Java tutorial
/* * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import; import mockit.Mocked; import mockit.Verifications; import mockit.VerificationsInOrder; import mockit.integration.junit4.JMockit; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.hamcrest.Description; import org.hamcrest.Matcher; import org.hamcrest.TypeSafeMatcher; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.runner.RunWith; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Objects; @RunWith(JMockit.class) public class OctopusSqlTest { @Mocked OctopusSqlRunner anyRunner; private void parseAndRun(String query) throws Exception { for (OctopusSqlCommand c : OctopusSql.parse(query)), anyRunner); } @Test public void testSet() throws Exception { final String confParam = "param_name"; parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = TRUE"); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = false"); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = ON"); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = off"); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = .7"); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = 7"); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = 7."); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = 7.7"); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = 7E+3"); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = .7e-1"); parseAndRun("SET \"" + confParam + "\" = 'octaline'"); new VerificationsInOrder() { { anyRunner.set(confParam, "TRUE"); anyRunner.set(confParam, "false"); anyRunner.set(confParam, "ON"); anyRunner.set(confParam, "off"); anyRunner.set(confParam, ".7"); anyRunner.set(confParam, "7"); anyRunner.set(confParam, "7."); anyRunner.set(confParam, "7.7"); anyRunner.set(confParam, "7E+3"); anyRunner.set(confParam, ".7e-1"); anyRunner.set(confParam, "octaline"); } }; } @Test public void testSetTransaction() throws Exception { final String common = "SET SESSION CHARACTERISTICS AS TRANSACTION "; parseAndRun(common + "ISOLATION LEVEL SERIALIZABLE"); parseAndRun(common + "ISOLATION LEVEL REPEATABLE READ"); parseAndRun(common + "ISOLATION LEVEL READ COMMITTED"); parseAndRun(common + "ISOLATION LEVEL READ UNCOMMITTED"); parseAndRun(common + "READ WRITE"); parseAndRun(common + "READ ONLY"); parseAndRun(common + "NOT DEFERRABLE"); parseAndRun(common + "DEFERRABLE"); } @Test public void testAddDataSource() throws Exception { final String dataSourceName = "bitnine"; final String connectionString = "jdbc:sqlite:file::memory:?cache=shared"; final String driverName = "org.sqlite.JDBC"; parseAndRun("ALTER SYSTEM ADD DATASOURCE \"" + dataSourceName + "\" CONNECT TO '" + connectionString + "' USING '" + driverName + "'"); new Verifications() { { anyRunner.addDataSource(dataSourceName, connectionString, driverName); } }; } private static Matcher<OctopusSqlObjectTarget> targetEqualTo(final OctopusSqlObjectTarget expected) { return new TypeSafeMatcher<OctopusSqlObjectTarget>() { @Override protected boolean matchesSafely(OctopusSqlObjectTarget actual) { if (expected == actual) return true; if (expected == null) return false; if (expected.getType() != actual.getType()) return false; if (!Objects.equals(expected.getDataSource(), actual.getDataSource())) return false; if (!Objects.equals(expected.getSchema(), actual.getSchema())) return false; if (!Objects.equals(expected.getTable(), actual.getTable())) return false; if (!Objects.equals(expected.getColumn(), actual.getColumn())) return false; if (!Objects.equals(expected.getUser(), actual.getUser())) return false; return true; } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText('<' + expected.getType().name() + ',' + expected.getDataSource() + ',' + expected.getSchema() + ',' + expected.getTable() + ',' + expected.getColumn() + ',' + expected.getUser() + '>'); } }; } @Test public void testUpdateDataSource() throws Exception { final String dataSourceName = "bitnine"; final String schemaName = "octopus"; final String tablePattern = "table%"; parseAndRun("ALTER SYSTEM UPDATE DATASOURCE \"" + dataSourceName + "\""); parseAndRun("ALTER SYSTEM UPDATE TABLE \"" + dataSourceName + "\".