Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 Infotec Inc. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package jp.iftc.androidasset.db; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import jp.iftc.androidasset.R; import org.apache.http.impl.cookie.DateParseException; import; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.text.format.DateUtils; import android.text.format.Time; /** * @author 0a6055 * * 1???? */ public class AssetInfo implements Serializable { /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private static final String TAG = AssetInfo.class.getSimpleName(); private final AssetInfo self = this; // TableName public static final String TABLE_NAME = "assets_info"; // ?? public static final String COLUMN_ID = "_id"; public static final String COLUMN_ASSET_NUMBER = "asset_number"; public static final String COLUMN_ASSET_TYPE = "asset_type"; public static final String COLUMN_OBTAIN_TYPE = "obtain_type"; public static final String COLUMN_LEASE_DEADLINE = "lease_deadline"; public static final String COLUMN_STATE = "state"; public static final String COLUMN_MANAGEMENT_GROUP = "management_group"; public static final String COLUMN_INSTALLATION_LOCATION = "installation_location"; public static final String COLUMN_MANAGEMENT_MEMBER_ID = "management_member_id"; public static final String COLUMN_MANAGEMENT_MEMBER_NAME = "management_member_name"; public static final String COLUMN_USE_MEMBER_ID = "use_member_id"; public static final String COLUMN_USE_MEMBER_NAME = "use_member_name"; public static final String COLUMN_RETURN_DATE = "return_date"; public static final String COLUMN_CHECK_RESULT = "check_result"; public static final String COLUMN_CHECK_MEMO = "check_memo"; public static final String COLUMN_CHECK_DATE = "check_date"; public static final String COLUMN_LATITUDE = "latitude"; public static final String COLUMN_LONGITUDE = "longitude"; // ?? public static final int NORECORD = 9; // ?? public static final int CHECK_OK = 1; // OK? public static final int CHECK_NG = 2; // NG? public static final int NO_CHECK = 0; // ? // ?? public static final String NO_DATA = "-"; //? public static final String OBTAIN_TYPE_BUY = ""; private static final String TIME_DIFF = "+09:00"; private static final String DATE_PATTERN = "yyyy/MM/dd hh:mm:ss"; private static final long LIMIT_DAY = -20; private Long id = null; private String assetNumber = null; private String assetType = null; private String obtainType = null; private String leaseDeadline = null; private String state = null; private String managementGroup = null; private String installationLocation = null; private String managementMemberId = null; private String managementMemberName = null; private String useMemberId = null; private String useMemberName = null; private String returnDate = null; private String checkResult = null; private String checkMemo = null; private String checkDate = null; private double latitude = 0; private double longitude = 0; /** * @return id */ public Long getId() { return id; } /** * @param id * ? id */ public void setId(Long id) { = id; } /** * @return assetNumber */ public String getAssetNumber() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(assetNumber)) { return NO_DATA; } return assetNumber; } /** * @param assetNumber * ? assetNumber */ public void setAssetNumber(String assetNumber) { this.assetNumber = assetNumber; } /** * @return assetType */ public String getAssetType() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(assetType)) { return NO_DATA; } return assetType; } /** * @param assetType * ? assetType */ public void setAssetType(String assetType) { this.assetType = assetType; } /** * @return obtainType */ public String getObtainType() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(obtainType)) { return NO_DATA; } return obtainType; } /** * @param obtainType * ? obtainType */ public void setObtainType(String obtainType) { this.obtainType = obtainType; } /** * @return leaseDeadline */ public String getLeaseDeadline() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(leaseDeadline)) { return NO_DATA; } return leaseDeadline; } /** * @return returnDate */ public String getLeaseDeadlineFormat(String format) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(leaseDeadline)) { return NO_DATA; } if (leaseDeadline.contentEquals("-")) { return NO_DATA; } return getDateFormat(leaseDeadline, format); } /** * @param leaseDeadline * ? leaseDeadline */ public void setLeaseDeadline(String leaseDeadline) { this.leaseDeadline = leaseDeadline; } /** * @return state */ public String getState() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(state)) { return NO_DATA; } return state; } /** * @param state * ? state */ public void setState(String state) { this.state = state; } /** * @return managementGroup */ public String getManagementGroup() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(managementGroup)) { return NO_DATA; } return managementGroup; } /** * @param managementGroup * ? managementGroup */ public void setManagementGroup(String managementGroup) { this.managementGroup = managementGroup; } /** * @return installationLocation */ public String getInstallationLocation() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(installationLocation)) { return NO_DATA; } return installationLocation; } /** * @param installationLocation * ? installationLocation */ public void setInstallationLocation(String installationLocation) { this.installationLocation = installationLocation; } /** * @return managementMemberId */ public String getManagementMemberId() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(managementMemberId)) { return NO_DATA; } return managementMemberId; } /** * @param managementMemberId * ? managementMemberId */ public void setManagementMemberId(String managementMemberId) { this.managementMemberId = managementMemberId; } /** * @return managementMemberName */ public String getManagementMemberName() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(managementMemberName)) { return NO_DATA; } return managementMemberName; } /** * @param managementMemberName * ? managementMemberName */ public void setManagementMemberName(String managementMemberName) { this.managementMemberName = managementMemberName; } /** * @return useMemberId */ public String getUseMemberId() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(useMemberId)) { return NO_DATA; } return useMemberId; } /** * @param useMemberId * ? useMemberId */ public void setUseMemberId(String useMemberId) { this.useMemberId = useMemberId; } /** * @return useMemberName */ public String getUseMemberName() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(useMemberName)) { return NO_DATA; } return useMemberName; } /** * @param useMemberName * ? useMemberName */ public void setUseMemberName(String useMemberName) { this.useMemberName = useMemberName; } /** * @return returnDate */ public String getReturnDate() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(returnDate)) { return NO_DATA; } return returnDate; } /** * @return returnDate */ public String getReturnDateFormat(String format) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(returnDate)) { return NO_DATA; } if (returnDate.contentEquals("-")) { return NO_DATA; } return getDateFormat(returnDate, format); } /** * @param returnDate * ? returnDate */ public void setReturnDate(String returnDate) { this.returnDate = returnDate; setAlertType(); } /** * @return checkResult */ public String getCheckResult() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(checkResult)) { return "0"; } return checkResult; } /** * @return checkResult */ public Integer getCheckResultInt() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(checkResult)) { return 0; } return Integer.parseInt(checkResult); } /** * ?????? * * @return getCheckResultName */ public String getCheckResultName() { // ???OK(1),NG(2),(0,null) if (TextUtils.isEmpty(checkResult) || checkResult.equals("0")) { return ""; } else if (checkResult.equals("1")) { return "OK"; } else { return "NG"; } } /** * @param checkResult * ? checkResult */ public void setCheckResult(String checkResult) { this.checkResult = checkResult; } /** * @return checkMemo */ public String getCheckMemo() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(checkMemo)) { return NO_DATA; } return checkMemo; } /** * @param checkMemo * ? checkMemo */ public void setCheckMemo(String checkMemo) { this.checkMemo = checkMemo; } /** * @return checkDate */ public String getCheckDate() { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(checkDate)) { return NO_DATA; } return checkDate; } /** * @return returnDate */ public String getCheckDateFormat(String format) { if (TextUtils.isEmpty(returnDate)) { return NO_DATA; } return getDateFormat(checkDate, format); } /** * @param checkDate * ? checkDate */ public void setCheckDate(String checkDate) { this.checkDate = checkDate; } /** * @return latitude */ public double getLatitude() { return latitude; } /** * @param latitude * ? latitude */ public void setLatitude(double latitude) { this.latitude = latitude; } /** * @return longitude */ public double getLongitude() { return longitude; } /** * @param longitude * ? longitude */ public void setLongitude(double longitude) { this.longitude = longitude; } /** * @return self */ public AssetInfo getSelf() { return self; } public static final int EXPIRATION = 9; // ?? public static final int EXPIRATION_SOON = 1; // ??? public static final int NORMAL = 0; // private int mAlertType; private void setAlertType() { int alertType = NORMAL; if (TextUtils.isEmpty(returnDate)) { mAlertType = alertType; return; } if (returnDate.contentEquals("-")) { mAlertType = alertType; return; } // Date date = _string2date(returnDate); // if (date == null){ // mAlertType = alertType; // return; // } long time = parseTime(returnDate + TIME_DIFF); long dateDiff = toDiffDate(time); if (dateDiff > 0) { alertType = EXPIRATION; //?? ? } else if (dateDiff > LIMIT_DAY && dateDiff <= 0) { alertType = EXPIRATION_SOON; //?? ? } mAlertType = alertType; } public int getAlertType() { return mAlertType; } public String getAlertMessage() { String alertMessage = ""; switch (getAlertType()) { case EXPIRATION: //?? ? alertMessage = "?????????"; break; case EXPIRATION_SOON: //?? ? alertMessage = "????????"; break; default: alertMessage = ""; break; } return alertMessage; } public int getAlertImageID() { int alertImageID = 0; switch (getAlertType()) { case EXPIRATION: //?? ? alertImageID = android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_alert; break; case EXPIRATION_SOON: //?? ? alertImageID = android.R.drawable.ic_dialog_info; break; default: alertImageID = 0; break; } return alertImageID; } public int getAlertColor() { int alertImageID = 0; switch (getAlertType()) { case EXPIRATION: //?? ? alertImageID = R.color.dialog_detaile_alert; break; case EXPIRATION_SOON: //?? ? alertImageID = R.color.dialog_detaile_info; break; default: alertImageID = 0; break; } return alertImageID; } private static Time sTime = new Time(); public static long parseTime(String time) { sTime.parse3339(time); return sTime.toMillis(false); } public String getDateFormat(String strDatetime, String format) { String formatDate = ""; long time = parseTime(strDatetime); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(format); formatDate = sdf.format(time); return formatDate; } //StringDate?? private static long _string2date(String value) { return parseTime(value); } //?????????? private static long toDiffDate(long time) { //?? Calendar nowcal = Calendar.getInstance(); int factor = 1; // // Calendar dateCal = Calendar.getInstance(); // dateCal.setTime(date); //long? long diffTime = nowcal.getTimeInMillis() - time; if (diffTime < 0) { factor = -1; diffTime = diffTime * factor; } // long second = diffTime / 1000; if (second < 60) { return 0; } // long minute = second / 60; if (minute < 60) { return 0; } // long hour = minute / 60; if (hour < 24) { return 0; } // long day = hour / 24; return day * factor; // //30?? // //1 // dateCal.add(Calendar.MONDAY, 1); // if (dateCal.after(nowcal)) { // return day + ""; // // } // // dateCal.setTime(date); //? // dateCal.add(Calendar.MONDAY, 12); //12 // if (dateCal.after(nowcal)) {//12 // for (int i=11; i>=1; i--) { // dateCal.setTime(date); //? // dateCal.add(Calendar.MONDAY, i); // if (dateCal.before(nowcal)) { // return i + ""; //i? // } // } // } // // return "1"; //1? } }