Java tutorial
/*********************************************************************** This file is part of KEEL-software, the Data Mining tool for regression, classification, clustering, pattern mining and so on. Copyright (C) 2004-2010 F. Herrera ( L. Snchez ( J. Alcal-Fdez ( S. Garca ( A. Fernndez ( J. Luengo ( This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see **********************************************************************/ package keel.Algorithms.Neural_Networks.NNEP_Common; import keel.Algorithms.Neural_Networks.NNEP_Common.neuralnet.INeuralNet; import keel.Algorithms.Neural_Networks.NNEP_Common.neuralnet.InputLayer; import keel.Algorithms.Neural_Networks.NNEP_Common.neuralnet.LinkedLayer; import net.sf.jclec.IConfigure; import net.sf.jclec.util.range.Interval; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationRuntimeException; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.EqualsBuilder; /** * <p> * @author Written by Pedro Antonio Gutierrez Penia (University of Cordoba) 16/7/2007 * @author Written by Aaron Ruiz Mora (University of Cordoba) 16/7/2007 * @version 0.1 * @since JDK1.5 * </p> */ public class NeuralNetIndividualSpecies extends AbstractNeuralNetSpecies<NeuralNetIndividual> implements IConfigure { /** * <p> * Individuals that use a INeuralNet as genotype * </p> */ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --------------------------------------- Serialization constant ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Generated by Eclipse */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 2813451004932981929L; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ------------------------------------------------- Constructors ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Empty constructor * </p> */ public NeuralNetIndividualSpecies() { super(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ------------------------------------------- Setting properties ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Sets number of hidden layers of the neural nets * * @param nOfHiddenLayers Number of hidden layers * </p> */ public void setNOfHiddenLayers(int nOfHiddenLayers) { this.nOfHiddenLayers = nOfHiddenLayers; } /** * <p> * Sets number of inputs of the neural nets * * @param nOfInputs Number of hidden layers * </p> */ public void setNOfInputs(int nOfInputs) { this.nOfInputs = nOfInputs; } /** * <p> * Sets number of outputs of the neural nets * * @param nOfInputs Number of hidden layers * </p> */ public void setNOfOutputs(int nOfOutputs) { this.nOfOutputs = nOfOutputs; } /** * <p> * Sets weight range of a hidden layer * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param indexRange Index of the desired range into the layer (useful for hibrid layer) * @param hiddenLayerWeightRange New weight range * </p> */ public void setHiddenLayerWeightRange(int index, int indexRange, Interval hiddenLayerWeightRange) { this.weightRanges[index][indexRange] = hiddenLayerWeightRange; } /** * <p> * Sets weight range of the output layer * * @param indexRange Index of the desired range into the layer (useful for hibrid layer) * @param outputLayerWeightRange New weight range * </p> */ public void setOutputLayerWeightRange(int indexRange, Interval outputLayerWeightRange) { this.weightRanges[weightRanges.length - 1][indexRange] = outputLayerWeightRange; } /** * <p> * Sets maximum number of neurons of a hidden layer * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param hiddenLayerMaxNofneurons Maximum number of neurons * </p> */ public void setHiddenLayerMaxNofneurons(int index, int hiddenLayerMaxNofneurons) { this.maxNofneurons[index] = hiddenLayerMaxNofneurons; } /** * <p> * Sets minimum number of neurons of a hidden layer * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param hiddenLayerMaxNofneurons Minimum number of neurons * </p> */ public void setHiddenLayerMinNofneurons(int index, int hiddenLayerMinNofneurons) { this.minNofneurons[index] = hiddenLayerMinNofneurons; } /** * <p> * Sets initial maximum number of neurons of a hidden layer * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param hiddenLayerInitialNofneurons Initial maximum number of neurons * </p> */ public void setHiddenLayerInitialNofneurons(int index, int hiddenLayerInitialMaxNofneurons) { this.initialMaxNofneurons[index] = hiddenLayerInitialMaxNofneurons; } /** * <p> * Sets type of neurons of a hidden layer * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param hiddenLayerType Type of neurons * </p> */ public void setHiddenLayerType(int index, String hiddenLayerType) { this.type[index] = hiddenLayerType; } /** * <p> * Sets type of neurons of the output layer * * @param outputLayerType Type of neurons * </p> */ public void setOutputLayerType(String outputLayerType) { this.type[type.length - 1] = outputLayerType; } /** * <p> * Sets