Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2014 Zoe Lee (Kihira) * * See LICENSE for full License */ package kihira.tails.client.gui; import; import kihira.foxlib.client.gui.GuiBaseScreen; import kihira.foxlib.client.gui.GuiIconButton; import kihira.foxlib.client.gui.GuiList; import kihira.foxlib.client.gui.IListCallback; import kihira.foxlib.client.toast.ToastManager; import kihira.tails.client.FakeEntity; import kihira.tails.client.PartRegistry; import kihira.tails.client.gui.controls.GuiHSBSlider; import kihira.tails.client.gui.controls.GuiHSBSlider.HSBSliderType; import kihira.tails.client.gui.controls.GuiHSBSlider.IHSBSliderCallback; import kihira.tails.client.render.RenderPart; import kihira.tails.client.texture.TextureHelper; import kihira.tails.common.PartInfo; import kihira.tails.common.PartsData; import kihira.tails.common.Tails; import; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiButton; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiListExtended; import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiTextField; import net.minecraft.client.gui.ScaledResolution; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.OpenGlHelper; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.RenderHelper; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.Tessellator; import net.minecraft.client.renderer.entity.RenderManager; import net.minecraft.client.resources.I18n; import net.minecraft.entity.EntityLivingBase; import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack; import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting; import org.lwjgl.BufferUtils; import org.lwjgl.LWJGLException; import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard; import org.lwjgl.input.Mouse; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL11; import org.lwjgl.opengl.GL12; import javax.imageio.ImageIO; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import; import java.nio.IntBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; public class GuiEditor extends GuiBaseScreen implements IListCallback, IHSBSliderCallback { private float yaw = 0F; private float pitch = 10F; private int prevMouseX = -1; private int currTintEdit = 0; private int currTintColour = 0xFFFFFF; private GuiTextField hexText; private GuiHSBSlider[] hsbSliders; private GuiHSBSlider[] rgbSliders; private GuiIconButton tintReset; private GuiIconButton colourPicker; private int textureID; private IntBuffer pixelBuffer; private boolean selectingColour = false; private ScaledResolution scaledRes; private int previewWindowLeft; private int previewWindowRight; private int previewWindowBottom; private int editPaneTop; private PartsData.PartType partType; private PartsData partsData; private PartInfo partInfo; private PartInfo originalPartInfo; private GuiButton partTypeButton; private GuiList partList; private FakeEntity fakeEntity; public GuiEditor() { //Backup original PartInfo or create default one PartInfo partInfo; if (Tails.localPartsData == null) { Tails.setLocalPartsData(new PartsData(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getPersistentID())); } //Default to Tail partType = PartsData.PartType.TAIL; for (PartsData.PartType partType : PartsData.PartType.values()) { if (!Tails.localPartsData.hasPartInfo(partType)) { Tails.localPartsData.setPartInfo(partType, new PartInfo(Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.getPersistentID(), false, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFF0000FF, null, partType)); } } partInfo = Tails.localPartsData.getPartInfo(partType); originalPartInfo = partInfo.deepCopy(); partsData = Tails.localPartsData.deepCopy(); this.partInfo = originalPartInfo.deepCopy(); fakeEntity = new