Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (C) 2013 University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the GNU Public License v3.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * Contributors: * Sam Sarjant - initial API and implementation ******************************************************************************/ package knowledgeMiner.mining; import io.IOManager; import io.ResourceAccess; import io.ontology.OntologySocket; import io.resources.WMISocket; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import knowledgeMiner.mapping.CycMapper; import knowledgeMiner.mapping.textToCyc.TextMappedConcept; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import util.Tree; import util.text.OpenNLP; import util.wikipedia.WikiParser; import cyc.AssertionArgument; import cyc.CycConstants; import cyc.MappableConcept; public class SentenceParserHeuristic extends MiningHeuristic { private static final String[] COPULAS = { "is", "are", "was", "were", "be", "am", "being", "been" }; private static final Collection<ExtractionPattern> EXTRACTION_PATTERNS; private final static Logger logger_ = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SentenceParserHeuristic.class); private static final Pattern[] SENTENCE_SIMPLIFIER = { Pattern.compile("^In [^,.]+, "), Pattern.compile("(?<=[^,.]+), [^,.]+,(?= (is|was|are|were))") }; public static final String SENTENCE_PREFIX = "TOPICS is a "; public SentenceParserHeuristic(CycMapper mapper, CycMiner miner) { super(false, mapper, miner); OpenNLP.getParser(); } private String disambiguateTree(Parse parse, String[] predicateStrs, MappableConcept focusConcept, SortedMap<String, String> anchors, WMISocket wmi, OntologySocket cyc, MiningHeuristic heuristic, Collection<PartialAssertion> results) throws Exception { if (predicateStrs == null) { predicateStrs = new String[1]; predicateStrs[0] = ""; } Parse[] children = parse.getChildren(); String type = parse.getType(); String text = parse.getCoveredText(); // No children? Return value if (children.length == 0) return text; // Recurse to 'left' int childIndex = 0; String left = disambiguateTree(children[childIndex++], Arrays.copyOf(predicateStrs, predicateStrs.length), focusConcept, anchors, wmi, cyc, heuristic, results); // If VP or PP, add to predicate boolean canCreate = true; if (left != null) { if (type.equals("VP")) predicateStrs[0] = left.trim(); else if (type.equals("PP")) { // If PP, split recursion into two predicates predicateStrs[0] = (predicateStrs[0] + " " + left).trim(); if (!predicateStrs[0].equals(left)) { predicateStrs = Arrays.copyOf(predicateStrs, predicateStrs.length + 1); predicateStrs[predicateStrs.length - 1] = left; } } } else canCreate = false; for (; childIndex < children.length; childIndex++) { Parse childParse = children[childIndex]; String result = disambiguateTree(childParse, Arrays.copyOf(predicateStrs, predicateStrs.length), focusConcept, anchors, wmi, cyc, heuristic, results); if (result == null) { canCreate = false; } } if (type.equals("VP") || type.equals("PP")) return null; // Can create and we have a target and predicate(s) if (canCreate && type.equals("NP") && !predicateStrs[0].isEmpty()) { for (String predStr : predicateStrs) { AssertionArgument predicate = null; if (isCopula(predStr)) { predicate = CycConstants.ISA_GENLS.getConcept(); } else { // TODO Figure out a safe way to parse predicates. Probably // need to look at the parse code again. // predStr = reAnchorString(predStr, anchors); // predicate = new TextMappedConcept(predStr, true, true); } if (predicate == null) continue; // Return the possible noun strings Collection<Tree<String>> nounStrs = composeAdjNounsTree(parse, anchors); logger_.trace("createAssertions: " + predicate.toString() + " " + nounStrs.toString().replaceAll("\\\\\n", " ")); // Recurse through the tree and build the partial assertions HeuristicProvenance provenance = new HeuristicProvenance(heuristic, predStr + "+" + text); Collection<PartialAssertion> currAssertions = recurseStringTree(predicate, focusConcept, nounStrs, provenance); // Add the assertions for (PartialAssertion pa : currAssertions) if (!results.contains(pa)) { results.add(pa); canCreate = false; } } } if (!canCreate) return null; return text; } /** * Extracts the anchors from the text and returns them in tree form. * * @param text * The text to reinsert anchors into, then extract anchors from * @param anchors * The reanchoring map. * @param anchorMap * The map of anchors to add to. * @return A collection of extracted anchors. */ private Collection<Tree<String>> extractAnchors(String text, SortedMap<String, String> anchors, Map<String, Tree<String>> anchorMap) { Collection<Tree<String>> anchorCol = new ArrayList<>(); // Reanchor