initiator of neurons of a hidden layer * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param hiddenLayerInitiator Initiator of neurons * </p> */ public void setHiddenLayerInitiator(int index, String hiddenLayerInitiator) { this.initiator[index] = hiddenLayerInitiator; } /** * <p> * Sets initiator of neurons of the output layer * * @param outputLayerInitiator Initiator of neurons * </p> */ public void setOutputLayerInitiator(String outputLayerInitiator) { this.initiator[initiator.length - 1] = outputLayerInitiator; } /** * <p> * Sets a boolean indicating if a hidden layer is biased * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param hiddenLayerBiased Is hidden layer biased? * </p> */ public void setHiddenLayerBiased(int index, boolean hiddenLayerBiased) { this.biased[index] = hiddenLayerBiased; } /** * <p> * Sets a boolean indicating if the output layer is biased * * @param outputLayerBiased Is output layer biased? * </p> */ public void setOutputLayerBiased(boolean outputLayerBiased) { this.biased[biased.length - 1] = outputLayerBiased; } /** * <p> * Sets an array of neuron types of a concrete layer * (this is an hibrid layer) * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param neuronTypes Array of neurons types * </p> */ public void setNeuronTypes(int index, String[] neuronTypes) { this.neuronTypes[index] = neuronTypes; } /** * <p> * Sets an array of percentages of a concrete layer * (this is an hibrid layer) * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param percentages Array of percentages * </p> */ public void setPercentages(int index, double[] percentages) { this.percentages[index] = percentages; } /** * <p> * Sets an array of initiators of neurons of hibrid layers * * @param index Index of the desired hidden layer * @param initiatorNeuronTypes Array of initiators of neurons * </p> */ public void setInitiatorNeuronTypes(int index, String[] initiatorNeuronTypes) { this.initiatorNeuronTypes[index] = initiatorNeuronTypes; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // --------------------- Implementing INeuralNetSpecies interface ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Creates a new individual * @return A NeuraNetIndividual * </p> */ public NeuralNetIndividual createIndividual() { return new NeuralNetIndividual(); } /** * <p> * Creates a new individual * @param genotype Genotype of the individual * @return A NeuraNetIndividual * </p> */ public NeuralNetIndividual createIndividual(INeuralNet genotype) { return new NeuralNetIndividual(genotype); } /** * <p> * Creates the genotype of the individual * @return The Genotype * <(p> */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public INeuralNet createGenotype() { INeuralNet result = null; // New neural net try { Class<INeuralNet> neuralNetClass = (Class<INeuralNet>) Class.forName(neuralNetType); // Range instance result = neuralNetClass.newInstance(); //Generate topology generateTopology(result); //Set input layer number of neurons result.getInputLayer().setMaxnofneurons(nOfInputs); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal neural net classname"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of " + type, e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of " + type, e); } return result; } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ---------------------------------------------- Private methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Generate topology of a INeuralNet * * @param neuralNet New neural net genotype * </p> */ private void generateTopology(INeuralNet neuralNet) { //Input Layer InputLayer inputLayer = new InputLayer(); neuralNet.setInputLayer(inputLayer); try { //Each hidden Layer for (int i = 0; i < nOfHiddenLayers; i++) { LinkedLayer hiddenLayer = (LinkedLayer) Class.forName(getHiddenLayerType(i)).newInstance(); hiddenLayer.setType(LinkedLayer.HIDDEN_LAYER); neuralNet.addHlayer(hiddenLayer); } //Output Layer LinkedLayer outputLayer = (LinkedLayer) Class.forName(getOutputLayerType()).newInstance(); outputLayer.setType(LinkedLayer.OUTPUT_LAYER); neuralNet.setOutputLayer(outputLayer); } catch (InstantiationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ----------------------------------- Overwriting Object methods ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Compare two individuals * @return True if the two individuals are equals * </p> */ public boolean equals(Object other) { if (other instanceof NeuralNetIndividualSpecies) { EqualsBuilder eb = new EqualsBuilder(); NeuralNetIndividualSpecies nnoth = (NeuralNetIndividualSpecies) other; eb.append(this.neuralNetType, nnoth.neuralNetType); eb.append(this.nOfInputs, nnoth.nOfInputs); eb.append(this.nOfHiddenLayers, nnoth.nOfHiddenLayers); eb.append(this.nOfOutputs, nnoth.nOfOutputs); eb.append(this.weightRanges, nnoth.weightRanges); eb.append(this.maxNofneurons, nnoth.maxNofneurons); eb.append(this.minNofneurons, nnoth.minNofneurons); eb.append(this.initialMaxNofneurons, nnoth.initialMaxNofneurons); eb.append(this.type, nnoth.type); eb.append(this.initiator, nnoth.initiator); eb.append(this.biased, nnoth.biased); eb.append(this.neuronTypes, nnoth.neuronTypes); eb.append(this.percentages, nnoth.percentages); eb.append(this.initiatorNeuronTypes, nnoth.initiatorNeuronTypes); return eb.isEquals(); } else { return false; } } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ---------------------------- Implementing IConfigure interface ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * <p> * Configuration parameters for this species are: * * * input-layer.number-of-inputs (int) * Number of inputs. Number of inputs of this species neural nets. * * output-layer.number-of-outputs (int) * Number of inputs. Number of outputs of this species neural nets. * * hidden-layer(i).weight-range (complex) * Weigth range of the hidden layer number "i". * * output-layer.weight-range (complex) * Weigth range of the outputlayer. * * hidden-layer(i).maximum-number-of-neurons (int) * Maximum number of neurons of hidden layer number "i". * * hidden-layer(i).initial-number-of-neurons (int) * Initial number of neurons of hidden layer number "i". * * hidden-layer(i)[@type] (string) * Layer type of the hidden layer number "i". * * output-layer[@type] (string) * Layer type of the output layer. * * hidden-layer(i)[@biased] (string) * Boolean indicating if hidden layer number "i" is biased. * * output-layer[@type] (string) * Boolean indicating if the output layer is biased. * * @param configutation Configuration if the Individual * </p> */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void configure(Configuration configuration) { // -------------------------------------- Setup neuralNetType neuralNetType = configuration.getString("neural-net-type"); // -------------------------------------- Setup nOfHiddenLayers nOfHiddenLayers = configuration.getList("hidden-layer[@type]").size(); // -------------------------------------- Setup nOfInputs //nOfInputs = configuration.getInt("input-layer.number-of-inputs"); // -------------------------------------- Setup nOfOutputs //nOfOutputs = configuration.getInt("output-layer.number-of-outputs"); // Initialize arrays maxNofneurons = new int[nOfHiddenLayers]; minNofneurons = new int[nOfHiddenLayers]; initialMaxNofneurons = new int[nOfHiddenLayers]; type = new String[nOfHiddenLayers + 1]; initiator = new String[nOfHiddenLayers + 1]; biased = new boolean[nOfHiddenLayers + 1]; weightRanges = new Interval[nOfHiddenLayers + 1][]; neuronTypes = new String[nOfHiddenLayers + 1][]; percentages = new double[nOfHiddenLayers + 1][]; initiatorNeuronTypes = new String[nOfHiddenLayers + 1][]; for (int i = 0; i < nOfHiddenLayers + 1; i++) { String header; if (i != nOfHiddenLayers) { header = "hidden-layer(" + i + ")"; // ---------------------------------- Setup maxNofneurons array maxNofneurons[i] = configuration.getInt(header + ".maximum-number-of-neurons"); // ---------------------------------- Setup minNofneurons array minNofneurons[i] = configuration.getInt(header + ".minimum-number-of-neurons"); // ---------------------------------- Setup initialMaxNofneurons array initialMaxNofneurons[i] = configuration.getInt(header + ".initial-maximum-number-of-neurons"); // ---------------------------------- Setup initiator array initiator[i] = configuration.getString(header + ".initiator-of-links"); } else { header = "output-layer"; // ---------------------------------- Setup initiator array initiator[i] = configuration.getString(header + ".initiator-of-links"); } // ----------------------------------------- Setup type array type[i] = configuration.getString(header + "[@type]"); // ----------------------------------------- Setup biased array biased[i] = configuration.getBoolean(header + "[@biased]"); // -------------------------------------- Setup weight ranges array weightRanges[i] = new Interval[1]; try { // Range name String rangeName = header + ".weight-range"; // Range classname String rangeClassname = configuration.getString(rangeName + "[@type]"); // Range class Class<Interval> rangeClass = (Class<Interval>) Class.forName(rangeClassname); // Range instance Interval range = rangeClass.newInstance(); // Configura range range.configure(configuration.subset(rangeName)); // Set range if (i != nOfHiddenLayers) setHiddenLayerWeightRange(i, 0, range); else setOutputLayerWeightRange(0, range); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Illegal range classname"); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of range", e); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new ConfigurationRuntimeException("Problems creating an instance of range", e); } } } }