Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of LCMC written by Rasto Levrinc. * * Copyright (C) 2014, Rastislav Levrinc. * * The LCMC is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) * any later version. * * The LCMC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with LCMC; see the file COPYING. If not, write to * the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */ package lcmc; import lcmc.common.domain.AccessMode; import lcmc.common.domain.Application; import lcmc.cluster.domain.Cluster; import lcmc.common.ui.Access; import lcmc.common.ui.main.MainData; import lcmc.common.ui.utils.SwingUtils; import; import; import lcmc.common.domain.UserConfig; import lcmc.robotest.RoboTest; import lcmc.robotest.StartTests; import lcmc.robotest.Test; import lcmc.logger.Logger; import lcmc.logger.LoggerFactory; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.HelpFormatter; import org.apache.commons.cli.Option; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.inject.Named; import javax.inject.Provider; import javax.inject.Singleton; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; @Named @Singleton public class ArgumentParser { private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ArgumentParser.class); private static final String HELP_OP = "help"; private static final String VERSION_OP = "version"; private static final String NOLRM_OP = "nolrm"; private static final String AUTO_OP = "auto"; private static final String PCMKTEST_OP = "pcmktest"; private static final String DRBDTEST_OP = "drbdtest"; private static final String VMTEST_OP = "vmtest"; private static final String GUITEST_OP = "guitest"; private static final String RO_OP = "ro"; private static final String OP_OP = "op"; private static final String ADMIN_OP = "admin"; private static final String OP_MODE_OP = "op-mode"; private static final String NO_UPGRADE_CHECK_OP = "no-upgrade-check"; /** The --no-plugin-check option. DEPRECATED, doesn't do anything */ private static final String NO_PLUGIN_CHECK_OP = "no-plugin-check"; private static final String TIGHTVNC_OP = "tightvnc"; private static final String ULTRAVNC_OP = "ultravnc"; private static final String REALVNC_OP = "realvnc"; private static final String BIGDRBDCONF_OP = "big-drbd-conf"; private static final String STAGING_DRBD_OP = "staging-drbd"; private static final String STAGING_PACEMAKER_OP = "staging-pacemaker"; private static final String VNC_PORT_OFFSET_OP = "vnc-port-offset"; private static final String SLOW_OP = "slow"; private static final String RESTORE_MOUSE_OP = "restore-mouse"; private static final String KEEP_HELPER_OP = "keep-helper"; private static final String SCALE_OP = "scale"; private static final String ID_DSA_OP = "id-dsa"; private static final String ID_RSA_OP = "id-rsa"; private static final String KNOWN_HOSTS_OP = "known-hosts"; private static final String OUT_OP = "out"; private static final String DEBUG_OP = "debug"; private static final String CLUSTER_OP = "cluster"; private static final String HOST_OP = "host"; private static final String USER_OP = "user"; private static final String SUDO_OP = "sudo"; private static final String PORT_OP = "port"; private static final String ADVANCED_OP = "advanced"; private static final String ONE_HOST_CLUSTER_OP = "one-host-cluster"; private static final String NO_PASSPHRASE_OP = "no-passphrase"; /** The --embed. Embed in the browser option. */ private static final String EMBED_OP = "embed"; /** The --no-embed. Don't embed in the browser option. */ private static final String NO_EMBED_OP = "no-embed"; /** The --cmd-log. /var/log/lcmc.log on the servers. */ private static final String CMD_LOG_OP = "cmd-log"; private static final String CHECK_SWING_OP = "check-swing"; @Inject private UserConfig userConfig; @Inject private RoboTest roboTest; @Inject private Provider<Cluster> clusterProvider; @Inject private Application application; @Inject private SwingUtils swingUtils; @Inject private Access access; @Inject private MainData mainData; public void parseOptionsAndReturnAutoArguments(String[] args) { final Options options = new Options(); options.addOption("h", HELP_OP, false, "print this help"); options.addOption(null, KEEP_HELPER_OP, false, "do not overwrite the lcmc-gui-helper program"); options.addOption(null, RO_OP, false, "read only mode"); options.addOption(null, OP_OP, false, "operator mode"); options.addOption(null, ADMIN_OP, false, "administrator mode"); options.addOption(null, OP_MODE_OP, true, "operating mode. <arg> can be:\n" + "ro - read only\n" + "op - operator\n" + "admin - administrator"); options.addOption(null, NOLRM_OP, false, "do not show removed resources from LRM."); options.addOption("v", VERSION_OP, false, "print version"); options.addOption(null, AUTO_OP, true, "ADVANCED USE: for testing"); options.addOption(null, PCMKTEST_OP, true, "ADVANCED USE: for testing"); options.addOption(null, DRBDTEST_OP, true, "ADVANCED USE: for testing"); options.addOption(null, VMTEST_OP, true, "ADVANCED USE: for testing"); options.addOption(null, GUITEST_OP, true, "ADVANCED USE: for testing"); options.addOption(null, NO_UPGRADE_CHECK_OP, false, "disable upgrade check"); options.addOption(null, NO_PLUGIN_CHECK_OP, false, "disable plugin check, DEPRECATED: there are no plugins"); options.addOption(null, TIGHTVNC_OP, false, "enable tight vnc viewer"); options.addOption(null, ULTRAVNC_OP, false, "enable ultra vnc viewer"); options.addOption(null, REALVNC_OP, false, "enable real vnc viewer"); options.addOption(null, BIGDRBDCONF_OP, false, "create one big drbd.conf, instead of many" + " files in drbd.d/ directory"); options.addOption(null, STAGING_DRBD_OP, false, "enable more DRBD installation options"); options.addOption(null, STAGING_PACEMAKER_OP, false, "enable more Pacemaker installation options"); options.addOption(null, VNC_PORT_OFFSET_OP, true, "offset for port forwarding"); options.addOption(null, SLOW_OP, false, "specify this if you have slow computer"); options.addOption(null, RESTORE_MOUSE_OP, false, "ADVANCED USE: for testing"); options.addOption(null, SCALE_OP, true, "scale fonts and sizes of elements in percent (100)"); options.addOption(null, ID_DSA_OP, true, "location of id_dsa file ($HOME/.ssh/id_dsa)"); options.addOption(null, ID_RSA_OP, true, "location of id_rsa file ($HOME/.ssh/id_rsa)"); options.addOption(null, KNOWN_HOSTS_OP, true, "location of known_hosts file ($HOME/.ssh/known_hosts)"); options.addOption(null, OUT_OP, true, "where to redirect the standard out"); options.addOption(null, DEBUG_OP, true, "debug level, 0 - none, 3 - all"); options.addOption("c", CLUSTER_OP, true, "define a cluster"); final Option hostOp = new Option("h", HOST_OP, true, "define a cluster, used with --cluster option"); hostOp.setArgs(10000); options.addOption(hostOp); options.addOption(null, SUDO_OP, false, "whether to use sudo, used with --cluster option"); options.addOption(null, USER_OP, true, "user to use with sudo, used with --cluster option"); options.addOption(null, PORT_OP, true, "ssh port, used with --cluster option"); options.addOption(null, ADVANCED_OP, false, "start in an advanced mode"); options.addOption(null, ONE_HOST_CLUSTER_OP, false, "allow one host cluster"); options.addOption(null, NO_PASSPHRASE_OP, false, "try no passphrase first"); options.addOption(null, EMBED_OP, false, "embed