the string and extract all anchors String anchorText = reAnchorString(text, anchors); Matcher m = WikiParser.ANCHOR_PARSER_ROUGH.matcher(anchorText); while (m.find()) { Tree<String> anchorTree = new Tree<String>(; // Split up anchor text String anchor = ( == null) ? :; anchorMap.put(anchor, anchorTree); anchorCol.add(anchorTree); } return anchorCol; } /** * If the current verbPhrase is a copula. * * @param verbPhrase * The phrase to check. * @return True if the verb phrase is a copula. */ private boolean isCopula(String verbPhrase) { for (String copula : COPULAS) { if (verbPhrase.equalsIgnoreCase(copula)) return true; } return false; } /** * Pairs the nouns and adjectives together to produce a number of result * text fragments to be resolved to concepts. * * @param parse * The parse to process and pair. * @param anchors * The anchor map. * @param existingAnchorTrees * The anchor trees already added to the results (for reuse and * subtree-ing) * @return A collection of possible mappable entities composed of at least * one noun and possible adjectives (with sub-adjectives). */ private Collection<Tree<String>> pairNounAdjs(Parse parse, SortedMap<String, String> anchors, Map<String, Tree<String>> existingAnchorTrees) { Collection<Tree<String>> results = new ArrayList<>(); boolean createNewNounSet = false; ArrayList<String> nounPhrases = new ArrayList<>(); Parse[] children = parse.getChildren(); for (int i = children.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { String childType = children[i].getType(); String childText = children[i].getCoveredText(); if (childType.startsWith("NN") || childType.equals("NP")) { // Note the noun, adding it to the front of the existing NP. if (createNewNounSet) nounPhrases.clear(); String existingNounPhrase = ""; if (!nounPhrases.isEmpty()) existingNounPhrase = nounPhrases.get(nounPhrases.size() - 1); String np = (childText + " " + existingNounPhrase).trim(); nounPhrases.add(np); // Add to the tree (if not a pure anchor) if (!anchors.containsKey(np)) results.add(new Tree<String>(reAnchorString(np, anchors))); } else if (childType.startsWith("JJ") || childType.equals("ADJP")) { // Only process if we have an NP if (!nounPhrases.isEmpty()) { // For every nounPhrase StringBuilder adjective = new StringBuilder(); for (int j = i; children[j].getType().startsWith("JJ") || children[j].getType().equals("ADJP"); j++) { // Build adjective combinations if (adjective.length() != 0) adjective.append(" "); adjective.append(children[j].getCoveredText()); for (String np : nounPhrases) { // Create the tree (with sub adjective tree) String adjNP = adjective + " " + np; Tree<String> adjP = null; // Check for an existing anchor tree if (existingAnchorTrees.containsKey(adjNP)) adjP = existingAnchorTrees.get(adjNP); else adjP = new Tree<String>(reAnchorString(adjNP, anchors)); if (!anchors.containsKey(adjective.toString())) adjP.addSubValue(reAnchorString(adjective.toString(), anchors)); // Add to the tree results.add(adjP); } } } createNewNounSet = true; } else { createNewNounSet = true; } } return results; } /** * Cleans the indices off the end of strings. * * @param str * A string with indices on the end of each word. * @param anchors * The anchor map to apply. * @return A string without index suffixes. */ private String reAnchorString(String str, SortedMap<String, String> anchors) { if (anchors == null) return str; String result = str.replaceAll("(\\S+)-\\d+(?= |$)", "$1"); for (String anchor : anchors.keySet()) { if (anchors.get(anchor) != null) result = WikiParser.replaceAll(result, anchor, anchors.get(anchor)); } return result; } /** * Recurse down text fragments and attempt to find mapped concepts for each * fragment, maintaining the same hierarchy. * * @param parentCols * The noun strings to recurse through. * @param wmi * The WMI access. * @param ontology * The ontology access. * @return The results set to add to. */ private Collection<PartialAssertion> recurseStringTree(AssertionArgument predicate, MappableConcept focusConcept, Collection<Tree<String>> nounStrs, HeuristicProvenance provenance) { Collection<PartialAssertion> assertions = new ArrayList<>(); // Recurse through every discovered noun combination for (Tree<String> t : nounStrs) { PartialAssertion pa = new PartialAssertion(predicate, provenance, focusConcept, new TextMappedConcept(t.getValue(), false, false)); if (!t.getSubTrees().isEmpty()) for (PartialAssertion subPA : recurseStringTree(predicate, focusConcept, t.getSubTrees(), provenance)) { pa.addSubAssertion(subPA); } assertions.add(pa); } return assertions; } @Override protected void setInformationTypes(boolean[] infoTypes) { infoTypes[InformationType.TAXONOMIC.ordinal()] = true; infoTypes[InformationType.NON_TAXONOMIC.ordinal()] = true; } /** * Compose