Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License (MIT) * * Copyright (c) 2011-2015 Broad Institute, Aiden Lab * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package juicebox.mapcolorui; import; import; import; import; import juicebox.HiCGlobals; import juicebox.MainWindow; import; import; import; import; import juicebox.gui.MainViewPanel; import juicebox.gui.SuperAdapter; import juicebox.matrix.BasicMatrix; import juicebox.windowui.MatrixType; import juicebox.windowui.NormalizationType; import org.apache.commons.math.stat.StatUtils; import org.broad.igv.renderer.ColorScale; import org.broad.igv.renderer.ContinuousColorScale; import org.broad.igv.util.collections.DoubleArrayList; import java.awt.*; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; /** * @author jrobinso * @since Aug 11, 2010 */ class HeatmapRenderer { private final ColorScale pearsonColorScale; private final Map<String, ContinuousColorScale> observedColorScaleMap = new HashMap<String, ContinuousColorScale>(); private final Map<String, OEColorScale> ratioColorScaleMap = new HashMap<String, OEColorScale>(); private final PreDefColorScale preDefColorScale; private Color curHiCColor = Color.white; public HeatmapRenderer() { pearsonColorScale = new HiCColorScale(); preDefColorScale = new PreDefColorScale("Template", new Color[] { new Color(18, 129, 242), new Color(113, 153, 89), new Color(117, 170, 101), new Color(149, 190, 113), new Color(178, 214, 117), new Color(202, 226, 149), new Color(222, 238, 161), new Color(242, 238, 161), new Color(238, 222, 153), new Color(242, 206, 133), new Color(234, 182, 129), new Color(218, 157, 121), new Color(194, 141, 125), new Color(214, 157, 145), new Color(226, 174, 165), new Color(222, 186, 182), new Color(238, 198, 210), new Color(255, 206, 226), new Color(250, 218, 234), new Color(255, 222, 230), new Color(255, 230, 242), new Color(255, 242, 255), new Color(255, 0, 0) }, // elevation new int[] { -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 100 }); } public static String getColorScaleCacheKey(MatrixZoomData zd, MatrixType displayOption) { return zd.getKey() + displayOption; } public boolean render(int originX, int originY, int width, int height, final MatrixZoomData zd, final MatrixZoomData controlZD, final MatrixType displayOption, final NormalizationType normalizationType, final ExpectedValueFunction df, Graphics2D g) { g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_COLOR_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_COLOR_RENDER_SPEED); g.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_RENDERING, RenderingHints.VALUE_RENDER_SPEED); int chr1 = zd.getChr1Idx(); int chr2 = zd.getChr2Idx(); int x = originX; int y = originY; boolean isWholeGenome = chr1 == 0 && chr2 == 0; boolean sameChr = (chr1 == chr2); if (sameChr) { // Data is transposable, transpose if necessary. Convention is to use lower diagonal if (x > y) { //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination x = originY; y = originX; int tmp = width; width = height; height = tmp; } } int maxX = x + width - 1; int maxY = y + height - 1; if (displayOption == MatrixType.PEARSON) { BasicMatrix bm = zd.getPearsons(df); ((HiCColorScale) pearsonColorScale).setMin(bm.getLowerValue()); ((HiCColorScale) pearsonColorScale).setMax(bm.getUpperValue()); renderMatrix(bm, originX, originY, width, height, pearsonColorScale, g); } else { // Iterate through blocks overlapping visible region List<Block> blocks = zd.getNormalizedBlocksOverlapping(x, y, maxX, maxY, normalizationType); if (blocks == null) { return false; } boolean hasControl = controlZD != null && (displayOption == MatrixType.CONTROL || displayOption == MatrixType.RATIO); Map<Integer, Block> controlBlocks = new HashMap<Integer, Block>(); if (hasControl) { List<Block> ctrls = controlZD.getNormalizedBlocksOverlapping(x, y, maxX, maxY, normalizationType); for (Block b : ctrls) { controlBlocks.put(b.getNumber(), b); } } String key = zd.getKey() + displayOption; ColorScale cs = getColorScale(key, displayOption, isWholeGenome, blocks); double averageCount = zd.getAverageCount(); // Will get overwritten for intra-chr double ctrlAverageCount = controlZD == null ? 