\"" + schemaName + "\".'" + tablePattern + "'"); new VerificationsInOrder() { { OctopusSqlObjectTarget target = new OctopusSqlObjectTarget(); target.setType(OctopusSqlObjectTarget.Type.DATASOURCE); target.setDataSource(dataSourceName); anyRunner.updateDataSource(withArgThat(targetEqualTo(target))); target.setType(OctopusSqlObjectTarget.Type.TABLE); target.setSchema(schemaName); target.setTable(tablePattern); anyRunner.updateDataSource(withArgThat(targetEqualTo(target))); } }; } @Test public void testDropDataSource() throws Exception { final String dataSourceName = "bitnine"; parseAndRun("ALTER SYSTEM DROP DATASOURCE \"" + dataSourceName + "\""); new Verifications() { { anyRunner.dropDataSource(dataSourceName); } }; } @Test public void testUser() throws Exception { final String name = "octopus"; final String password = "bitnine"; parseAndRun("CREATE USER \"" + name + "\" IDENTIFIED BY '" + password + "'"); parseAndRun("ALTER USER \"" + name + "\" IDENTIFIED BY '" + password + "'"); parseAndRun("DROP USER \"" + name + "\""); new Verifications() { { anyRunner.createUser(name, password); anyRunner.alterUser(name, password, (String) withNull()); anyRunner.dropUser(name); } }; } @Test public void testRole() throws Exception { final String name = "octopus"; parseAndRun("CREATE ROLE \"" + name + "\""); parseAndRun("DROP ROLE \"" + name + "\""); new Verifications() { { anyRunner.createRole(name); anyRunner.dropRole(name); } }; } private static <E> Matcher<List<E>> listEqualTo(final List<E> expected) { return new TypeSafeMatcher<List<E>>() { @Override protected boolean matchesSafely(List<E> actual) { if (expected == actual) return true; if (expected == null) return false; if (expected.size() != actual.size()) return false; if (!expected.containsAll(actual)) return false; return true; } @Override public void describeTo(Description description) { description.appendText(expected.toString()); } }; } @Test public void testGrantRevokeSysPrivs() throws Exception { final List<SystemPrivilege> sysPrivs = Arrays.asList(SystemPrivilege.values()); final List<String> names = Arrays.asList("octopus", "junseok"); String sysPrivsStr = StringUtils.join(sysPrivs, ", ").replace('_', ' ') + ", ALL PRIVILEGES"; parseAndRun("GRANT " + sysPrivsStr + " TO \"" + StringUtils.join(names, "\", \"") + "\""); parseAndRun("REVOKE ALL PRIVILEGES FROM \"" + names.get(0) + "\""); new Verifications() { { anyRunner.grantSystemPrivileges(withArgThat(listEqualTo(sysPrivs)), withArgThat(listEqualTo(names))); anyRunner.revokeSystemPrivileges(withArgThat(listEqualTo(sysPrivs)), withArgThat(listEqualTo(names.subList(0, 1)))); } }; } @Test public void testGrantRevokeObjPrivs() throws Exception { final List<ObjectPrivilege> objPrivs = Arrays.asList(ObjectPrivilege.values()); final String[] schemaName = { "bitnine", "default" }; final List<String> names = Arrays.asList("octopus", "junseok"); String objPrivsStr = StringUtils.join(objPrivs, ", ").replace('_', ' ') + ", ALL"; String schemaNameStr = "\"" + StringUtils.join(schemaName, "\".