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 * Copyright (C) 2015+ furplag (
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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package jp.furplag.util.time.lunisolar;

import static jp.furplag.util.commons.NumberUtils.circulate;

import org.joda.time.DateTime;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.Interval;

import jp.furplag.util.commons.NumberUtils;

 * utilities for East Asian Lunisolar Date Time.
 * @author furplag
public final class LunisolarDateTimeUtils extends jp.furplag.util.time.DateTimeUtils {

    /** the epoch julian date of 2001-01-01T12:00:00Z */
    public static final double J2000 = 2451545d;

    /** the days of julian year. */
    public static final double JULIAN_YEAR = 365.25;

    /** the days of julian century. */
    public static final double JULIAN_CENTURY = JULIAN_YEAR * 100;

    /** perturbation values for ecliptic longitude of Sun and Moon. */
    private static enum Perturbation {
        Moon(new Double[][] { { .0003, 1d, 2322131d, 191d }, { .0003, 1d, 4067d, 70d },
                { .0003, 1d, 549197d, 220d }, { .0003, 1d, 1808933d, 58d }, { .0003, 1d, 349472d, 337d },
                { .0003, 1d, 381404d, 354d }, { .0003, 1d, 958465d, 340d }, { .0004, 1d, 12006d, 187d },
                { .0004, 1d, 39871d, 223d }, { .0005, 1d, 509131d, 242d }, { .0005, 1d, 1745069d, 24d },
                { .0005, 1d, 1908795d, 90d }, { .0006, 1d, 2258267d, 156d }, { .0006, 1d, 111869d, 38d },
                { .0007, 1d, 27864d, 127d }, { .0007, 1d, 485333d, 186d }, { .0007, 1d, 405201d, 50d },
                { .0007, 1d, 790672d, 114d }, { .0008, 1d, 1403732d, 98d }, { .0009, 1d, 858602d, 129d },
                { .0011, 1d, 1920802d, 186d }, { .0012, 1d, 1267871d, 249d }, { .0016, 1d, 1856938d, 152d },
                { .0018, 1d, 401329d, 274d }, { .0021, 1d, 341337d, 16d }, { .0021, 1d, 71998d, 85d },
                { .0021, 1d, 990397d, 357d }, { .0022, 1d, 818536d, 151d }, { .0023, 1d, 922466d, 163d },
                { .0024, 1d, 99863d, 122d }, { .0026, 1d, 1379739d, 17d }, { .0027, 1d, 918399d, 182d },
                { .0028, 1d, 1934d, 145d }, { .0037, 1d, 541062d, 259d }, { .0038, 1d, 1781068d, 21d },
                { .0040, 1d, 133d, 29d }, { .0040, 1d, 1844932d, 56d }, { .0040, 1d, 1331734d, 283d },
                { .0050, 1d, 481266d, 205d }, { .0052, 1d, 31932d, 107d }, { .0068, 1d, 926533d, 323d },
                { .0079, 1d, 449334d, 188d }, { .0085, 1d, 826671d, 111d }, { .0100, 1d, 1431597d, 315d },
                { .0107, 1d, 1303870d, 246d }, { .0110, 1d, 489205d, 142d }, { .0125, 1d, 1443603d, 52d },
                { .0154, 1d, 75870d, 41d }, { .0304, 1d, 513197.9, 222.5 }, { .0347, 1d, 445267.1, 27.9 },
                { .0409, 1d, 441199.8, 47.4 }, { .0458, 1d, 854535.2, 148.2 }, { .0533, 1d, 1367733.1, 280.7 },
                { .0571, 1d, 377336.3, 13.2 }, { .0588, 1d, 63863.5, 124.2 }, { .1144, 1d, 966404d, 276.5 },
                { .1851, 1d, 35999d, 87.53 }, { .2136, 1d, 954397.7, 179.93 }, { .6583, 1d, 890534.2, 145.7 },
                { 1.2740, 1d, 413335.3, 10.74 }, { 6.2888, 1d, 477198.86, 44.963 } }, //
                new double[] { 481267.8809, 218.3162 }), //
        Sun(new Double[][] { { .0004, 1d, 31557d, 161d }, { .0004, 1d, 29930d, 48d }, { .0005, 1d, 2281d, 221d },
                { .0005, 1d, 155d, 118d }, { .0006, 1d, 33718d, 316d }, { .0007, 1d, 9038d, 64d },
                { .0007, 1d, 3035d, 110d }, { .0007, 1d, 65929d, 45d }, { .0013, 1d, 22519d, 352d },
                { .0015, 1d, 45038d, 254d }, { .0018, 1d, 445267d, 208d }, { .0018, 1d, 19d, 159d },
                { .002, 1d, 32964d, 158d }, { .02, 1d, 71998.1, 265.1 }, { -.0048, null, 35999.05, 267.52 },
                { 1.9147, 1d, 35999.05, 267.52 } }, //
                new double[] { 36000.7695, 280.4659 });

