Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


/* Copyright (c) 2006, Sriram Srinivasan
 * You may distribute this software under the terms of the license 
 * specified in the file "License"
package kilim;

import org.objectweb.asm.Opcodes;

public interface Constants extends Opcodes {

    String KILIM_VERSION = "0.7.3";

    // Type descriptors
    String D_BOOLEAN = "Z";
    String D_BYTE = "B";
    String D_CHAR = "C";
    String D_DOUBLE = "D";
    String D_FLOAT = "F";
    String D_INT = "I";
    String D_LONG = "J";
    String D_SHORT = "S";
    String D_VOID = "V";

    String D_ARRAY_BOOLEAN = "[Z";
    String D_ARRAY_BYTE = "[B";
    String D_ARRAY_CHAR = "[C";
    String D_ARRAY_DOUBLE = "[D";
    String D_ARRAY_FLOAT = "[F";
    String D_ARRAY_SHORT = "[S";
    String D_ARRAY_INT = "[I";
    String D_ARRAY_LONG = "[J";

    String D_NULL = "NULL";
    String D_RETURN_ADDRESS = "A";
    String D_OBJECT = "Ljava/lang/Object;";
    String D_STRING = "Ljava/lang/String;";
    String D_THROWABLE = "Ljava/lang/Throwable;";

    String D_FIBER = "Lkilim/Fiber;";
    String D_STATE = "Lkilim/State;";
    String D_TASK = "Lkilim/Task;";
    String D_PAUSABLE = "Lkilim/Pausable;";

    String THROWABLE_CLASS = "java/lang/Throwable";
    String FIBER_CLASS = "kilim/Fiber";
    String STATE_CLASS = "kilim/State";
    String TASK_CLASS = "kilim/Task";
    String PAUSABLE_CLASS = "kilim/Pausable";
    String NOT_PAUSABLE_CLASS = "kilim/NotPausable";

    String WOVEN_FIELD = "$isWoven";

    // Constant opcodes missing from asm's opcodes (as of asm 3.0)
    int ILOAD_0 = 26;
    int LLOAD_0 = 30;
    int FLOAD_0 = 34;
    int DLOAD_0 = 38;
    int ALOAD_0 = 42;
    int ISTORE_0 = 59;
    int LSTORE_0 = 63;
    int FSTORE_0 = 67;
    int DSTORE_0 = 71;
    int ASTORE_0 = 75;
    int LDC2_W = 20;