lfsom.visualization.clustering.LFSKMeans.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for lfsom.visualization.clustering.LFSKMeans.java


 * This class is a specialized class of "KMeans" class from:
 * Java SOMToolbox
 * http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/dm/somtoolbox/
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * http://www.livingforsom.com/license.html
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ---------------------------------------------------------------
 * Original license from Java SOMToolbox:
 * Copyright 2004-2010 Information & Software Engineering Group (188/1)
 *                     Institute of Software Technology and Interactive Systems
 *                     Vienna University of Technology, Austria
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 *     http://www.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/dm/somtoolbox/license.html
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package lfsom.visualization.clustering;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;

import lfsom.layers.metrics.LFSL2Metric;
import lfsom.util.LFSException;

import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils;
import org.apache.commons.math.random.JDKRandomGenerator;
import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomDataImpl;
import org.apache.commons.math.random.RandomGenerator;

import at.tuwien.ifs.somtoolbox.layers.metrics.DistanceMetric;
import at.tuwien.ifs.somtoolbox.visualization.clustering.MoreCentresThanKException;

 * Pretty much the classic K-Means clustering. Tried to keep it simple, though.
 * @author Robert Neumayer
 * @version $Id: KMeans.java 3921 2010-11-05 12:54:53Z mayer $

public class LFSKMeans {
    private enum InitType {

    private double[][] data;

    private int k, numberOfInstances, numberOfAttributes;

    private double[] minValues, maxValues, differences;

    // this one will be used for looking up cluster assignments
    // which in turn will help to terminate the training process
    // as soon as we don't experience any changes in cluster assignments
    private Hashtable<Integer, Integer> instancesInClusters;

    private LFSCluster[] clusters;

    // TODO remove this after testing
    private static long RANDOM_SEED = 1234567;

     * Default constructor (as much defaulting as possible). Uses linear
     * initialisation and Euclidean distance.
     * @param k
     *            number of clusters
     * @param data
     *            guess
    public LFSKMeans(int k, double[][] data) {
        this(k, data, InitType.RANDOM, new LFSL2Metric());

     * Construct a new K-Means bugger.
     * @param k
     *            number of clusters
     * @param data
     *            the data set
     * @param initialisation
     *            initialisation type
     * @param distanceFunction
     *            an LnMetric of your choice
    private LFSKMeans(int k, double[][] data, InitType initialisation, LFSL2Metric distanceFunction) {
        this.k = k;
        this.numberOfAttributes = data[0].length;
        this.numberOfInstances = data.length;
        this.instancesInClusters = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
        this.clusters = new LFSCluster[k];
        this.data = data;

        // initialise a couple of things

        switch (initialisation) {
        case LINEAR:
        case LINEAR_INSTANCE:
        case RANDOM:
        case RANDOM_INSTANCE:
        case EQUAL_NUMBERS:
        // printClusters();
        // this one is to do a first assignment of data points to clusters

    // TODO implement a better stop criterion (e.g. less than 10 per cent of
    // instances move between clusters per step)

    private int lastNumberOfUpdates = Integer.MAX_VALUE;

     * A classic training step in the K-Means world.
     * @return whether this step brought any changes or not. Note, this one also
     *         says no if there were as many changes as in the last step.
    private boolean trainingStep() {
        boolean didUpdate = false;
        int numberOfUpdates = 0;
        for (int instanceIndex = 0; instanceIndex < numberOfInstances; instanceIndex++) {
            // find closest centroid
            int indexOfClosestCluster = 0;

            indexOfClosestCluster = getIndexOfClosestCluster(data[instanceIndex]);
            // if there's no assignment stored in our lookup table, we add all
            // instances to their according clusters (the one with the closest
            // centroids that is)
            // so this happens in the first run only
            if (instancesInClusters.get(new Integer(instanceIndex)) == null) {
                didUpdate = true;
            // now we have them in the lookup table but the closest cluster
            // changed from the last run
            // so we remove the instance from the cluster and assign it to a new
            // one
            else if (!instancesInClusters.get(new Integer(instanceIndex))
                    .equals(new Integer(indexOfClosestCluster))) {
                clusters[instancesInClusters.get(new Integer(instanceIndex))].removeInstanceIndex(instanceIndex);
                didUpdate = true;
            // we always update the lookup table
            instancesInClusters.put(instanceIndex, indexOfClosestCluster);
        // calculate new centroids

