Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 by SCSK Corporation. * * This file is part of PrimeCloud Controller(TM). * * PrimeCloud Controller(TM) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * PrimeCloud Controller(TM) is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with PrimeCloud Controller(TM). If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import javax.crypto.Cipher; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bouncycastle.jce.provider.BouncyCastleProvider; import org.bouncycastle.openssl.PEMReader; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * <p> * TODO: * </p> * */ public class IaasDescribeServiceImpl extends ServiceSupport implements IaasDescribeService { protected IaasGatewayFactory iaasGatewayFactory; protected EventLogger eventLogger; static { Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider()); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<ZoneDto> getAvailabilityZones(Long userNo, Long platformNo) { IaasGatewayWrapper gateway = iaasGatewayFactory.createIaasGateway(userNo, platformNo); String result = gateway.describeAvailabilityZones(); ArrayList<ZoneDto> retArray = new ArrayList<ZoneDto>(); if (!"".equals(result)) { String[] resultArray = result.split("##"); for (String item : resultArray) { String[] resultArray2 = item.split("#"); ZoneDto zone = new ZoneDto(); //??????????? zone.setZoneName(resultArray2[0]); zone.setZoneId(resultArray2[1]); retArray.add(zone); } } return retArray; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<KeyPairDto> getKeyPairs(Long userNo, Long platformNo) { ArrayList<KeyPairDto> retArray = new ArrayList<KeyPairDto>(); Platform platform =; if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_AWS.equals(platform.getPlatformType()) || PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUDSTACK.equals(platform.getPlatformType()) || PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_OPENSTACK.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) { IaasGatewayWrapper gateway = iaasGatewayFactory.createIaasGateway(userNo, platformNo); String result = gateway.describeKeyPairs(); if (!"".equals(result)) { String[] resultArray = result.split("##"); for (String item : resultArray) { String[] resultArray2 = item.split("#"); KeyPairDto pair = new KeyPairDto(); //??????????? pair.setKeyName(resultArray2[0]); retArray.add(pair); } } } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_VCLOUD.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) { List<VcloudKeyPair> vcloudKeyPairs = vcloudKeyPairDao.readByUserNoAndPlatformNo(userNo, platformNo); // Collections.sort(vcloudKeyPairs, Comparators.COMPARATOR_VCLOUD_KEY_PAIR); for (VcloudKeyPair vcloudKeyPair : vcloudKeyPairs) { KeyPairDto pair = new KeyPairDto(); pair.setKeyNo(vcloudKeyPair.getKeyNo()); pair.setKeyName(vcloudKeyPair.getKeyName()); retArray.add(pair); } } return retArray; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<SecurityGroupDto> getSecurityGroups(Long userNo, Long platformNo, String vpcId) { IaasGatewayWrapper gateway = iaasGatewayFactory.createIaasGateway(userNo, platformNo); String result = gateway.describeSecurityGroups(vpcId); ArrayList<SecurityGroupDto> retArray = new ArrayList<SecurityGroupDto>(); if (!"".equals(result)) { String[] resultArray = result.split("##"); for (String item : resultArray) { String[] resultArray2 = item.split("#"); SecurityGroupDto group = new SecurityGroupDto(); //??????????? group.setGroupName(resultArray2[0]); retArray.add(group); } } return retArray; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<SubnetDto> getSubnets(Long userNo, Long platformNo, String vpcId) { IaasGatewayWrapper gateway = iaasGatewayFactory.createIaasGateway(userNo, platformNo); String result = gateway.describeSubnets(vpcId); ArrayList<SubnetDto> retArray = new ArrayList<SubnetDto>(); if (!"".equals(result)) { String[] resultArray = result.split("##"); for (String item : resultArray) { String[] resultArray2 = item.split("#"); SubnetDto subnet = new SubnetDto(); //??????????? subnet.setSubnetId(resultArray2[0]); subnet.setZoneid(resultArray2[1]); subnet.setCidrBlock(resultArray2[2]); retArray.add(subnet); } } // VPC????????? return retArray; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<StorageTypeDto> getStorageTypes(Long userNo, Long