Java tutorial
/* * Copyright Mazaffaka Project (c) 2013. */ /* * Copyright Murzik Dev Team (c) 2013. */ package l2p.gameserver.model.pledge; import l2p.commons.collections.JoinedIterator; import l2p.commons.dbutils.DbUtils; import l2p.gameserver.Config; import l2p.gameserver.cache.CrestCache; import l2p.gameserver.cache.Msg; import; import l2p.gameserver.database.DatabaseFactory; import l2p.gameserver.database.mysql; import l2p.gameserver.model.Player; import l2p.gameserver.model.Skill; import l2p.gameserver.model.entity.boat.ClanAirShip; import l2p.gameserver.model.entity.residence.Castle; import l2p.gameserver.model.entity.residence.Fortress; import l2p.gameserver.model.entity.residence.ResidenceType; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.ClanWarehouse; import l2p.gameserver.model.items.ItemInstance; import; import*; import; import l2p.gameserver.tables.ClanTable; import l2p.gameserver.tables.SkillTable; import l2p.gameserver.utils.Log; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.napile.primitive.maps.IntObjectMap; import org.napile.primitive.maps.impl.CTreeIntObjectMap; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.util.*; public class Clan implements Iterable<UnitMember> { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Clan.class); private final int _clanId; private int _allyId; private int _level; private int _hasCastle; private int _hasFortress; private int _hasHideout; private int _warDominion; private int _crestId; private int _crestLargeId; private long _expelledMemberTime; private long _leavedAllyTime; private long _dissolvedAllyTime; private ClanAirShip _airship; private boolean _airshipLicense; private int _airshipFuel; private int _academyGraduatesCount; // all these in milliseconds public static long EXPELLED_MEMBER_PENALTY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L; public static long LEAVED_ALLY_PENALTY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L; public static long DISSOLVED_ALLY_PENALTY = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000L; private final ClanWarehouse _warehouse; private int _whBonus = -1; private String _notice = null; private List<Clan> _atWarWith = new ArrayList<Clan>(); private List<Clan> _underAttackFrom = new ArrayList<Clan>(); protected IntObjectMap<Skill> _skills = new CTreeIntObjectMap<Skill>(); protected IntObjectMap<RankPrivs> _privs = new CTreeIntObjectMap<RankPrivs>(); protected IntObjectMap<SubUnit> _subUnits = new CTreeIntObjectMap<SubUnit>(); private int _reputation = 0; // Clan Privileges: system public static final int CP_NOTHING = 0; public static final int CP_CL_INVITE_CLAN = 2; // Join clan public static final int CP_CL_MANAGE_TITLES = 4; // Give a title public static final int CP_CL_WAREHOUSE_SEARCH = 8; // View warehouse content public static final int CP_CL_MANAGE_RANKS = 16; // manage clan ranks public static final int CP_CL_CLAN_WAR = 32; public static final int CP_CL_DISMISS = 64; public static final int CP_CL_EDIT_CREST = 128; // Edit clan crest public static final int CP_CL_APPRENTICE = 256; public static final int CP_CL_TROOPS_FAME = 512; public static final int CP_CL_SUMMON_AIRSHIP = 1024; // Clan Privileges: clan hall public static final int CP_CH_ENTRY_EXIT = 2048; // open a door public static final int CP_CH_USE_FUNCTIONS = 4096; public static final int CP_CH_AUCTION = 8192; public static final int CP_CH_DISMISS = 16384; // public static final int CP_CH_SET_FUNCTIONS = 32768; // Clan Privileges: castle/fotress public static final int CP_CS_ENTRY_EXIT = 65536; public static final int CP_CS_MANOR_ADMIN = 131072; public static final int CP_CS_MANAGE_SIEGE = 262144; public static final int CP_CS_USE_FUNCTIONS = 524288; public static final int CP_CS_DISMISS = 1048576; // / public static final int CP_CS_TAXES = 2097152; public static final int CP_CS_MERCENARIES = 4194304; public static final int CP_CS_SET_FUNCTIONS = 8388606; public static final int CP_ALL = 16777214; public static final int RANK_FIRST = 1; public static final int RANK_LAST = 9; // Sub-unit types public static final int SUBUNIT_NONE = Byte.MIN_VALUE; public static final int SUBUNIT_ACADEMY = -1; public static final int