        System.out.println("SSE: " + this.getSSE());
        System.out.println("performed: " + numberOfUpdates + " updates.");
        if (numberOfUpdates == lastNumberOfUpdates) {
            return false;
        lastNumberOfUpdates = numberOfUpdates;

        return didUpdate;

     * Batch calculation of all cluster centroids.
    private void calculateNewCentroids() {
        for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < k; clusterIndex++) {
            // go look for a new centroid if no instances are assigned to the
            // cluster
            if (clusters[clusterIndex].getNumberOfInstances() == 0) {
                if (getSubstituteCentroid() != null) {

     * Get a new centroid for empty clusters. We therefore take the instance
     * with the largest SSE to the cluster centroid having the largest SSE. Get
     * the idea? Read slowly.
     * @return a new centroid (rather: a clone thereof :))
    private double[] getSubstituteCentroid() {
        double maxSSE = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
        int maxSSEIndex = -1;
        for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < k; clusterIndex++) {
            double currentSSE = clusters[clusterIndex].SSE(data);
            if (currentSSE > maxSSE) {
                maxSSE = currentSSE;
                maxSSEIndex = clusterIndex;
        // System.out.println(maxSSEIndex);
        // System.out.println(clusters.length);
        // System.out.println(clusters[maxSSEIndex].getInstanceIndexWithMaxSSE(data));
        // FIXME is this the right way of handling this (if the max sse exists
        // in a cluster that has no instances
        // assigned)
        if (clusters[maxSSEIndex].getInstanceIndexWithMaxSSE(data) == -1) {
            return null;
        return data[clusters[maxSSEIndex].getInstanceIndexWithMaxSSE(data)].clone();

     * Get the index of the closest cluster for the given instance index. Note
     * that in case of equally distant clusters we assign the first found
     * cluster. At the end of the day this means that the clusters with lower
     * indices will have a tendency to be larger. It hopefully won't have too
     * much impact, possibly a random assignment in case of equal weights would
     * make sense, however, this would require a couple of steps more in here.
     * @param instance
     *            the data vector to be assigned
     * @return index of the closest cluster centre
    private int getIndexOfClosestCluster(double[] instance) {
        int indexOfClosestCluster = 0;
        double smallestDistance = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
        double currentDistance = 0;
        for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < k; clusterIndex++) {
            currentDistance = clusters[clusterIndex].getDistanceToCentroid(instance);
            if (currentDistance < smallestDistance) {
                smallestDistance = currentDistance;
                indexOfClosestCluster = clusterIndex;
        return indexOfClosestCluster;

    public int[] getResultados() {
        int resultados[] = new int[this.numberOfInstances];

        for (int k = 0; k < this.numberOfInstances; k++) {
            resultados[k] = instancesInClusters.get(k);

        return resultados;

     * Calculate random centroids for each cluster.
    private void initClustersRandomly() {
        RandomGenerator rg = new JDKRandomGenerator();
        // FIXME: this is for testing purposes only
        // for each cluster
        for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < k; clusterIndex++) {
            // for each of its attributes
            double[] centroid = new double[numberOfAttributes];
            for (int attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < numberOfAttributes; attributeIndex++) {
                centroid[attributeIndex] = differences[attributeIndex] * rg.nextDouble()
                        + minValues[attributeIndex];
            clusters[clusterIndex] = new LFSCluster(centroid);
        System.out.println("initial centroids: ");
        // printCentroids();

