Java tutorial
/* * zippyzipjp * * Copyright 2008-2010 Michinobu Maeda. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package jp.zippyzip.impl; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.Timestamp; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import; import javax.jdo.JDOObjectNotFoundException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import jp.zippyzip.City; import jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService; import jp.zippyzip.Lzh; import jp.zippyzip.LzhDao; import jp.zippyzip.ParentChild; import jp.zippyzip.ParentChildDao; import jp.zippyzip.Pref; import jp.zippyzip.RawDao; import jp.zippyzip.Zip; import jp.zippyzip.ZipInfo; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import org.json.JSONStringer; import org.json.JSONWriter; /** * ?? * * @author Michinobu Maeda */ public class GeneratorServiceImpl implements GeneratorService { /** ( CR, LF ) */ private final String CRLF = new String(new char[] { (char) 13, (char) 10 }); /** ??? */ public static SimpleDateFormat FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyyMMddHHmmss"); /** */ protected Logger log = Logger.getLogger(this.getClass().getName()); { log.setLevel(Level.INFO); } /** LZH ? */ private LzhDao lzhDao; /** ?? */ private RawDao rawDao; /** ?? */ private ParentChildDao parentChildDao; /** ??? */ private int streetNumSplitMax; /** * LZH ??? * * @return LZH ? */ public LzhDao getLzhDao() { return lzhDao; } /** * LZH ?? * * @param lzhDao LZH ? */ public void setLzhDao(LzhDao lzhDao) { this.lzhDao = lzhDao; } /** * ???? * * @return ?? */ public RawDao getRawDao() { return rawDao; } /** * ??? * * @param rawDao ?? */ public void setRawDao(RawDao rawDao) { this.rawDao = rawDao; } /** * ??? * * @return ? */ public ParentChildDao getParentChildDao() { return parentChildDao; } /** * ?? * * @param parentChildDao ? */ public void setParentChildDao(ParentChildDao parentChildDao) { this.parentChildDao = parentChildDao; } /** * ????? * * @return ??? */ public int getStreetNumSplitMax() { return streetNumSplitMax; } /** * ???? * * @param streetNumSplitMax ??? */ public void setStreetNumSplitMax(int streetNumSplitMax) { this.streetNumSplitMax = streetNumSplitMax; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#check() */ public boolean check() { Date date = new Date(); long upd = (getLzhDao().getZipInfo() == null) ? 0 : getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); long cmp = 0; for (Lzh lzh : getLzhDao().getLatest(false, date)) { if (cmp < lzh.getTimestamp().getTime()) { cmp = lzh.getTimestamp().getTime(); } } for (Lzh lzh : getLzhDao().getLatest(true, date)) { if (cmp < lzh.getTimestamp().getTime()) { cmp = lzh.getTimestamp().getTime(); } } return (cmp > upd); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#updateArea() */ public void updateArea() { Date date = new Date(); LinkedList<String> prefs = new LinkedList<String>(); LinkedList<String> cities = new LinkedList<String>(); LinkedList<String> zips = new LinkedList<String>(); LinkedList<Lzh> lzhs = getLzhDao().getLatest(false, date); ZipInfo zipInfo = getLzhDao().updateArea(lzhs, date); long timestamp = zipInfo.getTimestamp().getTime(); String rec = null; final Pattern add2NameWithPrefix = Pattern.compile(".*[^0-9A-Z\\-][0-9A-Z]+"); final Pattern add2NameWithoutPrefix = Pattern.compile("^[0-9A-Z\\-].*"); final Pattern add2YomiWithPrefix = Pattern.compile(".*[0-9A-Z]$"); final Pattern add2YomiWithoutPrefix = Pattern.compile("^[0-9A-Z].*"); final Pattern noDigit = Pattern.compile("[^0-9]"); final Pattern startsWithDigit = Pattern.compile("[0-9].*"); final Pattern add2NameNoName = Pattern.compile("[0-9A-Z\\-]+$"); final Pattern add2YomiNoName = Pattern.compile("[0-9A-Z\\-]+$"); final Pattern endsWithDigit = Pattern.compile(".*[0-9]$"); int cityCount = 0; int zipCount = 0; try { String prefCode = ""; String cityCode = ""; for (Lzh lzh : lzhs) { byte[] raw = rawDao.get(lzh.getKey()); LhaInputStream lis = new LhaInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(raw)); LhaHeader header = lis.getNextEntry(); if (timestamp < header.getLastModified().getTime()) { timestamp = header.getLastModified().getTime(); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(lis, "MS932")); rec = reader.readLine(); String zipCode = ""; String prefName = ""; String cityName = ""; String add1Name = ""; String add2Name = ""; String prefYomi = ""; String cityYomi = ""; String add1Yomi = ""; String add2Yomi = ""; String note = ""; boolean splited = false; while (rec != null) { rec = rec.trim(); // 01101,"060 ","0600000" // ,"","?","" // ,"?","","?????" // ,0,0,0,0,0,0 int str = 0; int end = 0; int col = 0; String code = null; String addName = ""; String addYomi = ""; end = rec.indexOf("\",\"", str); while (0 < end) { ++ col; String val = rec.substring(str, end); switch (col) { case 1: code = val; break; case 2: zipCode = val; break; case 3: prefYomi = val; break; case 4: cityYomi = val; break; case 5: addYomi = val; break; case 6: prefName = val; break; case 7: cityName = val; break; default: break; } str = end + 3; end = rec.indexOf("\",\"", str); } addName = rec.substring(str); addName = ZenHanHelper.convertZH(addName.substring(0, addName.indexOf("\","))); code = code.substring(0, code.indexOf(",")); if (!cityCode.equals(code)) { if (cityCode.length() > 0) { LinkedList<String> parent = new LinkedList<String>(); parent.add(prefs.getLast()); parent.add(cities.getLast()); getParentChildDao().store( new ParentChild(cityCode, new Date(timestamp), parent, zips)); } if (!prefCode.equals(code.substring(0, 2))) { if (prefCode.length() > 0) { LinkedList<String> parent = new LinkedList<String>(); parent.add(prefs.getLast()); getParentChildDao().store( new ParentChild(prefCode, new Date(timestamp), parent, cities)); } prefCode = code.substring(0, 2); prefs.add(new Pref(prefCode, prefName, ZenHanHelper.convertKana(prefYomi) ).toJson()); cities = new