Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Broad Institute, Aiden Lab * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package; import juicebox.HiCGlobals; import; import org.apache.commons.math.linear.RealMatrix; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; /** * Created by muhammadsaadshamim on 5/1/15. */ public class APADataStack { // genome wide variables private static boolean genomeWideVariablesNotSet = true; private static RealMatrix gwPsea; private static RealMatrix gwNormedPsea; private static RealMatrix gwCenterNormedPsea; private static RealMatrix gwRankPsea; private static List<Double> gwEnhancement; // saving data variables private static int[] axesRange; private static File dataDirectory; // chr variables private final List<Double> enhancement; private RealMatrix psea; private RealMatrix normedPsea; private RealMatrix centerNormedPsea; private RealMatrix rankPsea; /** * class for saving data from chromosme wide run of APA, keeps static class to store genomide data * * @param n width of matrix * @param outputFolderPath location for saving data * @param customPrefix optional file/folder prefix */ public APADataStack(int n, String outputFolderPath, String customPrefix) { psea = MatrixTools.cleanArray2DMatrix(n, n); normedPsea = MatrixTools.cleanArray2DMatrix(n, n); centerNormedPsea = MatrixTools.cleanArray2DMatrix(n, n); rankPsea = MatrixTools.cleanArray2DMatrix(n, n); enhancement = new ArrayList<Double>(); initializeGenomeWideVariables(n); initializeDataSaveFolder(outputFolderPath, customPrefix); axesRange = new int[] { -n / 2, 1, -n / 2, 1 }; } /** * Ensure that directory for saving exists * * @param path to directory * @param prefix of files to be saved */ private static void initializeDataSaveFolder(String path, String prefix) { File newDirectory = safeFolderCreation(path); if (prefix.length() < 1) {// no preference specied dataDirectory = safeFolderCreation(newDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + new SimpleDateFormat("").format(new Date())); } else { dataDirectory = safeFolderCreation(newDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + prefix); } } private static File safeFolderCreation(String path) { File newFolder = new File(path); if (!newFolder.exists()) { boolean result = newFolder.mkdir(); if (!result) { System.err.println("Error creating directory (data not saved): " + newFolder); return null; } } return newFolder; } private static void initializeGenomeWideVariables(int n) { if (genomeWideVariablesNotSet) { gwPsea = MatrixTools.cleanArray2DMatrix(n, n); gwNormedPsea = MatrixTools.cleanArray2DMatrix(n, n); gwCenterNormedPsea = MatrixTools.cleanArray2DMatrix(n, n); gwRankPsea = MatrixTools.cleanArray2DMatrix(n, n); //gwCoverage = APAUtils.cleanArray2DMatrix(n, n); gwEnhancement = new ArrayList<Double>(); genomeWideVariablesNotSet = false; } } public static void exportGenomeWideData(Integer[] peakNumbers) { double gwNPeaksUsedInv = 1. / peakNumbers[0]; gwNormedPsea = gwNormedPsea.scalarMultiply(gwNPeaksUsedInv); gwCenterNormedPsea = gwCenterNormedPsea.scalarMultiply(gwNPeaksUsedInv); gwRankPsea = gwRankPsea.scalarMultiply(gwNPeaksUsedInv); RealMatrix[] matrices = { gwPsea, gwNormedPsea, gwCenterNormedPsea, gwRankPsea }; String[] titles = { "psea", "normedPsea", "centerNormedPsea", "rankPsea", "enhancement", "measures" }; saveDataSet("gw", matrices, titles, gwEnhancement, peakNumbers); } private static void saveDataSet(String prefix, RealMatrix[] apaMatrices, String[] apaDataTitles, List<Double> givenEnhancement, Integer[] peakNumbers) { File subFolder = safeFolderCreation(dataDirectory.getAbsolutePath() + "/" + prefix); if (HiCGlobals.printVerboseComments) { System.out.println("Saving chr " + prefix + " data to " + subFolder); } String dataPath = subFolder + "/"; for (int i = 0; i < apaMatrices.length; i++) { String title = "N=" + peakNumbers[0] + " (filtered) " + peakNumbers[1] + " (unique) " + peakNumbers[2] + " (total)"; APAPlotter.plot(apaMatrices[i], axesRange, new File(dataPath + apaDataTitles[i] + ".png"), title); MatrixTools.saveMatrixText(dataPath + apaDataTitles[i] + ".txt", apaMatrices[i]); } APAUtils.saveListText(dataPath + apaDataTitles[4] + ".txt", givenEnhancement); APAUtils.saveMeasures(dataPath + apaDataTitles[5] + ".txt", apaMatrices[0]); } public static void clearAllData() { axesRange = null; dataDirectory = null; genomeWideVariablesNotSet = true; gwPsea = null; gwNormedPsea = null; gwCenterNormedPsea = null; gwRankPsea = null; gwEnhancement = null; } public void addData(RealMatrix newData) { psea = psea.add(newData); normedPsea = normedPsea.add(APAUtils.standardNormalization(newData)); centerNormedPsea = centerNormedPsea.add(APAUtils.centerNormalization(newData)); rankPsea = rankPsea.add(APAUtils.rankPercentile(newData)); enhancement.add(APAUtils.peakEnhancement(newData)); } public void updateGenomeWideData() { gwPsea = gwPsea.add(psea); gwNormedPsea = gwNormedPsea.add(normedPsea); gwCenterNormedPsea = gwCenterNormedPsea.add(centerNormedPsea); gwRankPsea = gwRankPsea.add(rankPsea); gwEnhancement.addAll(enhancement); } public void exportDataSet(String subFolderName, Integer[] peakNumbers) { double nPeaksUsedInv = 1. / peakNumbers[0]; normedPsea = normedPsea.scalarMultiply(nPeaksUsedInv); centerNormedPsea = centerNormedPsea.scalarMultiply(nPeaksUsedInv); rankPsea = rankPsea.scalarMultiply(nPeaksUsedInv); RealMatrix[] matrices = { psea, normedPsea, centerNormedPsea, rankPsea }; String[] titles = { "psea", "normedPsea", "centerNormedPsea", "rankPsea", "enhancement", "measures" }; saveDataSet(subFolderName, matrices, titles, enhancement, peakNumbers); } public void thresholdPlots(int val) { MatrixTools.thresholdValues(psea, val); } }