SUBUNIT_MAIN_CLAN = 0; public static final int SUBUNIT_ROYAL1 = 100; public static final int SUBUNIT_ROYAL2 = 200; public static final int SUBUNIT_KNIGHT1 = 1001; public static final int SUBUNIT_KNIGHT2 = 1002; public static final int SUBUNIT_KNIGHT3 = 2001; public static final int SUBUNIT_KNIGHT4 = 2002; private final static ClanReputationComparator REPUTATION_COMPARATOR = new ClanReputationComparator(); /** * ? ? */ private final static int REPUTATION_PLACES = 100; /** * ? ??? ? ??? */ public Clan(int clanId) { _clanId = clanId; InitializePrivs(); _warehouse = new ClanWarehouse(this); _warehouse.restore(); } public int getClanId() { return _clanId; } public int getLeaderId() { return getLeaderId(SUBUNIT_MAIN_CLAN); } public UnitMember getLeader() { return getLeader(SUBUNIT_MAIN_CLAN); } public String getLeaderName() { return getLeaderName(SUBUNIT_MAIN_CLAN); } public String getName() { return getUnitName(SUBUNIT_MAIN_CLAN); } public UnitMember getAnyMember(int id) { for (SubUnit unit : getAllSubUnits()) { UnitMember m = unit.getUnitMember(id); if (m != null) return m; } return null; } public UnitMember getAnyMember(String name) { for (SubUnit unit : getAllSubUnits()) { UnitMember m = unit.getUnitMember(name); if (m != null) return m; } return null; } public int getAllSize() { int size = 0; for (SubUnit unit : getAllSubUnits()) size += unit.size(); return size; } public String getUnitName(int unitType) { if (unitType == SUBUNIT_NONE || !_subUnits.containsKey(unitType)) return StringUtils.EMPTY; return getSubUnit(unitType).getName(); } public String getLeaderName(int unitType) { if (unitType == SUBUNIT_NONE || !_subUnits.containsKey(unitType)) return StringUtils.EMPTY; return getSubUnit(unitType).getLeaderName(); } public int getLeaderId(int unitType) { if (unitType == SUBUNIT_NONE || !_subUnits.containsKey(unitType)) return 0; return getSubUnit(unitType).getLeaderObjectId(); } public UnitMember getLeader(int unitType) { if (unitType == SUBUNIT_NONE || !_subUnits.containsKey(unitType)) return null; return getSubUnit(unitType).getLeader(); } public void flush() { for (UnitMember member : this) removeClanMember(member.getObjectId()); _warehouse.writeLock(); try { for (ItemInstance item : _warehouse.getItems()) _warehouse.destroyItem(item); } finally { _warehouse.writeUnlock(); } if (_hasCastle != 0) ResidenceHolder.getInstance().getResidence(Castle.class, _hasCastle).changeOwner(null); if (_hasFortress != 0) ResidenceHolder.getInstance().getResidence(Fortress.class, _hasFortress).changeOwner(null); } public void removeClanMember(int id) { if (id == getLeaderId(SUBUNIT_MAIN_CLAN)) return; for (SubUnit unit : getAllSubUnits()) if (unit.isUnitMember(id)) { removeClanMember(unit.getType(), id); break; } } public void removeClanMember(int subUnitId, int objectId) { SubUnit subUnit = getSubUnit(subUnitId); if (subUnit == null) return; subUnit.removeUnitMember(objectId); } public List<UnitMember> getAllMembers() { Collection<SubUnit> units = getAllSubUnits(); int size = 0; for (SubUnit unit : units) size += unit.size(); List<UnitMember> members = new ArrayList<UnitMember>(size); for (SubUnit unit : units) members.addAll(unit.getUnitMembers()); return members; } public List<Player> getOnlineMembers(int exclude) { final List<Player> result = new ArrayList<Player>(getAllSize() - 1); for (final UnitMember temp : this) if (temp != null && temp.isOnline() && temp.getObjectId() != exclude) result.add(temp.getPlayer()); return result; } public int getAllyId() { return _allyId; } public int getLevel() { return _level; } /** * , * * @return ID */ public int getCastle() { return _hasCastle; } /** * ?, * * @return ID ? */ public int getHasFortress() { return _hasFortress; } /** * , * * @return ID */ public int getHasHideout() { return _hasHideout; } public int getResidenceId(ResidenceType r) { switch (r) { case Castle: return _hasCastle; case Fortress: return _hasFortress; case ClanHall: return _hasHideout; default: return 0; } } public void setAllyId(int allyId) { _allyId = allyId; } /** * ? , .<BR> * ? ? * * @param castle ID */ public void setHasCastle(int castle) { if (_hasFortress == 0) _hasCastle = castle; } /** * ? ?, .