applet in the browser"); options.addOption(null, NO_EMBED_OP, false, "don't embed applet in the browser"); options.addOption(null, CMD_LOG_OP, false, "Log executed commands to the lcmc.log on the servers"); options.addOption(null, CHECK_SWING_OP, false, "ADVANCED USE: for testing"); final CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); String autoArgs = null; try { final CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (cmd.hasOption(OUT_OP)) { final String out = cmd.getOptionValue(OUT_OP); if (out != null) { try { System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(out))); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { System.exit(2); } } } if (cmd.hasOption(DEBUG_OP)) { final String level = cmd.getOptionValue(DEBUG_OP); if (level != null && lcmc.common.domain.util.Tools.isNumber(level)) { LoggerFactory.setDebugLevel(Integer.parseInt(level)); } else { throw new ParseException("cannot parse debug level: " + level); } } boolean tightvnc = cmd.hasOption(TIGHTVNC_OP); boolean ultravnc = cmd.hasOption(ULTRAVNC_OP); final boolean realvnc = cmd.hasOption(REALVNC_OP); if (!tightvnc && !ultravnc && !realvnc) { if (lcmc.common.domain.util.Tools.isLinux()) { tightvnc = true; } else { tightvnc = true; ultravnc = true; } } final boolean advanced = cmd.hasOption(ADVANCED_OP); access.setAdvancedMode(advanced); application.setUseTightvnc(tightvnc); application.setUseUltravnc(ultravnc); application.setUseRealvnc(realvnc); application.setUpgradeCheckEnabled(!cmd.hasOption(NO_UPGRADE_CHECK_OP)); application.setBigDRBDConf(cmd.hasOption(BIGDRBDCONF_OP)); application.setStagingDrbd(cmd.hasOption(STAGING_DRBD_OP)); application.setStagingPacemaker(cmd.hasOption(STAGING_PACEMAKER_OP)); application.setHideLRM(cmd.hasOption(NOLRM_OP)); application.setKeepHelper(cmd.hasOption(KEEP_HELPER_OP)); application.setOneHostCluster(cmd.hasOption(ONE_HOST_CLUSTER_OP)); application.setNoPassphrase(cmd.hasOption(NO_PASSPHRASE_OP)); if (cmd.hasOption(EMBED_OP)) { application.setEmbedApplet(true); } if (cmd.hasOption(NO_EMBED_OP)) { application.setEmbedApplet(false); } if (cmd.hasOption(CMD_LOG_OP)) { application.setCmdLog(true); } if (cmd.hasOption(CHECK_SWING_OP)) { swingUtils.setCheckSwing(true); } final String pwd = System.getProperty("user.home"); final String scaleOp = cmd.getOptionValue(SCALE_OP, "100"); try { final int scale = Integer.parseInt(scaleOp); application.setScale(scale); application.resizeFonts(scale); } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { LOG.appWarning("initApp: cannot parse scale: " + scaleOp); } final String idDsaPath = cmd.getOptionValue(ID_DSA_OP, pwd + "/.ssh/id_dsa"); final String idRsaPath = cmd.getOptionValue(ID_RSA_OP, pwd + "/.ssh/id_rsa"); final String knownHostsPath = cmd.getOptionValue(KNOWN_HOSTS_OP, pwd + "/.ssh/known_hosts"); application.setIdDSAPath(idDsaPath); application.setIdRSAPath(idRsaPath); application.setKnownHostPath(knownHostsPath); final String opMode = cmd.getOptionValue(OP_MODE_OP); autoArgs = cmd.getOptionValue(AUTO_OP); if (cmd.hasOption(HELP_OP)) { final HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp("java -jar LCMC.jar [OPTIONS]", options); System.exit(0); } if (cmd.hasOption(VERSION_OP)) { System.out.println("LINUX CLUSTER MANAGEMENT CONSOLE " + lcmc.common.domain.util.Tools.getRelease() + " by Rasto Levrinc"); System.exit(0); } if (cmd.hasOption("ro") || "ro".equals(opMode)) { access.setAccessType(AccessMode.RO); access.setMaxAccessType(AccessMode.RO); } else if (cmd.hasOption("op") || "op".equals(opMode)) { access.setAccessType(AccessMode.OP); access.setMaxAccessType(AccessMode.OP); } else if (cmd.hasOption("admin") || "admin".equals(opMode)) { access.setAccessType(AccessMode.ADMIN); access.setMaxAccessType(AccessMode.ADMIN); } else if (opMode != null) { LOG.appWarning("initApp: unknown operating mode: " + opMode); } float fps = MainData.DEFAULT_ANIM_FPS; if (cmd.hasOption(SLOW_OP)) { fps /= 2; } if (cmd.hasOption(RESTORE_MOUSE_OP)) { /* restore mouse if it is stuck in pressed state, during * robot tests. */ roboTest.restoreMouse(); } final String vncPortOffsetString = cmd.getOptionValue(VNC_PORT_OFFSET_OP); if (vncPortOffsetString != null && lcmc.common.domain.util.Tools.isNumber(vncPortOffsetString)) { application.setVncPortOffset(Integer.parseInt(vncPortOffsetString)); } mainData.setAnimFPS(fps); if (cmd.hasOption(CLUSTER_OP) || cmd.hasOption(HOST_OP)) { parseClusterOptionsAndCreateClusterButton(cmd); } } catch (final ParseException exp) { System.out.println("ERROR: " + exp.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } LOG.debug1("initApp: max mem: " + Runtime.getRuntime().maxMemory() / 1024 / 1024 + 'm'); if (autoArgs != null) { parseAutoArgs(autoArgs); } } public void parseClusterOptionsAndCreateClusterButton(final CommandLine cmd) throws ParseException { String clusterName = null; List<HostOptions> hostsOptions = null; final Map<String, List<HostOptions>> clusters = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<HostOptions>>(); for (final Option option : cmd.getOptions()) { final String op = option.getLongOpt(); if (CLUSTER_OP.equals(op)) { clusterName = option.getValue(); if (clusterName == null) { throw new ParseException("could not parse " + CLUSTER_OP + " option"); } clusters.put(clusterName, new ArrayList<HostOptions>()); } else if (HOST_OP.equals(op)) { final String[] hostNames = option.getValues(); if (clusterName == null) { clusterName = "default"; clusters.put(clusterName, new ArrayList<HostOptions>()); } if (hostNames == null) { throw new ParseException("could not parse " + HOST_OP + " option"); } hostsOptions = new ArrayList<HostOptions>(); for (final String hostNameEntered : hostNames) { final String hostName; String port = null; if (hostNameEntered.indexOf(':') > 0) { final String[] he = hostNameEntered.split(":"); hostName = he[0]; port = he[1]; if (port != null && port.isEmpty() || !lcmc.common.domain.util.Tools.isNumber(port)) { throw new ParseException("could not parse " + HOST_OP + " option"); } } else { hostName = hostNameEntered; } final HostOptions ho = new HostOptions(hostName); if (port != null) { ho.setPort(port); } hostsOptions.add(ho); clusters.get(clusterName).add(ho); } } else if (SUDO_OP.equals(op)) { if (hostsOptions == null) { throw new ParseException(SUDO_OP + " must be defined after " + HOST_OP); } for (final HostOptions ho : hostsOptions) { ho.setUseSudo(true); } } else if (USER_OP.equals(op)) { if (hostsOptions == null) { throw new ParseException(USER_OP + " must be defined after " + HOST_OP); } final String userName = option.getValue(); if (userName == null) { throw new ParseException("could not parse " + USER_OP + " option"); } for (final HostOptions ho : hostsOptions) { ho.setLoginUser(userName); } } else if (PORT_OP.equals(op)) { if (hostsOptions == null) { throw new ParseException(PORT_OP + " must be defined after " + HOST_OP); } final String port = option.getValue(); if (port == null) { throw new ParseException("could not parse " + PORT_OP + " option"); } for (final HostOptions ho : hostsOptions) { ho.setPort(port); } } else if (PCMKTEST_OP.equals(op)) { final String index = option.getValue(); if (index != null && !index.isEmpty()) { application.setAutoTest(new Test(StartTests.Type.PCMK, index.charAt(0))); } } else if (DRBDTEST_OP.equals(op)) { final