Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package JSONParser; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import javax.mail.FetchProfile; import loggerapi.CustomLogger; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; /** * * @author harsha-1916 */ public class JSONOperations { private static final CustomLogger loggerProperties = new CustomLogger(); private static Logger loggerObj; static { initializeLoggerParams(); } private static void initializeLoggerParams() { boolean isValidLogger = loggerProperties.setLoggerProperties("JsonOperations", "./Logs/JsonOperations.%u.%g.txt"); if (isValidLogger) { loggerObj = loggerProperties.getLogger(); //loggerObj.setUseParentHandlers(false); } } public JSONArray getRowsFromSupportapiJSON(JSONObject responseObject, String rowName) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Inside getRowsFromSupportapiJSON method"); JSONObject response = (JSONObject) responseObject.get("response"); JSONObject result = (JSONObject) response.get("result"); JSONObject cases = (JSONObject) result.get("Cases"); JSONArray row = new JSONArray(); Object rowObj = cases.get(rowName); if (rowObj instanceof JSONObject) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "JSONResponse is JSONObject"); row.add(rowObj); } else if (rowObj instanceof JSONArray) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "JSONResponse is JSONArray"); row = (JSONArray) rowObj; } loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "successfully returning row from getRowsFromSupportapiJSON method"); return row; } public ArrayList<String> parseWithColumnHeaderCri(JSONObject JSONObjectToParse, String columnHeaderCriteria, String rowName) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Inside parseWithColumnHeaderCri method"); ArrayList<String> caseID = null; try { JSONArray row = getRowsFromSupportapiJSON(JSONObjectToParse, rowName); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = row.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JSONArray rowIndex = (JSONArray)"fl"); Iterator<JSONObject> innerIterator = rowIndex.iterator(); while (innerIterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject field =; String columnHeader = (String) field.get("val"); if (columnHeader.equals(columnHeaderCriteria)) { if (caseID == null) { caseID = new ArrayList<String>(); } caseID.add((String) field.get("content")); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { loggerObj.log(Level.SEVERE, "Issue in parsing the support api data to reports api format", ex); System.out.println("Issue in parsing the support api data to reports api format" + ex.toString()); } return caseID; } public static boolean isNumeric(String str) { return str.matches("-?\\d+(\\.\\d+)?"); //match a number with optional '-' and decimal. } public ArrayList<String> parseTicketIdFromSub(JSONObject JSONObjectToParse, String rowName) { ArrayList<String> ticketIds = null; try { JSONArray row = getRowsFromSupportapiJSON(JSONObjectToParse, rowName); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = row.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JSONArray rowIndex = (JSONArray)"fl"); Iterator<JSONObject> innerIterator = rowIndex.iterator(); while (innerIterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject field =; String columnHeader = (String) field.get("val"); if (columnHeader != null && columnHeader.equals("Subject")) { String columnValue = (String) field.get("content"); System.out.println("Column header:" + columnHeader + " column value" + columnValue); if (columnValue != null) { String[] splitString = columnValue.split("-"); if (splitString.length > 1) { if (ticketIds == null) { ticketIds = new ArrayList<>(); } String ticketId = splitString[0].trim(); boolean isNumber = isNumeric(ticketId); if (isNumber) { ticketIds.add(splitString[0].trim()); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ex) { loggerObj.log(Level.SEVERE, "Issue in parsing the support api data to reports api format", ex); System.out.println("Issue in parsing the support api data to reports api format" + ex.toString()); } return ticketIds; } public JSONArray SupJOToReportsJA(JSONObject JSONObjectToParse, JSONObject extraColumns, JSONObject SupTorepColumnChngHeader, String rowName) { try { JSONArray issueMgrArray = new JSONArray(); JSONArray row = getRowsFromSupportapiJSON(JSONObjectToParse, rowName); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = row.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject issueMgrObj = new JSONObject(); JSONArray rowIndex = (JSONArray)"fl"); Iterator<JSONObject> innerIterator = rowIndex.iterator(); if (extraColumns != null) { Set<String> extraColumnKeys = extraColumns.keySet(); for (Iterator it = extraColumnKeys.