Java tutorial
/** * The GOAL Grammar Tools. Copyright (C) 2014 Koen Hindriks. * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see <>. */ package languageTools.analyzer.mas; import goalhub.krTools.KRFactory; import; import java.util.AbstractMap; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import krTools.KRInterface; import krTools.errors.exceptions.KRInitFailedException; import krTools.errors.exceptions.KRInterfaceNotSupportedException; import languageTools.analyzer.Validator; import languageTools.errors.mas.MASError; import languageTools.errors.mas.MASErrorStrategy; import languageTools.errors.mas.MASWarning; import languageTools.parser.InputStreamPosition; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.AgentFileContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.AgentFileParContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.AgentFilesContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.BasicRuleContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.ConditionalRuleContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.ConstantContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.EmotionFileContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.EntityConstraintContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.EntityDescriptionContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.EnvironmentContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.FunctionContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.InitExprContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.InitKeyValueContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.LaunchPolicyContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.LaunchRuleComponentContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.LaunchRuleContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.ListContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.MasContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.MultiplierContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GParser.StringContext; import languageTools.parser.MAS2GVisitor; import languageTools.parser.mas.MyMAS2GLexer; import languageTools.program.mas.Launch; import languageTools.program.mas.LaunchRule; import languageTools.program.mas.MASProgram; import languageTools.symbolTable.SymbolTable; import languageTools.symbolTable.mas.MASSymbol; import languageTools.utils.Extension; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.ANTLRErrorListener; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.CharStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.TokenStream; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.misc.NotNull; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTree; import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.TerminalNode; import; /** * Validates a MAS file and constructs a MAS program. */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public class MASValidator extends Validator<MyMAS2GLexer, MAS2GParser, MASErrorStrategy, MASProgram> implements MAS2GVisitor { private MAS2GParser parser; private static MASErrorStrategy strategy = null; /** * Symbol table with agent file references. */ private final SymbolTable agentFiles = new SymbolTable(); /** * Creates a MAS validator for file with given name. * * @param filename * Name of a file. */ public MASValidator(String filename) { super(filename); } @Override protected MASErrorStrategy getTheErrorStrategy() { if (strategy == null) { strategy = new MASErrorStrategy(); } return strategy; } /** * @return Symbol table with agent file references. */ public SymbolTable getSymbolTable() { return this.agentFiles; } @Override protected MyMAS2GLexer getNewLexer(CharStream stream, ANTLRErrorListener errorlistener) { return new MyMAS2GLexer(stream, errorlistener); } @Override protected MAS2GParser getNewParser(TokenStream stream) { this.parser = new MAS2GParser(stream); return this.parser; } @Override protected ParseTree startParser() { return this.parser.mas(); } @Override protected MASProgram getNewProgram(File masfile) { return new MASProgram(new InputStreamPosition(0, 0, 0, 0, masfile)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * <p> * The default implementation calls {@link ParseTree#accept} on the * specified tree. * </p> */ @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Void visit(@NotNull ParseTree tree) { tree.accept(this); return null; // Java says must return something even when Void } @Override public Void visitMas(MasContext ctx) { if (ctx.environment() != null) { boolean hadEnv = false; for (EnvironmentContext envCtx : ctx.environment()) { if (hadEnv) { reportWarning(MASWarning.SECTION_DUPLICATE, envCtx); } else { visitEnvironment(envCtx); hadEnv = true; } } } if (ctx.agentFiles() != null) { boolean hadFiles = false; for (AgentFilesContext filesCtx : ctx.agentFiles()) { if (hadFiles) { reportWarning(MASWarning.SECTION_DUPLICATE, filesCtx); } else { visitAgentFiles(filesCtx); hadFiles = true; } } } if (ctx.launchPolicy() != null) { boolean hadLaunch = false; for (LaunchPolicyContext launchCtx : ctx.launchPolicy()) { if (hadLaunch) { reportWarning(MASWarning.SECTION_DUPLICATE, launchCtx); } else { visitLaunchPolicy(launchCtx); hadLaunch = true; } } } if (ctx.emotionFile() != null) { for (EmotionFileContext emotionFCtx : ctx.emotionFile()) { visitEmotionFile(emotionFCtx); } } return null; // Java says must return something even when Void } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // ENVIRONMENT section // ------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Void visitEnvironment(EnvironmentContext ctx) { /** * Get the reference to the environment interface file. */ String filename; if (ctx.string() == null) { filename = ""; } else { filename = visitString(ctx.string()); } if (filename.isEmpty()) { reportWarning(MASWarning.ENVIRONMENT_NO_REFERENCE, ctx); } File environmentfile = new File(filename); if (!environmentfile.isAbsolute()) { // relative to path specified for MAS file environmentfile = new File(getPathRelativeToSourceFile(filename)); } // If extension is "jar", the file must exist; // otherwise it can be a reference to an existing environment. String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(filename); if (ext.equals("jar") && !environmentfile.isFile()) { reportError(MASError.ENVIRONMENT_COULDNOT_FIND, ctx, environmentfile.getPath()); } else { getProgram().setEnvironmentfile(environmentfile); } /** * Get list of key-value initialization parameters. */ for (InitKeyValueContext pair : ctx.initKeyValue()) { visitInitKeyValue(pair); } return null; // Java says must return something even when Void } @Override public Void visitInitKeyValue(InitKeyValueContext ctx) { boolean problem = (ctx.exception != null); // We can't check whether specified environment interface supports // parameter key // Just check whether it's not used more than once String key = null; if (ctx.ID() != null) { key = ctx.ID().getText(); if (getProgram().getInitParameters().containsKey(key)) { problem = reportWarning(MASWarning.INIT_DUPLICATE_KEY, ctx.ID(), key); } } // Get parameter value Object value = visitInitExpr(ctx.initExpr()); // If value equals null, we did not recognize a valid initialization // parameter if (value == null && ctx.initExpr() != null) { problem = reportError(MASError.INIT_UNRECOGNIZED_PARAMETER, ctx.initExpr(), ctx.initExpr().getText()); } // Add key-value pair as initialization parameter to MAS program (only // if no problems were detected). if (!problem && (key != null) && (value != null)) { getProgram().addInitParameter(key, value); } return null; // Java says must return something even when Void } /** * @return {@code null} if no valid parameter was recognized. */ @Override public Object visitInitExpr(InitExprContext ctx) { if (ctx != null) { if (ctx.constant() != null) { return visitConstant(ctx.constant()); } if (ctx.function() != null) { return visitFunction(ctx.function()); } if (ctx.list() != null) { return visitList(ctx.list()); } } return null; } @Override public Object visitConstant(ConstantContext ctx) { if (ctx.ID() != null) { return ctx.ID().getText(); } if (ctx.FLOAT() != null) { return Double.parseDouble(ctx.FLOAT().getText()); } if (ctx.INT() != null) { return Integer.parseInt(ctx.INT().getText()); } if (ctx.string() != null) { return visitString(ctx.string()); } // We did not recognize a valid initialization parameter. reportError(MASError.INIT_UNRECOGNIZED_PARAMETER, ctx, ctx.getText()); return null; } @Override public Object visitFunction(FunctionContext ctx) { // Get function name String name = ctx.ID().getText(); // Get function parameters int nrOfPars = ctx.initExpr().size(); Object[] parameters = new Object[nrOfPars]; for (int i = 0; i < nrOfPars; i++) { parameters[i] = visitInitExpr(ctx.initExpr(i)); } return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Object[]>(name, parameters); } @Override public Object visitList(ListContext ctx) { boolean problem = false; List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>(ctx.initExpr().size()); for (InitExprContext expr : ctx.initExpr()) { if (expr == null) { problem = true; continue; } list.add(visitInitExpr(expr)); } if (!problem) { return list; } else { return null; } } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // AGENTFILES section // ------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Void visitAgentFiles(AgentFilesContext ctx) { boolean problem = (ctx.exception != null); for (AgentFileContext agentfile : ctx.agentFile()) { visitAgentFile(agentfile); } // MAS program should have non-empty set of agent files; if not, issue // warning if (!problem && getProgram().getAgentFiles().isEmpty()) { reportWarning(MASWarning.AGENTFILES_NO_AGENTS, ctx); } return null; // Java says must return something even when Void } @Override public Void visitAgentFile(AgentFileContext ctx) { boolean problem = false; // Get agent file name String path = visitString(ctx.string()); File file = new File(path); if (!file.isAbsolute()) { // relative to path specified for MAS file file = new File(getPathRelativeToSourceFile(path)); } // Check file extension String ext = FilenameUtils.getExtension(path); if (Extension.getFileExtension(file) != Extension.GOAL) { problem = reportError(MASError.AGENTFILE_OTHER_EXTENSION, ctx.string(), ext); } else if (!file.isFile()) { problem = reportError(MASError.AGENTFILE_COULDNOT_FIND, ctx.string(), file.getPath()); } // Get (optional) parameters Map<String, String> parameters = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (AgentFileParContext parameter : ctx.agentFilePar()) { Map.Entry<String, String> keyValuePair = visitAgentFilePar(parameter); String key = keyValuePair.getKey(); if (parameters.containsKey(key)) { reportWarning(MASWarning.AGENTFILE_DUPLICATE_KEY, parameter, key); } else { parameters.put(key, keyValuePair.getValue()); } } // Construct agent symbol String agentName; if (parameters.containsKey("name")) { agentName = parameters.get("name"); } else { agentName = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(FilenameUtils.getName(path)); } // Add agent symbol to symbol table for later reference (if key does not // yet exist). if (!this.agentFiles.define(new MASSymbol(agentName, file, getSourceInfo(ctx)))) { problem = reportWarning(MASWarning.AGENTFILES_DUPLICATE_NAME, ctx.string(), agentName); } // Get KR language String interfaceName = parameters.get("language"); KRInterface krInterface = null; try { if (interfaceName == null) { // no parameter set, use default krInterface = KRFactory.getDefaultInterface(); } else { krInterface = KRFactory.getInterface(interfaceName); } } catch (KRInterfaceNotSupportedException | KRInitFailedException e) { reportError(MASError.KRINTERFACE_NOT_SUPPORTED, ctx.agentFilePar().get(0), interfaceName); } // Add agent file to MAS program (only if no problems were detected and // file does not yet exist). if (!problem && !getProgram().getAgentFiles().contains(file)) { getProgram().addAgentFile(file); getProgram().setKRInterface(file, krInterface); } return null; // Java says must return something even when Void } @Override public Map.Entry<String, String> visitAgentFilePar(AgentFileParContext ctx) { String key = ctx.key.getText().toLowerCase(); String value; value = ctx.ID().getText(); return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, String>(key, value); } // ------------------------------------------------------------- // LAUNCHPOLICY section // ------------------------------------------------------------- @Override public Void visitLaunchPolicy(LaunchPolicyContext ctx) { boolean problem = (ctx.exception != null); for (LaunchRuleContext rule : ctx.launchRule()) { visitLaunchRule(rule); } // MAS program should have non-empty set of launch rules now; otherwise, // issue warning if (!problem && getProgram().getLaunchRules().isEmpty()) { problem = reportWarning(MASWarning.LAUNCH_NO_RULES, ctx); } // Check that all agent files specified in agentfiles section have been // used List<File> filesUsed = new ArrayList<File>(); for (LaunchRule rule : getProgram().getLaunchRules()) { for (Launch launch : rule.getInstructions()) { filesUsed.add(launch.getAgentFile()); } } if (!problem && !filesUsed.containsAll(getProgram().getAgentFiles())) { reportWarning(MASWarning.AGENTFILE_UNUSED, ctx); } // When environment is specified, launchpolicy section should have // conditional rules to connect agents to it if (!problem && getProgram().hasEnvironment()) { boolean crule = false; for (LaunchRule rule : getProgram().getLaunchRules()) { crule |= rule.getConditional(); } if (!crule) { reportWarning(MASWarning.LAUNCH_NO_CONDITIONAL_RULES, ctx); } } return null; // Java says must return something even when Void } @Override public Void visitLaunchRule(LaunchRuleContext ctx) { if (ctx.basicRule() != null) { List<Launch> launches = visitBasicRule(ctx.basicRule()); // A basic launch rule should not use wild cards. List<Launch> usesWildCard = new ArrayList<Launch>(); for (Launch launch : launches) { if (launch.getGivenName("*", 0).equals("*")) { reportWarning(MASWarning.LAUNCH_INVALID_WILDCARD, ctx, ctx.getText().substring(0, ctx.getText().length() - 