<BR> * ? ? * * @param fortress ID ? */ public void setHasFortress(int fortress) { if (_hasCastle == 0) _hasFortress = fortress; } public void setHasHideout(int hasHideout) { _hasHideout = hasHideout; } public void setLevel(int level) { _level = level; } public boolean isAnyMember(int id) { for (SubUnit unit : getAllSubUnits()) if (unit.isUnitMember(id)) return true; return false; } public void updateClanInDB() { if (getLeaderId() == 0) { _log.warn("updateClanInDB with empty LeaderId"); Thread.dumpStack(); return; } if (getClanId() == 0) { _log.warn("updateClanInDB with empty ClanId"); Thread.dumpStack(); return; } Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE clan_data SET ally_id=?,reputation_score=?,expelled_member=?,leaved_ally=?,dissolved_ally=?,clan_level=?,warehouse=?,airship=?,academy_graduates=? WHERE clan_id=?"); statement.setInt(1, getAllyId()); statement.setInt(2, getReputationScore()); statement.setLong(3, getExpelledMemberTime() / 1000); statement.setLong(4, getLeavedAllyTime() / 1000); statement.setLong(5, getDissolvedAllyTime() / 1000); statement.setInt(6, _level); statement.setInt(7, getWhBonus()); statement.setInt(8, isHaveAirshipLicense() ? getAirshipFuel() : -1); statement.setInt(9, getAcademyGraduatesCount()); statement.setInt(10, getClanId()); statement.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("error while updating clan '" + getClanId() + "' data in db"); _log.error("", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con, statement); } } public void store() { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO clan_data (clan_id,clan_level,hasCastle,hasFortress,hasHideout,ally_id,expelled_member,leaved_ally,dissolved_ally,airship,academy_graduates) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"); statement.setInt(1, _clanId); statement.setInt(2, _level); statement.setInt(3, _hasCastle); statement.setInt(4, _hasFortress); statement.setInt(5, _hasHideout); statement.setInt(6, _allyId); statement.setLong(7, getExpelledMemberTime() / 1000); statement.setLong(8, getLeavedAllyTime() / 1000); statement.setLong(9, getDissolvedAllyTime() / 1000); statement.setInt(10, isHaveAirshipLicense() ? getAirshipFuel() : -1); statement.setInt(11, getAcademyGraduatesCount()); statement.execute(); DbUtils.close(statement); SubUnit mainSubUnit = _subUnits.get(SUBUNIT_MAIN_CLAN); statement = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO clan_subpledges (clan_id, type, leader_id, name) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"); statement.setInt(1, _clanId); statement.setInt(2, mainSubUnit.getType()); statement.setInt(3, mainSubUnit.getLeaderObjectId()); statement.setString(4, mainSubUnit.getName()); statement.execute(); DbUtils.close(statement); statement = con.prepareStatement("UPDATE characters SET clanid=?,pledge_type=? WHERE obj_Id=?"); statement.setInt(1, getClanId()); statement.setInt(2, mainSubUnit.getType()); statement.setInt(3, getLeaderId()); statement.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Exception: " + e, e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con, statement); } } public static Clan restore(int clanId) { if (clanId == 0) // no clan return null; Clan clan = null; Connection con1 = null; PreparedStatement statement1 = null; ResultSet clanData = null; try { con1 = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); statement1 = con1.prepareStatement( "SELECT clan_level,hasCastle,hasFortress,hasHideout,ally_id,reputation_score,expelled_member,leaved_ally,dissolved_ally,warehouse,airship,academy_graduates FROM clan_data where clan_id=?"); statement1.setInt(1, clanId); clanData = statement1.executeQuery(); if ( { clan = new Clan(clanId); clan.setLevel(clanData.getInt("clan_level")); clan.setHasCastle(clanData.getInt("hasCastle")); clan.setHasFortress(clanData.getInt("hasFortress")); clan.setHasHideout(clanData.getInt("hasHideout")); clan.setAllyId(clanData.getInt("ally_id")); clan._reputation = clanData.getInt("reputation_score"); clan.setExpelledMemberTime(clanData.getLong("expelled_member") * 1000L); clan.setLeavedAllyTime(clanData.getLong("leaved_ally") * 1000L); clan.setDissolvedAllyTime(clanData.getLong("dissolved_ally") * 