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String key =; issueMgrObj.put(key, extraColumns.get(key)); } } //issueMgrObj.put("Products", "Mobile Device Management (MDM)"); while (innerIterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject field =; Object columnHeader = field.get("val"); Object columnValue = field.get("content"); String setEmptyContent = "Not assigned"; if (SupTorepColumnChngHeader != null) { Set<String> suppHeaderChngKeySet = SupTorepColumnChngHeader.keySet(); for (Iterator itChange = suppHeaderChngKeySet.iterator(); itChange.hasNext();) { String suppHeaderChngKeys =; if (columnHeader.toString().equals(suppHeaderChngKeys)) { if (columnValue != null) { if (columnValue.equals("null")) { issueMgrObj.put(SupTorepColumnChngHeader.get(suppHeaderChngKeys), setEmptyContent); } else { issueMgrObj.put(SupTorepColumnChngHeader.get(suppHeaderChngKeys), columnValue); } } else { issueMgrObj.put(SupTorepColumnChngHeader.get(suppHeaderChngKeys), setEmptyContent); loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Column value is null for the column header: " + columnHeader); } } else { if (columnValue != null) { if (columnValue.equals("null")) { issueMgrObj.put(columnHeader, setEmptyContent); } else { issueMgrObj.put(columnHeader, columnValue); } } else { issueMgrObj.put(columnHeader, setEmptyContent); } } } } else { if (columnValue != null) { issueMgrObj.put(columnHeader, columnValue); } else { issueMgrObj.put(columnHeader, setEmptyContent); } } } issueMgrArray.add(issueMgrObj); } loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Successfully parsed the support api data to reports api format"); //JSONObject result = new JSONObject(); //result.put("result", issueMgrArray); return issueMgrArray; } catch (Exception e) { loggerObj.log(Level.SEVERE, "Issue in parsing the support api data to reports api format", e); System.out.println("Issue in parsing the support api data to reports api format" + e.toString()); return null; } } //JSONFormat returned by this object is: /* {<statusname(String)>:{<moduleName(String)>:{"Count":<modulecount(Integer)>},{<moduleName(String)>:{"Count":<modulecount(Integer)>}}, <statusname(String)>:{<moduleName(String)>:{"Count":<modulecount(Integer)>},{<moduleName(String)>:{"Count":<modulecount(Integer)>}} example: {Open:{ Enrollment:1, Profile:2, Inventory:3 }, Closed:{ Enrollment:4, Inventory:5, profile:2 } } */ public JSONObject ModuleVsStatusSummaryGenerator(JSONObject JOToParse, String[] statusString, String rowName, JSONObject parsedJO) { //JSONObject moduleCount = new JSONObject(); //JSONArray statusModuleCountArray = new JSONArray(); JSONArray row = getRowsFromSupportapiJSON(JOToParse, rowName); Iterator<JSONObject> rowIterator = row.iterator(); while (rowIterator.hasNext()) { JSONArray rowIndex = (JSONArray)"fl"); Iterator<JSONObject> fieldIterator = rowIndex.iterator(); // int count = 0; String status = null; String moduleName = null; while (fieldIterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject field =; String fieldVal = (String) field.get("val"); String fieldContent = (String) field.get("content"); if (fieldVal != null && fieldVal.equals("Status")) { for (String indiStringStatus : statusString) { if (fieldContent.equals(indiStringStatus) || fieldContent.equals("null")) { status = fieldContent; } } } if (fieldVal != null && fieldVal.equals("Module")) { if (fieldContent == null || fieldContent.equals("null")) { fieldContent = "Not Assigned"; } moduleName = fieldContent; } } if (status != null) { if (parsedJO == null) { parsedJO = new JSONObject(); } JSONObject moduleSummaryJO = (JSONObject) parsedJO.get(status); if (moduleSummaryJO == null) { moduleSummaryJO = new JSONObject(); JSONObject indiModuleJO = new JSONObject(); indiModuleJO.put("Count", 1); moduleSummaryJO.put(moduleName, indiModuleJO); parsedJO.put(status, moduleSummaryJO); } else { JSONObject indiModuleJO = (JSONObject) moduleSummaryJO.get(moduleName); if (indiModuleJO != null) { Integer moduleCount = (Integer) indiModuleJO.get("Count"); indiModuleJO.put("Count", moduleCount + 1); } else { indiModuleJO = new JSONObject(); indiModuleJO.put("Count", 1); } moduleSummaryJO.put(moduleName, indiModuleJO); parsedJO.put(status, moduleSummaryJO); } } } //System.out.println(statusModuleCountArray.toJSONString()); return parsedJO; } public JSONObject MEMDMStatusWiseTicketGen(JSONArray ResponseFromServer, String rowName) { JSONObject statusJson = new JSONObject(); Iterator<JSONObject> jsonObjectItr = ResponseFromServer.iterator(); while (jsonObjectItr.hasNext()) { JSONArray row = getRowsFromSupportapiJSON((JSONObject), rowName); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = row.