        private Perturbation(Double[][] values, double[] proportionalValues) {
            this.values = values;
            this.proportionalValues = proportionalValues;

        private final double[] proportionalValues;

        private final Double[][] values;

     * {@code LunisolarDateTimeUtils} instances should NOT be constructed in standard programming.
    private LunisolarDateTimeUtils() {

     * calculate Terrestrial Dynamical Time.
     * @param julianDay
     * @return Terrestrial Dynamical Time.
    public static double toTDT(final double julianDay) {
        return (julianDay - J2000) / JULIAN_CENTURY;

     * calculate ecliptic longitude of specified julian day.
     * @param julianDay julian day.
     * @param perturbation perturbation values for ecliptic longitude.
     * @return ecliptic longitude represented by angle ( 0°-360° ) .
    private static double getEclipticLongitude(final double julianDay, final Perturbation perturbation) {
        final double tt = toTDT(julianDay);
        double longitude = 0d;
        for (Double[] value : perturbation.values) {
            longitude += value[0] * (value[1] == null ? tt : value[1])
                    * Math.cos((circulate((tt * value[2]) + value[3])) * Math.PI / 180d);
        longitude += circulate(
                circulate(perturbation.proportionalValues[0] * tt) + perturbation.proportionalValues[1]);

        return circulate(longitude);

     * calculate ecliptic longitude of Moon.
     * @param julianDay julian day.
     * @return ecliptic longitude represented by angle ( 0°-360° ) .
    public static double getELOfMoon(final double julianDay) {
        return getEclipticLongitude(julianDay, Perturbation.Moon);

     * calculate ecliptic longitude of Sun.
     * @param julianDay julian day.
     * @return ecliptic longitude represented by angle ( 0°-360° ) .
    public static double getELOfSun(final double julianDay) {
        return getEclipticLongitude(julianDay, Perturbation.Sun);

    public static int getDayOfMonth(final double firstDayOfMonth, final double julianDay, DateTimeZone zone) {
        DateTime firstDay = toDT(firstDayOfMonth, zone, true);
        if (firstDay == null)
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("\"firstDayOfMonth\" must NOT be empty.");
        DateTime then = toDT(julianDay, zone).withTimeAtStartOfDay();
        Interval interval = firstDayOfMonth > julianDay ? new Interval(then, firstDay.withTimeAtStartOfDay())
                : new Interval(firstDay.withTimeAtStartOfDay(), then);

        return (int) interval.toDuration().getStandardDays() + 1;

     * @param longitude
     * @return
    public static int getSeasonOfSTL(final double longitude) {
        return 90 * (getAngleOfSolarTerm(longitude) / 90);

    public static int getSolarTerm(final double longitude) {
        return ((int) Math.round(circulate(longitude)) + 2) / 15;

    public static int getAngleOfSolarTerm(final double longitude) {
        return 15 * getSolarTerm(longitude);

    public static int normalizeMonth(final int month) {
        if (1 <= month && month <= 12)
            return month;
        int modulo = month % 12;
        if (modulo < 0)
            return 12 + modulo;

        return modulo == 0 ? 12 : modulo;