     * cluster centres are initialised by equally sized random chunks of the
     * input data when there's 150 instances, we assign 50 chosen randomly to
     * each cluster and calculate its centre from these (the last cluster might
     * be larger if numInstances mod k < 0)
    private void initClustersEqualNumbers() {
        HashSet<Integer> usedIndices = new HashSet<Integer>();
        int limit = numberOfInstances / k;
        // FIXME: Test clustering with new permutation generator!
        // int[] randPermIndices = RandomTools.permutation(new
        // Random(RANDOM_SEED), this.numberOfInstances);
        JDKRandomGenerator rg = new JDKRandomGenerator();
        int[] randPermIndices = new RandomDataImpl(rg).nextPermutation(this.numberOfInstances,
        for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < k; clusterIndex++) {
            LFSCluster c = new LFSCluster(new double[data[0].length]);
            // System.out.println("cluster: " + clusterIndex);
            for (int randPermIndice : randPermIndices) {
                int currentIndex = randPermIndice;
                if ((c.getNumberOfInstances() < limit || clusterIndex == k - 1)
                        && !usedIndices.contains(currentIndex)) {
                    // System.out.print(" " + currentIndex);
            // System.out.println();
            // clusters[clusterIndex] = c;
            clusters[clusterIndex] = new LFSCluster(c.getCentroid());


    /** Take random points from the input data as centroids. */
    private void initClustersRandomlyOnInstances() {
        ArrayList<double[]> usedInstances = new ArrayList<double[]>();
        RandomGenerator rg = new JDKRandomGenerator();
        // FIXME: this is for testing purposes only
        // for each cluster
        for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < k; clusterIndex++) {
            // draw a random input
            double[] centroid = data[rg.nextInt(data.length - 1)].clone();
            while (usedInstances.contains(centroid)) {
                centroid = data[rg.nextInt(data.length - 1)].clone();
            clusters[clusterIndex] = new LFSCluster(centroid);

     * This one does linear initialisation. In the two dimensional space it will
     * place the cluster centres on a diagonal line of a square.
    private void initClustersLinearly() {
        for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < k; clusterIndex++) {
            double[] centroid = new double[numberOfAttributes];
            for (int attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < numberOfAttributes; attributeIndex++) {
                centroid[attributeIndex] = (maxValues[attributeIndex] - minValues[attributeIndex])
                        / (clusters.length + 1) * (clusterIndex + 1) + minValues[attributeIndex];
            clusters[clusterIndex] = new LFSCluster(centroid);

     * like {@link #initClustersLinearly(DistanceMetric)}, but after computing
     * the exact linear point, rather finds & uses the closest instance from the
     * data set as centroid.
    private void initClustersLinearlyOnInstances() {
        ArrayList<double[]> usedInstances = new ArrayList<double[]>(); // to
        // store
        // which
        // points
        // are
        // already
        // taken
        for (int clusterIndex = 0; clusterIndex < k; clusterIndex++) {
            double[] centroid = new double[numberOfAttributes];
            for (int attributeIndex = 0; attributeIndex < numberOfAttributes; attributeIndex++) {
                centroid[attributeIndex] = (maxValues[attributeIndex] - minValues[attributeIndex])
                        / (clusters.length + 1) * (clusterIndex + 1) + minValues[attributeIndex];
                // now find the closest real instance to this point
                double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                double[] minData = null;
                try {
                    for (int i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
                        if (LFSL2Metric.distance(centroid, data[i]) < minDistance
                                && !usedInstances.contains(data[i]) || i == data.length - 1) {
                            minData = data[i];
                            minDistance = LFSL2Metric.distance(centroid, data[i]);
                    centroid = minData.clone();
                } catch (LFSException e) {
            clusters[clusterIndex] = new LFSCluster(centroid);

     * Initialise the cluster centres with the given centres.
     * @param centroids
     *            centroids for clusters.
     * @throws MoreCentresThanKException
     *             don't dare to set more or less centres than our k value.
    public void setClusterCentroids(double[][] centroids) throws MoreCentresThanKException {
        if (centroids.length != k) {
            throw new MoreCentresThanKException("So, someone was trying to set " + centroids.length
                    + " centres for " + k + " clusters. Hint: possibly transpose the matrix and try again.");
        for (int i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) {
        // to do initial assignment of instances to the new centroids

     * Utility method to get the min, max, and diff values of the data set. This
     * is used for scaling the (random) values in the initialisation functions.
    private void initMinAndMaxValues() {
        minValues = new double[numberOfAttributes];
        maxValues = new double[numberOfAttributes];
        differences = new double[numberOfAttributes];
        // for each attribute
        for (int j = 0; j < numberOfAttributes; j++) {
            // in each instance (i.e. each single value now :-))
            minValues[j] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
            maxValues[j] = Double.MIN_VALUE;
            for (double[] element : data) {
                if (element[j] < minValues[j]) {
                    minValues[j] = element[j];
                if (element[j] > maxValues[j]) {
                    maxValues[j] = element[j];
            differences[j] = maxValues[j] - minValues[j];