1000L); clan.setWhBonus(clanData.getInt("warehouse")); clan.setAirshipLicense(clanData.getInt("airship") != -1); if (clan.isHaveAirshipLicense()) clan.setAirshipFuel(clanData.getInt("airship")); clan.setAcademyGraduatesCount(clanData.getInt("academy_graduates")); } else { _log.warn("Clan " + clanId + " doesnt exists!"); return null; } } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error while restoring clan!", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con1, statement1, clanData); } if (clan == null) { _log.warn("Clan " + clanId + " does't exist"); return null; } clan.restoreSkills(); clan.restoreSubPledges(); for (SubUnit unit : clan.getAllSubUnits()) { unit.restore(); unit.restoreSkills(); } clan.restoreRankPrivs(); clan.setCrestId(CrestCache.getInstance().getPledgeCrestId(clanId)); clan.setCrestLargeId(CrestCache.getInstance().getPledgeCrestLargeId(clanId)); return clan; } public void broadcastToOnlineMembers(IStaticPacket... packets) { for (UnitMember member : this) if (member.isOnline()) member.getPlayer().sendPacket(packets); } public void broadcastToOnlineMembers(L2GameServerPacket... packets) { for (UnitMember member : this) if (member.isOnline()) member.getPlayer().sendPacket(packets); } public void broadcastToOtherOnlineMembers(L2GameServerPacket packet, Player player) { for (UnitMember member : this) if (member.isOnline() && member.getPlayer() != player) member.getPlayer().sendPacket(packet); } @Override public String toString() { return getName(); } public void setCrestId(int newcrest) { _crestId = newcrest; } public int getCrestId() { return _crestId; } public boolean hasCrest() { return _crestId > 0; } public int getCrestLargeId() { return _crestLargeId; } public void setCrestLargeId(int newcrest) { _crestLargeId = newcrest; } public boolean hasCrestLarge() { return _crestLargeId > 0; } public long getAdenaCount() { return _warehouse.getCountOfAdena(); } public ClanWarehouse getWarehouse() { return _warehouse; } public int isAtWar() { if (_atWarWith != null && !_atWarWith.isEmpty()) return 1; return 0; } public int isAtWarOrUnderAttack() { if (_atWarWith != null && !_atWarWith.isEmpty() || _underAttackFrom != null && !_underAttackFrom.isEmpty()) return 1; return 0; } public boolean isAtWarWith(int id) { Clan clan = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(id); if (_atWarWith != null && !_atWarWith.isEmpty()) if (_atWarWith.contains(clan)) return true; return false; } public boolean isUnderAttackFrom(int id) { Clan clan = ClanTable.getInstance().getClan(id); if (_underAttackFrom != null && !_underAttackFrom.isEmpty()) if (_underAttackFrom.contains(clan)) return true; return false; } public void setEnemyClan(Clan clan) { _atWarWith.add(clan); } public void deleteEnemyClan(Clan clan) { _atWarWith.remove(clan); } // clans that are attacking this clan public void setAttackerClan(Clan clan) { _underAttackFrom.add(clan); } public void deleteAttackerClan(Clan clan) { _underAttackFrom.remove(clan); } public List<Clan> getEnemyClans() { return _atWarWith; } public int getWarsCount() { return _atWarWith.size(); } public List<Clan> getAttackerClans() { return _underAttackFrom; } public void broadcastClanStatus(boolean updateList, boolean needUserInfo, boolean relation) { List<L2GameServerPacket> listAll = updateList ? listAll() : null; PledgeShowInfoUpdate update = new PledgeShowInfoUpdate(this); for (UnitMember member : this) if (member.isOnline()) { if (updateList) { member.getPlayer().sendPacket(PledgeShowMemberListDeleteAll.STATIC); member.getPlayer().sendPacket(listAll); } member.getPlayer().sendPacket(update); if (needUserInfo) member.getPlayer().broadcastCharInfo(); if (relation) member.getPlayer().broadcastRelationChanged(); } } public Alliance getAlliance() { return _allyId == 0 ? null : ClanTable.getInstance().getAlliance(_allyId); } public void setExpelledMemberTime(long time) { _expelledMemberTime = time; } public long getExpelledMemberTime() { return _expelledMemberTime; } public void setExpelledMember() { _expelledMemberTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); updateClanInDB(); } public void setLeavedAllyTime(long time) { _leavedAllyTime = time; } public