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JSONArray rowIndex = (JSONArray)"fl"); Iterator<JSONObject> innerIterator = rowIndex.iterator(); JSONObject statusVal = new JSONObject(); String statusName = null; while (innerIterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject field =; if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Status")) { statusName = field.get("content").toString(); //To get all the status data; if (statusJson.get(statusName) == null) { statusJson.put(statusName, null); } } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Module")) { statusVal.put("moduleName", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Functionality")) { statusVal.put("functionalityName", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Issue Type")) { statusVal.put("issueType", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("OS Platform")) { statusVal.put("osPlatform", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Created At")) { statusVal.put("createdAt", field.get("content").toString()); } } JSONArray currentStatusValue = (JSONArray) statusJson.get(statusName); if (currentStatusValue == null) { JSONArray newVal = new JSONArray(); newVal.add(statusVal); statusJson.put(statusName, newVal); } else { currentStatusValue.add(statusVal); } } } return statusJson; } public JSONObject statusJSONToModuleCount(JSONArray statusJSONArray) { JSONObject moduleWiseCount = new JSONObject(); for (Iterator<JSONObject> ticketIterator = statusJSONArray.iterator(); ticketIterator.hasNext();) { JSONObject ticket =; String moduleName = ticket.get("moduleName").toString(); if (!moduleWiseCount.containsKey(moduleName)) { moduleWiseCount.put(moduleName, 1); } else { int existingCount = (Integer) moduleWiseCount.get(moduleName); moduleWiseCount.put(moduleName, existingCount + 1); } } return moduleWiseCount; } public JSONArray ticketsForSpecfiedTime(JSONArray allTickets, String specifiedTime, String[] status, String rowName) { Date start_date = null; Date end_date = null; if (specifiedTime.equals("LAST_WEEK")) { end_date = new Date(); Calendar oneWeekBack = Calendar.getInstance(); oneWeekBack.setTime(end_date); oneWeekBack.add(Calendar.DATE, -7); start_date = oneWeekBack.getTime(); return ticketsForSpecificTimeHelper(allTickets, start_date, end_date, status, rowName); } if (specifiedTime.equals("LAST_MONTH")) { end_date = new Date(); Calendar oneWeekBack = Calendar.getInstance(); oneWeekBack.setTime(end_date); oneWeekBack.add(Calendar.MONTH, -1); start_date = oneWeekBack.getTime(); return ticketsForSpecificTimeHelper(allTickets, start_date, end_date, status, rowName); } else { return null; } } public JSONArray ticketsForSpecificTimeHelper(JSONArray allTickets, Date start_date, Date end_date, String[] status, String rowName) { JSONArray moduleCountForTickets = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < status.length; i++) { JSONObject statusJSON = new JSONObject(); statusJSON.put("status", status[i]); statusJSON.put("moduleSummary", null); moduleCountForTickets.add(statusJSON); } for (Iterator<JSONObject> it = allTickets.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JSONObject twoHundredTickets = (JSONObject); JSONArray row = getRowsFromSupportapiJSON(twoHundredTickets, rowName); for (Iterator<JSONObject> it1 = row.iterator(); it1.hasNext();) { JSONArray fl = (JSONArray)"fl"); String tempStatus = null; String tempModule = null; boolean isSpecifiedTime = false; JSONObject moduleToAdd = null; for (Iterator<JSONObject> it2 = fl.iterator(); it2.hasNext();) { JSONObject indiFieldVal =; if (indiFieldVal.get("val").toString().equals("Status")) { for (Iterator<JSONObject> it3 = moduleCountForTickets.iterator(); it3.hasNext();) { moduleToAdd =; if (indiFieldVal.get("content").toString().equals(moduleToAdd.get("status"))) { tempStatus = indiFieldVal.get("content").toString(); //System.out.println(moduleToAdd.get("status")); break; } else { moduleToAdd = null; } } } if (indiFieldVal.get("val").toString().equals("Module")) { tempModule = indiFieldVal.get("content").toString(); } if (indiFieldVal.get("val").toString().equals("Created At")) { Date createdDate = null; try { String createdTime = indiFieldVal.get("content").toString(); String createdTimeSplit[] = createdTime.split(" "); SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); createdDate = (Date) formatter.parse(createdTimeSplit[0]); /*System.out.println("Current Date" + formatter.format(currDate)); System.out.println("Created Date" + formatter.format(createdDate)); System.out.println("One week back date" + formatter.format(lastWeekDate));*/ //2013-08-12 18:46:00 } catch (java.text.ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JSONOperations.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } isSpecifiedTime = createdDate.after(start_date) && createdDate.before(end_date); //System.out.print("\t" + isSpecifiedTime); } } if (moduleToAdd != null && isSpecifiedTime) { //System.out.print("\t" + tempModule); if (moduleToAdd.get("moduleSummary") == null) { JSONObject indiModuleSummary = new JSONObject(); indiModuleSummary.put("moduleName", tempModule); indiModuleSummary.put("moduleCount", 1); JSONArray moduleSummary = new JSONArray(); moduleSummary.add(indiModuleSummary); moduleToAdd.put("moduleSummary", moduleSummary); } else { JSONArray moduleSummary = (JSONArray) moduleToAdd.get("moduleSummary"); JSONObject indiModuleSummary = null; for (Iterator<JSONObject> it4 = moduleSummary.iterator(); it4.hasNext();) { indiModuleSummary =; if (indiModuleSummary.get("moduleName").toString().equals(tempModule)) { indiModuleSummary.put("moduleCount", (Integer) indiModuleSummary.get("moduleCount") + 1); } else { indiModuleSummary = null; } } if (indiModuleSummary == null) { indiModuleSummary = new JSONObject(); indiModuleSummary.put("moduleName", tempModule); indiModuleSummary.put("moduleCount", 1); moduleSummary.add(indiModuleSummary); } } } } } return moduleCountForTickets; } public JSONArray WOESummGenForResponseJSONObject(JSONObject JSONObjectToParse, String departName, JSONArray WOERows, String rowName) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Inside WOESummGenForResponseJSONObject for parsing JSON data"); if (WOERows == null) { WOERows = new JSONArray(); } try { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Going to get row data from the individual response JSON objects"); JSONArray row = getRowsFromSupportapiJSON(JSONObjectToParse, rowName); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = row.iterator(); String[] dcMdmModules = new String[] { "MDM-Profile Mgmt", "MDM-App Mgmt", "MDM-Settings", "MDM-Enrollment", "MDM-Asset Mgmt", "App Mgmt", "Enrollment", "MDM Settings", "Geo-Location", "ProfileMgmt" }; while (iterator.hasNext()) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Going to iterate over individual field data from the row obatianed from parsing individual response json objects"); JSONArray rowIndex = (JSONArray)"fl"); Iterator<JSONObject> innerIterator = rowIndex.iterator(); JSONObject WOERow = new JSONObject(); while (innerIterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject field =; // System.out.println(field.get("content") + "\t" + field.get("val")); if (field.get("val").toString().equals("URI")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("URI", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Email")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Email", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Ticket Classification")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Issue Type", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Status")) { if (field.get("content") != null) { if (field.get("content").toString().equals("Waiting on Engineering") || field.get("content").toString().contains("Need")) { if (departName.equals("Desktop Central")) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "The status object is entered"); } WOERow.put("Status", field.get("content").toString()); } else { break; } } } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Ticket Owner")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Ticket Owner", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Case Owner")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Case Owner", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Created Time")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Created Time", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Ticket Id")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Ticket Id", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Developers")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Developers", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Modules")) { if (field.get("content").toString() != null) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Modules: " + field.get("content").toString()); String moduleName = field.get("content").toString(); if (departName.equals("Desktop Central")) { for (String i : dcMdmModules) { if (moduleName.equals(i)) { WOERow.put("Modules", moduleName); loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Module is " + moduleName); continue; } } } else { WOERow.put("Modules", moduleName); } } } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Department