FakeEntity(Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld); } @Override @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void initGui() { this.scaledRes = new ScaledResolution(,,; int previewWindowEdgeOffset = 110; this.previewWindowLeft = previewWindowEdgeOffset; this.previewWindowRight = this.width - previewWindowEdgeOffset; this.previewWindowBottom = this.height - 30; this.editPaneTop = this.height - 107; //Edit tint buttons int topOffset = 20; for (int i = 2; i <= 4; i++) { this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(i, this.previewWindowRight + 30, topOffset, 40, 20, I18n.format("gui.button.edit"))); topOffset += 35; } //Tint edit pane this.hexText = new GuiTextField(this.fontRendererObj, this.previewWindowRight + 30, this.editPaneTop + 20, 73, 10); this.hexText.setMaxStringLength(6); this.hexText.setText(Integer.toHexString(this.currTintColour)); //RGB sliders rgbSliders = new GuiHSBSlider[3]; rgbSliders[0] = new GuiHSBSlider(5, this.previewWindowRight + 5, this.editPaneTop + 70, 100, 10, this, HSBSliderType.SATURATION, I18n.format("")); rgbSliders[1] = new GuiHSBSlider(6, this.previewWindowRight + 5, this.editPaneTop + 80, 100, 10, this, HSBSliderType.SATURATION, I18n.format("")); rgbSliders[2] = new GuiHSBSlider(7, this.previewWindowRight + 5, this.editPaneTop + 90, 100, 10, this, HSBSliderType.SATURATION, I18n.format("")); rgbSliders[0].setHue(0); rgbSliders[1].setHue(1F / 3F); rgbSliders[2].setHue(2F / 3F); this.buttonList.add(rgbSliders[0]); this.buttonList.add(rgbSliders[1]); this.buttonList.add(rgbSliders[2]); //HBS sliders hsbSliders = new GuiHSBSlider[3]; hsbSliders[0] = new GuiHSBSlider(15, this.previewWindowRight + 5, this.editPaneTop + 35, 100, 10, this, HSBSliderType.HUE, I18n.format("gui.slider.hue.tooltip")); hsbSliders[1] = new GuiHSBSlider(16, this.previewWindowRight + 5, this.editPaneTop + 45, 100, 10, this, HSBSliderType.SATURATION, I18n.format("gui.slider.saturation.tooltip")); hsbSliders[2] = new GuiHSBSlider(17, this.previewWindowRight + 5, this.editPaneTop + 55, 100, 10, this, HSBSliderType.BRIGHTNESS, I18n.format("gui.slider.brightness.tooltip")); this.buttonList.add(hsbSliders[0]); this.buttonList.add(hsbSliders[1]); this.buttonList.add(hsbSliders[2]); //Reset/Save this.buttonList.add(this.tintReset = new GuiIconButton(8, this.width - 20, this.editPaneTop + 2, GuiIconButton.Icons.UNDO, I18n.format("gui.button.reset"))); tintReset.enabled = false; //General Editing Pane //Reset/Save this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(12, this.previewWindowRight - 83, this.height - 25, 40, 20, I18n.format("gui.button.reset"))); this.buttonList.add( new GuiButton(13, this.previewWindowRight - 43, this.height - 25, 40, 20, I18n.format("gui.done"))); //Export this.buttonList.add(new GuiButtonTooltip(14, (this.width / 2) - 20, this.height - 25, 40, 20, I18n.format("gui.button.export"), this.scaledRes.getScaledWidth() / 3, I18n.format("gui.button.export.0.tooltip"))); //Texture select this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(18, 5, this.height - 25, 15, 20, "<")); this.buttonList.add(new GuiButton(19, this.previewWindowLeft - 20, this.height - 25, 15, 20, ">")); textureID = partInfo.textureID; //PartType Select buttonList.add( partTypeButton = new GuiButton(20, previewWindowLeft + 3, height - 25, 40, 20,; //Colour Picker buttonList.add(colourPicker = new GuiIconButton(21, this.width - 36, this.editPaneTop + 1, GuiIconButton.Icons.EYEDROPPER, I18n.format("gui.button.picker.0"), I18n.format("gui.button.picker.1"))); colourPicker.visible = false; //Reset Camera buttonList.add(new GuiIconButton(22, previewWindowRight - 18, 22, GuiIconButton.Icons.UNDO, I18n.format(""))); //Help this.buttonList.add(new