String index = option.getValue(); if (index != null && !index.isEmpty()) { application.setAutoTest(new Test(StartTests.Type.DRBD, index.charAt(0))); } } else if (VMTEST_OP.equals(op)) { final String index = option.getValue(); if (index != null && !index.isEmpty()) { application.setAutoTest(new Test(StartTests.Type.VM, index.charAt(0))); } } else if (GUITEST_OP.equals(op)) { final String index = option.getValue(); if (index != null && !index.isEmpty()) { application.setAutoTest(new Test(StartTests.Type.GUI, index.charAt(0))); } } } for (final Map.Entry<String, List<HostOptions>> clusterEntry : clusters.entrySet()) { final List<HostOptions> hostOptions = clusterEntry.getValue(); if (hostOptions.size() < 1 || (hostOptions.size() == 1 && !application.isOneHostCluster())) { throw new ParseException("not enough hosts for cluster: " + clusterEntry.getKey()); } } final String failedHost = setUserConfigFromOptions(clusters); if (failedHost != null) { LOG.appWarning("parseClusterOptions: could not resolve host \"" + failedHost + "\" skipping"); } } /** * Parses arguments from --auto command line option, it makes some * automatical gui actions, that help to test the gui and can find some * other uses later. * To find out which options are available, you'd have to grep for * getAutoOptionHost and getAutoOptionCluster */ void parseAutoArgs(final String line) { if (line == null) { return; } final String[] args = line.split(","); String host = null; String cluster = null; boolean global = false; for (final String arg : args) { final String[] pair = arg.split(":"); if (pair.length != 2) { LOG.appWarning("parseAutoArgs: cannot parse: " + line); return; } final String option = pair[0]; final String value = pair[1]; if ("host".equals(option)) { cluster = null; host = value; application.addAutoHost(host); continue; } else if ("cluster".equals(option)) { host = null; cluster = value; application.addAutoCluster(cluster); continue; } else if ("global".equals(option)) { host = null; cluster = null; global = true; continue; } if (host != null) { application.addAutoOption(host, option, value); } else if (cluster != null) { application.addAutoOption(cluster, option, value); } else if (global) { application.addAutoOption("global", option, value); } else { LOG.appWarning("parseAutoArgs: cannot parse: " + line); return; } } } /** Sets user config from command line options returns host, for which dns lookup failed. */ private String setUserConfigFromOptions(final Map<String, List<HostOptions>> clusters) { final Map<String, List<Host>> hostMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Host>>(); for (final String clusterName : clusters.keySet()) { for (final HostOptions hostOptions : clusters.get(clusterName)) { final String hostnameEntered = hostOptions.getHost(); InetAddress[] addresses = null; try { addresses = InetAddress.getAllByName(hostnameEntered); } catch (final UnknownHostException e) { } String ip = null; if (addresses != null) { if (addresses.length == 0) { LOG.debug("setUserConfigFromOptions: lookup failed"); /* lookup failed */ } else { ip = addresses[0].getHostAddress(); } } if (ip == null) { return hostnameEntered; } userConfig.setHost(hostMap, hostOptions.getLoginUser(), hostnameEntered, ip, hostOptions.getPort(), null, hostOptions.getUseSudo(), false); } } for (final String clusterName : clusters.keySet()) { final Cluster cluster = clusterProvider.get(); cluster.setName(clusterName); cluster.setSavable(false); application.addClusterToClusters(cluster); for (final HostOptions ho : clusters.get(clusterName)) { userConfig.setHostCluster(hostMap, cluster, ho.getHost(), !UserConfig.PROXY_HOST); } } return null; } }