Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2016 Classmethod, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.function.Supplier; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.springframework.beans.factory.InitializingBean; import org.springframework.dao.DataAccessException; import org.springframework.dao.DuplicateKeyException; import org.springframework.dao.IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException; import org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException; import org.springframework.dao.NonTransientDataAccessResourceException; import org.springframework.dao.OptimisticLockingFailureException; import org.springframework.dao.QueryTimeoutException; import; import; import com.amazonaws.AmazonClientException; import com.amazonaws.AmazonServiceException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonProcessingException; import com.github.fge.jsonpatch.JsonPatch; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * @author Alexander Patrikalakis * @since #version# * * This class contains the basic logic and implementations of some of the methods of the * many BaseRepository interfaces, when the backing store is DynamoDB * * @param <E> the entity type to be persisted */ @Slf4j @NoRepositoryBean public abstract class DynamoDbRepository<E, K extends Serializable> implements InitializingBean, ChunkableRepository<E, K>, BatchReadableRepository<E, K>, CreatableRepository<E, K>, DeletableRepository<E, K>, PatchableRepository<E, K>, ConditionalUpdatableRepository<E, K, VersionCondition>, GetDeletableRepository<E, K>, TruncatableRepository<E, K> { public static final String UPDATE_FAILED_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND = "update failed because entity not found"; public static final String UPDATE_FAILED_NOT_FOUND_OR_BAD_VERSION = UPDATE_FAILED_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND + " or the version was wrong or JSON patch conditions were not met"; private static final String EXPRESSION_REFERS_TO_NON_EXTANT_ATTRIBUTE = "The provided expression refers to an attribute that does not exist in the item"; private static final String VALIDATION_EXCEPTION = "ValidationException"; private ProvisionedThroughput convert(ProvisionedThroughputDescription d) { return new ProvisionedThroughput(d.getReadCapacityUnits(), d.getWriteCapacityUnits()); } /** * Creates a GSI configuration object * * @param name name of the index object to create * @param hashKey hash key of the index * @param rangeKey range key of the index * @param nonKeyAttributes determines the projection type and top level projected attributes. * if null, ALL attributes are projected. if an empty list, KEYS_ONLY are projected. * if the list has elements, only the elements INCLUDED in the list are projected * @return a description of a global secondary index that can be used to create a table. */ protected static GlobalSecondaryIndex createGlobalSecondaryIndex(String name, String hashKey, String rangeKey, List<String> nonKeyAttributes) { Preconditions.checkArgument(false == Strings.isNullOrEmpty(hashKey)); final KeySchemaElement hks = new KeySchemaElement(hashKey, KeyType.HASH); final Projection projection; if (nonKeyAttributes == null) { projection = new Projection().withProjectionType(ProjectionType.ALL); } else if (nonKeyAttributes.isEmpty()) { projection = new Projection().withProjectionType(ProjectionType.KEYS_ONLY); } else { projection = new Projection().withProjectionType(ProjectionType.INCLUDE) .withNonKeyAttributes(nonKeyAttributes); } final GlobalSecondaryIndex result = new GlobalSecondaryIndex().withIndexName(name) .withProjection(projection); if (Strings.isNullOrEmpty(rangeKey)) { result.withKeySchema(hks); } else { result.withKeySchema(hks, new KeySchemaElement(rangeKey, KeyType.RANGE)); } return result; } /** document sdk table wrapper */ protected final Table table; /**scalar key type definitions**/ final Map<String, ScalarAttributeType> definitions; /**base table primary keys**/ final List<KeySchemaElement> schemata; /**the key condition to use when persisting a new entity**/ final String conditionalCreateCondition; /**base table hash key name**/ final String hashKeyName; /**base table range key name. Null if hash only schema**/ final String rangeKeyName; /**hash key names of the gsis**/ protected final Map<String, String> gsiHashKeys; /**range key names of the gsis**/ protected final Map<String, String> gsiRangeKeys; protected final AmazonDynamoDB dynamoDB; private final Map<String, ProvisionedThroughput> ptMap; private final Map<String, GlobalSecondaryIndex> gsis; private final Map<String, String> lookupKeyConditions; private final ObjectMapper objectMapper; private final String conditionalDeleteCondition; private