GuiIconButton(500, this.previewWindowRight - 18, 4, GuiIconButton.Icons.QUESTION, I18n.format(""), I18n.format(""))); initPartList(); refreshTintPane(); } private void initPartList() { //Part List java.util.List<PartEntry> partList = new ArrayList<PartEntry>(); UUID uuid = UUID.fromString("18040390-23b0-11e4-8c21-0800200c9a66"); //Just a random UUID partList.add(new PartEntry( new PartInfo(uuid, false, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFF0000FF, null, partType))); //No tail //Generate tail preview textures and add to list List<RenderPart> parts = PartRegistry.getParts(partType); for (int type = 0; type < parts.size(); type++) { for (int subType = 0; subType <= parts.get(type).getAvailableSubTypes(); subType++) { PartInfo partInfo = new PartInfo(uuid, true, type, subType, 0, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFF0000FF, null, partType); partList.add(new PartEntry(partInfo)); } } this.partList = new GuiList(this, this.previewWindowLeft, this.height - 43, 0, this.height - 43, 55, partList); this.selectDefaultListEntry(); } @Override public void drawScreen(int mouseX, int mouseY, float p_73863_3_) { this.zLevel = -1000; //Background this.drawGradientRect(0, 0, this.previewWindowLeft, this.height, 0xCC000000, 0xCC000000); this.drawGradientRect(this.previewWindowLeft, 0, this.previewWindowRight, this.previewWindowBottom, 0xEE000000, 0xEE000000); //Hex with alpha in the format ARGB this.drawGradientRect(this.previewWindowRight, 0, this.width, this.height, 0xCC000000, 0xCC000000); this.drawGradientRect(this.previewWindowLeft, this.previewWindowBottom, this.previewWindowRight, this.height, 0xDD000000, 0xDD000000); //Tints int topOffset = 10; for (int tint = 1; tint <= 3; tint++) { String s = I18n.format("gui.tint", tint); this.fontRendererObj.drawString(s, this.previewWindowRight + 5, topOffset, 0xFFFFFF); int colour = partInfo.tints[tint - 1] | 0xFF << 24; this.drawGradientRect(this.previewWindowRight + 5, topOffset + 10, this.previewWindowRight + 25, topOffset + 30, colour, colour); topOffset += 35; } //Editing tint pane if (this.currTintEdit > 0) { this.drawHorizontalLine(this.previewWindowRight, this.width, this.editPaneTop, 0xFF000000); this.fontRendererObj.drawString(I18n.format("gui.tint.edit", this.currTintEdit), this.previewWindowRight + 5, this.editPaneTop + 5, 0xFFFFFF); this.fontRendererObj.drawString(I18n.format("gui.hex") + ":", this.previewWindowRight + 5, this.editPaneTop + 21, 0xFFFFFF); this.hexText.drawTextBox(); } //Player drawEntity(this.width / 2, (this.previewWindowBottom / 2) + (this.scaledRes.getScaledHeight() / 4), this.scaledRes.getScaledHeight() / 4, this.yaw, this.pitch,; this.zLevel = 0; //Tails list this.partList.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, p_73863_3_); //Texture select fontRendererObj.drawString(I18n.format("gui.texture") + ":", 7, this.height - 37, 0xFFFFFF); fontRendererObj.drawString( I18n.format( + ".texture." + PartRegistry.getRenderPart(partType, partInfo.typeid) .getTextureNames(partInfo.subid)[textureID] + ".name"), 25, this.height - 19, 0xFFFFFF); super.drawScreen(mouseX, mouseY, p_73863_3_); } @Override protected void actionPerformed(GuiButton button) { RenderPart part = PartRegistry.getRenderPart(partType, partInfo.typeid); //Edit buttons if ( >= 2 && <= 4) { this.currTintEdit = - 1; this.currTintColour = this.partInfo.tints[this.currTintEdit - 1] & 0xFFFFFF; //Ignore the alpha bits this.hexText.setText(Integer.toHexString(this.currTintColour)); this.refreshTintPane(); this.tintReset.enabled = false; colourPicker.enabled = true; } //Reset Tint else if ( == 8) { this.currTintColour = this.originalPartInfo.tints[this.currTintEdit - 1] & 0xFFFFFF; //Ignore the alpha bits