1)); usesWildCard.add(launch); } } launches.removeAll(usesWildCard); // A launch rule cannot have an empty list of launch instructions. if (!launches.isEmpty()) { getProgram().addLaunchRule(new LaunchRule(launches)); } } if (ctx.conditionalRule() != null) { LaunchRule rule = visitConditionalRule(ctx.conditionalRule()); if (rule != null) { getProgram().addLaunchRule(rule); } } return null; // Java says must return something even when Void } @Override public List<Launch> visitBasicRule(BasicRuleContext ctx) { List<Launch> launches = new ArrayList<Launch>(); Launch launch; for (LaunchRuleComponentContext component : ctx.launchRuleComponent()) { launch = visitLaunchRuleComponent(component); if (launch != null) { launches.add(launch); } } return launches; } @Override public Launch visitLaunchRuleComponent(LaunchRuleComponentContext ctx) { boolean problem = false; // Get given name, if any String givenName = "????"; String filename = ""; if (ctx.STAR() != null) { givenName = "*"; // must be a file ref as well filename = ctx.ID().get(0).getText(); } else if (ctx.ID() != null) { givenName = ctx.ID().get(0).getText(); if (ctx.ID().size() > 1) { filename = ctx.ID().get(1).getText(); } else { filename = givenName; } } else { problem = true; } // Construct launch instruction Launch launch = null; MASSymbol symbol; // If agent file has been explicitly specified, use it to identify agent // file. symbol = (MASSymbol) this.agentFiles.resolve(filename); if (symbol != null) { launch = new Launch(symbol.getFile()); } else { problem = reportWarning(MASWarning.AGENTFILE_NONEXISTANT_REFERENCE, ctx, filename); } // Add given name and specified number of applications, if any, to // launch instruction (only if no problems were detected) if (!problem) { launch.setGivenName(givenName); // Set specified number of applications of the instruction, if any. if (ctx.multiplier() != null) { launch.setNumberOfAgentsToLaunch(visitMultiplier(ctx.multiplier())); } } return launch; } @Override public Integer visitMultiplier(MultiplierContext ctx) { return Integer.parseInt(ctx.INT().getText().trim()); } @Override public LaunchRule visitConditionalRule(ConditionalRuleContext ctx) { LaunchRule rule; List<Launch> launches = visitBasicRule(ctx.basicRule()); if (!launches.isEmpty()) { rule = new LaunchRule(launches); } else { return null; } // Rule is a conditional rule; set flag accordingly rule.setConditional(); // Add constraints, if any. Map<String, TerminalNode> constraints = visitEntityDescription(ctx.entityDescription()); // Process constraints if (constraints.containsKey("name")) { rule.setRequiredEntityName(constraints.get("name").getText()); } if (constraints.containsKey("type")) { rule.setRequiredEntityType(constraints.get("type").getText()); } if (constraints.containsKey("max")) { rule.setMaxNumberOfApplications(Integer.parseInt(constraints.get("max").getText())); } return rule; } @Override public Map<String, TerminalNode> visitEntityDescription(EntityDescriptionContext ctx) { Map<String, TerminalNode> constraints = new HashMap<String, TerminalNode>(); for (EntityConstraintContext constraint : ctx.entityConstraint()) { Map.Entry<String, TerminalNode> keyValuePair = visitEntityConstraint(constraint); boolean problem = false; String key = keyValuePair.getKey(); TerminalNode value = keyValuePair.getValue(); if (constraints.containsKey(key)) { problem = reportWarning(MASWarning.CONSTRAINT_DUPLICATE, constraint, key); } if (!problem && keyValuePair.getValue() != null) { constraints.put(key, value); } } return constraints; } @Override public Map.Entry<String, TerminalNode> visitEntityConstraint(EntityConstraintContext ctx) { String key = "????"; if (ctx.key != null) { key = ctx.key.getText().toLowerCase(); } TerminalNode value = null; if (ctx.ID() != null) { value = ctx.ID(); } else { value = ctx.INT(); } return new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, TerminalNode>(key, value); } @Override public String visitString(StringContext ctx) { String str = ""; if (ctx.StringLiteral() != null) { for (TerminalNode literal : ctx.StringLiteral()) { String[] parts = literal.getText().split("(?<!\\\\)\"", 0); if (parts.length > 1) { str += parts[1].replace("\\\"", "\""); } } } if (ctx.SingleQuotedStringLiteral() != null) { for (TerminalNode literal : ctx.SingleQuotedStringLiteral()) { String[] parts = literal.getText().split("(?<!\\\\)'", 0); if (parts.length > 1) { str += parts[1].replace("\\'", "'"); } } } return str; } /** * Validation of MAS program does not require second pass to resolve any * references. */ @Override protected void secondPass(ParseTree tree) { } @Override public Object visitEmotionFile(EmotionFileContext ctx) { getProgram().setEmotionFile(visitString(ctx.string())); return null; } }