Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2014 karthik * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package karthik.Barcode; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.opencv.core.*; import org.opencv.highgui.Highgui; import org.opencv.imgproc.Imgproc; /** * * @author karthik */ public abstract class Barcode { // parent class containing common methods and definitions for 1D and 2D barcode searches public String getName() { return name; } // flag to indicate what kind of searches to perform on image to locate barcode protected int sizeFlag = TryHarderFlags.VERY_SMALL_MATRIX.value(); protected boolean postProcessResizeBarcode = true; protected static double USE_ROTATED_RECT_ANGLE = 361; protected String name; // filename of barcode image file boolean DEBUG_IMAGES; // flag if we want to show intermediate steps for debugging SearchParameters searchParams; //various parameters and thresholds used during the search protected ImageInfo img_details; protected int rows, cols; List<CandidateResult> candidateBarcodes = new ArrayList<CandidateResult>(); static enum CodeType { LINEAR, MATRIX }; Barcode(String filename, TryHarderFlags flag) throws IOException { name = filename; img_details = new ImageInfo(loadImage()); rows = img_details.src_original.rows(); cols = img_details.src_original.cols(); setBarcodeSize(flag); DEBUG_IMAGES = false; } Barcode(Mat img, TryHarderFlags flag) throws IOException { // used in mobile implementation to avoid recreating Mat objects repeatedly img_details = new ImageInfo(img); rows = img_details.src_original.rows(); cols = img_details.src_original.cols(); setBarcodeSize(flag); DEBUG_IMAGES = false; } public static boolean updateImage(Barcode barcode, final Mat img, final String img_name) { = img_name; return updateImage(barcode, img); } public static boolean updateImage(Barcode barcode, Mat img) { // used for video or camera feed when all images are the same size int orig_rows = barcode.img_details.src_original.rows(); int orig_cols = barcode.img_details.src_original.cols(); int new_rows = img.rows(); int new_cols = img.cols(); if ((orig_rows != new_rows) || (orig_cols != new_cols)) return false; barcode.candidateBarcodes.clear(); barcode.img_details.src_original = img; Imgproc.resize(barcode.img_details.src_original, barcode.img_details.src_scaled, barcode.img_details.src_scaled.size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_AREA); Imgproc.cvtColor(barcode.img_details.src_scaled, barcode.img_details.src_grayscale, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY); return true; } public void setBarcodeSize(TryHarderFlags size) { // at least one of the size flags must be set so it chooses NORMAL as the default if nothing is set sizeFlag = size.value(); setSearchParameters(size); } public void doPostProcessResizeBarcode(boolean postProcess) { postProcessResizeBarcode = postProcess; } protected void setSearchParameters(TryHarderFlags flags) { // should not be used when multiple size flags are set // it will set the search parameters to one of them and ignore the others if ((sizeFlag & TryHarderFlags.SMALL.value()) != 0) searchParams = SearchParameters.getSmallParameters(); if ((sizeFlag & TryHarderFlags.LARGE.value()) != 0) searchParams = SearchParameters.getLargeParameters(); if ((sizeFlag & TryHarderFlags.NORMAL.value()) != 0) searchParams = SearchParameters.getNormalParameters(); if ((sizeFlag & TryHarderFlags.VERY_SMALL_MATRIX.value()) != 0) searchParams = SearchParameters.getVSmall_MatrixParameters(); preprocess_image(); } // actual locateBarcode algo must be implemented in child class public abstract List<CandidateResult> locateBarcode() throws IOException; protected void preprocess_image() { // pre-process image to convert to grayscale and do morph black hat // also resizes image if it is above a specified size and sets the search parameters // based on image size // shrink image if it is above a certain size // it reduces image size for large images which helps with processing speed // and reducing sensitivity to barcode size within the image if (rows > searchParams.MAX_ROWS) { cols = (int) (cols * (searchParams.MAX_ROWS * 1.0 / rows)); rows = searchParams.MAX_ROWS; img_details.src_scaled = new Mat(rows, cols, CvType.CV_32F); Imgproc.resize(img_details.src_original, img_details.src_scaled, img_details.src_scaled.size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_AREA); } if (img_details.src_scaled == null) img_details.src_scaled = img_details.src_original.clone(); searchParams.setImageSpecificParameters(rows, cols); // do pre-processing to increase contrast img_details.initializeMats(rows, cols, searchParams); Imgproc.cvtColor(img_details.src_scaled, img_details.src_grayscale, Imgproc.COLOR_RGB2GRAY); } protected Mat scale_candidateBarcode(Mat candidate) { // resizes candidate image to have at least MIN_COLS columns and MIN_ROWS rows // called when RESIZE_BEFORE_DECODE is set - seems to help ZXing decode barcode int MIN_COLS = 200; int MIN_ROWS = 200; int num_rows = candidate.rows(); int num_cols = candidate.cols(); if ((num_cols > MIN_COLS) && (num_rows > MIN_ROWS)) return candidate; if (num_cols < MIN_COLS) { num_rows = (int) (num_rows * MIN_COLS / (1.0 * num_cols)); num_cols = MIN_COLS; } if (num_rows < MIN_ROWS) { num_cols = (int) (num_cols * MIN_ROWS / (1.0 * num_rows)); num_rows = MIN_ROWS; } Mat result = Mat.zeros(num_rows, num_cols, candidate.type()); Imgproc.resize(candidate, result, result.size(), 0, 0, Imgproc.INTER_CUBIC); return result; } protected void connectComponents() { // connect large components by doing morph close followed by morph open // use larger element size for erosion to remove small elements joined by dilation Mat small_elemSE, large_elemSE; if (searchParams.is_VSmallMatrix) { // test out slightly different process for small codes in a large image small_elemSE = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, searchParams.elem_size); large_elemSE = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_RECT, searchParams.large_elem_size); Imgproc.dilate(img_details.probabilities, img_details.probabilities, small_elemSE); Imgproc.erode(img_details.probabilities, img_details.probabilities, large_elemSE); Imgproc.erode(img_details.probabilities, img_details.probabilities, small_elemSE); Imgproc.dilate(img_details.probabilities, img_details.probabilities, large_elemSE); return; } small_elemSE = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_ELLIPSE, searchParams.elem_size); large_elemSE = Imgproc.getStructuringElement(Imgproc.MORPH_ELLIPSE, searchParams.large_elem_size); Imgproc.dilate(img_details.probabilities, img_details.probabilities, small_elemSE); Imgproc.erode(img_details.probabilities, img_details.probabilities, large_elemSE); Imgproc.erode(img_details.probabilities, img_details.probabilities, small_elemSE); Imgproc.dilate(img_details.probabilities, img_details.probabilities, large_elemSE); } protected int calc_rect_sum(int[] integralArray, int numRows, int numCols, int top_row, int bottom_row, int left_col, int right_col) { // calculates sum of values within a rectangle from a given integral image // if the right col or bottom row falls outside the image bounds, sets it to max col and max row // in actuality, top_row - 1 and left_col - 1 are used - see p. 185 of Learning OpenCV ed. 1 by Gary Bradski for an explanation // if top_row or left_col are outside image boundaries, it uses 0 for their value // this is useful when one part of the rectangle lies outside the image bounds int top_left, top_right, bottom_left, bottom_right; int sum; // do bounds checking on provided parameters bottom_row = java.lang.Math.min(bottom_row, numRows); right_col = java.lang.Math.min(right_col, numCols); bottom_right = integralArray[bottom_row * numCols + right_col]; top_right = (top_row < 0) ? 0 : integralArray[top_row * numCols + right_col]; top_left = (left_col < 0 || top_row < 0) ? 0 : integralArray[top_row * numCols + left_col]; bottom_left = (left_col < 0) ? 0 : integralArray[bottom_row * numCols + left_col]; sum = (bottom_right - bottom_left - top_right + top_left); return sum; } protected static void write_Mat(String filename, Mat img) { // write the contents of a Mat object to disk try { PrintStream original = new PrintStream(System.out); PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(filename))); System.setOut(printStream); System.out.println(img.dump()); System.setOut(original); } catch (IOException ioe) { } } protected Mat loadImage() throws IOException { // reads the image file in the class variable name // Highgui produces an incomprehensible error message if the filename is incorrect so // we do the check ourselves first File f = new File(name); if (!f.isFile()) throw new IOException("BarcodeLocalizer was called with an invalid filename " + name); return Highgui.imread(name, Highgui.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); } }