platformNo) { List<StorageTypeDto> retArray = new ArrayList<StorageTypeDto>(); List<PlatformVcloudStorageType> platformVcloudStorageTypes = platformVcloudStorageTypeDao .readByPlatformNo(platformNo); Collections.sort(platformVcloudStorageTypes, Comparators.COMPARATOR_PLATFORM_VCLOUD_STORAGE_TYPE); for (PlatformVcloudStorageType storageType : platformVcloudStorageTypes) { StorageTypeDto storageTypeDto = new StorageTypeDto(storageType); retArray.add(storageTypeDto); } return retArray; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<NetworkDto> getNetworks(Long userNo, Long platformNo) { IaasGatewayWrapper gateway = iaasGatewayFactory.createIaasGateway(userNo, platformNo); // IaasGateWay? String result = gateway.describeNetworks(); List<NetworkDto> tmpRetArray = new ArrayList<NetworkDto>(); List<NetworkDto> retArray = new ArrayList<NetworkDto>(); if (!"".equals(result)) { //IaasGateway?(??????None) //? ???#GATEWAY=*.*.*.*,NETMASK=*.*.*.*,DNS1=*.*.*.*,DNS2=*.*.*.*,RANGEF=*.*.*.*,RANGET=*.*.*.*,PRIMARY=True????False //)common-internet-direct#GATEWAY=,NETMASK=,DNS1=,DNS2=,RANGEF=,RANGET=,PRIMARY=True String[] resultArray = result.split("##"); for (String item : resultArray) { String[] resultArray2 = item.split("#"); NetworkDto networkDto = new NetworkDto(); networkDto.setNetworkName(resultArray2[0]); String[] keyAndValues = resultArray2[1].split(","); for (String keyAndValue : keyAndValues) { String[] array = keyAndValue.split("="); if (StringUtils.equals("GATEWAY", array[0])) { networkDto.setGateWay(StringUtils.equals("None", array[1]) ? "" : array[1]); } else if (StringUtils.equals("NETMASK", array[0])) { networkDto.setNetmask(StringUtils.equals("None", array[1]) ? "" : array[1]); } else if (StringUtils.equals("DNS1", array[0])) { networkDto.setDns1(StringUtils.equals("None", array[1]) ? "" : array[1]); } else if (StringUtils.equals("DNS2", array[0])) { networkDto.setDns2(StringUtils.equals("None", array[1]) ? "" : array[1]); } else if (StringUtils.equals("RANGEF", array[0])) { networkDto.setRangeFrom(StringUtils.equals("None", array[1]) ? "" : array[1]); } else if (StringUtils.equals("RANGET", array[0])) { networkDto.setRangeTo(StringUtils.equals("None", array[1]) ? "" : array[1]); } else if (StringUtils.equals("PRIMARY", array[0])) { networkDto.setIsPcc(StringUtils.equals("True", array[1])); } } tmpRetArray.add(networkDto); } //PCC??? for (NetworkDto networkDto : tmpRetArray) { if (networkDto.isPcc()) { retArray.add(networkDto); } } for (NetworkDto networkDto : tmpRetArray) { if (!networkDto.isPcc()) { retArray.add(networkDto); } } } return retArray; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<AddressDto> getAddresses(Long userNo, Long platformNo) { // ? if (userNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "userNo"); } if (platformNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "platformNo"); } Platform platform =; List<AddressDto> addresses = new ArrayList<AddressDto>(); // TODO CLOUD BRANCHING if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_AWS.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) { // ?????AWS? List<AwsAddress> allAddresses = awsAddressDao.readByUserNo(userNo); for (AwsAddress address : allAddresses) { if (platformNo.equals(address.getPlatformNo())) { addresses.add(new AddressDto(address)); } } } else if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUDSTACK.equals(platform.getPlatformType())) { // ?????Cloudstack? List<CloudstackAddress> allAddresses = cloudstackAddressDao.readByAccount(userNo); for (CloudstackAddress address : allAddresses) { if (platformNo.equals(address.getPlatformNo())) { addresses.add(new AddressDto(address)); } } } return addresses; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public List<SubnetDto> getAzureSubnets(Long userNo, Long platformNo, String networkName) { String result = ""; if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(networkName)) { IaasGatewayWrapper gateway = iaasGatewayFactory.createIaasGateway(userNo, platformNo); result = gateway.describeAzureSubnets(networkName); } ArrayList<SubnetDto> retArray = new ArrayList<SubnetDto>(); if (!"".equals(result)) { String[] resultArray = result.split("##"); for (String item : resultArray) { String[] resultArray2 = item.split("#"); SubnetDto subnet = new