Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014, Luca Rosellini. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package kina.rdd; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Batch; import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.Insert; import com.datastax.driver.core.querybuilder.QueryBuilder; import kina.config.CassandraKinaConfig; import kina.config.GenericCassandraKinaConfig; import kina.cql.CqlRecordWriter; import kina.entity.CassandraCell; import kina.entity.Cell; import kina.entity.Cells; import kina.entity.KinaType; import kina.exceptions.GenericException; import kina.functions.AbstractSerializableFunction2; import kina.utils.CassandraUtils; import kina.utils.Pair; import kina.utils.Utils; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.AbstractType; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.TimeUUIDType; import org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UUIDType; import org.apache.spark.TaskContext; import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD; import scala.Function1; import scala.Tuple2; import scala.collection.Iterator; import scala.reflect.ClassTag; import scala.reflect.ClassTag$; import static kina.utils.AnnotationUtils.MAP_JAVA_TYPE_TO_ABSTRACT_TYPE; import static kina.utils.Utils.quote; /** * Created by luca on 16/04/14. */ public class CassandraRDDUtils { /** * private constructor */ CassandraRDDUtils() { } public static <W> void doCql3SaveToCassandra(RDD<W> rdd, CassandraKinaConfig<W> writeConfig, Function1<W, Tuple2<Cells, Cells>> transformer) { if (!writeConfig.getIsWriteConfig()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided configuration object is not suitable for writing"); } Tuple2<Map<String, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, ByteBuffer>> tuple = new Tuple2<>(null, null); RDD<Tuple2<Cells, Cells>> mappedRDD =, ClassTag$.MODULE$.<Tuple2<Cells, Cells>>apply(tuple.getClass())); ((GenericCassandraKinaConfig) writeConfig).createOutputTableIfNeeded(mappedRDD); final int pageSize = writeConfig.getBatchSize(); int offset = 0; List<Tuple2<Cells, Cells>> elements = Arrays.asList((Tuple2<Cells, Cells>[]) mappedRDD.collect()); List<Tuple2<Cells, Cells>> split; do { split = elements.subList(pageSize * (offset++), Math.min(pageSize * offset, elements.size())); Batch batch = QueryBuilder.batch(); for (Tuple2<Cells, Cells> t : split) { Tuple2<String[], Object[]> bindVars = Utils.prepareTuple4CqlDriver(t); Insert insert = QueryBuilder .insertInto(quote(writeConfig.getKeyspace()), quote(writeConfig.getTable())) .values(bindVars._1(), bindVars._2()); batch.add(insert); } writeConfig.getSession().execute(batch); } while (!split.isEmpty() && split.size() == pageSize); } /** * Provided the mapping function <i>transformer</i> that transforms a generic RDD to an RDD<Tuple2<Cells, Cells>>, * this generic method persists the RDD to underlying Cassandra datastore. * * @param rdd * @param writeConfig * @param transformer */ public static <W> void doSaveToCassandra(RDD<W> rdd, final CassandraKinaConfig<W> writeConfig, Function1<W, Tuple2<Cells, Cells>> transformer) { if (!writeConfig.getIsWriteConfig()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Provided configuration object is not suitable for writing"); } Tuple2<Map<String, ByteBuffer>, Map<String, ByteBuffer>> tuple = new Tuple2<>(null, null); final RDD<Tuple2<Cells, Cells>> mappedRDD =, ClassTag$.MODULE$.<Tuple2<Cells, Cells>>apply(tuple.getClass())); ((GenericCassandraKinaConfig) writeConfig).createOutputTableIfNeeded(mappedRDD); ClassTag<Integer> uClassTag = ClassTag$.MODULE$.apply(Integer.class); mappedRDD.context().runJob(mappedRDD, new AbstractSerializableFunction2<TaskContext, Iterator<Tuple2<Cells, Cells>>, Integer>() { @Override public Integer apply(TaskContext context, Iterator<Tuple2<Cells, Cells>> rows) { try (CqlRecordWriter writer = new CqlRecordWriter(context, writeConfig)) { while (rows.hasNext()) { Tuple2<Cells, Cells> row =; writer.write(row._1(), row._2()); } } return null; } }, uClassTag); } /** * Returns an instance of the Cassandra validator that matches the provided object. * * @param obj the object to use to resolve the cassandra marshaller. * @param <T> the generic object type. * @return an instance of the Cassandra validator that matches the provided object. * @throws kina.exceptions.GenericException if no validator can be found for the specified object. */ public static <T> AbstractType<?> marshallerInstance(T obj) { AbstractType<?