long getLeavedAllyTime() { return _leavedAllyTime; } public void setLeavedAlly() { _leavedAllyTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); updateClanInDB(); } public void setDissolvedAllyTime(long time) { _dissolvedAllyTime = time; } public long getDissolvedAllyTime() { return _dissolvedAllyTime; } public void setDissolvedAlly() { _dissolvedAllyTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); updateClanInDB(); } public boolean canInvite() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - _expelledMemberTime >= EXPELLED_MEMBER_PENALTY; } public boolean canJoinAlly() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - _leavedAllyTime >= LEAVED_ALLY_PENALTY; } public boolean canCreateAlly() { return System.currentTimeMillis() - _dissolvedAllyTime >= DISSOLVED_ALLY_PENALTY; } public int getRank() { Clan[] clans = ClanTable.getInstance().getClans(); Arrays.sort(clans, REPUTATION_COMPARATOR); int place = 1; for (int i = 0; i < clans.length; i++) { if (i == REPUTATION_PLACES) return 0; Clan clan = clans[i]; if (clan == this) return place + i; } return 0; } public int getReputationScore() { return _reputation; } private void setReputationScore(int rep) { if (_reputation >= 0 && rep < 0) { broadcastToOnlineMembers( Msg.SINCE_THE_CLAN_REPUTATION_SCORE_HAS_DROPPED_TO_0_OR_LOWER_YOUR_CLAN_SKILLS_WILL_BE_DE_ACTIVATED); for (UnitMember member : this) if (member.isOnline() && member.getPlayer() != null) disableSkills(member.getPlayer()); } else if (_reputation < 0 && rep >= 0) { broadcastToOnlineMembers( Msg.THE_CLAN_SKILL_WILL_BE_ACTIVATED_BECAUSE_THE_CLANS_REPUTATION_SCORE_HAS_REACHED_TO_0_OR_HIGHER); for (UnitMember member : this) if (member.isOnline() && member.getPlayer() != null) enableSkills(member.getPlayer()); } if (_reputation != rep) { _reputation = rep; broadcastToOnlineMembers(new PledgeShowInfoUpdate(this)); } updateClanInDB(); } public int incReputation(int inc, boolean rate, String source) { if (_level < 5) return 0; if (rate && Math.abs(inc) <= Config.RATE_CLAN_REP_SCORE_MAX_AFFECTED) inc = (int) Math.round(inc * Config.RATE_CLAN_REP_SCORE); setReputationScore(_reputation + inc); Log.add(getName() + "|" + inc + "|" + _reputation + "|" + source, "clan_reputation"); return inc; } public int incReputation(int inc) { if (_level < 5) return 0; setReputationScore(_reputation + inc); return inc; } public int decReputation(int inc) { if (_level < 5) return 0; setReputationScore(_reputation - inc); return inc; } /* ============================ clan skills stuff ============================ */ private void restoreSkills() { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { // Retrieve all skills of this L2Player from the database con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT skill_id,skill_level FROM clan_skills WHERE clan_id=?"); statement.setInt(1, getClanId()); rset = statement.executeQuery(); // Go though the recordset of this SQL query while ( { int id = rset.getInt("skill_id"); int level = rset.getInt("skill_level"); // Create a L2Skill object for each record Skill skill = SkillTable.getInstance().getInfo(id, level); // Add the L2Skill object to the L2Clan _skills _skills.put(skill.getId(), skill); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Could not restore clan skills: " + e); _log.error("", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con, statement, rset); } } public Collection<Skill> getSkills() { return _skills.values(); } /** * used to retrieve all skills */ public final Skill[] getAllSkills() { if (_reputation < 0) return Skill.EMPTY_ARRAY; return _skills.values().toArray(new Skill[_skills.values().size()]); } /** * used to add a new skill to the list, send a packet to all online clan members, update their stats and store it in db */ public Skill addSkill(Skill newSkill, boolean store) { Skill oldSkill = null; if (newSkill != null) { // Replace oldSkill by newSkill or Add the newSkill oldSkill = _skills.put(newSkill.getId(), newSkill); if (store) { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); if (oldSkill != null) { statement = con.prepareStatement( "UPDATE clan_skills SET skill_level=? WHERE skill_id=? AND