Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package json; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Type; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import model.GraphSONNode; import org.gephi.graph.api.Column; import org.gephi.graph.api.Edge; import org.gephi.graph.api.Node; /** * * @author Ivan Mashonskiy */ public class GraphSONNodeSerializer implements JsonSerializer<GraphSONNode> { Integer idCounter = 0; JsonObject nodeObject = new JsonObject(); static List<String> edgeMetaAttributes = Arrays.asList("labelE", "Label", "Weight", "Id", "Timeset"); static List<String> nodeMetaAttributes = Arrays.asList("labelV", "Label", "Id", "Timeset"); private boolean isEdgeMetaAttribute(String property) { if (edgeMetaAttributes.contains(property)) { return true; } return false; } private boolean isNodeMetaAttribute(String property) { if (nodeMetaAttributes.contains(property)) { return true; } return false; } private Map<String, List<Edge>> groupEdges(List<Edge> edges) { Map<String, List<Edge>> groupedEdges = new HashMap<>(); edges.forEach(edge -> { String edgeType = edge.getAttribute("labelE").toString(); if (!groupedEdges.containsKey(edgeType)) { List<Edge> edgesSublist = new ArrayList<>(); edgesSublist.add(edge); groupedEdges.put(edgeType, edgesSublist); } else { groupedEdges.get(edgeType).add(edge); } }); return groupedEdges; } private void addEdges(JsonSerializationContext jsc, Map<String, List<Edge>> groupedEdges, String type) { if (groupedEdges.isEmpty()) { return; } JsonObject edgesObject = new JsonObject(); groupedEdges.keySet().forEach(key -> { List<Edge> edgesSublist = groupedEdges.get(key); JsonArray edgesArray = new JsonArray(); edgesSublist.forEach(edge -> { JsonObject edgeObject = new JsonObject(); edgeObject.addProperty("id", edge.getId().toString()); String edgeDirProperty = "inV"; Integer nodeId = Integer.parseInt(edge.getTarget().getId().toString()); if (type.equals("inE")) { edgeDirProperty = "outV"; nodeId = Integer.parseInt(edge.getSource().getId().toString()); } edgeObject.addProperty(edgeDirProperty, nodeId); Iterator<Column> edgeColumns = edge.getAttributeColumns().iterator(); JsonObject edgePropertiesObject = new JsonObject(); edgeColumns.forEachRemaining(property -> { Object propertyValue = edge.getAttribute(property); if (!isEdgeMetaAttribute(property.getTitle()) && propertyValue != null) { edgePropertiesObject.add(property.getTitle(), jsc.serialize(propertyValue)); } }); if (!edgePropertiesObject.entrySet().isEmpty()) { edgeObject.add("properties", edgePropertiesObject); } edgesArray.add(edgeObject); }); edgesObject.add(key, edgesArray); }); nodeObject.add(type, edgesObject); } private void addPropertyValue(JsonSerializationContext jsc, JsonArray propertyValuesArray, Object propertyValue) { JsonObject propertyValueObject = new JsonObject(); propertyValueObject.addProperty("id", idCounter.toString()); idCounter++; propertyValueObject.add("value", jsc.serialize(propertyValue)); propertyValuesArray.add(propertyValueObject); } private void addNodeProperties(JsonSerializationContext jsc, Node node) { Iterator<Column> columns = node.getAttributeColumns().iterator(); JsonObject nodePropertiesObject = new JsonObject(); columns.forEachRemaining(property -> { Object propertyValue = node.getAttribute(property); if (!isNodeMetaAttribute(property.getTitle()) && propertyValue != null) { JsonArray propertyValuesArray = new JsonArray(); List<String> values = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(propertyValue.toString().split(","))); if (values.size() > 1) { values.forEach(value -> { addPropertyValue(jsc, propertyValuesArray, value); }); } else { addPropertyValue(jsc, propertyValuesArray, propertyValue); } nodePropertiesObject.add(property.getTitle(), propertyValuesArray); } }); if (!nodePropertiesObject.entrySet().isEmpty()) { nodeObject.add("properties", nodePropertiesObject); } } @Override public JsonElement serialize(GraphSONNode graphSONNode, Type type, JsonSerializationContext jsc) { nodeObject.addProperty("id", Integer.parseInt(graphSONNode.getNode().getId().toString())); nodeObject.addProperty("label", graphSONNode.getNode().getAttribute("labelV").toString()); List<Edge> inE = new LinkedList<>(); List<Edge> outE = new LinkedList<>(); graphSONNode.getEdges().forEachRemaining(edge -> { if (edge.getSource().getId().toString().equals(graphSONNode.getNode().getId().toString())) { outE.add(edge); } else { inE.add(edge); } }); addEdges(jsc, groupEdges(inE), "inE"); addEdges(jsc, groupEdges(outE), "outE"); addNodeProperties(jsc, graphSONNode.getNode()); return nodeObject; } }