Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2009 Kenji Nozawa * This file is part of LAPIN. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ package lapin.load; import lapin.eval.Evaluator; import lapin.function.Subr; import; import; import; import; import lapin.lang.Data; import lapin.lang.Env; import lapin.lang.Lisp; import lapin.lang.LispException; import lapin.lang.Lists; import lapin.lang.Package; import lapin.lang.Prop; import lapin.lang.Symbol; import lapin.lang.Symbols; import lapin.lang.SysSymbols; import lapin.lang.TypeException; import lapin.util.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.lang.reflect.Modifier; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; /** * Loader functions. */ public final class Loader { /** param types array of the CompiledExpr constructor. */ static private final Class[] CONSTRUCTOR_PARAM_TYPES = new Class[] { Env.class }; // uninterned symbol: for private use only static private final Symbol MY_CLASS_LOADER = Symbol.gensym("_CLASS-LOADER_"); /** classloader used internally to load subr classes */ static private class MyClassLoader extends URLClassLoader { static private final URL[] emptyUrls = new URL[0]; MyClassLoader(ClassLoader parent) { super(emptyUrls, parent); } Class defineClass(String name, byte[] bytes) { return super.defineClass(name, bytes, 0, bytes.length); } } /** * Loads a file denoted by <code>in</code> onto the lisp environment. * @param in Name of the input file. * If a file extension is either ".lisp" or ".fasl", then this * method loads a file specified by <code>in</code>. * Else, the method creates two pathname * <code>in + ".fasl"</code>, <code>in + ".lisp"</code> * and for each pathname tests whether a file denoted by the * pathname exists. If none of these files exist, then the method * throws {@link}. Else if either of these * files exists (but not both), then the method loads the existing * one. Else, by comparing a timestamp of these files, this method * loads the newer one. * @param inFileEnc Character encoding for the input file. * If NIL is specified, then the platform's default * character encoding is used. * @param env * @return T * @throws * @throws * @throws lapin.eval.Evaluator.Exception */ static public Object loadFile(String in, Object inFileEnc, Env env) { if (Logger.debuglevelp(env)) { Logger.debug("[loadFile] in: ~S", Lists.list(in), env); Logger.debug("[loadFile] inFileEnc: ~S", Lists.list(inFileEnc), env); } String inLisp, inFasl; if (in.endsWith(".lisp")) { inLisp = in; inFasl = null; } else if (in.endsWith(".fasl")) { inLisp = null; inFasl = in; } else { inLisp = in + ".lisp"; inFasl = in + ".fasl"; } File dir = IO.dir(Symbols.LOAD_DIR, env); File inFile; if (inLisp != null && inFasl == null) inFile = new File(dir, inLisp); else if (inLisp == null && inFasl != null) inFile = new File(dir, inFasl); else { File inLispFile = new File(dir, inLisp); File inFaslFile = new File(dir, inFasl); boolean inLispFileExists = inLispFile.exists(); boolean inFaslFileExists = inFaslFile.exists(); long inLispLastMod = inLispFileExists ? inLispFile.lastModified() : Long.MIN_VALUE; long inFaslLastMod = inFaslFileExists ? inFaslFile.lastModified() : Long.MIN_VALUE; if (inLispLastMod < inFaslLastMod) { inFile = inFaslFile; } else { if (inLispFileExists && inFaslFileExists) Logger.warn("[loadFile] ~S is older than ~S.~%" + "Loading LISP file...~%", Lists.list(inFasl, inLisp), env); inFile = inLispFile; } } if (Logger.debuglevelp(env)) Logger.debug("[loadFile] inFile=~S", Lists.list(inFile), env); Package currpkg = Package.get(env); { Env newenv = env.child(); // bind Loader.MyClassLoader bindInternalClassLoader(newenv); // preserve current package newenv.bind(Symbols.PACKAGE, currpkg); InputStream inputStream = null; try { inputStream = IO.openInputStream(inFile); r; r = IO.toReader(inputStream, inFileEnc); r = IO.wrapReader(r, Symbols.T); Object exp; while (true) { exp =, Symbols.NIL, IO.EOF, Symbols.NIL, newenv); if (exp == IO.EOF) { return Symbols.T; } Evaluator.eval(exp, newenv); } } finally { IO.close(inputStream); } } } /** * Loads a resource denoted by <code>in</code> onto the lisp environment. * Actual resource searching is delegated to * {@link Class#getResourceAsStream Class.getResourceAsStream}. * @param in Name of the resource. * If a file extension is either ".lisp" or ".fasl", then this * method loads a resource specified by <code>in</code>. * Else, the method creates two pathname * <code>in + ".fasl"</code>, <code>in + ".lisp"</code> * and for each pathname tests whether a resource denoted by the * pathname exists. If none of these resources exist, then the * method throws {@link}. Else if either of * these resources exists (but not both), then the method loads * the existing one. Else, this method loads the resource that * points to FASL file. * @param inFileEnc Character encoding for the input resource. * If NIL is specified, then the