clan_id=?"); statement.setInt(1, newSkill.getLevel()); statement.setInt(2, oldSkill.getId()); statement.setInt(3, getClanId()); statement.execute(); } else { statement = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO clan_skills (clan_id,skill_id,skill_level) VALUES (?,?,?)"); statement.setInt(1, getClanId()); statement.setInt(2, newSkill.getId()); statement.setInt(3, newSkill.getLevel()); statement.execute(); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Error could not store char skills: " + e); _log.error("", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con, statement); } } PledgeSkillListAdd p = new PledgeSkillListAdd(newSkill.getId(), newSkill.getLevel()); PledgeSkillList p2 = new PledgeSkillList(this); for (UnitMember temp : this) if (temp.isOnline()) { Player player = temp.getPlayer(); if (player != null) { addSkill(player, newSkill); player.sendPacket(p, p2); player.sendSkillList(); } } } return oldSkill; } public void addSkillsQuietly(Player player) { for (Skill skill : _skills.values()) addSkill(player, skill); final SubUnit subUnit = getSubUnit(player.getPledgeType()); if (subUnit != null) subUnit.addSkillsQuietly(player); } public void enableSkills(Player player) { if (player.isInOlympiadMode()) // ? return; for (Skill skill : _skills.values()) if (skill.getMinPledgeClass() <= player.getPledgeClass()) player.removeUnActiveSkill(skill); final SubUnit subUnit = getSubUnit(player.getPledgeType()); if (subUnit != null) subUnit.enableSkills(player); } public void disableSkills(Player player) { for (Skill skill : _skills.values()) player.addUnActiveSkill(skill); final SubUnit subUnit = getSubUnit(player.getPledgeType()); if (subUnit != null) subUnit.disableSkills(player); } private void addSkill(Player player, Skill skill) { if (skill.getMinPledgeClass() <= player.getPledgeClass()) { player.addSkill(skill, false); if (_reputation < 0 || player.isInOlympiadMode()) player.addUnActiveSkill(skill); } } /** * ? ? , ? . ??? ? ? ? . * ? ? ?() ? boarcastSkillListToOnlineMembers() * * @param skill */ public void removeSkill(int skill) { _skills.remove(skill); PledgeSkillListAdd p = new PledgeSkillListAdd(skill, 0); for (UnitMember temp : this) { Player player = temp.getPlayer(); if (player != null && player.isOnline()) { player.removeSkillById(skill); player.sendPacket(p); player.sendSkillList(); } } } public void broadcastSkillListToOnlineMembers() { for (UnitMember temp : this) { Player player = temp.getPlayer(); if (player != null && player.isOnline()) { player.sendPacket(new PledgeSkillList(this)); player.sendSkillList(); } } } /* ============================ clan subpledges stuff ============================ */ public static boolean isAcademy(int pledgeType) { return pledgeType == SUBUNIT_ACADEMY; } public static boolean isRoyalGuard(int pledgeType) { return pledgeType == SUBUNIT_ROYAL1 || pledgeType == SUBUNIT_ROYAL2; } public static boolean isOrderOfKnights(int pledgeType) { return pledgeType == SUBUNIT_KNIGHT1 || pledgeType == SUBUNIT_KNIGHT2 || pledgeType == SUBUNIT_KNIGHT3 || pledgeType == SUBUNIT_KNIGHT4; } public int getAffiliationRank(int pledgeType) { if (isAcademy(pledgeType)) return 9; else if (isOrderOfKnights(pledgeType)) return 8; else if (isRoyalGuard(pledgeType)) return 7; else return 6; } public final SubUnit getSubUnit(int pledgeType) { return _subUnits.get(pledgeType); } public final void addSubUnit(SubUnit sp, boolean updateDb) { _subUnits.put(sp.getType(), sp); if (updateDb) { broadcastToOnlineMembers(new PledgeReceiveSubPledgeCreated(sp)); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement( "INSERT INTO `clan_subpledges` (clan_id,type,leader_id,name) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"); statement.setInt(1, getClanId()); statement.setInt(2, sp.getType()); statement.setInt(3, sp.getLeaderObjectId()); statement.setString(4, sp.getName()); statement.