Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2011 atWare, Inc. * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import static*; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map.Entry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.PostMethod; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.RequestEntity; import org.apache.commons.httpclient.methods.StringRequestEntity; import org.apache.lucene.document.Document; import org.apache.lucene.document.FieldSelector; import org.apache.lucene.document.Fieldable; import org.apache.lucene.document.MapFieldSelector; import org.apache.solr.common.params.CommonParams; import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams; import org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList; import org.apache.solr.handler.component.ResponseBuilder; import org.apache.solr.handler.component.SearchComponent; import org.apache.solr.schema.IndexSchema; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Solr???GETAssoc???????? * * @author satake */ public class GETAssocComponent extends SearchComponent { /** LOG */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GETAssocComponent.class); /** config */ private GETAssocConfig config; /** valueTransMap */ private HashMap<String, ValueOf> valueTransMap; /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see SearchComponent#init(NamedList) */ @Override public void init(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") NamedList args) { super.init(args); GETAssocConfig config = new GETAssocConfig(); if (args != null) { NamedList<?> geta = (NamedList<?>) args.get(CONFIG_GETA); if (geta != null) { // GETA??? NamedList<?> settings = (NamedList<?>) geta.get("settings"); if (settings != null) { config.settings.gss3url = (String) settings.get(CONFIG_GSS3URL); NamedList<?> process = (NamedList<?>) settings.get("process"); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NamedList<?>> req = (List<NamedList<?>>) process.get("req"); if (req != null) { for (NamedList<?> list : req) { String param = (String) list.get("param"); String type = (String) list.get("type"); QueryType queryType = GETAssocConfig.QueryType.valueOf(type); if (param != null && !param.isEmpty()) { config.settings.req.put(param, queryType); } } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") List<NamedList<?>> doc = (List<NamedList<?>>) process.get("doc"); if (doc != null) { for (NamedList<?> list : doc) { String param = (String) list.get("field"); String type = (String) list.get("type"); QueryType queryType = GETAssocConfig.QueryType.valueOf(type); if (param != null && !param.isEmpty()) { config.settings.doc.put(param, queryType); } } } } // ???? NamedList<?> defaults = (NamedList<?>) geta.get("defaults"); if (defaults != null) { // stage1 = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_TARGET); config.defaults.niwords = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_NIWORDS); config.defaults.cutoff_df = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_CUTOFF_DF); config.defaults.stage1_sim = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_STAGE1_SIM); // stage2 config.defaults.narticles = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_NARTICLES); config.defaults.nkeywords = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_NKEYWORDS); config.defaults.yykn = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_YYKN); config.defaults.nacls = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_NACLS); config.defaults.nkcls = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_NKCLS); config.defaults.a_offset = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_A_OFFSET); config.defaults.a_props = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_A_PROPS); config.defaults.cross_ref = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_CROSS_REF); config.defaults.stage2_sim = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_STAGE2_SIM); // freetext config.defaults.stemmer = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_STEMMER); config.defaults.freetext_cutoff_df = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_FREETEXT_CUTOFF_DF); // article config.defaults.source = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_SOURCE); config.defaults.article_cutoff_df = (String) defaults.get(CONFIG_ARTICLE_CUTOFF_DF); } } } if (config.settings.gss3url == null) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Config '" + CONFIG_GETA + "/" + "settings" + "/" + CONFIG_GSS3URL + "' is requierd."); } if (config.settings.req.isEmpty() && config.settings.doc.isEmpty()) { config.settings.req.put(CommonParams.Q, QueryType.fulltext); } this.config = config; HashMap<String, ValueOf> map = new HashMap<String, ValueOf>(); map.put("score", ValueOf.DOUBLE); map.put("total", ValueOf.INT); map.put("user-time", ValueOf.FLOAT); this.valueTransMap = map; } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see SearchComponent#prepare(ResponseBuilder) */ @Override public void prepare(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException { // ?????????? } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see SearchComponent#process(ResponseBuilder) */ @Override public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException { NamedList<Object> result = new NamedList<Object>(); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); // ???