\"") + "\""; parseAndRun("GRANT " + objPrivsStr + " ON " + schemaNameStr + " TO \"" + StringUtils.join(names, "\", \"") + "\""); parseAndRun("REVOKE ALL ON " + schemaNameStr + " FROM \"" + names.get(0) + "\""); new Verifications() { { anyRunner.grantObjectPrivileges(withArgThat(listEqualTo(objPrivs)), schemaName, withArgThat(listEqualTo(names))); anyRunner.revokeObjectPrivileges(withArgThat(listEqualTo(objPrivs)), schemaName, withArgThat(listEqualTo(names.subList(0, 1)))); } }; } @Test public void testShow() throws Exception { parseAndRun("SHOW DATASOURCES"); final String schemaPattern = "default_"; parseAndRun("SHOW SCHEMAS SCHEMA '" + schemaPattern + "'"); final String dataSourceName = "data_source"; final String tablePattern = "table%"; parseAndRun("SHOW TABLES DATASOURCE \"" + dataSourceName + "\" TABLE '" + tablePattern + "'"); final String columnPattern = "%\\_col"; parseAndRun("SHOW COLUMNS COLUMN '" + columnPattern + "'"); parseAndRun("SHOW ALL USERS"); final String name = "octopus"; parseAndRun("SHOW OBJECT PRIVILEGES FOR \"" + name + "\""); final String commentPattern = "%\\comment"; parseAndRun("SHOW COMMENTS '" + commentPattern + "' DATASOURCE '" + dataSourceName + "'"); new Verifications() { { anyRunner.showDataSources(); anyRunner.showSchemas((String) withNull(), schemaPattern); anyRunner.showTables(dataSourceName, (String) withNull(), tablePattern); anyRunner.showColumns((String) withNull(), (String) withNull(), (String) withNull(), columnPattern); anyRunner.showAllUsers(); anyRunner.showObjPrivsFor(name); anyRunner.showComments(commentPattern, dataSourceName, (String) withNull(), (String) withNull(), (String) withNull()); } }; } @Test public void testCommentOn() throws Exception { final String dataSourceName = "bitnine"; final String schemaName = "default"; final String tableName = "employee"; final String columnName = "permanent"; final String userName = "junseok"; final String comment = "comment"; parseAndRun("COMMENT ON DATASOURCE \"" + dataSourceName + "\" IS '" + comment + "'"); parseAndRun("COMMENT ON SCHEMA \"" + dataSourceName + "\".\"" + schemaName + "\" IS '" + comment + "'"); parseAndRun("COMMENT ON TABLE \"" + dataSourceName + "\".\"" + schemaName + "\".\"" + tableName + "\" IS '" + comment + "'"); parseAndRun("COMMENT ON COLUMN \"" + dataSourceName + "\".\"" + schemaName + "\".\"" + tableName + "\".\"" + columnName + "\" IS '" + comment + "'"); parseAndRun("COMMENT ON USER \"" + userName + "\" IS '" + comment + "'"); new VerificationsInOrder() { { OctopusSqlObjectTarget target = new OctopusSqlObjectTarget(); target.setType(OctopusSqlObjectTarget.Type.DATASOURCE); target.setDataSource(dataSourceName); anyRunner.commentOn(withArgThat(targetEqualTo(target)), comment); target.setType(OctopusSqlObjectTarget.Type.SCHEMA); target.setSchema(schemaName); anyRunner.commentOn(withArgThat(targetEqualTo(target)), comment); target.setType(OctopusSqlObjectTarget.Type.TABLE); target.setTable(tableName); anyRunner.commentOn(withArgThat(targetEqualTo(target)), comment); target.setType(OctopusSqlObjectTarget.Type.COLUMN); target.setColumn(columnName); anyRunner.commentOn(withArgThat(targetEqualTo(target)), comment); target = new OctopusSqlObjectTarget(); target.setType(OctopusSqlObjectTarget.Type.USER); target.setUser(userName); anyRunner.commentOn(withArgThat(targetEqualTo(target)), comment); } }; } @Test public void testSetDataCategoryOn() throws Exception { final String dataSourceName = "bitnine"; final String schemaName = "default"; final String tableName = "employee"; final String columnName = "permanent"; final String category = "public"; parseAndRun("SET DATACATEGORY ON COLUMN \"" + dataSourceName + "\".\"" + schemaName + "\".\"" + tableName + "\".\"" + columnName + "\" IS '" + category + "'"); new Verifications() { { OctopusSqlObjectTarget target = new OctopusSqlObjectTarget(); target.setType(OctopusSqlObjectTarget.Type.COLUMN); target.setDataSource(dataSourceName); target.setSchema(schemaName); target.setTable(tableName); target.setColumn(columnName); anyRunner.setDataCategoryOn(withArgThat(targetEqualTo(target)), category); } }; } }