Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Broad Institute, Aiden Lab * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import juicebox.HiCGlobals; import; import; import; import juicebox.track.feature.Feature2DList; import juicebox.track.feature.Feature2DParser; import juicebox.windowui.NormalizationType; import org.apache.commons.math.linear.RealMatrix; import; import java.util.*; /** * Created by muhammadsaadshamim on 6/3/15. */ public class BlockBuster { /** * Actual Arrowhead algorithm - should be called separately for each chromosome * * @return contact domain list and scores for given list/control */ public static void run(int chrIndex, String chrName, int chrLength, int resolution, int matrixWidth, MatrixZoomData zd, NormalizationType norm, ArrowheadScoreList list, ArrowheadScoreList control, Feature2DList contactDomainsGenomeWide, Feature2DList contactDomainListScoresGenomeWide, Feature2DList contactDomainControlScoresGenomeWide) { // used for sliding window across diagonal int increment = matrixWidth / 2; int maxDataLengthAtResolution = (int) Math.ceil(((double) chrLength) / resolution); try { // get large number of blocks (lower confidence) CumulativeBlockResults results = null; for (double signThreshold = 0.4; signThreshold >= 0; signThreshold -= 0.1) { results = callSubBlockbuster(zd, maxDataLengthAtResolution, Double.NaN, signThreshold, matrixWidth, increment, list, control, norm, resolution); if (results.getCumulativeResults().size() > 0) { break; } } // high variance threshold, fewer blocks, high confidence CumulativeBlockResults highConfidenceResults = callSubBlockbuster(zd, maxDataLengthAtResolution, 0.2f, 0.5f, matrixWidth, increment, new ArrowheadScoreList(resolution), new ArrowheadScoreList(resolution), norm, resolution); List<HighScore> uniqueBlocks = orderedSetDifference(results.getCumulativeResults(), highConfidenceResults.getCumulativeResults()); // remove the blocks that are small List<HighScore> filteredUniqueBlocks = filterBlocksBySize(uniqueBlocks, 60); appendNonConflictingBlocks(highConfidenceResults.getCumulativeResults(), filteredUniqueBlocks); // merge the high/low confidence results results.setCumulativeResults(highConfidenceResults.getCumulativeResults()); results.mergeScores(); // prior to this point, everything should be in terms of i,j indices in a binned matrix results.scaleIndicesByResolution(resolution); // if any contact domains are found if (results.getCumulativeResults().size() > 0) { if (HiCGlobals.printVerboseComments) { System.out.println("Initial # of contact domains: " + results.getCumulativeResults().size()); } // merge/bin domains in very close proximity List<HighScore> binnedScores = binScoresByDistance(results.getCumulativeResults(), 5 * resolution); binnedScores = binScoresByDistance(binnedScores, 10 * resolution); Collections.sort(binnedScores, Collections.reverseOrder()); // convert to Feature2DList format Feature2DList blockResults = Feature2DParser.parseHighScoreList(chrIndex, chrName, resolution, binnedScores); Feature2DList blockResultListScores = Feature2DParser.parseArrowheadScoreList(chrIndex, chrName, results.getCumulativeInternalList()); Feature2DList blockResultControlScores = Feature2DParser.parseArrowheadScoreList(chrIndex, chrName, results.getCumulativeInternalControl()); // add results to genome-wide accumulator contactDomainsGenomeWide.add(blockResults); contactDomainListScoresGenomeWide.add(blockResultListScores); contactDomainControlScoresGenomeWide.add(blockResultControlScores); } else { if (HiCGlobals.printVerboseComments) { System.out.println("No contact domains found for chromosome " + chrName); } } } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Data not available for this chromosome."); } } /** * Runs blockbuster for a sliding window along the diagonal of the matrix * * @param zd - zoomData from hic file * @param chrLength * @param varThreshold * @param signThreshold * @param matrixWidth * @param increment * @param list * @param control * @return contact domain results for given thresholds