(geta.settings.process.req[*]) if (!config.settings.req.isEmpty()) { NamedList<Object> paramList = new NamedList<Object>(); for (Entry<String, QueryType> entry : config.settings.req.entrySet()) { String param = entry.getKey(); NamedList<Object> paramValueList = new NamedList<Object>(); String[] paramValues = rb.req.getParams().getParams(param); if (paramValues != null) { for (String paramValue : paramValues) { NamedList<Object> getaResultList = convertResult(postGss3Request(client, convertRequest(rb.req.getParams(), paramValue, entry.getValue()))); paramValueList.add(paramValue, getaResultList); } } paramList.add(param, paramValueList); } result.add("req", paramList); } // ????(geta.settings.process.doc[*]) if (!config.settings.doc.isEmpty()) { NamedList<Object> docList = new NamedList<Object>(); SolrIndexSearcher searcher = rb.req.getSearcher(); IndexSchema schema = searcher.getSchema(); String key = schema.getUniqueKeyField().getName(); List<String> targetFieldNames = new ArrayList<String>(config.settings.doc.size() + 1); targetFieldNames.add(key); targetFieldNames.addAll(config.settings.doc.keySet()); FieldSelector selector = new MapFieldSelector(targetFieldNames); DocIterator iterator = rb.getResults().docList.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { Document doc = searcher.doc(, selector); String docKey = schema.printableUniqueKey(doc); NamedList<Object> fieldList = new NamedList<Object>(); for (Entry<String, QueryType> entry : config.settings.doc.entrySet()) { String field = entry.getKey(); NamedList<Object> queryList = new NamedList<Object>(); for (Fieldable fieldable : doc.getFieldables(field)) { NamedList<Object> getaResultList = convertResult(postGss3Request(client, convertRequest(rb.req.getParams(), fieldable.stringValue(), entry.getValue()))); queryList.add(fieldable.stringValue(), getaResultList); } fieldList.add(entry.getKey(), queryList); } docList.add(docKey, fieldList); } result.add("doc", docList); } if (result.size() != 0) { rb.rsp.add("geta", result); } } /** * * @param requestBody * @return * @throws IOException */ protected InputStream postGss3Request(HttpClient client, String requestBody) throws IOException { PostMethod post = new PostMethod(config.settings.gss3url); RequestEntity requestEntity = new StringRequestEntity(requestBody, "text/xml", "UTF-8"); post.setRequestEntity(requestEntity); post.addRequestHeader("User-Agent", "SolrGETAssocPlugin"); int state = client.executeMethod(post); if (state == 200) { return post.getResponseBodyAsStream(); } throw new IOException(post.getStatusLine().toString()); } /** * GETAssoc?????? * * @param params * @param queryValue * @param queryType * @return * @throws FactoryConfigurationError * @throws IOException */ protected String convertRequest(SolrParams params, String queryValue, QueryType queryType) throws FactoryConfigurationError, IOException { String req; try { CharArrayWriter output = new CharArrayWriter(); XMLStreamWriter xml = XMLOutputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamWriter(output); xml.writeStartDocument(); xml.writeStartElement("gss"); if (config.settings.gss3version != null) { xml.writeAttribute("version", config.settings.gss3version); } xml.writeStartElement("assoc"); String target = params.get(PARAM_TARGET,; if (target != null) { xml.writeAttribute("target", target); } convertRequestWriteStage1Param(xml, params); convertRequestWriteStage2Param(xml, params); convReqWriteQuery(xml, params, queryValue, queryType); xml.writeEndElement(); xml.writeEndElement(); xml.writeEndDocument(); xml.close(); req = output.toString(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new IOException(e); } LOG.debug(req); return req; } /** * * @param xml * @param params * @param queryValue * @param queryType * @throws XMLStreamException */ protected void convReqWriteQuery(XMLStreamWriter xml, SolrParams params, String queryValue, QueryType queryType) throws XMLStreamException { if (queryType == QueryType.fulltext) { // freetext xml.writeStartElement("freetext"); String stemmer = params.get(PARAM_STEMMER, config.defaults.stemmer); if (stemmer != null) { xml.writeAttribute("stemmer", stemmer); } String freetext_cutoff_df = params.get(PARAM_FREETEXT_CUTOFF_DF, config.defaults.freetext_cutoff_df); if (config.defaults.source != null) { xml.writeAttribute("cutoff-df", freetext_cutoff_df); } xml.writeCData(queryValue); xml.writeEndElement(); } else { // article xml.writeStartElement("article"); if (queryType == QueryType.vector) { xml.writeAttribute("vec", queryValue); } else { xml.writeAttribute("name", queryValue); } String source = params.get(PARAM_SOURCE, config.defaults.source); if (source != null) { xml.writeAttribute("source", source); } String article_cutoff_df = params.get(PARAM_ARTICLE_CUTOFF_DF, config.defaults.article_cutoff_df); if (source != null) { xml.writeAttribute("cutoff-df", article_cutoff_df); } xml.writeEndElement(); } } /** * * @param xml * @param params * @throws XMLStreamException */ protected void convertRequestWriteStage2Param(XMLStreamWriter xml, SolrParams params) throws XMLStreamException { convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_NARTICLES, config.defaults.narticles, "narticles"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_NKEYWORDS, config.defaults.nkeywords, "nkeywords"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_YYKN, config.defaults.yykn, "yykn"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_NACLS, config.defaults.nacls, "nacls"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_NKCLS, config.defaults.nkcls, "nkcls"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_A_OFFSET, config.defaults.a_offset, "a-offset"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_A_PROPS, config.defaults.a_props, "a-props"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_CROSS_REF, config.defaults.cross_ref, "cross-ref"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_STAGE2_SIM, config.defaults.stage2_sim, "stage2-sim"); } /** * Stage1??? * * @param xml XMLWriter * @param params SolrParams * @throws XMLStreamException */ protected void convertRequestWriteStage1Param(XMLStreamWriter xml, SolrParams params) throws XMLStreamException { convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_NIWORDS, config.defaults.niwords, "niwords"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_CUTOFF_DF, config.defaults.cutoff_df, "cutoff-df"); convReqWriteAttr(xml, params, PARAM_STAGE1_SIM, config.defaults.stage1_sim, "stage1-sim"); } /** * SolrGETAXML????? * ?Solr?????GETA???????? * Solr????????? * * @param xml XMLWriter * @param params SolrParams * @param paramName Solr?? * @param defaultValue * @param getaName GETA?? * @throws XMLStreamException */ protected void convReqWriteAttr(XMLStreamWriter xml, SolrParams params, String paramName, String defaultValue, String getaName) throws XMLStreamException { String value = params.get(paramName, defaultValue); if (value != null) { xml.writeAttribute(getaName, value); } } /** * GETAssoc?????<code>NamedList</code>??????? * * @param inputStream GETAssoc?? * @return <code>NamedList</code>? * @throws FactoryConfigurationError * @throws IOException */ protected NamedList<Object> convertResult(InputStream inputStream) throws FactoryConfigurationError, IOException { NamedList<Object> result = new NamedList<Object>(); LinkedList<NamedList<Object>> stack = new LinkedList<NamedList<Object>>(); stack.push(result); try { XMLStreamReader xml = XMLInputFactory.newInstance().createXMLStreamReader(inputStream); while (xml.hasNext()) { switch (xml.getEventType()) { case XMLStreamConstants.START_ELEMENT: NamedList<Object> element = new NamedList<Object>(); stack.peek().add(xml.getName().toString(), element); stack.push(element); for (int i = 0; i < xml.getAttributeCount(); i++) { String name = xml.getAttributeName(i).toString(); String value = xml.getAttributeValue(i); ValueOf valueOf = valueTransMap.get(name); if (valueOf != null) { try { element.add(name, valueOf.toValue(value)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { element.add(name, value); } } else { element.add(name, value); } } break; case XMLStreamConstants.END_ELEMENT: stack.pop(); break; default: break; }; } xml.close(); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new IOException(e); } LOG.debug(result.toString()); return result; } /** * ?? * * @author satake */ private static enum ValueOf { BOOL { @Override public Boolean toValue(String str) { return Boolean.valueOf(str); } }, INT { @Override public Integer toValue(String str) throws NumberFormatException { return Integer.valueOf(str); } }, FLOAT { @Override public Float toValue(String str) throws NumberFormatException { return Float.valueOf(str); } }, DOUBLE { @Override public Double toValue(String str) throws NumberFormatException { return Double.valueOf(str); } }; public abstract Object toValue(String str) throws NumberFormatException; } // /////////////////////////////////////////// // / SolrInfoMBean // ////////////////////////////////////////// @Override public String getDescription() { return "GETAssoc component"; } @Override public String getVersion() { return "1.0.0"; } @Override public String getSourceId() { return " 1.0.0"; } @Override public String getSource() { return ""; } }