this.hexText.setText(Integer.toHexString(this.currTintColour)); this.refreshTintPane(); tintReset.enabled = false; } //Reset All else if ( == 12) { this.partInfo = this.originalPartInfo.deepCopy(); this.selectDefaultListEntry(); this.currTintEdit = 0; this.refreshTintPane(); this.updatePartsData(); } //Save All else if ( == 13) { //Update part info, set local and send it to the server this.updatePartsData(); Tails.setLocalPartsData(partsData); Tails.proxy.addPartsData(partsData.uuid, partsData); Tails.networkWrapper.sendToServer(new PlayerDataMessage(partsData, false)); ToastManager.INSTANCE.createCenteredToast(width / 2, previewWindowBottom - 20, 100, EnumChatFormatting.GREEN + "Saved!");; } //Export else if ( == 14) { this.updatePartsData(); GuiExport(this, this.partsData)); } //Texture select else if ( == 18) { if (textureID - 1 >= 0) { textureID--; } else { textureID = part.getTextureNames(partInfo.subid).length - 1; } updatePartsData(); } else if ( == 19) { if (part.getTextureNames(partInfo.subid).length > textureID + 1) { textureID++; } else { textureID = 0; } updatePartsData(); } //PartType else if ( == 20) { if (partType.ordinal() + 1 >= PartsData.PartType.values().length) { partType = PartsData.PartType.values()[0]; } else { partType = PartsData.PartType.values()[partType.ordinal() + 1]; } PartInfo newPartInfo = partsData.getPartInfo(partType); if (newPartInfo == null) { newPartInfo = new PartInfo(partsData.uuid, false, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFF0000, 0xFF00FF00, 0xFF0000FF, null, partType); } originalPartInfo = newPartInfo.deepCopy(); partInfo = originalPartInfo.deepCopy(); textureID = partInfo.textureID; partTypeButton.displayString =; initPartList(); refreshTintPane(); } //Colour Picker else if ( == 21) { setSelectingColour(true); } //Reset Camera else if ( == 22) { yaw = 0; pitch = 10F; } } @Override protected void keyTyped(char letter, int keyCode) { this.hexText.textboxKeyTyped(letter, keyCode); try { //Gets the current colour from the hex text if (!Strings.isNullOrEmpty(this.hexText.getText())) { this.currTintColour = Integer.parseInt(this.hexText.getText(), 16); } } catch (NumberFormatException ignored) { } this.refreshTintPane(); if (keyCode == Keyboard.KEY_ESCAPE && selectingColour) { setSelectingColour(false); } else { super.keyTyped(letter, keyCode); } } @Override protected void mouseClicked(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseEvent) { /* if (mouseEvent != 0 || !this.partList.func_148179_a(mouseX, mouseY, mouseEvent)) { super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, mouseEvent); }*/ if (selectingColour && mouseEvent == 0) { currTintColour = getColourAtPoint(Mouse.getEventX(), mc.displayHeight - Mouse.getEventY()) & 0xFFFFFF; //Ignore alpha setSelectingColour(false); refreshTintPane(); } else { super.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, mouseEvent); this.hexText.mouseClicked(mouseX, mouseY, mouseEvent); } } @Override protected void mouseClickMove(int mouseX, int mouseY, int lastButtonClicked, long timeSinceMouseClick) { if (lastButtonClicked == 0 && mouseY < previewWindowBottom && mouseX > previewWindowLeft && mouseX < previewWindowRight) { //Yaw if (prevMouseX == -1) prevMouseX = mouseX; else { yaw += (mouseX - prevMouseX) * 1.5F; prevMouseX = mouseX; } } } @Override protected void mouseMovedOrUp(int mouseX, int mouseY, int mouseEvent) { prevMouseX = -1; super.mouseMovedOrUp(mouseX, mouseY, mouseEvent); } @Override public void onGuiClosed() { //Delete textures on close for (GuiListExtended.IGuiListEntry entry : this.partList.getEntries()) { PartEntry tailEntry = (PartEntry) entry; tailEntry.partInfo.setTexture(null); } Tails.proxy.addPartsData(, Tails.localPartsData); } //Refreshes the text