final Class<E> clazz; private final String tableNameSuffix; private final String versionProperty; /** * Create instance. * * @param prefix the table prefix * @param tableNameSuffix the suffix for the table name * @param amazonDynamoDB dynamodb client * @param provisionedThroughputMap map of provisioned througput * @param objectMapper mapper to use for back/forth to json * @param clazz class reference of E * @param attributeDefinitions types of keys on base table and GSI * @param baseTableKeyNames names of base table keys * @param gsiList list of GSI definitions * @param versionString * @since #version# */ protected DynamoDbRepository(String prefix, String tableNameSuffix, AmazonDynamoDB amazonDynamoDB, Map<String, ProvisionedThroughput> provisionedThroughputMap, ObjectMapper objectMapper, Class<E> clazz, Map<String, ScalarAttributeType> attributeDefinitions, List<String> baseTableKeyNames, Map<String, GlobalSecondaryIndex> gsiList, String versionString) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(amazonDynamoDB); Preconditions.checkArgument(false == Strings.isNullOrEmpty(tableNameSuffix)); Preconditions.checkNotNull(provisionedThroughputMap); Preconditions.checkNotNull(attributeDefinitions); this.dynamoDB = amazonDynamoDB; this.tableNameSuffix = tableNameSuffix; final String tableName = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(prefix) ? tableNameSuffix : String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s_%s", prefix, tableNameSuffix); this.table = new Table(this.dynamoDB, tableName); this.ptMap = provisionedThroughputMap; this.gsis = gsiList != null ? new HashMap<>() : null; this.definitions = new HashMap<>(attributeDefinitions); this.lookupKeyConditions = new HashMap<>(); this.objectMapper = objectMapper; this.clazz = clazz; this.gsiHashKeys = new HashMap<>(); this.gsiRangeKeys = new HashMap<>(); this.versionProperty = Strings.isNullOrEmpty(versionString) ? null : versionString; Optional.ofNullable(gsiList).orElse(new HashMap<>()).values().forEach(gsi -> { final String indexName = gsi.getIndexName(); //make a copy final GlobalSecondaryIndex copy = new GlobalSecondaryIndex().withIndexName(gsi.getIndexName()) .withKeySchema(gsi.getKeySchema()).withProjection(gsi.getProjection()) .withProvisionedThroughput(ptMap.get(indexName)); final String hk = copy.getKeySchema().get(0).getAttributeName(); final String rk = copy.getKeySchema().size() == 2 ? copy.getKeySchema().get(1).getAttributeName() : null; this.gsis.put(indexName, copy); this.gsiHashKeys.put(indexName, hk); if (rk != null) { lookupKeyConditions.put(indexName, String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s = :%s and %s = :%s", hk, hk, rk, rk)); this.gsiRangeKeys.put(indexName, rk); } else { lookupKeyConditions.put(indexName, String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s = :%s", hk, hk)); } }); Preconditions.checkNotNull(baseTableKeyNames); Preconditions.checkArgument(false == baseTableKeyNames.isEmpty(), "need at least one key"); Preconditions.checkArgument(baseTableKeyNames.size() <= 2, "cant have more than two keys (one partition and one sort key)"); //add the attribute definitions for the base table key schema -> Preconditions.checkArgument(this.definitions.containsKey(name))); this.schemata = Lists.newArrayList(new KeySchemaElement(baseTableKeyNames.get(0), KeyType.HASH)); if (baseTableKeyNames.size() == 2) { schemata.add(new KeySchemaElement(baseTableKeyNames.get(1), KeyType.RANGE)); } hashKeyName = schemata.get(0).getAttributeName(); rangeKeyName = schemata.size() == 2 ? schemata.get(1).getAttributeName() : null; conditionalCreateCondition = rangeKeyName != null ? String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "attribute_not_exists(%s) and attribute_not_exists(%s)", hashKeyName, rangeKeyName) : String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "attribute_not_exists(%s)", hashKeyName); conditionalDeleteCondition = rangeKeyName != null ? String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "attribute_exists(%s) and attribute_exists(%s)", hashKeyName, rangeKeyName) : String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "attribute_exists(%s)", hashKeyName); } @Override public void afterPropertiesSet() { open(); } private TableDescription updateTable(TableDescription desc) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(desc, "table description must not be null"); UpdateTableSpec spec = null; if (false == ptMap.get(tableNameSuffix).equals(convert(desc.getProvisionedThroughput()))) { //if the throughput of the table is not the same as the throughput in the ptMap configuration, //update the thruput of the table spec = new UpdateTableSpec().withProvisionedThroughput(ptMap.get(tableNameSuffix)); } final