PREA toolkit
     * @param relation
     *            relation name of dataset
     * @param toPath
     *            data file path
    public void writeArff(String relation, String toPath) throws Exception {

        BufferedWriter bw = FileIO.getWriter(toPath);

        bw.write("@RELATION " + relation + "\n\n");
        bw.write("@ATTRIBUTE UserId NUMERIC\n\n");

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        int count = 0;
        for (int u = 0, um = numUsers(); u < um; u++) {
            sb.append("{0 " + (u + 1));

            for (int j = 0, jm = numItems(); j < jm; j++) {
                double rate = rateMatrix.get(u, j);
                if (rate != 0)
                    sb.append(", " + (j + 1) + " " + rate);

                if (j == jm - 1)

            if (count++ >= 500) {
                count = 0;
                sb = new StringBuilder();

        if (count > 0)


        Logs.debug("Data has been exported to {}", toPath);

     * print out specifications of the dataset
    public void printSpecs() throws Exception {
        if (rateMatrix == null)

        List<String> sps = new ArrayList<>();

        int users = numUsers();
        int items = numItems();
        int numRates = rateMatrix.size();

        sps.add("Dataset: From Database");
        sps.add("User amount: " + users + ", " + FileIO.formatSize(users));
        if (!isItemAsUser)
            sps.add("Item amount: " + items + ", " + FileIO.formatSize(items));
        sps.add("Rate amount: " + numRates + ", " + FileIO.formatSize(numRates));
        sps.add(String.format("Data density: %.4f%%", (numRates + 0.0) / users / items * 100));
        sps.add("Scale distribution: " + scaleDist.toString());

        // user/item mean
        double[] data = rateMatrix.getData();
        float mean = (float) (Stats.sum(data) / numRates);
        float std = (float);
        float mode = (float) Stats.mode(data);
        float median = (float) Stats.median(data);

        sps.add(String.format("Average value of all ratings: %f", mean));
        sps.add(String.format("Standard deviation of all ratings: %f", std));
        sps.add(String.format("Mode of all rating values: %f", mode));
        sps.add(String.format("Median of all rating values: %f", median));

        List<Integer> userCnts = new ArrayList<>();
        int userMax = 0, userMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        for (int u = 0, um = numUsers(); u < um; u++) {
            int size = rateMatrix.rowSize(u);
            if (size > 0) {

                if (size > userMax)
                    userMax = size;
                if (size < userMin)
                    userMin = size;

        sps.add(String.format("Max number of ratings per user: %d", userMax));
        sps.add(String.format("Min number of ratings per user: %d", userMin));
        sps.add(String.format("Average number of ratings per user: %f", (float) Stats.mean(userCnts)));
        sps.add(String.format("Standard deviation of number of ratings per user: %f", (float);

        if (!isItemAsUser) {
            List<Integer> itemCnts = new ArrayList<>();
            int itemMax = 0, itemMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
            for (int j = 0, jm = numItems(); j < jm; j++) {
                int size = rateMatrix.columnSize(j);
                if (size > 0) {

                    if (size > itemMax)
                        itemMax = size;
                    if (size < itemMin)
                        itemMin = size;

            sps.add(String.format("Max number of ratings per item: %d", itemMax));
            sps.add(String.format("Min number of ratings per item: %d", itemMin));
            sps.add(String.format("Average number of ratings per item: %f", (float) Stats.mean(itemCnts)));
            sps.add(String.format("Standard deviation of number of ratings per item: %f",

     * print out distributions of the dataset <br/>
     * <ul>
     * <li>#users (y) -- #ratings (x) (that are issued by each user)</li>
     * <li>#items (y) -- #ratings (x) (that received by each item)</li>
     * </ul>
    public void printDistr(boolean isWriteOut) throws Exception {
        if (rateMatrix == null)

        // count how many users give the same number of ratings
        Multiset<Integer> numURates = HashMultiset.create();

        // count how many items recieve the same number of ratings
        Multiset<Integer> numIRates = HashMultiset.create();

        for (int r = 0, rm = rateMatrix.numRows; r < rm; r++) {
            int numRates = rateMatrix.rowSize(r);

        for (int c = 0, cm = rateMatrix.numColumns; c < cm; c++) {
            int numRates = rateMatrix.columnSize(c);

        String ustrs = Strings.toString(numURates);
        String istrs = Strings.toString(numIRates);

        if (isWriteOut) {
            FileIO.writeString(FileIO.desktop + "user-distr.txt", ustrs);
            FileIO.writeString(FileIO.desktop + "item-distr.txt", istrs);
        } else {
            Logs.debug("#ratings (x) ~ #users (y): \n" + ustrs);
            Logs.debug("#ratings (x) ~ #items (y): \n" + istrs);



     * @return number of users
    public int numUsers() {
        return userIds.size();

     * @return number of items
    public int numItems() {
        return itemIds.size();

     * @return number of rates
    public int numRatings() {
        return numRatings;

     * @return number of days
    public int numDays() {
        return (int) TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toDays(maxTimestamp - minTimestamp);

     * @param rawId
     *            raw user id as String
     * @return inner user id as int
    public int getUserId(String rawId) {
        return userIds.get(rawId);

     * @param innerId
     *            inner user id as int
     * @return raw user id as String
    public String getUserId(int innerId) {

        if (idUsers == null)
            idUsers = userIds.inverse();

        return idUsers.get(innerId).toString();

     * @param rawId
     *            raw item id as String
     * @return inner item id as int
    public int getItemId(String rawId) {
        return itemIds.get(rawId);

     * @param innerId
     *            inner user id as int
     * @return raw item id as String
    public String getItemId(int innerId) {

        if (idItems == null)
            idItems = itemIds.inverse();

        return idItems.get(innerId).toString();

     * @return the path to the dataset file
    public String getDataPath() {
        return dataPath;

     * @return the rate matrix
    public SparseMatrix getRateMatrix() {
        return rateMatrix;

     * @return whether "items" are users, useful for social reltions
    public boolean isItemAsUser() {
        return isItemAsUser;

     * @return rating scales
    public List<Double> getRatingScale() {
        return ratingScale;

     * @return user {rawid, inner id} mappings
    public BiMap<Integer, Integer> getUserIds() {
        return userIds;

     * @return item {rawid, inner id} mappings
    public BiMap<Integer, Integer> getItemIds() {
        return itemIds;

     * @return name of the data file with file type extension
    public String getDataName() {
        if (dataName == null) {
            dataName = dataPath.substring(dataPath.lastIndexOf(File.separator) + 1, dataPath.lastIndexOf("."));

        return dataName;

     * @return directory of the data file
    public String getDataDirectory() {
        if (dataDir == null) {
            int pos = dataPath.lastIndexOf(File.separator);
            dataDir = pos > 0 ? dataPath.substring(0, pos + 1) : "." + File.separator;

        return dataDir;

     * set the time unit of the data file
    public void setTimeUnit(TimeUnit timeUnit) {
        this.timeUnit = timeUnit;

     * @return the minimum timestamp
    public long getMinTimestamp() {
        return minTimestamp;

     * @return the maximum timestamp
    public long getMaxTimestamp() {
        return maxTimestamp;

    public SparseTensor getRateTensor() {
        return rateTensor;

    public boolean isHeadline() {
        return isHeadline;

    public void setHeadline(boolean isHeadline) {
        this.isHeadline = isHeadline;