platform's default * character encoding is used. * @param env * @return T * @throws * @throws * @throws lapin.eval.Evaluator.Exception */ static public Object loadResource(String in, Object inFileEnc, Env env) { if (Logger.debuglevelp(env)) { Logger.debug("[loadResource] in: ~S", Lists.list(in), env); Logger.debug("[loadResource] inFileEnc: ~S", Lists.list(inFileEnc), env); } String inLisp, inFasl; if (in.endsWith(".lisp")) { inLisp = in; inFasl = null; } else if (in.endsWith(".fasl")) { inLisp = null; inFasl = in; } else { inLisp = in + ".lisp"; inFasl = in + ".fasl"; } Package currpkg = Package.get(env); { Env newenv = env.child(); // bind Loader.MyClassLoader bindInternalClassLoader(newenv); // preserve current package newenv.bind(Symbols.PACKAGE, currpkg); InputStream inputStream = null; try { if (inLisp != null && inFasl == null) { inputStream = Loader.class.getResourceAsStream(inLisp); } else if (inLisp == null && inFasl != null) { inputStream = Loader.class.getResourceAsStream(inFasl); } else { inputStream = Loader.class.getResourceAsStream(inFasl); if (inputStream == null) {"[loadResource] " + "FASL file ~S not found. " + "Loading LISP file ~S...~%", Lists.list(inFasl, inLisp), env); inputStream = Loader.class.getResourceAsStream(inLisp); } } if (inputStream == null) throw new FileException("resource not found: ~S.", Lists.list(in)); r; r = IO.toReader(inputStream, inFileEnc); r = IO.wrapReader(r, Symbols.T); Object exp; while (true) { exp =, Symbols.NIL, IO.EOF, Symbols.NIL, newenv); if (exp == IO.EOF) { return Symbols.T; } Evaluator.eval(exp, newenv); } } finally { IO.close(inputStream); } } } /** * Imports symbols declared in static fields of the specified class. * @param clazz Class object in which symbols are declared * @param export If any object other than NIL is specified, * then exports the imported symbols. * @param env * @return T * @throws LoadException * @see Symbol * @see Package */ static public Object impSymbols(Class clazz, Object export, Env env) { try { return _impSymbols(clazz, export, env); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new LoadException("symbol import error: ~S ~S", Lists.list(clazz, export), e); } } static private Object _impSymbols(Class clazz, Object export, Env env) throws IllegalAccessException { Lisp lisp = env.lisp(); Field[] fields = clazz.getFields(); Class symClass = Symbol.class; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field f = fields[i]; int m = f.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(m)) continue; if (!symClass.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) continue; Symbol sym = Data.symbol(f.get(null)); lisp.getObarray().imp(sym.pkg(), sym); if (!Data.isNot(export)) lisp.getObarray().exp(sym.pkg(), sym); } return Symbols.T; } /** * Imports subrs defined in static fields of the specified class. * @param pkgname {@link lapin.lang.Package} in which name of imported * subrs are interned * @param clazz Class object in which subrs are declared * @param indicator Property indicator used to indicate the subr, * such as <code>SUBR</code>, <code>FSUBR</code> * @param export If any object other than NIL is specified, * then exports the interned symbols. * @param env * @return T * @throws LoadException * @see Subr * @see Symbol * @see Package */ static public Object impSubrs(Object pkgname, Class clazz, Symbol indicator, Object export, Env env) { try { return _impSubrs(pkgname, clazz, indicator, export, env); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new LoadException("subr import error: ~S ~S ~S ~S", Lists.list(pkgname, clazz, indicator, export), e); } } static private Object _impSubrs(Object pkgname, Class clazz, Symbol indicator, Object export, Env env) throws IllegalAccessException { Lisp lisp = env.lisp(); Field[] fields = clazz.getFields(); Class subrClass = Subr.class; for (int i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) { Field f = fields[i]; int m = f.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isStatic(m)) continue; if (!subrClass.isAssignableFrom(f.getType())) continue; Subr subr = Data.subr(f.get(null)); Symbol sym = Data.symbol(lisp.getObarray().intern(pkgname,; if (!Data.isNot(export)) lisp.getObarray().exp(pkgname, sym); Object old = lisp.getProp(sym, indicator, Symbols.NIL); if (!Data.isNot(old)) throw new LispException( "conflict detected while importing subrs " + "defined in ~S: name=~S indicator=~S", Lists.list(clazz, sym, indicator)); lisp.setProp(sym, indicator, subr); if (subr instanceof Prop) lisp.setProp((Prop) subr, SysSymbols.SUBR_FIELD, f); } return Symbols.T; } /** * Loads subrs specified by <code>args</code>. * @param args List of subr info. * The subr info is a list that has three element: * <code>(name classname classinfo)</code>, * where <code>name</code> is a {@link Symbol} * representing the function name, * <code>classname</code> is a {@link String} * representing the function class, * and <code>classinfo</code> is either NIL or {@link String} * representing a BASE64 enocded byte array. * If <code>classinfo</code> is NIL, then the function * class is loaded from <code>CLASSPATH</code>. * Else, the function class is loaded from a byte code * represented by <code>classinfo</code>. * @param env * @return T * @throws LoadException */ static public Object loadSubrs(Object args, Env env) { Lisp lisp = env.lisp(); for (Object l = args; !Lists.isEnd(l); l = Lists.cdr(l)) { Object arg =; if (Lists.length(arg) != 3) { throw new TypeException("args must be list of (name classname classinfo): ~S.", Lists.list(args)); } Symbol name = Data.symbol(; String classname = Data.string(Lists.cadr(arg)); Object classinfo = Lists.caddr(arg); Subr subr; if (classinfo == Symbols.NIL) { subr = toSubr(name, classname, env); } else { byte[] bytes = toBytes(Data.string(classinfo)); subr = toSubr(name, classname, bytes, env); } lisp.defun(name, Symbols.SUBR, subr); } return Symbols.T; } /** * Loads a subr from <code>CLASSPATH</code>. * @param name Name of the function * @param classname Class name of the function * @param env * @return Subr loaded by this method * @throws LoadException */ static public Subr toSubr(Symbol name, String classname, Env env) { try { ClassLoader loader = getClassLoader(env); Class clazz = Class.forName(classname, true, loader); return _toSubr(name, clazz, env); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new LoadException("subr load error: ~S ~S", Lists.list(name, classname), e); } } /** * Loads a subr from a byte array. * @param name Name of the function * @param classname Class name of the function * @param bytes Byte array which represents the byte code of the function * @param env * @return Subr loaded by this method * @throws LoadException */ static public Subr toSubr(Symbol name, String classname, byte[] bytes, Env env) { try { MyClassLoader loader; if (env.isBound(Loader.MY_CLASS_LOADER)) loader = (MyClassLoader) env.get(Loader.MY_CLASS_LOADER); else loader = new MyClassLoader(getClassLoader(env)); Class clazz = loader.defineClass(classname, bytes); return _toSubr(name, clazz, env); } catch (java.lang.Exception e) { throw new LoadException("subr load error: ~S ~S", Lists.list(name, classname), e); } } static private Subr _toSubr(Symbol name, Class clazz, Env env) throws InstantiationException, NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException, InvocationTargetException { if (Logger.debuglevelp(env)) { Logger.debug("[toSubr] name : ~S", Lists.list(name), env); Logger.debug("[toSubr] class : ~S", Lists.list(clazz), env); Logger.debug("[toSubr] loader: ~S", Lists.list(clazz.getClassLoader()), env); } Constructor c = clazz.getConstructor(CONSTRUCTOR_PARAM_TYPES); return Data.subr(c.newInstance(new Object[] { env })); } static public ClassLoader getClassLoader(Env env) { Object val = env.get(SysSymbols.CLASS_LOADER); if (val != Symbols.NIL) return Data.classLoader(val); else return Loader.class.getClassLoader(); } static public Env bindInternalClassLoader(Env env) { ClassLoader parent = getClassLoader(env); MyClassLoader loader = new MyClassLoader(parent); env.bind(Loader.MY_CLASS_LOADER, loader); return env; } static public String toString(byte[] bytes) { try { return b2s(encode(compress(bytes))); } catch (IOException e) { throw new StreamException("I/O error occurred while converting bytes to string", Symbols.NIL, e); } } static public byte[] toBytes(String bytesAsString) { try { return decompress(decode(s2b(bytesAsString))); } catch (IOException e) { throw new StreamException("I/O error occurred while converting string to bytes", Symbols.NIL, e); } } static private byte[] compress(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); GZIPOutputStream gout = new GZIPOutputStream(bout); gout.write(bytes); gout.flush(); IO.close(gout); IO.close(bout); return bout.toByteArray(); } static private byte[] decompress(byte[] bytes) throws IOException { ByteArrayInputStream bin = new ByteArrayInputStream(bytes); GZIPInputStream gin = new GZIPInputStream(bin); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); int b; while ((b = != -1) bout.write(b); bout.flush(); IO.close(gin); IO.close(bin); IO.close(bout); return bout.toByteArray(); } static private byte[] encode(byte[] bytes) { return Base64.encodeBase64(bytes); } static private byte[] decode(byte[] bytes) { return Base64.decodeBase64(bytes); } static private String b2s(byte[] bytes) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { //try { return new String(bytes, "8859_1"); //} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("this should not happen", e); //} } static private byte[] s2b(String str) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { //try { return str.getBytes("8859_1"); //} catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { // throw new RuntimeException("this should not happen", e); //} } private Loader() { } }