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Could not store clan Sub pledges: " + e); _log.error("", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con, statement); } } } public int createSubPledge(Player player, int pledgeType, UnitMember leader, String name) { int temp = pledgeType; pledgeType = getAvailablePledgeTypes(pledgeType); if (pledgeType == SUBUNIT_NONE) { if (temp == SUBUNIT_ACADEMY) player.sendPacket(Msg.YOUR_CLAN_HAS_ALREADY_ESTABLISHED_A_CLAN_ACADEMY); else player.sendMessage("You can't create any more sub-units of this type"); return SUBUNIT_NONE; } switch (pledgeType) { case SUBUNIT_ACADEMY: break; case SUBUNIT_ROYAL1: case SUBUNIT_ROYAL2: if (getReputationScore() < 5000) { player.sendPacket(Msg.THE_CLAN_REPUTATION_SCORE_IS_TOO_LOW); return SUBUNIT_NONE; } incReputation(-5000, false, "SubunitCreate"); break; case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT1: case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT2: case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT3: case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT4: if (getReputationScore() < 10000) { player.sendPacket(Msg.THE_CLAN_REPUTATION_SCORE_IS_TOO_LOW); return SUBUNIT_NONE; } incReputation(-10000, false, "SubunitCreate"); break; } addSubUnit(new SubUnit(this, pledgeType, leader, name), true); return pledgeType; } public int getAvailablePledgeTypes(int pledgeType) { if (pledgeType == SUBUNIT_MAIN_CLAN) return SUBUNIT_NONE; if (_subUnits.get(pledgeType) != null) switch (pledgeType) { case SUBUNIT_ACADEMY: return SUBUNIT_NONE; case SUBUNIT_ROYAL1: pledgeType = getAvailablePledgeTypes(SUBUNIT_ROYAL2); break; case SUBUNIT_ROYAL2: return SUBUNIT_NONE; case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT1: pledgeType = getAvailablePledgeTypes(SUBUNIT_KNIGHT2); break; case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT2: pledgeType = getAvailablePledgeTypes(SUBUNIT_KNIGHT3); break; case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT3: pledgeType = getAvailablePledgeTypes(SUBUNIT_KNIGHT4); break; case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT4: return SUBUNIT_NONE; } return pledgeType; } private void restoreSubPledges() { Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM clan_subpledges WHERE clan_id=?"); statement.setInt(1, getClanId()); rset = statement.executeQuery(); // Go though the recordset of this SQL query while ( { int type = rset.getInt("type"); int leaderId = rset.getInt("leader_id"); String name = rset.getString("name"); SubUnit pledge = new SubUnit(this, type, leaderId, name); addSubUnit(pledge, false); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Could not restore clan SubPledges: " + e, e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con, statement, rset); } } public int getSubPledgeLimit(int pledgeType) { int limit; switch (_level) { case 0: limit = 10; break; case 1: limit = 15; break; case 2: limit = 20; break; case 3: limit = 30; break; default: limit = 40; break; } switch (pledgeType) { case SUBUNIT_ACADEMY: case SUBUNIT_ROYAL1: case SUBUNIT_ROYAL2: if (getLevel() >= 11) limit = 30; else limit = 20; break; case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT1: case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT2: if (getLevel() >= 9) limit = 25; else limit = 10; break; case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT3: case SUBUNIT_KNIGHT4: if (getLevel() >= 10) limit = 25; else limit = 10; break; } return limit; } public int getUnitMembersSize(int pledgeType) { if (pledgeType == Clan.SUBUNIT_NONE || !_subUnits.containsKey(pledgeType)) return 0; return getSubUnit(pledgeType).size(); } /* ============================ clan privilege ranks stuff ============================ */ private void restoreRankPrivs() { if (_privs == null) InitializePrivs(); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; ResultSet rset = null; try { // Retrieve all skills of this L2Player from the database con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement("SELECT privilleges,rank FROM clan_privs WHERE clan_id=?"); statement.setInt(1, getClanId()); rset = statement.executeQuery(); // Go though the recordset of this SQL query while ( { int rank = rset.getInt("rank"); //int party = rset.getInt("party"); - unused? int privileges = rset.getInt("privilleges"); //noinspection ConstantConditions RankPrivs p = _privs.get(rank); if (p != null) p.setPrivs(privileges); else _log.warn("Invalid rank value (" + rank + "), please check clan_privs