and parameters */ private static CumulativeBlockResults callSubBlockbuster(MatrixZoomData zd, int chrLength, double varThreshold, double signThreshold, int matrixWidth, int increment, ArrowheadScoreList list, ArrowheadScoreList control, NormalizationType norm, int resolution) throws IOException { // container for results CumulativeBlockResults cumulativeBlockResults = new CumulativeBlockResults(resolution); if (HiCGlobals.printVerboseComments) { System.out.println("Loading incr " + increment + " chrLength " + chrLength); } // slide across chromosome diagonal for (int limStart = 0; limStart < chrLength; limStart += increment) { // appropriate boundaries of window int adjustedLimStart = limStart; int limEnd = Math.min(limStart + matrixWidth, chrLength); if (limEnd == chrLength) { if (chrLength > increment) { adjustedLimStart = limEnd - matrixWidth; } } if (HiCGlobals.printVerboseComments) { System.out.println("Reading " + limStart + ":" + limEnd); } // get data for window from hic file int n = limEnd - adjustedLimStart + 1; RealMatrix observed = HiCFileTools.extractLocalBoundedRegion(zd, limStart, limEnd, n, norm); observed = MatrixTools.fillLowerLeftTriangle(observed); // get contact domains in window BlockResults results = new BlockResults(observed, varThreshold, signThreshold, list, control, adjustedLimStart, limEnd); if (HiCGlobals.printVerboseComments) { System.out.println("Found " + results.getResults().size() + " blocks"); } // accumulate results across the windows results.offsetResultsIndex(limStart); // +1? because genome index should start at 1 not 0? cumulativeBlockResults.add(results); if (HiCGlobals.printVerboseComments) { System.out.print("."); } } if (HiCGlobals.printVerboseComments) { System.out.println("."); } return cumulativeBlockResults; } /** * @param scores * @param dist * @return list of scores binned within distance */ private static List<HighScore> binScoresByDistance(List<HighScore> scores, int dist) { List<BinnedScore> binnedScores = new ArrayList<BinnedScore>(); for (HighScore score : scores) { boolean scoreNotBinned = true; for (BinnedScore binnedScore : binnedScores) { if (binnedScore.isNear(score, dist)) { binnedScore.addScoreToBin(score); scoreNotBinned = false; break; } } if (scoreNotBinned) { binnedScores.add(new BinnedScore(score)); } } return BinnedScore.convertBinnedScoresToHighScores(binnedScores); } /** * Check possibleAdditions for domains which do not overlap with the mainList * and append them * * @param mainList * @param possibleAdditions */ private static void appendNonConflictingBlocks(List<HighScore> mainList, List<HighScore> possibleAdditions) { Map<Integer, HighScore> blockEdges = new HashMap<Integer, HighScore>(); for (HighScore score : mainList) { blockEdges.put(score.getI(), score); blockEdges.put(score.getJ(), score); } for (HighScore score : possibleAdditions) { boolean doesNotConflict = true; for (int k = score.getI(); k <= score.getJ(); k++) { if (blockEdges.containsKey(k)) { doesNotConflict = false; break; } } if (doesNotConflict) { mainList.add(score); blockEdges.put(score.getI(), score); blockEdges.put(score.getJ(), score); } } } /** * @param blockList * @param minWidth * @return blockList with small blocks (i.e. < minWidth) removed */ private static List<HighScore> filterBlocksBySize(List<HighScore> blockList, int minWidth) { List<HighScore> filteredList = new ArrayList<HighScore>(); for (HighScore score : blockList) { if (score.getWidth() > minWidth) { filteredList.add(score); } } return filteredList; } /** * Set difference - returns the high scores in longerList that are not in shorterList. * * @param listA * @param listB * @return set difference */ private static List<HighScore> orderedSetDifference(List<HighScore> listA, List<HighScore> listB) { // remove duplicates Set<HighScore> setA = new HashSet<HighScore>(listA); Set<HighScore> setB = new HashSet<HighScore>(listB); List<HighScore> diffSet = new ArrayList<HighScore>(); for (HighScore score : setA) { if (!setB.contains(score)) { diffSet.add(score); } } return diffSet; } }