LinkedList<String>(); } cityCode = code; cities.add(new City(cityCode, cityName, ZenHanHelper.convertKana(cityYomi)).toJson()); ++cityCount; zips = new LinkedList<String>(); } if ((!splited) && (0 <= addName.lastIndexOf("("))) { add1Name = addName.substring(0, addName.lastIndexOf("(")); add2Name = addName.substring(addName.lastIndexOf("(") + 1); if (0 <= addYomi.indexOf("(")) { add1Yomi = addYomi.substring(0, addYomi.lastIndexOf("(")); add2Yomi = addYomi.substring(addYomi.lastIndexOf("(") + 1); } else { add1Yomi = addYomi; add2Yomi = ""; } splited = true; } else if (splited) { add2Name = add2Name + addName; if (add2Yomi.length() > 0) { add2Yomi = add2Yomi + addYomi; } } else { add1Name = addName; add2Name = ""; add1Yomi = addYomi; add2Yomi = ""; } if (splited && (0 <= add2Name.lastIndexOf(")"))) { add2Name = add2Name.substring(0, add2Name.lastIndexOf(")")); if (0 <= add2Yomi.lastIndexOf(")")) { add2Yomi = add2Yomi.substring(0, add2Yomi.lastIndexOf(")")); } splited = false; } if (!splited) { if (add1Name == null) { add1Name = ""; } if (add2Name == null) { add2Name = ""; } if (add1Yomi == null) { add1Yomi = ""; } if (add2Yomi == null) { add2Yomi = ""; } if (add1Name.equals("?????") || add1Name.endsWith("?") || add1Name.endsWith("")) { note = add1Name; add1Name = ""; add1Yomi = ""; } else if (0 <= add1Name.indexOf("")) { if (add1Name.endsWith("")) { for (int j = 0; j < 1; ++j) { String [] add1fragments = add1Name.split(""); if (add1fragments.length != 2) { continue; } String prefixName = startsWithDigit.matcher(add1fragments[0]).replaceFirst(""); String prefixYomi = startsWithDigit.matcher(add1Yomi).replaceFirst(""); add1fragments[0] = noDigit.matcher(add1fragments[0]).replaceAll(""); add1fragments[1] = noDigit.matcher(add1fragments[1]).replaceAll(""); int numStr = -1; try { numStr = Integer.parseInt(add1fragments[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue; } int numEnd = -1; try { numEnd = Integer.parseInt(add1fragments[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue; } if (numStr >= numEnd) { continue; } if (getStreetNumSplitMax() < (numEnd - numStr)) { continue; } add1Name = prefixName + numStr + ""; add1Yomi = prefixYomi + numStr + "?"; for (int k = numStr + 1; k <= numEnd; ++k) { add1Name = add1Name + "?" + prefixName + k + ""; add1Yomi = add1Yomi + "" + prefixYomi + k + "?"; } } } else { note = add1Name + " " + add2Name; add1Name = ""; add1Yomi = ""; add2Name = ""; add2Yomi = ""; } } else if (add2Name.equals("???") || add2Name.equals("?") || add2Name.equals("???") || (0 <= add2Name.indexOf("")) || (0 <= add2Name.indexOf("")) || ((0 <= add2Name.indexOf("?")) && (0 <= add2Name.indexOf("")) && (0 <= add2Name.indexOf("")))) { note = add2Name; add2Name = ""; add2Yomi = ""; } String [] add1Names = add1Name.split("?"); String [] add1Yomis = add1Yomi.split(""); for (int i1 = 0; i1 < add1Names.length; ++i1) { if (0 < i1) { if ((0 <= add1Names[0].indexOf("")) && (0 > add1Names[i1].indexOf(""))) { add1Names[i1] = add1Names[0].substring( 0, add1Names[0].indexOf("") + 1) + add1Names[i1]; if (i1 < add1Yomis.length) { if ((0 <= add1Yomis[0].indexOf("?")) && (0 > add1Yomis[i1].indexOf("?"))) { add1Yomis[i1] = add1Yomis[0].substring( 0, add1Yomis[0].indexOf("?") + 3) + add1Yomis[i1]; } } } } String [] add2Names; String [] add2Yomis; if (0 < add2Name.indexOf("")) { boolean kagi = false; StringBuilder add2NameBuilder = new StringBuilder(add2Name); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < add2NameBuilder.length(); ++ i2) { if (!kagi) { if ((add2NameBuilder.charAt(i2) == '?') || (add2NameBuilder.charAt(i2) == '')) { add2NameBuilder.setCharAt(i2, ','); } else if (add2NameBuilder.charAt(i2) == '') { kagi = true; } } else if (add2NameBuilder.charAt(i2) == '?') { kagi = false; } } kagi = false; StringBuilder add2YomiBuilder = new StringBuilder(add2Yomi); for (int i2 = 0; i2 < add2YomiBuilder.length(); ++ i2) { if (!kagi) { if ((add2YomiBuilder.charAt(i2) == '') || (add2YomiBuilder.charAt(i2) == '')) { add2YomiBuilder.setCharAt(i2, ','); } else if (add2YomiBuilder.charAt(i2) == '<') { kagi = true; } } else if (add2YomiBuilder.charAt(i2) == '>') { kagi = false; } } add2Names = add2NameBuilder.toString().split(","); add2Yomis = add2YomiBuilder.toString().split(","); } else { add2Names = add2Name.split("?|"); add2Yomis = add2Yomi.split("|"); } boolean isFragment = false; for (int j = 0; j < add2Names.length; ++j) { if (0 > add2Names[j].indexOf("")) { continue; } String [] add2fragments = add2Names[j].split(""); if (add2fragments.length != 2) { continue; } int numStr = -1; try { numStr = Integer.parseInt(add2fragments[0]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue; } String suffixName = ""; String suffixYomi = ""; if (add2fragments[1].endsWith("")) { suffixName = ""; suffixYomi = "??"; add2fragments[1] = add2fragments[1].substring(0, add2fragments[1].length() - 2); } else if (add2fragments[1].endsWith("")) { suffixName = ""; suffixYomi = "?"; add2fragments[1] = add2fragments[1].substring(0, add2fragments[1].length() - 1); } else if (add2fragments[1].endsWith("?")) { suffixName = "?"; suffixYomi = "?"; add2fragments[1] = add2fragments[1].substring(0, add2fragments[1].length() - 2); } int numEnd = -1; try { numEnd = Integer.parseInt(add2fragments[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { continue; } if (numStr >= numEnd) { continue; } if (getStreetNumSplitMax() < (numEnd - numStr)) { continue; } if (j >= add2Yomis.length) { continue; } isFragment = true; StringBuilder add2NameBuilder = new StringBuilder("").append(numStr).append(suffixName); StringBuilder add2YomiBuilder = new StringBuilder("").append(numStr).append(suffixYomi); add2Yomis[j] = "" + numStr + suffixYomi; for (int k = numStr + 1; k <= numEnd; ++k) { add2NameBuilder.append(",").append(k).append(suffixName); add2YomiBuilder.append(",").append(k).append(suffixYomi); } add2Names[j] = add2NameBuilder.toString(); add2Yomis[j] = add2YomiBuilder.toString(); } if (isFragment) { StringBuilder add2NameBuilder = new StringBuilder(""); for (String fragment : add2Names) { if (add2NameBuilder.length() > 0) { add2NameBuilder.append(","); } add2NameBuilder.append(fragment); } add2Names = add2NameBuilder.toString().split(","); StringBuilder add2YomiBuilder = new StringBuilder(""); for (String fragment : add2Yomis) { if (add2YomiBuilder.length() > 0) { add2YomiBuilder.append(","); } add2YomiBuilder.append(fragment); } add2Yomis = add2YomiBuilder.toString().split(","); } String prefix = ""; for (int j = 0; j < add2Names.length; ++j) { if (add2NameWithPrefix.matcher(add2Names[j]).matches()) { prefix = add2NameNoName.matcher(add2Names[j]).replaceFirst(""); } else if (add2NameWithoutPrefix.matcher(add2Names[j]).matches()) { if (0 < prefix.length()) { add2Names[j] = prefix + add2Names[j]; } } else { prefix = ""; } } prefix = ""; for (int j = 0; j < add2Yomis.length; ++j) { if (add2YomiWithPrefix.matcher(add2Yomis[j]).matches()) { prefix = add2YomiNoName.matcher(add2Yomis[j]).replaceFirst(""); } else if (add2YomiWithoutPrefix.matcher(add2Yomis[j]).matches()) { if (0 < prefix.length()) { add2Yomis[j] = prefix + add2Yomis[j]; } } else { prefix = ""; } } String suffix = ""; for (int j = add2Names.length - 1; 0 <= j; --j) { if (add2Names[j].endsWith("") || add2Names[j].endsWith("") || (0 <= add2Names[j].indexOf(""))) { suffix = ""; } else if (add2Names[j].endsWith("")) { suffix = ""; } else if (add2Names[j].endsWith("?")) { suffix = "?"; } else if (endsWithDigit.matcher(add2Names[j]).matches()) { if (0 < suffix.length()) { add2Names[j] = add2Names[j] + suffix; } } else { suffix = ""; } } suffix = ""; for (int j = add2Yomis.length - 1; 0 <= j; --j) { if (add2Yomis[j].endsWith("??")) { suffix = "??"; } else if (add2Yomis[j].endsWith("?")) { suffix = "?"; } else if (add2Yomis[j].endsWith("??")) { suffix = "??"; } else if (add2Yomis[j].endsWith("?")) { suffix = "?"; } else if (endsWithDigit.matcher(add2Yomis[j]).matches()) { if (0 < suffix.length()) { add2Yomis[j] = add2Yomis[j] + suffix; } } else { suffix = ""; } } for (int i2 = 0; i2 < add2Names.length; ++i2) { String noteFragment = note; int kagiStr = add2Names[i2].indexOf(''); if (0 <= add2Names[i2].indexOf("")) { if (noteFragment.length() > 0) { noteFragment = noteFragment + "?"; } noteFragment = noteFragment + add2Names[i2]; add2Names[i2] = ""; add2Yomis[i2] = ""; } else if (0 <= kagiStr) { String addNote = add2Names[i2].substring(kagiStr); if (noteFragment.length() > 0) { noteFragment = noteFragment + "?"; } noteFragment = noteFragment + addNote; add2Names[i2] = add2Names[i2].substring(0, kagiStr); } if (i2 < add2Yomis.length) { int note2YomiStr = add2Yomis[i2].indexOf('<'); if (0 <= note2YomiStr) { add2Yomis[i2] = add2Yomis[i2].substring(0, note2YomiStr); } } if (add2Names[i2].endsWith("")) { noteFragment = add2Names[i2]; add2Names[i2] = ""; if (i2 < add2Yomis.length) { add2Yomis[i2] = ""; } } zips.add(new Zip(zipCode, cityCode, add1Names[i1], add2Names[i2], (i1 < add1Yomis.length) ? ZenHanHelper.convertKana(add1Yomis[i1]) : "", (i2 < add2Yomis.length) ? ZenHanHelper.convertKana(add2Yomis[i2]) : "", noteFragment ).toJson() ); ++zipCount; noteFragment = ""; } } add1Name = ""; add1Yomi = ""; add2Name = ""; add2Yomi = ""; note = ""; } rec = reader.readLine(); } }" prefs:" + prefs.size() + " cities:" + cityCount + " areas:" + zipCount); zipInfo.setTimestamp(new Date(timestamp)); getLzhDao().store(zipInfo); getParentChildDao().store(new ParentChild("prefs", new Date(timestamp), new LinkedList<String>(), prefs)); LinkedList<String> parent = new LinkedList<String>(); parent.add(prefs.getLast()); getParentChildDao().store(new ParentChild(prefCode, new Date(timestamp), parent, cities)); parent = new LinkedList<String>(); parent.add(prefs.getLast()); parent.add(cities.getLast()); getParentChildDao().store(new ParentChild(cityCode, new Date(timestamp), parent, zips)); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, rec, e); } return; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#updateCorp() */ public void updateCorp() { Date date = new Date(); SortedMap<String, Pref> prefs = getPrefMap(); SortedMap<String, City> cities = getCityMap(); Set<String> cityCodes = new HashSet<String>(); LinkedList<String> zips = new LinkedList<String>(); LinkedList<Lzh> lzhs = getLzhDao().getLatest(true, date); ZipInfo zipInfo = getLzhDao().updateCorp(lzhs, date); long timestamp = zipInfo.getTimestamp().getTime(); String rec = null; int cityCount = 0; int corpCount = 0; for (City city : getCities()) { cityCodes.add(city.getCode()); } try { String cityCode = ""; for (Lzh lzh : lzhs) { byte[] raw = rawDao.get(lzh.getKey()); LhaInputStream lis = new LhaInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(raw)); LhaHeader header = lis.getNextEntry(); if (timestamp < header.getLastModified().getTime()) { timestamp = header.getLastModified().getTime(); } BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(lis, "MS932")); rec = reader.readLine(); while (rec != null) { rec = rec.trim(); int str = 0; int end = 0; int col = 0; String code = ""; String corpYomi = ""; String corpName = ""; String cityName = ""; String add1Name = ""; String add2Name = ""; String zipCode = ""; end = rec.indexOf("\",\"", str); while (0 < end) { ++col; String val = rec.substring(str, end); switch (col) { case 1: corpYomi = val; break; case 2: corpName = val; break; case 4: cityName = val; break; case 5: add1Name = val; break; case 6: add2Name = val; break; case 7: zipCode = val; break; default: break; } str = end + 3; end = rec.indexOf("\",\"", str); } if (corpYomi != null) { int sep = corpYomi.indexOf(","); if (0 < sep) { code = corpYomi.substring(0, sep); corpYomi = corpYomi.substring(sep + 2); } if (!cityCode.equals(code)) { if (cityCode.length() > 0) { if (prefs.get(cityCode.substring(0, 2)) != null) { LinkedList<String> parent = new LinkedList<String>(); parent.add(prefs.get(cityCode.substring(0, 2)).toJson()); parent.add(cities.get(cityCode).toJson()); getParentChildDao().store( new ParentChild(cityCode + "c", new Date(timestamp), parent, zips)); } zips = new LinkedList<String>(); } cityCode = code; if (prefs.get(cityCode.substring(0, 2)) != null) { if (!cityCodes.contains(cityCode)) { City city = new City(cityCode, cityName, "", new Date(0)); cityCodes.add(cityCode); cities.put(cityCode, city); getParentChildDao().addChild(cityCode.substring(0, 2), city.toJson()); ++cityCount; } } } } if (0 < corpName.indexOf("")) { corpName = corpName.replace("", " "); } if (0 < corpYomi.indexOf(".")) { corpYomi = corpYomi.replace(".", " "); } zips.add(new Zip(zipCode, cityCode, ZenHanHelper.convertZH(add1Name), ZenHanHelper.convertZH(add2Name), ZenHanHelper.convertZH(corpName).replace(") ", ")").replace(" (", "("), ZenHanHelper.convertKana(corpYomi).replace(") ", ")").replace(" (", "(")).toJson()); ++corpCount; rec = reader.readLine(); } }"city:" + cityCodes.size() + " +" + cityCount + " corp:" + corpCount); zipInfo.setTimestamp(new Date(timestamp)); getLzhDao().store(zipInfo); if (prefs.get(cityCode.substring(0, 2)) != null) { LinkedList<String> parent = new LinkedList<String>(); parent.add(prefs.get(cityCode.substring(0, 2)).toJson()); parent.add(cities.get(cityCode).toJson()); getParentChildDao().store(new ParentChild(cityCode + "c", new Date(timestamp), parent, zips)); } } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, rec, e); } return; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#preZips() */ public void preZips() { Date timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp(); LinkedList<Pref> prefs = getPrefs(); LinkedList<City> cities = getCities(); try { for (Pref pref : prefs) { TreeMap<String, TreeSet<String>> zips = new TreeMap<String, TreeSet<String>>(); for (City city : cities) { if (!city.getCode().startsWith(pref.getCode())) { continue; } ParentChild data = getParentChildDao().get(city.getCode()); if (data != null) { for (String json : data.getChildren()) { String zip = new JSONObject(json).optString("code", ""); if (!zips.containsKey(zip)) { zips.put(zip, new TreeSet<String>()); } zips.get(zip).add(city.getCode()); } } data = getParentChildDao().get(city.getCode() + "c"); if (data != null) { for (String json : data.getChildren()) { String zip = new JSONObject(json).optString("code", ""); if (!zips.containsKey(zip)) { zips.put(zip, new TreeSet<String>()); } zips.get(zip).add(city.getCode() + "c"); } } } StringBuilder rec = new StringBuilder("["); LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); for (String zip : zips.keySet()) { for (String key : zips.get(zip)) { rec.append(new JSONStringer().object().key("zip").value(zip).key("key").value(key) .endObject().toString()); if (rec.length() > 400) { rec.append("]"); list.add(rec.toString()); rec = new StringBuilder("["); } else { rec.append(","); } } } if (rec.length() > 1) { rec.append("]"); list.add(rec.toString()); } getParentChildDao() .store(new ParentChild("pre" + pref.getCode(), timestamp, new LinkedList<String>(), list)); + ":" + list.size()); } } catch (JSONException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } return; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#updateZips() */ public void updateZips() { Date timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp(); LinkedList<Pref> prefs = getPrefs(); TreeMap<String, TreeSet<String>> zips = new TreeMap<String, TreeSet<String>>(); int cnt = 0; try { for (Pref pref : prefs) { ParentChild data = getParentChildDao().get("pre" + pref.getCode()); if (data != null) { for (String json : data.getChildren()) { JSONArray ja = new JSONArray(json); for (int i = 0; i < ja.length(); ++i) { JSONObject jo = ja.getJSONObject(i); String zip = jo.optString("zip", ""); String key = jo.optString("key", ""); if (!zips.containsKey(zip)) { zips.put(zip, new TreeSet<String>()); } zips.get(zip).add(key); } } } } ParentChild data = null; LinkedList<String> zip1s = new LinkedList<String>(); String prev = null; for (String code : zips.keySet()) { String zip1 = code.substring(0, 3); String zip2 = code.substring(3); if (!zip1.equals(prev)) { if (data != null) { getParentChildDao().store(data); } LinkedList<String> parents = new LinkedList<String>(); parents.add(zip1); data = new ParentChild(zip1, timestamp, parents); zip1s.add(new JSONStringer().object().key("zip1").value(zip1).endObject().toString()); prev = zip1; } for (String key : zips.get(code)) { data.getChildren().add(new JSONStringer().object().key("zip2").value(zip2).key("key").value(key) .endObject().toString()); ++cnt; } } if (data != null) { getParentChildDao().store(data); } getParentChildDao().store(new ParentChild("zip1s", timestamp, new LinkedList<String>(), zip1s));"count:" + cnt); } catch (JSONException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } return; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#updateBuilding() */ public void updateBuilding() { Collection<String> keys = getParentChildDao().getKeys(); LinkedList<String> list = new LinkedList<String>(); String preName = ""; String preYomi = ""; for (String key : keys) { if (key.length() != 5) { continue; } ParentChild data = getParentChildDao().get(key); for (String json : data.getChildren()) { if (!json.startsWith("{")) { continue; } Zip zip = Zip.fromJson(json); if (zip.getAdd2() == null) { continue; } if ((zip.getNote() != null) && zip.getNote().equals("???")) { preName = zip.getAdd1(); preYomi = zip.getAdd1Yomi(); } if (!zip.getAdd2().equals("?")) { continue; } if (zip.getAdd1().startsWith(preName)) { zip.setAdd1(preName + " " + zip.getAdd1().substring(preName.length())); } if (zip.getAdd1Yomi().startsWith(preYomi)) { zip.setAdd1Yomi(preYomi + " " + zip.getAdd1Yomi().substring(preYomi.length())); } list.add(zip.toJson()); } }"count:" + list.size()); getParentChildDao().store(new