table"); } } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Could not restore clan privs by rank: " + e); _log.error("", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con, statement, rset); } } public void InitializePrivs() { for (int i = RANK_FIRST; i <= RANK_LAST; i++) _privs.put(i, new RankPrivs(i, 0, CP_NOTHING)); } public void updatePrivsForRank(int rank) { for (UnitMember member : this) if (member.isOnline() && member.getPlayer() != null && member.getPlayer().getPowerGrade() == rank) { if (member.getPlayer().isClanLeader()) continue; member.getPlayer().sendUserInfo(); } } public RankPrivs getRankPrivs(int rank) { if (rank < RANK_FIRST || rank > RANK_LAST) { _log.warn("Requested invalid rank value: " + rank); Thread.dumpStack(); return null; } if (_privs.get(rank) == null) { _log.warn("Request of rank before init: " + rank); Thread.dumpStack(); setRankPrivs(rank, CP_NOTHING); } return _privs.get(rank); } public int countMembersByRank(int rank) { int ret = 0; for (UnitMember m : this) if (m.getPowerGrade() == rank) ret++; return ret; } public void setRankPrivs(int rank, int privs) { if (rank < RANK_FIRST || rank > RANK_LAST) { _log.warn("Requested set of invalid rank value: " + rank); Thread.dumpStack(); return; } if (_privs.get(rank) != null) _privs.get(rank).setPrivs(privs); else _privs.put(rank, new RankPrivs(rank, countMembersByRank(rank), privs)); Connection con = null; PreparedStatement statement = null; try { //_log.warn("requested store clan privs in db for rank: " + rank + ", privs: " + privs); // Retrieve all skills of this L2Player from the database con = DatabaseFactory.getInstance().getConnection(); statement = con.prepareStatement("REPLACE INTO clan_privs (clan_id,rank,privilleges) VALUES (?,?,?)"); statement.setInt(1, getClanId()); statement.setInt(2, rank); statement.setInt(3, privs); statement.execute(); } catch (Exception e) { _log.warn("Could not store clan privs for rank: " + e); _log.error("", e); } finally { DbUtils.closeQuietly(con, statement); } } /** * used to retrieve all privilege ranks */ public final RankPrivs[] getAllRankPrivs() { if (_privs == null) return new RankPrivs[0]; return _privs.values().toArray(new RankPrivs[_privs.values().size()]); } private static class ClanReputationComparator implements Comparator<Clan> { public int compare(Clan o1, Clan o2) { if (o1 == null || o2 == null) return 0; return o2.getReputationScore() - o1.getReputationScore(); } } public int getWhBonus() { return _whBonus; } public void setWhBonus(int i) { if (_whBonus != -1) mysql.set("UPDATE `clan_data` SET `warehouse`=? WHERE `clan_id`=?", i, getClanId()); _whBonus = i; } public void setAirshipLicense(boolean val) { _airshipLicense = val; } public boolean isHaveAirshipLicense() { return _airshipLicense; } public ClanAirShip getAirship() { return _airship; } public void setAirship(ClanAirShip airship) { _airship = airship; } public int getAirshipFuel() { return _airshipFuel; } public void setAirshipFuel(int fuel) { _airshipFuel = fuel; } public final Collection<SubUnit> getAllSubUnits() { return _subUnits.values(); } public List<L2GameServerPacket> listAll() { List<L2GameServerPacket> p = new ArrayList<L2GameServerPacket>(_subUnits.size()); for (SubUnit unit : getAllSubUnits()) p.add(new PledgeShowMemberListAll(this, unit)); return p; } public String getNotice() { return _notice; } /** * ? ? */ public void setNotice(String notice) { _notice = notice; } public int getSkillLevel(int id, int def) { Skill skill = _skills.get(id); return skill == null ? def : skill.getLevel(); } public int getSkillLevel(int id) { return getSkillLevel(id, -1); } public int getWarDominion() { return _warDominion; } public void setWarDominion(int warDominion) { _warDominion = warDominion; } @Override public Iterator<UnitMember> iterator() { List<Iterator<UnitMember>> iterators = new ArrayList<Iterator<UnitMember>>(_subUnits.size()); for (SubUnit subUnit : _subUnits.values()) iterators.add(subUnit.getUnitMembers().iterator()); return new JoinedIterator<UnitMember>(iterators); } public int getAcademyGraduatesCount() { return _academyGraduatesCount; } public void setAcademyGraduatesCount(int val) { _academyGraduatesCount = val; } }