1 : controlZD.getAverageCount(); for (Block b : blocks) { Collection<ContactRecord> recs = b.getContactRecords(); if (recs != null) { Map<String, ContactRecord> controlRecords = new HashMap<String, ContactRecord>(); if (hasControl) { Block cb = controlBlocks.get(b.getNumber()); if (cb != null) { for (ContactRecord ctrlRec : cb.getContactRecords()) { controlRecords.put(ctrlRec.getKey(), ctrlRec); } } } for (ContactRecord rec : recs) { double score = Double.NaN; if (displayOption == MatrixType.OE || displayOption == MatrixType.EXPECTED) { double expected = 0; if (chr1 == chr2) { if (df != null) { int binX = rec.getBinX(); int binY = rec.getBinY(); int dist = Math.abs(binX - binY); expected = df.getExpectedValue(chr1, dist); } } else { expected = (averageCount > 0 ? averageCount : 1); } if (displayOption == MatrixType.OE) { score = rec.getCounts() / expected; } else { score = expected; } } else if (displayOption == MatrixType.CONTROL && hasControl) { ContactRecord ctrlRecord = controlRecords.get(rec.getKey()); if (ctrlRecord != null) score = ctrlRecord.getCounts(); } else if (displayOption == MatrixType.RATIO && hasControl) { ContactRecord ctrlRecord = controlRecords.get(rec.getKey()); if (ctrlRecord != null && ctrlRecord.getCounts() > 0) { double num = rec.getCounts() / averageCount; double den = ctrlRecord.getCounts() / ctrlAverageCount; score = num / den; } } else { score = rec.getCounts(); } if (Double.isNaN(score)) continue; Color color = cs.getColor((float) score); g.setColor(color); int px = rec.getBinX() - originX; int py = rec.getBinY() - originY; if (px > -1 && py > -1 && px <= width && py <= height) { g.fillRect(px, py, HiCGlobals.BIN_PIXEL_WIDTH, HiCGlobals.BIN_PIXEL_WIDTH); } if (sameChr && (rec.getBinX() != rec.getBinY())) { px = (rec.getBinY() - originX); py = (rec.getBinX() - originY); if (px > -1 && py > -1 && px <= width && py <= height) { g.fillRect(px, py, HiCGlobals.BIN_PIXEL_WIDTH, HiCGlobals.BIN_PIXEL_WIDTH); } } } } } } return true; } private ColorScale getColorScale(String key, MatrixType displayOption, boolean wholeGenome, List<Block> blocks) { if (displayOption == MatrixType.OBSERVED || displayOption == MatrixType.EXPECTED || displayOption == MatrixType.CONTROL) { if (MainWindow.hicMapColor != curHiCColor) { curHiCColor = MainWindow.hicMapColor; observedColorScaleMap.clear(); } if (MainViewPanel.preDefMapColor) { return preDefColorScale; } else { ContinuousColorScale observedColorScale = observedColorScaleMap.get(key); if (observedColorScale == null) { double percentile = wholeGenome ? 99 : 95; float max = computePercentile(blocks, percentile); //observedColorScale = new ContinuousColorScale(0, max, Color.white,; observedColorScale = new ContinuousColorScale(0, max, Color.white, MainWindow.hicMapColor); observedColorScaleMap.put(key, observedColorScale); //mainWindow.updateColorSlider(0, 2 * max, max); } return observedColorScale; } } else if (displayOption == MatrixType.RATIO || displayOption == MatrixType.OE) { OEColorScale oeColorScale = ratioColorScaleMap.get(key); if (oeColorScale == null) { oeColorScale = new OEColorScale(); ratioColorScaleMap.put(key, oeColorScale); } return oeColorScale; } else { return pearsonColorScale; } } public void updateColorSliderFromColorScale(SuperAdapter superAdapter, MatrixType displayOption, String key) { if (MatrixType.isSimpleType(displayOption)) { ContinuousColorScale observedColorScale = observedColorScaleMap.get(key); if ((observedColorScale != null)) { superAdapter.updateColorSlider(0, observedColorScale.getMinimum(), observedColorScale.getMaximum(), observedColorScale.getMaximum() * 2); } if (MainViewPanel.preDefMapColor) { updatePreDefColors(); superAdapter.updateColorSlider(0, PreDefColorScale.getMinimum(), PreDefColorScale.getMaximum(), PreDefColorScale.getMaximum() * 2); } } else if (MatrixType.isComparisonType(displayOption)) { OEColorScale oeColorScale = ratioColorScaleMap.get(key); if (oeColorScale == null) { oeColorScale = new OEColorScale(); ratioColorScaleMap.put(key, oeColorScale); } superAdapter.updateRatioColorSlider((int) oeColorScale.getMax(), oeColorScale.getThreshold()); } } private float computePercentile(List<Block> blocks, double p) { DoubleArrayList dal = new DoubleArrayList(10000); if (blocks != null) { for (Block b : blocks) { for (ContactRecord rec : b.getContactRecords()) { // Filter diagonal if (Math.abs(rec.getBinX() - rec.getBinY()) > 1) { float val = rec.getCounts(); // view with average multiplied dal.add(val); } } } } return dal.size() == 0 ? 1 : (float) StatUtils.percentile(dal.toArray(), p); } /** * Render a dense matrix. Used for Pearsons correlation. The bitmap is drawn at 1 data point * per pixel, scaling happens elsewhere. * * @param rm Matrix to render * @param originX origin in pixels * @param originY origin in pixels * @param colorScale color scale to apply * @param g graphics to render matrix into */ private void renderMatrix(BasicMatrix rm, int originX, int originY, int width, int height, ColorScale colorScale, Graphics2D g) { int endX = Math.min(originX + width, rm.getColumnDimension()); int endY = Math.min(originY + height, rm.getRowDimension()); for (int row = originY; row < endY; row++) { for (int col = originX; col < endX; col++) { float score = rm.getEntry(row, col); Color color; if (Float.isNaN(score)) { color = Color.gray; } else { color = score == 0 ? : colorScale.getColor(score); } int px = col - originX; int py = row - originY; g.setColor(color); //noinspection SuspiciousNameCombination g.fillRect(px, py, HiCGlobals.BIN_PIXEL_WIDTH, HiCGlobals.BIN_PIXEL_WIDTH); // Assuming same chromosome if (col != row) { px = row - originX; py = col - originY; g.fillRect(px, py, HiCGlobals.BIN_PIXEL_WIDTH, HiCGlobals.BIN_PIXEL_WIDTH); } } } } public void reset() { observedColorScaleMap.clear(); ratioColorScaleMap.clear(); } private void updatePreDefColors() { int arrSize = MainViewPanel.preDefMapColorGradient.size(); ImmutableSortedSet<Integer> set = ContiguousSet.create(Range.closed(0, arrSize), DiscreteDomain.integers()); Integer[] arrTmp = set.toArray(new Integer[arrSize]); final int[] arrScores = new int[arrSize]; for (int idx = 0; idx < arrSize; idx++) { arrScores[idx] = arrTmp[idx]; } preDefColorScale.updateColors(MainViewPanel.preDefMapColorGradient.toArray(new Color[arrSize]), arrScores); } public void setNewDisplayRange(MatrixType displayOption, double min, double max, String key) { if (MatrixType.isComparisonType(displayOption)) { OEColorScale oeColorScale = ratioColorScaleMap.get(key); if (oeColorScale == null) { oeColorScale = new OEColorScale(); ratioColorScaleMap.put(key, oeColorScale); } oeColorScale.setThreshold(max); } else if (MainViewPanel.preDefMapColor) { preDefColorScale.setPreDefRange(min, max); } else if (MatrixType.isSimpleType(displayOption)) { ContinuousColorScale observedColorScale = observedColorScaleMap.get(key); if (observedColorScale == null) { observedColorScale = new ContinuousColorScale(min, max, Color.white, MainWindow.hicMapColor); observedColorScaleMap.put(key, observedColorScale); } observedColorScale.setNegEnd(min); observedColorScale.setPosEnd(max); } } }