Map")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Department Map", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Due Date")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Due Date", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Problem Description")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Problem Description", content); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Modified Time")) { String content = (String) field.get("content"); if (content == null || content.equals("null")) { content = "--"; } WOERow.put("Last Updated At", content); } } if (WOERow.get("Status") != null && WOERow.get("Modules") != null) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "WOEROw added: status" + WOERow.get("Status").toString() + "Modules" + WOERow.get("Modules").toString()); WOERows.add(WOERow); } } loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Successfully parsed the data"); return WOERows; } catch (Exception e) { loggerObj.log(Level.SEVERE, "Error in parsing the data", e); return null; } } public JSONArray WOESummGenForResponseArray(JSONArray JSONArrayToParse, String departName, String rowName) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Insied WOESummGenForResponseArray for parsing data"); JSONArray WOERows = new JSONArray(); try { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Going to iterate over the responseJSONArray"); Iterator<JSONObject> jsonObjectItr = JSONArrayToParse.iterator(); while (jsonObjectItr.hasNext()) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Going to get row data from the individual JSON objects parsed from responseJSONArray"); JSONArray row = getRowsFromSupportapiJSON((JSONObject), rowName); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = row.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Going to iterate over individual field data from the row obatianed from parsing individual response json objects"); JSONArray rowIndex = (JSONArray)"fl"); Iterator<JSONObject> innerIterator = rowIndex.iterator(); JSONObject WOERow = new JSONObject(); while (innerIterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject field =; // System.out.println(field.get("content") + "\t" + field.get("val")); if (field.get("val").toString().equals("URI")) { WOERow.put("URI", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Email")) { WOERow.put("Email", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Subject")) { WOERow.put("Subject", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Status")) { // System.out.println(field.get("content").toString()); if (!field.get("content").toString().equals("Waiting on Engineering") && !field.get("content").toString().contains("Need")) { break; } else { WOERow.put("Status", field.get("content").toString()); } } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Ticket Owner")) { WOERow.put("Ticket Owner", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Case Owner")) { WOERow.put("Case Owner", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Created Time")) { WOERow.put("Created Time", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Ticket Id")) { //System.out.print("\t" + field.get("content").toString()); WOERow.put("Ticket Id", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Developers")) { WOERow.put("Developers", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Modules")) { String moduleName = field.get("content").toString(); if (departName.equals("Desktop Central")) { if (moduleName.equals("App Mgmt") || moduleName.equals("Enrollment") || moduleName.equals("MDM Settings") || moduleName.equals("Geo-Location") || moduleName.equals("ProfileMgmt")) { WOERow.put("Modules", field.get("content").toString()); } else { break; } } else { WOERow.put("Modules", field.get("content").toString()); } } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Department Map")) { WOERow.put("Department Map", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Due Date")) { WOERow.put("Due Date", field.get("content").toString()); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Problem Description")) { if (field.get("content") == null || field.get("content").toString().equals("null")) { WOERow.put("Problem Description", "--"); } else { WOERow.put("Problem Description", field.get("content").toString()); } } } if (WOERow.get("Status") != null && WOERow.get("Modules") != null) { WOERows.add(WOERow); } } } loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Successfully parsed the data"); return WOERows; } catch (Exception e) { loggerObj.log(Level.INFO, "Error in parsing the data" + e.toString()); return null; } } public JSONObject mergeOwnerWithCount(JSONObject Mod_Count, JSONObject module_Owner) { JSONObject Mod_Count_Owner = new JSONObject(); Set<String> Module_Owner_Keys = module_Owner.keySet(); Set<String> Mod_Count_keys = Mod_Count.keySet(); for (Iterator it = Mod_Count_keys.