     * Get a double[][] of all cluster centroids.
     * @return all cluster centroids
    public double[][] getClusterCentroids() {
        double[][] centroids = new double[k][numberOfAttributes];
        for (int indexClusters = 0; indexClusters < clusters.length; indexClusters++) {
            centroids[indexClusters] = clusters[indexClusters].getCentroid();
        return centroids;

    public double[][] getClusterVariances() {
        double[][] variances = new double[clusters.length][numberOfAttributes];
        for (int indexClusters = 0; indexClusters < clusters.length; indexClusters++) {
            double[][] instances = clusters[indexClusters].getInstances(data);
            // for all attributes in this cluster
            for (int i = 0; i < numberOfAttributes; i++) {
                double n = 0;
                double mean = 0;
                double m2 = 0;
                double delta = 0;
                for (double[] instance : instances) {
                    double value = instance[i];
                    delta = value - mean;
                    mean += delta / n;
                    m2 += delta * (value - mean);

                variances[indexClusters][i] = m2 / n;
        for (double[] vars : variances) {
        return variances;

     * Get a double[][] of all cluster centroids. Normalised in the range of the
     * original data.
     * @return all cluster centroids
    public double[][] getMinMaxNormalisedClusterCentroids() {
        double[][] normalisedCentroids = new double[k][numberOfAttributes];
        for (int indexClusters = 0; indexClusters < k; indexClusters++) {
            double[] normalisedCentroid = clusters[indexClusters].getCentroid();
            for (int i = 0; i < normalisedCentroid.length; i++) {
                normalisedCentroid[i] = (normalisedCentroid[i] - minValues[i]) / (maxValues[i] - minValues[i]);
            normalisedCentroids[indexClusters] = normalisedCentroid;
        return normalisedCentroids;

     * Get a double[][] of all cluster centroids. Normalised in the range of the
     * centroids.
     * @return all cluster centroids
    public double[][] getMinMaxNormalisedClusterCentroidsWithin() {
        double[] min = new double[data.clone()[0].length];
        double[] max = new double[data.clone()[0].length];
        // min[] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
        // double max[] = Double.MIN_VALUE;

        for (int i = 0; i < data[0].length; i++) {
            for (LFSCluster cluster : clusters) {
                if (i == 0) {
                    min[i] = Double.MAX_VALUE;
                    max[i] = Double.MIN_VALUE;
                if (cluster.getCentroid()[i] > max[i]) {
                    max[i] = cluster.getCentroid()[i];
                if (cluster.getCentroid()[i] < min[i]) {
                    min[i] = cluster.getCentroid()[i];
        double[][] centroids = new double[k][numberOfAttributes];
        for (int indexClusters = 0; indexClusters < k; indexClusters++) {
            double[] centroid = clusters[indexClusters].getCentroid();
            for (int i = 0; i < centroid.length; i++) {
                centroid[i] = (centroid[i] - minValues[i]) / maxValues[i];
            centroids[indexClusters] = centroid;
        return centroids;

    public double[] getMinValues() {
        return minValues;

    public double[] getMaxValues() {
        return maxValues;

    public double[] getDifferences() {
        return differences;

    public LFSCluster[] getClusters() {
        return clusters;

     * Get the sum of the squared error for all clusters.
     * @return SSE.
    public double getSSE() {
        double sse = 0d;
        for (LFSCluster cluster : clusters) {
            sse += cluster.SSE(data);
        return sse;

     * Get the sum of the squared error for single clusters.
     * @return several SSEs.
    public double[] getSSEs() {
        double[] sse = new double[k];
        for (int i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) {
            sse[i] = clusters[i].SSE(data);
        return sse;

    private void printCentroidsShort() {
        for (int i = 0; i < clusters.length; i++) {
                    .println("\t" + i + " / " + clusters[i].SSE(data) + " / " + clusters[i].getNumberOfInstances());

     * @return Returns the data.
    public double[][] getData() {
        return data;