List<GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate> gsiUpdates = new ArrayList<>(); if (desc.getGlobalSecondaryIndexes() != null && false == desc.getGlobalSecondaryIndexes().isEmpty()) { //if the table description has updates to secondary indexes desc.getGlobalSecondaryIndexes().forEach(gsi -> { //for each gsi in the table description final String indexName = gsi.getIndexName(); ProvisionedThroughput pt = ptMap.get(indexName); if (pt != null && false == pt.equals(convert(gsi.getProvisionedThroughput()))) { //if the throughput of the gsi in the description is not the same as the throughput in the pt map //add an update to the gsi's thruput gsiUpdates .add(new GlobalSecondaryIndexUpdate().withUpdate(new UpdateGlobalSecondaryIndexAction() .withIndexName(indexName).withProvisionedThroughput(pt))); } }); } if (false == gsiUpdates.isEmpty()) { if (spec == null) { spec = new UpdateTableSpec(); } spec.withGlobalSecondaryIndexUpdates(gsiUpdates); } return spec == null ? null : table.updateTable(spec); } private CreateTableRequest createTableRequest() { return new CreateTableRequest().withTableName(table.getTableName()) .withProvisionedThroughput(ptMap.get(tableNameSuffix)).withKeySchema(schemata) .withAttributeDefinitions(definitions.keySet().stream() .map(name -> new AttributeDefinition(name, definitions.get(name))) .collect(Collectors.toList())) .withGlobalSecondaryIndexes(gsis == null ? null : gsis.values()); } public String tableName() { return table.getTableName(); } @Override public E findOne(K keys) { //interface specifies throw IllegalArgumentException so use checkArgument instead Preconditions.checkArgument(keys != null, "keys must not be null"); //just read the item and return it final Item item; final PrimaryKey pk = createKeys(keys); GetItemSpec spec = new GetItemSpec().withPrimaryKey(pk); try { //TODO add projection expression for keys item = table.getItem(spec); return item == null ? null : convertItemToDomain(item); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw convertDynamoDBException(e, "read", null /* conditionMessage is null because GetItem doesnt take a condition */); } } @Override public boolean exists(K keys) { Preconditions.checkArgument(keys != null, "keys must not be null"); return null != findOne(keys); } /** * Translates low level database exceptions to application level exceptions * * @param e the low level amazon client exception * @param action crud action name * @param conditionalSupplier creates condition failed exception (context dependent) * @return a translation of the AWS/DynamoDB exception */ DataAccessException convertDynamoDBException(AmazonClientException e, String action, Supplier<? extends DataAccessException> conditionalSupplier) { final String format = "unable to %s entity due to %s."; if (e instanceof ConditionalCheckFailedException) { return conditionalSupplier.get(); } else if (e instanceof ProvisionedThroughputExceededException) { return new QueryTimeoutException(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, action, "throttling"), e); } else if (e instanceof ResourceNotFoundException) { return new NonTransientDataAccessResourceException( String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, action, "table does not exist"), e); } else if (e instanceof AmazonServiceException) { AmazonServiceException ase = (AmazonServiceException) e; if (VALIDATION_EXCEPTION.equals(((AmazonServiceException) e).getErrorCode())) { return new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException( String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, action, "client error"), e); } else { return new DynamoDbServiceException( String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, action, "DynamoDB service error"), ase); } } else { return new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException( String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, action, "client error"), e); } } private Chunk<Item> getItemListForGsi(String indexName, QuerySpec spec) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(spec, "spec must not be null"); final ItemCollection<QueryOutcome> outcome = table.getIndex(indexName).query(spec); List<Item> results = new ArrayList<>(); try { outcome.pages().forEach(p -> { p.iterator().forEachRemaining(o -> results.add(o)); }); } catch (AmazonServiceException e) { throw convertDynamoDBException(e, "getting by spec: " + spec.toString(), null /*no write condition exception*/); } Map<String, AttributeValue> lastEvaluatedKey = outcome.getLastLowLevelResult().getQueryResult() .getLastEvaluatedKey(); String lastEvaluatedItemJson = lastEvaluatedKey == null ? null : Item.fromMap(InternalUtils.toSimpleMapValue(lastEvaluatedKey)).toJSON(); return new