and text colour to the current set tint colour private void refreshTintPane() { this.hexText.setTextColor(this.currTintColour); //RGB Sliders Color c = new Color(this.currTintColour); rgbSliders[0].setValue(c.getRed() / 255F); rgbSliders[1].setValue(c.getGreen() / 255F); rgbSliders[2].setValue(c.getBlue() / 255F); //HSB Sliders float[] hsbvals = Color.RGBtoHSB(c.getRed(), c.getGreen(), c.getBlue(), null); hsbSliders[0].setValue(hsbvals[0]); hsbSliders[1].setValue(hsbvals[1]); hsbSliders[2].setValue(hsbvals[2]); //The saturation slider needs to know the value of the other 2 sliders hsbSliders[1].setHue((float) hsbSliders[0].getValue()); hsbSliders[1].setBrightness((float) hsbSliders[2].getValue()); if (this.currTintEdit > 0) { this.rgbSliders[0].visible = this.rgbSliders[1].visible = this.rgbSliders[2].visible = true; this.hsbSliders[0].visible = this.hsbSliders[1].visible = this.hsbSliders[2].visible = true; this.tintReset.visible = true; colourPicker.visible = true; } else { this.rgbSliders[0].visible = this.rgbSliders[1].visible = this.rgbSliders[2].visible = false; this.hsbSliders[0].visible = this.hsbSliders[1].visible = this.hsbSliders[2].visible = false; this.tintReset.visible = false; colourPicker.visible = false; } tintReset.enabled = true; this.updatePartsData(); } private void drawEntity(int x, int y, int scale, float yaw, float pitch, EntityLivingBase entity) { float prevHeadYaw = entity.rotationYawHead; float prevRotYaw = entity.rotationYaw; float prevRotPitch = entity.rotationPitch; ItemStack prevItemStack = entity.getHeldItem(); GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslatef(x, y, -10F); GL11.glScalef(-scale, scale, scale); GL11.glRotatef(180.0F, 0.0F, 0.0F, 1.0F); GL11.glTranslatef(0.0F, entity.yOffset, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(pitch, 1F, 0.0F, 0.0F); GL11.glRotatef(yaw, 0F, 1F, 0.0F); entity.rotationYawHead = 0F; entity.rotationYaw = 0F; entity.rotationPitch = 0F; entity.renderYawOffset = 0F; entity.setSneaking(false); entity.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, null); RenderHelper.enableStandardItemLighting(); RenderManager.instance.playerViewY = 180.0F; RenderManager.instance.renderEntityWithPosYaw(entity, 0D, 0D, 0D, 0F, 1F); RenderHelper.disableStandardItemLighting(); OpenGlHelper.setActiveTexture(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); OpenGlHelper.setActiveTexture(OpenGlHelper.defaultTexUnit); entity.rotationYawHead = prevHeadYaw; entity.rotationYaw = prevRotYaw; entity.rotationPitch = prevRotPitch; entity.setCurrentItemOrArmor(0, prevItemStack); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } private void renderPart(int x, int y, int scale, PartInfo partInfo) { GL11.glPushMatrix(); GL11.glTranslatef(x, y, 10F); GL11.glScalef(-scale, scale, 1F); RenderHelper.enableStandardItemLighting(); RenderManager.instance.playerViewY = 180.0F; PartRegistry.getRenderPart(partInfo.partType, partInfo.typeid).render(this.fakeEntity, partInfo, 0, 0, 0, 0); RenderHelper.disableStandardItemLighting(); OpenGlHelper.setActiveTexture(OpenGlHelper.lightmapTexUnit); GL11.glDisable(GL11.GL_TEXTURE_2D); OpenGlHelper.setActiveTexture(OpenGlHelper.defaultTexUnit); GL11.glPopMatrix(); } @Override public void onValueChangeHSBSlider(GuiHSBSlider source, double sliderValue) { if (source == rgbSliders[0] || source == rgbSliders[1] || source == rgbSliders[2]) { this.currTintColour = new Color((int) (rgbSliders[0].getValue() * 255F), (int) (rgbSliders[1].getValue() * 255F), (int) (rgbSliders[2].getValue() * 255F)).getRGB(); } else { float[] hsbvals = { (float) hsbSliders[0].getValue(), (float) hsbSliders[1].getValue(), (float) hsbSliders[2].getValue() }; hsbvals[source.getType().ordinal()] = (float) sliderValue; this.currTintColour = Color.getHSBColor(hsbvals[0], hsbvals[1], hsbvals[2]).getRGB(); } this.hexText.setText(Integer.toHexString(this.currTintColour)); this.refreshTintPane(); } private void updatePartsData() { UUID uuid =; PartEntry tailEntry = (PartEntry) partList.getListEntry(partList.getCurrrentIndex()); partInfo.setTexture(null); if (currTintEdit > 0) partInfo.tints[currTintEdit - 1] = currTintColour | 0xFF << 24; //Add the alpha manually partInfo = new PartInfo(uuid, tailEntry.partInfo.hasPart, tailEntry.partInfo.typeid, tailEntry.partInfo.subid, textureID, partInfo.tints, partType, null); if (partInfo.hasPart) partInfo.setTexture(TextureHelper.generateTexture(partInfo)); partsData.setPartInfo(partType, partInfo); Tails.proxy.addPartsData(uuid, partsData); } private void selectDefaultListEntry() { //Default selection for (GuiListExtended.IGuiListEntry entry : this.partList.getEntries()) { PartEntry partEntry = (PartEntry) entry; if ((!partEntry.partInfo.hasPart && !partInfo.hasPart) || (partInfo.hasPart && partEntry.partInfo.hasPart && partEntry.partInfo.typeid == partInfo.typeid && partEntry.partInfo.subid == partInfo.subid)) { this.partList.setCurrrentIndex(this.partList.getEntries().indexOf(partEntry)); break; } } } private int getColourAtPoint(int x, int y) { int[] pixelData; int pixels = 1; if (pixelBuffer == null) { pixelBuffer = BufferUtils.createIntBuffer(pixels); } pixelData = new int[pixels]; GL11.glPixelStorei(GL11.GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); GL11.glPixelStorei(GL11.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1); pixelBuffer.clear(); GL11.glReadPixels(x, mc.displayHeight - y, 1, 1, GL12.GL_BGRA, GL12.GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV, pixelBuffer); pixelBuffer.get(pixelData); return pixelData[0]; } private void setSelectingColour(boolean selectingColour) { this.selectingColour = selectingColour; if (selectingColour) { try { BufferedImage bufferedImage = ImageIO .read(mc.getResourceManager().getResource(GuiIconButton.iconsTextures).getInputStream()); int[] pixelData; int pixels = 16 * 16; pixelData = new int[pixels]; IntBuffer buffer = IntBuffer.wrap(bufferedImage.getRGB(GuiIconButton.Icons.EYEDROPPER.u, GuiIconButton.Icons.EYEDROPPER.v + 16, 16, 16, pixelData, 0, 16)); org.lwjgl.input.Cursor cursor = new org.lwjgl.input.Cursor(16, 16, 0, 15, 1, buffer, null); Mouse.setNativeCursor(cursor); } catch (LWJGLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } else { try { Mouse.setNativeCursor(null); } catch (LWJGLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public boolean onEntrySelected(GuiList guiList, int index, GuiListExtended.IGuiListEntry entry) { //Reset texture ID textureID = 0; this.updatePartsData(); return true; } public class PartEntry implements GuiListExtended.IGuiListEntry { public final PartInfo partInfo; public PartEntry(PartInfo partInfo) { this.partInfo = partInfo; } @Override public void drawEntry(int index, int x, int y, int listWidth, int p_148279_5_, Tessellator tessellator, int mouseX, int mouseY, boolean mouseOver) { if (partInfo.hasPart) { renderPart(previewWindowLeft - 25, y - 25, 50, partInfo); fontRendererObj.drawString( I18n.format(PartRegistry.getRenderPart(partInfo.partType, partInfo.typeid) .getUnlocalisedName(partInfo.subid)), 5, y + (partList.slotHeight / 2) - 5, 0xFFFFFF); } else { fontRendererObj.drawString(I18n.format(""), 5, y + (partList.slotHeight / 2) - 5, 0xFFFFFF); } } @Override public boolean mousePressed(int index, int mouseX, int mouseY, int p_148278_4_, int mouseSlotX, int mouseSlotY) { return true; } @Override public void mouseReleased(int index, int mouseX, int mouseY, int p_148278_4_, int mouseSlotX, int mouseSlotY) { } } }