Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 by SCSK Corporation. * * This file is part of PrimeCloud Controller(TM). * * PrimeCloud Controller(TM) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PrimeCloud Controller(TM) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PrimeCloud Controller(TM). If not, see <>. */ package; import java.beans.IntrospectionException; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.lang.builder.ReflectionToStringBuilder; /** * <p> * ???Class?? * </p> * */ public class StringUtils { private StringUtils() { } public static String reflectToString(Object object) { if (object == null) { return null; } // String?? if (object instanceof String) { return (String) object; } // ?? if (object instanceof Number) { return object.toString(); } // Boolean?? if (object instanceof Boolean) { return object.toString(); } // Character?? if (object instanceof Character) { return object.toString(); } // ??? if (object instanceof Object[]) { return reflectToString(Arrays.asList((Object[]) object)); } // ?? if (object instanceof Collection<?>) { Iterator<?> iterator = ((Collection<?>) object).iterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return "[]"; } StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append("["); while (true) { Object object2 =; str.append(reflectToString(object2)); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { break; } str.append(", "); } str.append("]"); return str.toString(); } // ?? if (object instanceof Map<?, ?>) { Iterator<?> iterator = ((Map<?, ?>) object).entrySet().iterator(); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { return "{}"; } StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append("{"); while (true) { Object entry =; str.append(reflectToString(entry)); if (!iterator.hasNext()) { break; } str.append(", "); } str.append("}"); return str.toString(); } // Entry?? if (object instanceof Entry<?, ?>) { Entry<?, ?> entry = (Entry<?, ?>) object; StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append(reflectToString(entry.getKey())); str.append("="); str.append(reflectToString(entry.getValue())); return str.toString(); } // toString????? try { Method method = object.getClass().getMethod("toString"); if (!Object.class.equals(method.getDeclaringClass())) { return object.toString(); } } catch (NoSuchMethodException ignore) { } // ????? try { PropertyDescriptor[] descriptors = Introspector.getBeanInfo(object.getClass()).getPropertyDescriptors(); StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(); str.append("["); for (PropertyDescriptor descriptor : descriptors) { if ("class".equals(descriptor.getName())) { continue; } Method readMethod = descriptor.getReadMethod(); if (readMethod == null) { continue; } if (str.length() > 1) { str.append(", "); } Object object2 = readMethod.invoke(object); str.append(descriptor.getName()).append("=").append(reflectToString(object2)); } str.append("]"); return str.toString(); } catch (IntrospectionException ignore) { } catch (InvocationTargetException ignore) { } catch (IllegalAccessException ignore) { } // ????????commons-lang? return ReflectionToStringBuilder.toString(object); } }