the hierarchical set of noun-adjective combinations from the NP. * First gets all anchors, then processes each JJ and NN combination, adding * them directly or as subvalues of the anchors. * * @param parse * The parse to compose the strings from. * @param anchors * The anchors to insert during composition. * @return A Hierarchical Weighted Set of strings representing the order of * strings that should be attempted to assert. */ public Collection<Tree<String>> composeAdjNounsTree(Parse parse, SortedMap<String, String> anchors) { String text = parse.getCoveredText(); Collection<Tree<String>> results = new ArrayList<>(); // Add all visible anchors // Keep track of which text is in what anchors Map<String, Tree<String>> anchorMap = new HashMap<>(); results.addAll(extractAnchors(text, anchors, anchorMap)); // Work backwards through the children, adding nouns, then adjectives to // the nouns results.addAll(pairNounAdjs(parse, anchors, anchorMap)); return results; } /** * Extracts a set of assertions from a sentence using parsing techniques to * identify plain-text assertions. * * @param sentence * The sentence to extract assertions from. * @param focusConcept * The concept the sentence is being mined for. * @param wikifyText * If the text should be wikified. * @param wmi * The WMI access. * @param cyc * The Cyc access. * @param heuristic * The heuristic to which assertions are assigned to. * @throws Exception * Should something go awry... */ public Collection<PartialAssertion> extractAssertions(String sentence, MappableConcept focusConcept, boolean wikifyText, WMISocket wmi, OntologySocket cyc, MiningHeuristic heuristic) throws Exception { logger_.trace("mineSentence: " + sentence); if (wikifyText) sentence = wmi.annotate(sentence, 0, false); Map<String, Double> anchorWeights = new HashMap<>(); SortedMap<String, String> anchors = locateAnchors(sentence, anchorWeights); sentence = sentence.replaceAll("'{3,}.+?'{3,}", "THING"); sentence = sentence.replaceAll("\\?{2,}", ""); String cleanSentence = WikiParser.cleanAllMarkup(sentence); Parse parse = parseLine(cleanSentence); //; Collection<PartialAssertion> results = new ArrayList<>(); logger_.trace("disambiguateTree: " + sentence); disambiguateTree(parse, null, focusConcept, anchors, wmi, cyc, heuristic, results); return results; } static { EXTRACTION_PATTERNS = new ArrayList<>(); EXTRACTION_PATTERNS.add(new ExtractionPattern("VB", "NP")); } /** * Locates the anchors in a string and forms a replacement map for them. * * @param sentence * The sentence to search for anchors. * @param anchorWeights * An optional map to record any weight information for the * anchors. If no weights in the text, all weights are assumed to * be 1.0. * @return A SortedMap of anchors, ordered in largest text size to smallest. */ public static SortedMap<String, String> locateAnchors(String sentence, Map<String, Double> anchorWeights) { SortedMap<String, String> anchorMap = new TreeMap<>(new Comparator<String>() { @Override public int compare(String o1, String o2) { int result =, o2.length()); if (result != 0) return -result; return o1.compareTo(o2); } }); Matcher m = WikiParser.ANCHOR_PARSER.matcher(sentence); while (m.find()) { String replString = ( != null) ? :; anchorMap.put(replString,; } return anchorMap; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { ResourceAccess.newInstance(); CycMapper mapper = new CycMapper(); CycMiner miner = new CycMiner(null, mapper); SentenceParserHeuristic sph = new SentenceParserHeuristic(mapper, miner); WMISocket wmi = ResourceAccess.requestWMISocket(); OntologySocket cyc = ResourceAccess.requestOntologySocket(); String input = ""; MappableConcept mappable = new TextMappedConcept("PLACEHOLDER", false, false); while (!input.equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { System.out.println("Enter sentence to parse:"); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; input = in.readLine(); Collection<PartialAssertion> assertions = sph.extractAssertions(input, mappable, true, wmi, cyc, null); System.out.println(assertions); } } public static synchronized Parse parseLine(String cleanSentence) { Parse parse = null; while (parse == null) { parse = OpenNLP.parseLine(cleanSentence); // Could not parse if (parse.getType().equals("INC")) { try { IOManager.getInstance().writeFirstSentence(-1, cleanSentence); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // Simplify the sentence for (Pattern p : SENTENCE_SIMPLIFIER) { String simplifiedSentence = p.matcher(cleanSentence).replaceFirst(""); // Replace the clean sentence if (!simplifiedSentence.equals(cleanSentence)) { cleanSentence = StringUtils.capitalize(simplifiedSentence); parse = null; break; } } } } return parse; } }