> abstractType = MAP_JAVA_TYPE_TO_ABSTRACT_TYPE.get(obj.getClass()); if (obj instanceof UUID) { UUID uuid = (UUID) obj; if (uuid.version() == 1) { abstractType = TimeUUIDType.instance; } else { abstractType = UUIDType.instance; } } if (abstractType == null) { throw new GenericException("parameter class " + obj.getClass().getCanonicalName() + " does not have a" + " Cassandra marshaller"); } return abstractType; } /** * Generates the update query for the provided KinaType. * The UPDATE query takes into account all the columns of the testentity, even those containing the null value. * We do not generate the key part of the update query. The provided query will be concatenated with the key part * by CqlRecordWriter. * * @param keys the row keys wrapped inside a Cells object. * @param values all the other row columns wrapped inside a Cells object. * @param outputKeyspace the output keyspace. * @param outputColumnFamily the output column family. * @return the update query statement. */ public static String updateQueryGenerator(Cells keys, Cells values, String outputKeyspace, String outputColumnFamily) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("UPDATE ").append(outputKeyspace).append(".") .append(outputColumnFamily).append(" SET "); int k = 0; StringBuilder keyClause = new StringBuilder(" WHERE "); for (Cell cell : keys.getCells()) { if (((CassandraCell) cell).isPartitionKey() || ((CassandraCell) cell).isClusterKey()) { if (k > 0) { keyClause.append(" AND "); } keyClause.append(String.format("%s = ?", quote(cell.getCellName()))); ++k; } } k = 0; for (Cell cell : values.getCells()) { if (k > 0) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(String.format("%s = ?", quote(cell.getCellName()))); ++k; } sb.append(keyClause).append(";"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Generates a create table cql statement from the given Cells description. * * @param keys the row keys wrapped inside a Cells object. * @param values all the other row columns wrapped inside a Cells object. * @param outputKeyspace the output keyspace. * @param outputColumnFamily the output column family. * @return the create table statement. */ public static String createTableQueryGenerator(Cells keys, Cells values, String outputKeyspace, String outputColumnFamily) { if (keys == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(outputKeyspace) || StringUtils.isEmpty(outputColumnFamily)) { throw new GenericException("keys, outputKeyspace and outputColumnFamily cannot be null"); } StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("CREATE TABLE ").append(outputKeyspace).append(".") .append(outputColumnFamily).append(" ("); List<String> partitionKey = new ArrayList<>(); List<String> clusterKey = new ArrayList<>(); boolean isFirstField = true; for (Cell key : keys) { String cellName = quote(key.getCellName()); if (!isFirstField) { sb.append(", "); } sb.append(cellName).append(" ").append(((CassandraCell) key).marshaller().asCQL3Type().toString()); if (((CassandraCell) key).isPartitionKey()) { partitionKey.add(cellName); } else if (((CassandraCell) key).isClusterKey()) { clusterKey.add(cellName); } isFirstField = false; } if (values != null) { for (Cell key : values) { sb.append(", "); sb.append(quote(key.getCellName())).append(" ") .append(((CassandraCell) key).marshaller().asCQL3Type().toString()); } } StringBuilder partitionKeyToken = new StringBuilder("("); isFirstField = true; for (String s : partitionKey) { if (!isFirstField) { partitionKeyToken.append(", "); } partitionKeyToken.append(s); isFirstField = false; } partitionKeyToken.append(")"); StringBuilder clusterKeyToken = new StringBuilder(""); isFirstField = true; for (String s : clusterKey) { if (!isFirstField) { clusterKeyToken.append(", "); } clusterKeyToken.append(s); isFirstField = false; } StringBuilder keyPart = new StringBuilder(", PRIMARY KEY "); if (!clusterKey.isEmpty()) { keyPart.append("("); } keyPart.append(partitionKeyToken); if (!clusterKey.isEmpty()) { keyPart.append(", "); keyPart.append(clusterKeyToken); keyPart.append(")"); } sb.append(keyPart).append(");"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Convers an instance of type <T> to a tuple of ( Map<String, ByteBuffer>, List<ByteBuffer> ). * The first map contains the key column names and the corresponding values. * The ByteBuffer list contains the value of the columns that will be bounded to CQL query parameters. * * @param e the entity object to process. * @param <T> the entity object generic type. * @return a pair whose first element is a Cells object containing key Cell(s) and whose second element contains all of the other Cell(s). */ public static <T extends KinaType> Tuple2<Cells, Cells> kinaType2tuple(T e) { Pair<Field[], Field[]> fields = CassandraUtils.filterKeyFields(e.getClass()); Field[] keyFields = fields.left; Field[] otherFields = fields.right; Cells keys = new Cells(e.getClass().getName()); Cells values = new Cells(e.getClass().getName()); for (Field keyField : keyFields) { keys.add(CassandraCell.create(e, keyField)); } for (Field valueField : otherFields) { values.add(CassandraCell.create(e, valueField)); } return new Tuple2<>(keys, values); } }