ParentChild("building", new Date(), new LinkedList<String>(), list)); } /** * ???? * * @return ?? */ LinkedList<Pref> getPrefs() { LinkedList<Pref> ret = new LinkedList<Pref>(); for (String json : getParentChildDao().get("prefs").getChildren()) { ret.add(Pref.fromJson(json)); } return ret; } /** * ???? * * @return ?? */ SortedMap<String, Pref> getPrefMap() { SortedMap<String, Pref> ret = new TreeMap<String, Pref>(); for (String json : getParentChildDao().get("prefs").getChildren()) { Pref pref = Pref.fromJson(json); ret.put(pref.getCode(), pref); } return ret; } /** * ???? * * @return ?? */ SortedMap<String, City> getCityMap() { SortedMap<String, City> ret = new TreeMap<String, City>(); for (Pref pref : getPrefs()) { ParentChild pc = getParentChildDao().get(pref.getCode()); if (pc == null) { continue; } for (String json : pc.getChildren()) { City city = City.fromJson(json); ret.put(city.getCode(), city); } } return ret; } /** * ???? * * @return ?? */ LinkedList<City> getCities() { LinkedList<City> ret = new LinkedList<City>(); for (Pref pref : getPrefs()) { ParentChild pc = getParentChildDao().get(pref.getCode()); if (pc == null) { continue; } for (String json : pc.getChildren()) { ret.add(City.fromJson(json)); } } return ret; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeX0401Zip() */ public void storeX0401Zip() { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(baos); Collection<Pref> prefs = getPrefs(); ZipEntry tsv = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_x0401_utf8.txt"); ZipEntry csv = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_x0401_sjis.csv"); ZipEntry json = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_x0401_utf8.json"); ZipEntry xml = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_x0401_utf8.xml"); tsv.setTime(timestamp); csv.setTime(timestamp); json.setTime(timestamp); xml.setTime(timestamp); try { out.putNextEntry(tsv); for (Pref pref : prefs) { out.write(new String(pref.getCode() + "\t" + pref.getName() + "\t" + pref.getYomi() + CRLF) .getBytes("UTF-8")); } out.closeEntry(); out.putNextEntry(csv); for (Pref pref : prefs) { out.write(new String(pref.getCode() + "," + pref.getName() + "," + pref.getYomi() + CRLF) .getBytes("MS932")); } out.closeEntry(); out.putNextEntry(json); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8"); JSONWriter jwriter = new JSONWriter(writer); jwriter.array(); for (Pref pref : prefs) { jwriter.object().key("code").value(pref.getCode()).key("name").value(pref.getName()).key("yomi") .value(pref.getYomi()).endObject(); } jwriter.endArray(); writer.flush(); out.closeEntry(); out.putNextEntry(xml); XMLStreamWriter xwriter = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance() .createXMLStreamWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8")); xwriter.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.0"); xwriter.writeStartElement("x0401s"); for (Pref pref : prefs) { xwriter.writeStartElement("x0401"); xwriter.writeAttribute("code", pref.getCode()); xwriter.writeAttribute("name", pref.getName()); xwriter.writeAttribute("yomi", pref.getYomi()); xwriter.writeEndElement(); } xwriter.writeEndElement(); xwriter.writeEndDocument(); xwriter.flush(); out.closeEntry(); out.finish(); baos.flush(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), "");"prefs: " + prefs.size()); } catch (JSONException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeX0402Zip() */ public void storeX0402Zip() { ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); ZipOutputStream out = new ZipOutputStream(baos); Collection<City> cities = getCities(); ZipEntry tsv = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_x0402_utf8.txt"); ZipEntry csv = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_x0402_sjis.csv"); ZipEntry json = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_x0402_utf8.json"); ZipEntry xml = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_x0402_utf8.xml"); tsv.setTime(timestamp); csv.setTime(timestamp); json.setTime(timestamp); xml.setTime(timestamp); try { out.putNextEntry(tsv); for (City city : cities) { out.write(new String(city.getCode() + "\t" + city.getName() + "\t" + city.getYomi() + "\t" + ((city.getExpiration().getTime() < new Date().getTime()) ? "" : "") + CRLF) .getBytes("UTF-8")); } out.closeEntry(); out.putNextEntry(csv); for (City city : cities) { out.write(new String(city.getCode() + "," + city.getName() + "," + city.getYomi() + "," + ((city.getExpiration().getTime() < new Date().getTime()) ? "" : "") + CRLF) .getBytes("MS932")); } out.closeEntry(); out.putNextEntry(json); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8"); JSONWriter jwriter = new JSONWriter(writer); jwriter.array(); for (City city : cities) { jwriter.object().key("code").value(city.getCode()).key("name").value(city.getName()).key("yomi") .value(city.getYomi()).key("expired") .value((city.getExpiration().getTime() < new Date().getTime()) ? "true" : "false") .endObject(); } jwriter.endArray(); writer.flush(); out.closeEntry(); out.putNextEntry(xml); XMLStreamWriter xwriter = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance() .createXMLStreamWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(out, "UTF-8")); xwriter.