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { String moduleName =; System.out.println(moduleName); JSONObject moduleSummary = new JSONObject(); Mod_Count_Owner.put(moduleName, moduleSummary); moduleSummary.put("moduleCount", Mod_Count.get(moduleName)); String owner = "--"; if (Module_Owner_Keys.contains(moduleName)) { owner = module_Owner.get(moduleName).toString(); } moduleSummary.put("moduleOwner", owner); } return Mod_Count_Owner; } //sees if the key present in first primary is avaiable in the secondary public JSONObject appendTwoJSONObjectsWithSameKeys(JSONObject moduleSummary, JSONObject moduleOwnerSumm) { Set<String> moduleCountkeys = moduleSummary.keySet(); Set<String> moduleOwnerKeys = moduleOwnerSumm.keySet(); for (Iterator moduleCountItr = moduleCountkeys.iterator(); moduleCountItr.hasNext();) { String owner = "--"; String moduleCountName = (String); if (moduleOwnerKeys.contains(moduleCountName)) { owner = (String) moduleOwnerSumm.get(moduleCountName); } JSONObject indiModuleJO = (JSONObject) moduleSummary.get(moduleCountName); indiModuleJO.put("Owner", owner); moduleSummary.put(moduleCountName, indiModuleJO); } return moduleSummary; } public static boolean isErrorJSON(String JSONString) { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); try { JSONObject json = (JSONObject) parser.parse(JSONString); JSONObject response = (JSONObject) json.get("response"); JSONObject result = (JSONObject) response.get("result"); JSONObject error = (JSONObject) response.get("error"); if (result == null) { return true; } if (error != null) { return true; } } catch (ParseException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JSONOperations.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return true; } return false; } /*public JSONObject fileToJSONObject(String fileToRead, String fileToWrite) { JSONParser parser = new JSONParser(); HashMap<String, Integer> moduleCount = new HashMap(); try { Object obj = parser.parse(new FileReader(fileToRead)); JSONArray jsonArrObject = (JSONArray) obj; Iterator<JSONObject> jsonObjectItr = jsonArrObject.iterator(); while (jsonObjectItr.hasNext()) { JSONObject jsonObject =; JSONObject response = (JSONObject) jsonObject.get("response"); //System.out.println(result.toString()); JSONObject result = (JSONObject) response.get("result"); //JSONArray row = (JSONArray) cases.get("row"); JSONObject cases = (JSONObject) result.get("Cases"); JSONArray row = (JSONArray) cases.get("row"); //System.out.println(row); //System.out.println("Name: " + name); //System.out.println("Author: " + author); //System.out.println("\nCompany List:"); Iterator<JSONObject> iterator = row.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { JSONArray rowIndex = (JSONArray)"fl"); Iterator<JSONObject> innerIterator = rowIndex.iterator(); // int count = 0; String status = null; while (innerIterator.hasNext()) { JSONObject field =; if (!field.get("val").toString().equals("URI")) { // System.out.println(field.get("content") + "\t" + field.get("val")); if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Status")) { status = field.get("content").toString(); } if (field.get("val").toString().equals("Module") && (status == null || status.equals("Open"))) { if (moduleCount.get(field.get("content")) == null) { moduleCount.put(field.get("content").toString(), 0); } moduleCount.put(field.get("content").toString(), moduleCount.get(field.get("content")) + 1); } } } } } for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : moduleCount.entrySet()) { System.out.println("Key = " + entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue()); } writeToCSV(moduleCount, fileToWrite); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return null; } static void writeToCSV(HashMap<String, Integer> moduleCount, String CSVFileToWrite) { BufferedWriter bw = null; File file = new File(CSVFileToWrite); if (!file.exists()) { try { file.createNewFile(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JSONOperations.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } FileWriter fw; try { fw = new FileWriter(file, true); bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : moduleCount.entrySet()) { //System.out.println("Key = " + entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue()); bw.write(entry.getKey() + "," + entry.getValue()); bw.newLine(); } bw.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JSONOperations.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } }*/ }