SubnetDto(); subnet.setSubnetId(resultArray2[0]); subnet.setCidrBlock(resultArray2[1]); retArray.add(subnet); } } return retArray; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String hasIpAddresse(Long platformNo, Long instanceNo, String ipAddress) { // ? if (platformNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "platformNo"); } if (instanceNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "instanceNo"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(ipAddress)) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "ipAddress"); } List<VcloudInstanceNetwork> vcloudInstanceNetworks = vcloudInstanceNetworkDao.readByPlatformNo(platformNo); for (VcloudInstanceNetwork instanceNetwork : vcloudInstanceNetworks) { if (!instanceNo.equals(instanceNetwork.getInstanceNo()) && instanceNetwork.getIpAddress().equals(ipAddress)) { Instance instance =; return instance.getInstanceName(); } } return null; } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public Long createAddress(Long userNo, Long platformNo) { // ? if (userNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "userNo"); } if (platformNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "platformNo"); } // ?? Platform platform =; if (PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_AWS.equals(platform.getPlatformType()) == false && PCCConstant.PLATFORM_TYPE_CLOUDSTACK.equals(platform.getPlatformType()) == false) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000702", platformNo); } // ?? User user =; if (user == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000701", userNo); } // Elastic IP?? IaasGatewayWrapper gateway = iaasGatewayFactory.createIaasGateway(userNo, platformNo); String addressNo; try { addressNo = gateway.allocateAddress(); } catch (AutoException e) { // Elastic IP????? if ("EAWS-000101".equals(e.getCode())) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000703"); } throw e; } return Long.valueOf(addressNo); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void deleteAddress(Long userNo, Long platformNo, Long addressNo) { // ? if (addressNo == null) { throw new AutoApplicationException("ECOMMON-000003", "addressNo"); } // Elastic IP? IaasGatewayWrapper gateway = iaasGatewayFactory.createIaasGateway(userNo, platformNo); gateway.releaseAddress(String.valueOf(addressNo)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String getPassword(Long instanceNo, String privateKey) { // PrivateKey?? PrivateKey key = toPrivateKey(privateKey); // ?? String passwordData = getPasswordData(instanceNo); // ?? String password = decryptPasswordData(passwordData, key); return password; } protected PrivateKey toPrivateKey(String privateKey) { StringReader reader = new StringReader(privateKey); // ?? PEMReader pemReader = new PEMReader(reader); try { Object pemObject = pemReader.readObject(); KeyPair keyPair = KeyPair.class.cast(pemObject); return keyPair.getPrivate(); } catch (Exception e) { // ??????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000705", e); } finally { try { pemReader.close(); } catch (IOException ignore) { } } } protected String getPasswordData(Long instanceNo) { Instance instance =; Farm farm =; IaasGatewayWrapper gateway = iaasGatewayFactory.createIaasGateway(farm.getUserNo(), instance.getPlatformNo()); // ?? try { String passwordData = gateway.getPasswordData(String.valueOf(instanceNo)); return passwordData; } catch (AutoException e) { if ("EPROCESS-000133".equals(e.getCode())) { // ????????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000704", e); } throw e; } } protected String decryptPasswordData(String passwordData, PrivateKey privateKey) { // ?? try { Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance(privateKey.getAlgorithm()); cipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, privateKey); byte[] binary = cipher.doFinal(Base64.decodeBase64(passwordData.getBytes())); return new String(binary); } catch (GeneralSecurityException e) { // ????????? throw new AutoApplicationException("ESERVICE-000706", e); } } /** * iaasGatewayFactory??? * * @param iaasGatewayFactory iaasGatewayFactory */ public void setIaasGatewayFactory(IaasGatewayFactory iaasGatewayFactory) { this.iaasGatewayFactory = iaasGatewayFactory; } /** * eventLogger??? * * @param eventLogger eventLogger */ public void setEventLogger(EventLogger eventLogger) { this.eventLogger = eventLogger; } }