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.0"); xwriter.writeStartElement("x0402s"); for (City city : cities) { xwriter.writeStartElement("x0402"); xwriter.writeAttribute("code", city.getCode()); xwriter.writeAttribute("name", city.getName()); xwriter.writeAttribute("yomi", city.getYomi()); xwriter.writeAttribute("expired", (city.getExpiration().getTime() < new Date().getTime()) ? "true" : "false"); xwriter.writeEndElement(); } xwriter.writeEndElement(); xwriter.writeEndDocument(); xwriter.flush(); out.closeEntry(); out.finish(); baos.flush(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), "");"cities: " + cities.size()); } catch (JSONException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeAreaText() */ public void storeAreaText() { storeText("\t", "area", "", "UTF-8", "utf8", "txt"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeAreaCsv() */ public void storeAreaCsv() { storeText(",", "area", "", "MS932", "sjis", "csv"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeAreaJson() */ public void storeAreaJson() { storeJson("area", ""); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeAreaXml() */ public void storeAreaXml() { storeXml("area", ""); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeAreaIme() */ public void storeAreaIme() { storeIme("area", ""); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeCorpText() */ public void storeCorpText() { storeText("\t", "corp", "c", "UTF-8", "utf8", "txt"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeCorpCsv() */ public void storeCorpCsv() { storeText(",", "corp", "c", "MS932", "sjis", "csv"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeCorpJson() */ public void storeCorpJson() { storeJson("corp", "c"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeCorpXml() */ public void storeCorpXml() { storeXml("corp", "c"); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeCorpIme() */ public void storeCorpIme() { storeIme("corp", "c"); } /** * ?? * * @param sep "\t" / "," * @param name "area" / "corp" * @param suffix "" / "c" * @param chaset "UTF-8" / "MS932" * @param enc "utf8" / "sjis" * @param ext "txt" / "csv" */ void storeText(String sep, String name, String suffix, String chaset, String enc, String ext) { long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); Collection<City> cities = getCities(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry( FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_" + name + "_" + enc + "." + ext); entry.setTime(timestamp); int cnt = 0; try { byte[] tab = sep.getBytes("MS932"); byte[] crlf = CRLF.getBytes("MS932"); zos.putNextEntry(entry); for (City city : cities) { ParentChild pc = getParentChildDao().get(city.getCode() + suffix); if (pc == null) { continue; } for (String json : pc.getChildren()) { Zip zip = Zip.fromJson(json); zos.write(zip.getCode().getBytes(chaset)); zos.write(tab); zos.write(zip.getX0402().getBytes(chaset)); zos.write(tab); zos.write(zip.getAdd1().getBytes(chaset)); zos.write(tab); zos.write(zip.getAdd2().getBytes(chaset)); zos.write(tab); zos.write(zip.getCorp().getBytes(chaset)); zos.write(tab); zos.write(zip.getAdd1Yomi().getBytes(chaset)); zos.write(tab); zos.write(zip.getAdd2Yomi().getBytes(chaset)); zos.write(tab); zos.write(zip.getCorpYomi().getBytes(chaset)); zos.write(tab); zos.write(zip.getNote().getBytes(chaset)); zos.write(crlf); ++cnt; } } zos.closeEntry(); zos.finish(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), name + "_" + enc + "_" + ext + ".zip");"count: " + cnt); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } } /** * JSON ?? * * @param name "area" / "corp" * @param suffix "" / "c" */ void storeJson(String name, String suffix) { long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); Collection<City> cities = getCities(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_" + name + "_utf8.json"); entry.setTime(timestamp); int cnt = 0; try { zos.putNextEntry(entry); zos.write("[".getBytes("UTF-8")); for (City city : cities) { ParentChild pc = getParentChildDao().get(city.getCode() + suffix); if (pc == null) { continue; } for (String json : pc.getChildren()) { if (0 < cnt) { zos.write(",".getBytes("UTF-8")); } zos.write(json.getBytes("UTF-8")); ++cnt; } } zos.write("]".getBytes("UTF-8")); zos.closeEntry(); zos.finish(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), name + "");"count: " + cnt); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } } /** * XML ?? * * @param name "area" / "corp" * @param suffix "" / "c" */ void storeXml(String name, String suffix) { long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); Collection<City> cities = getCities(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_" + name + "_utf8.xml"); entry.setTime(timestamp); int cnt = 0; try { zos.putNextEntry(entry); OutputStreamWriter writer = new OutputStreamWriter(zos, "UTF-8"); XMLStreamWriter xwriter = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(writer); xwriter.writeStartDocument("UTF-8", "1.0"); xwriter.writeStartElement("zips"); xwriter.writeAttribute("type", name); for (City city : cities) { ParentChild pc = getParentChildDao().get(city.getCode() + suffix); if (pc == null) { continue; } for (String json : pc.getChildren()) { Zip zip = Zip.fromJson(json); xwriter.writeStartElement("zip"); xwriter.writeAttribute("zip", zip.getCode()); xwriter.writeAttribute("x0402", zip.getX0402()); xwriter.writeAttribute("add1", zip.getAdd1()); xwriter.writeAttribute("add2", zip.getAdd2()); xwriter.writeAttribute("corp", zip.getCorp()); xwriter.writeAttribute("add1Yomi", zip.getAdd1Yomi()); xwriter.writeAttribute("add2Yomi", zip.getAdd2Yomi()); xwriter.writeAttribute("corpYomi", zip.getCorpYomi()); xwriter.writeAttribute("note", zip.getNote()); xwriter.writeEndElement(); ++cnt; } } xwriter.writeEndElement(); xwriter.writeEndDocument(); xwriter.flush(); zos.closeEntry(); zos.finish(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), name + "");"count: " + cnt); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (FactoryConfigurationError e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } } /** * IME?? * * @param name "area" / "corp" * @param suffix "" / "c" */ void storeIme(String name, String suffix) { long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); SortedMap<String, Pref> prefs = getPrefMap(); Collection<City> cities = getCities(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry( FILENAME_DATE_FORMAT.format(new Date(timestamp)) + "_" + name + "_ime_dic.txt"); entry.setTime(timestamp); int cnt = 0; try { byte[] tab = "\t".getBytes("MS932"); byte[] sonota = "\t?????".getBytes("MS932"); byte[] crlf = CRLF.getBytes("MS932"); zos.putNextEntry(entry); for (City city : cities) { ParentChild pc = getParentChildDao().get(city.getCode() + suffix); if (pc == null) { continue; } String prefName = prefs.get(city.getCode().substring(0, 2)).getName(); String cityName = city.getName(); for (String json : pc.getChildren()) { Zip zip = Zip.fromJson(json); zos.write(ZenHanHelper.convertZipHankakuZenkaku(zip.getCode()).getBytes("MS932")); zos.write(tab); zos.write(prefName.getBytes("MS932")); zos.write(cityName.getBytes("MS932")); zos.write(zip.getAdd1().getBytes("MS932")); zos.write(zip.getAdd2().getBytes("MS932")); zos.write(zip.getCorp().getBytes("MS932")); zos.write(sonota); zos.write(crlf); ++cnt; } } zos.closeEntry(); zos.finish(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), name + "");"count: " + cnt); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeJsonPrefCity() */ public void storeJsonPrefCity() { long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos); int cnt = 0; try { ParentChild data = getParentChildDao().get("prefs"); String json = toJsonPrefs(data); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry("prefs.json"); entry.setTime(timestamp); zos.putNextEntry(entry); zos.write(json.getBytes("UTF-8")); zos.closeEntry(); ++cnt; for (Pref pref : getPrefs()) { data = getParentChildDao().get(pref.getCode()); if (data == null) { continue; } json = toJsonCities(data); entry = new ZipEntry(pref.getCode() + ".json"); entry.setTime(timestamp); zos.putNextEntry(entry); zos.write(json.getBytes("UTF-8")); zos.closeEntry(); ++cnt; } zos.finish(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), "");"count:" + cnt); } catch (JSONException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeJsonArea() */ public void storeJsonArea() { LinkedList<City> cities = getCities(); long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos); int cnt = 0; try { for (City city : cities) { ParentChild data = getParentChildDao().get(city.getCode()); if (data == null) { continue; } SortedSet<String> children = new TreeSet<String>(); String json = toJsonAdd1s(data, children); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(city.getCode() + ".json"); entry.setTime(timestamp); zos.putNextEntry(entry); zos.write(json.getBytes("UTF-8")); zos.closeEntry(); ++cnt; for (String add1 : children) { json = toJsonAdd2s(data, add1); entry = new ZipEntry(city.getCode() + "-" + toHex(add1) + ".json"); entry.setTime(timestamp); zos.putNextEntry(entry); zos.write(json.getBytes("UTF-8")); zos.closeEntry(); ++cnt; } } zos.finish(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), "");"count:" + cnt); } catch (JSONException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } return; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeJsonCorp() */ public void storeJsonCorp() { LinkedList<City> cities = getCities(); long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos); int cnt = 0; try { for (City city : cities) { String key = city.getCode() + "c"; ParentChild data = getParentChildDao().get(key); if (data == null) { continue; } String json = toJsonCorps(data); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(key + ".json"); entry.setTime(timestamp); zos.putNextEntry(entry); zos.write(json.getBytes("UTF-8")); zos.closeEntry(); ++cnt; } zos.finish(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), "");"count:" + cnt); } catch (JSONException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } return; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#storeJsonZips(java.lang.String) */ public String storeJsonZips(String digits) { if ((digits == null) || (digits.length() == 0)) { digits = "0"; } long timestamp = getLzhDao().getZipInfo().getTimestamp().getTime(); ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ZipOutputStream zos = new ZipOutputStream(baos); int cnt = 0; try { for (int i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { String zip1 = digits + String.format("%02d", i); ParentChild data = getParentChildDao().get(zip1); if (data == null) { continue; } Map<String, ParentChild> pcs = new HashMap<String, ParentChild>(); SortedSet<String> zip2s = new TreeSet<String>(); for (String json : data.getChildren()) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); String key = jo.optString("key", ""); String zip2 = jo.optString("zip2", ""); if (key.length() == 0) { continue; } if (zip2.length() == 0) { continue; } if (!pcs.containsKey(jo.optString("key", ""))) { pcs.put(key, getParentChildDao().get(key)); } zip2s.add(zip2); } for (String zip2 : zip2s) { String zip = zip1 + zip2; String json = toJsonZips(data, zip, pcs); ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry(zip + ".json"); entry.setTime(timestamp); zos.putNextEntry(entry); zos.write(json.getBytes("UTF-8")); zos.closeEntry(); ++cnt; } } if (cnt == 0) { ZipEntry entry = new ZipEntry("empty.txt"); entry.setTime(timestamp); zos.putNextEntry(entry); zos.write("empty".getBytes("UTF-8")); zos.closeEntry(); } zos.finish(); getRawDao().store(baos.toByteArray(), "json_zip" + digits + ".zip"); + ":" + cnt); } catch (JSONException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } catch (IOException e) { log.log(Level.WARNING, "", e); } return digits.equals("9") ? null : "" + (Integer.parseInt(digits) + 1); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see jp.zippyzip.GeneratorService#complete() */ public void complete() { ZipInfo zipInfo = getLzhDao().getZipInfo(); zipInfo.setGenerated(new Date()); getLzhDao().store(zipInfo);"Complete."); } String toHex(String str) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); ++i) { ret.append(String.format("%04x", (int) str.charAt(i))); } return ret.toString(); } String fromHex(String hex) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < hex.length(); i += 4) { try { ret.append((char) Integer.parseInt(hex.substring(i, i + 4), 16)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { log.warning(e.getMessage() + " : \"" + hex.substring(i, i + 4) + "\""); } } return ret.toString(); } String toJsonPrefs(ParentChild data) throws JSONException { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("{\"prefs\":["); boolean start = true; for (String json : data.getChildren()) { if (start) { start = false; } else { ret.append(","); } JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); jo.remove("yomi"); ret.append(jo.toString()); } return ret.append("]}").toString(); } String toJsonCities(ParentChild data) throws JSONException { boolean start = true; JSONObject pref = new JSONObject(data.getParents().getFirst()); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("{\"pref\":"); pref.remove("yomi"); ret.append(pref.toString()); ret.append(",\"cities\":["); for (String json : data.getChildren()) { if (start) { start = false; } else { ret.append(","); } JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); if (Timestamp.valueOf(jo.getString("expiration")).getTime() < new Date().getTime()) { jo.put("note", ""); } jo.remove("yomi"); jo.remove("expiration"); ret.append(jo.toString()); } return ret.append("]}").toString(); } String toJsonAdd1s(ParentChild data, SortedSet<String> children) throws JSONException { LinkedList<String> zips = new LinkedList<String>(); Set<String> add1s = new HashSet<String>(); Set<String> add2s = new HashSet<String>(); boolean start = true; JSONObject pref = new JSONObject(data.getParents().getFirst()); JSONObject city = new JSONObject(data.getParents().getLast()); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("{\"pref\":"); pref.remove("yomi"); ret.append(pref.toString()); ret.append(",\"city\":"); city.remove("yomi"); city.remove("expiration"); ret.append(city.toString()); ret.append(",\"zips\":["); for (String json : data.getChildren()) { String add1 = new JSONObject(json).optString("add1", ""); zips.add(json); if (add1s.add(add1)) { continue; } add2s.add(add1); } for (String json : zips) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); String add1 = jo.optString("add1", ""); jo.remove("x0402"); jo.remove("corp"); jo.remove("add1Yomi"); jo.remove("add2Yomi"); jo.remove("corpYomi"); if (add2s.contains(add1)) { if (!children.contains(add1)) { if (start) { start = false; } else { ret.append(","); } jo.remove("code"); jo.remove("add2"); jo.remove("note"); jo.put("code", toHex(add1)); ret.append(jo.toString()); children.add(add1); } } else { if (start) { start = false; } else { ret.append(","); } String zip = jo.optString("code", ""); jo.remove("code"); jo.put("zip1", zip.substring(0, 3)); jo.put("zip2", zip.substring(3)); ret.append(jo.toString()); } } return ret.append("]}").toString(); } String toJsonAdd2s(ParentChild data, String name) throws JSONException { boolean start = true; JSONObject pref = new JSONObject(data.getParents().getFirst()); JSONObject city = new JSONObject(data.getParents().getLast()); StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("{\"pref\":"); pref.remove("yomi"); ret.append(pref.toString()); ret.append(",\"city\":"); city.remove("yomi"); city.remove("expiration"); ret.append(city.toString()); ret.append(",\"add1\":{\"code\":\""); ret.append(toHex(name)); ret.append("\",\"name\":\""); ret.append(name); ret.append("\"},\"zips\":["); for (String json : data.getChildren()) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); String add1 = jo.optString("add1", ""); if (!name.equals(add1)) { continue; } if (start) { start = false; } else { ret.append(","); } String zip = jo.optString("code", ""); jo.remove("code"); jo.put("zip1", zip.substring(0, 3)); jo.put("zip2", zip.substring(3)); jo.remove("x0402"); jo.remove("corp"); jo.remove("add1"); jo.remove("add1Yomi"); jo.remove("add2Yomi"); jo.remove("corpYomi"); ret.append(jo.toString()); } return ret.append("]}").toString(); } String toJsonCorps(ParentChild data) throws JSONException { boolean start = true; StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("{\"pref\":"); JSONObject pref = new JSONObject(data.getParents().getFirst()); JSONObject city = new JSONObject(data.getParents().getLast()); pref.remove("yomi"); ret.append(pref.toString()); ret.append(",\"city\":"); city.remove("yomi"); city.remove("expiration"); ret.append(city.toString()); ret.append(",\"zips\":["); for (String json : data.getChildren()) { if (start) { start = false; } else { ret.append(","); } JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); String code = jo.optString("code", ""); jo.remove("code"); jo.remove("x0402"); jo.remove("corpYomi"); jo.put("zip1", code.substring(0, 3)); jo.put("zip2", code.substring(3)); ret.append(jo.toString()); } return ret.append("]}").toString(); } String toJsonZips(ParentChild data, String zip, Map<String, ParentChild> pcs) throws JSONException { String zip2 = zip.substring(3); SortedSet<String> keys = new TreeSet<String>(); boolean start = true; StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("{\"zip1\":\""); ret.append(data.getParents().getFirst()); ret.append("\",\"zip2\":\""); ret.append(zip2); ret.append("\",\"zips\":["); for (String json : data.getChildren()) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); if (!jo.optString("zip2", "").equals(zip2)) { continue; } keys.add(jo.optString("key", "")); } for (String key : keys) { try { ParentChild zips = pcs.get(key); City city = City.fromJson(zips.getParents().getLast()); for (String json : zips.getChildren()) { JSONObject jo = new JSONObject(json); if (!jo.optString("code", "").equals(zip)) { continue; } if (start) { start = false; } else { ret.append(","); } jo.put("x0402", city.getCode()); jo.put("city", city.getName()); jo.remove("add1Yomi"); jo.remove("add2Yomi"); jo.remove("corpYomi"); ret.append(jo.toString()); } } catch (JDOObjectNotFoundException e) { } } return ret.append("]}").toString(); } }