ChunkImpl<>(results, lastEvaluatedItemJson, null /*chunkable*/); } /** * gets a full item from a GSI * @param indexName name of GSI * @param spec query spec for gsi query * @return a full item keyed at keys in the GSI. If the GSI does not project all attributes, will read the item from * the base table * * TODO, ideally, return a wrapper of the last evaluated key from the query result and the list, but since we are * not filtering on the server side, do this later. */ private Chunk<E> getFromGSI(String indexName, QuerySpec spec, boolean isUnique) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(spec, "query spec was null"); Chunk<Item> chunk = getItemListForGsi(indexName, spec); //check if the index was not a unique index if (isUnique) { Preconditions.checkState(chunk.getContent().size() < 2, "the index had more than one item at spec=" + spec.toString()); } if (ProjectionType .fromValue(gsis.get(indexName).getProjection().getProjectionType()) == ProjectionType.ALL) { //the GSI had the full item so return it. return new ChunkImpl<>(chunk.getContent().parallelStream().map(i -> convertItemToDomain(i)) .collect(Collectors.toList()), chunk.getPaginationToken(), null /*chunkable*/); } //else read the item from the base table try { List<AttributeValue> pks = chunk.getContent().stream().map(i -> getPrimaryKeyFromItem(i)) .map(pk -> Iterables.getOnlyElement(pk.getComponents().stream() .filter(c -> c.getName().equals(hashKeyName)).map(Attribute::getValue) .map(InternalUtils::toAttributeValue).collect(Collectors.toList()))) .collect(Collectors.toList()); return new ChunkImpl<>(findAll(pks, true), chunk.getPaginationToken(), null /*chunkable*/); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw convertDynamoDBException(e, "read", null /*condition failed exception provider*/); } } @Override public E getAndDelete(K key, long version) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(key, "keys must not be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(version >= -1L, "version must be greater than or equal to -1"); final PrimaryKey pk = createKeys(key); final boolean conditioning = version >= 0; final String actualCondition; final Map<String, Object> valueMap; final Map<String, String> nameMap; if (conditioning) { Preconditions.checkState(versionProperty != null); actualCondition = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s and #version = :v", conditionalDeleteCondition); valueMap = Collections.singletonMap(":v", version); nameMap = Collections.singletonMap("#version", versionProperty); } else { actualCondition = conditionalDeleteCondition; valueMap = null; nameMap = null; } final DeleteItemSpec spec = new DeleteItemSpec().withPrimaryKey(pk).withNameMap(nameMap) .withValueMap(valueMap).withConditionExpression(actualCondition) .withReturnValues(ReturnValue.ALL_OLD); final Item item; try { item = table.deleteItem(spec).getItem(); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw convertDynamoDBException(e, "delete", () -> convertConditionalCheckFailedExceptionForDelete(e, version, key)); } return convertItemToDomain(item); } private DataAccessException convertConditionalCheckFailedExceptionForDelete(AmazonClientException e, long version, K key) { if (version == -1 || false == exists(key)) { return getNotFoundException("didnt delete since entity didnt exist", e); } return new OptimisticLockingFailureException("did not delete entity because of version mismatch", e); } @Override public Iterable<E> findAll(Iterable<K> ids) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(ids, "ids may not be null"); List<AttributeValue> idList = Lists.newArrayList(ids).parallelStream() .map(DynamoDbInternalUtils::toAttributeValue).collect(Collectors.toList()); return findAll(idList, true /*useParallelBatches*/); } private List<E> findAll(Iterable<AttributeValue> ids, boolean useParallelBatches) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(ids, "ids may not be null"); List<AttributeValue> idList = Lists.newArrayList(ids); if (idList.isEmpty()) { return new ArrayList<>(); } List<Map<String, AttributeValue>> resultantItems = new ArrayList<>();, 25).spliterator(), useParallelBatches).forEach(inner -> { BatchGetItemRequest req = new BatchGetItemRequest(); KeysAndAttributes keysAndAttributes = new KeysAndAttributes(); keysAndAttributes.setConsistentRead(true); keysAndAttributes.setKeys( -> ImmutableMap.of(hashKeyName, id)).collect(Collectors.toList())); String tableName = tableName(); req.withRequestItems(ImmutableMap.of(tableName, keysAndAttributes)); BatchGetItemResult result; do { try { result = dynamoDB.batchGetItem(req); resultantItems.addAll(result.getResponses().get(tableName)); req.setRequestItems(result.getUnprocessedKeys()); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw this.convertDynamoDBException(e, "batch get", null /*no conditions for reads*/); } } while (false == result.getUnprocessedKeys().isEmpty()); }); return -> Item.fromMap(InternalUtils.toSimpleMapValue(legacyItem))) .map(item -> convertItemToDomain(item)).collect(Collectors.toList()); } private PrimaryKey getPrimaryKeyFromItem(Item item) { KeyAttribute[] keyAttributes = -> { final String attrName = keySchemaElement.getAttributeName(); Preconditions.checkArgument(item.hasAttribute(attrName), "must provide keys with " + attrName + " field set"); return new KeyAttribute(attrName, item.get(attrName)); }).toArray(KeyAttribute[]::new); return new PrimaryKey(keyAttributes); } @Override public E update(K key, JsonPatch patch, boolean increment, long version) { final PrimaryKey pk = createKeys(key); Preconditions.checkNotNull(patch, "patch must not be null"); Preconditions.checkArgument(version >= -1); ExpressionSpecBuilder builder = patch.get(); //add a condition on item existence builder.withCondition(ExpressionSpecBuilder.attribute_exists(hashKeyName)); //add update expression for incrementing the version if (increment && versionProperty != null) { builder.addUpdate(ExpressionSpecBuilder.N(versionProperty) .set(ExpressionSpecBuilder.N(versionProperty).plus(1L))); } //add version condition if (version >= 0) { Preconditions.checkState(versionProperty != null); builder.withCondition(ExpressionSpecBuilder.N(versionProperty).eq(version)); } UpdateItemExpressionSpec spec = builder.buildForUpdate(); Preconditions.checkArgument(false == Strings.isNullOrEmpty(spec.getUpdateExpression()), "patch may not be empty"); // TODO add mechanism to JSON patch to allow iterating over list of ops try { UpdateItemOutcome updateItemOutcome = table.updateItem(new UpdateItemSpec().withExpressionSpec(spec) .withPrimaryKey(pk).withReturnValues(ReturnValue.ALL_NEW)); return convertItemToDomain(updateItemOutcome.getItem()); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw processUpdateItemException(key, e); } } protected DataAccessException processUpdateItemException(K key, AmazonClientException e) { final String format = "unable to update entity due to %s."; if (e instanceof ConditionalCheckFailedException) { if (null == findOne(key)) { return getNotFoundException(UPDATE_FAILED_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, e); } return new OptimisticLockingFailureException(UPDATE_FAILED_NOT_FOUND_OR_BAD_VERSION, e); } else if (e instanceof ProvisionedThroughputExceededException) { throw new QueryTimeoutException(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, "throttling"), e); } else if (e instanceof AmazonServiceException) { AmazonServiceException ase = (AmazonServiceException) e; if (VALIDATION_EXCEPTION.equals(ase.getErrorCode())) { if (EXPRESSION_REFERS_TO_NON_EXTANT_ATTRIBUTE.equals(ase.getErrorMessage()) && null == findOne(key)) { // if no locking and we get a specific message, then it also means the item does not exist return getNotFoundException(UPDATE_FAILED_ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, e); } return new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException( String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, "client error"), e); } else { return new DynamoDbServiceException(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, "DynamoDB service error"), ase); } } else { return new InvalidDataAccessResourceUsageException( String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, format, "client error"), e); } } private <T> String convertDomainToJSON(T domain) { try { return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(domain); } catch (JsonProcessingException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("unable to convert domain object to JSON", e); } } /** * converts a Jackson annotated domain object to a DynamoDB document (item) * @param domain the object to convert * @return a DynamoDB Document representation of the domain object */ <T> Item convertDomainToItem(T domain) { return Item.fromJSON(convertDomainToJSON(domain)); } protected E convertItemToDomain(Item item) { return convertItemToDomain(item, clazz); } protected E findOneByGsi(String gsiName, QuerySpec spec) { Chunk<E> chunk = getFromGSI(gsiName, spec, true /*isUnique*/); return Optional .ofNullable(chunk.getContent().isEmpty() ? null : Iterables.getOnlyElement(chunk.getContent())) .orElseThrow(() -> new IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException( "could not find one matching record for spec:" + spec.toString(), 1 /*expected*/, 0 /*actual*/)); } protected Chunk<E> findAllByGsi(String gsiName, QuerySpec spec) { return getFromGSI(gsiName, spec, false /*isUnique*/); } <S extends E> S convertItemToDomain(Item item, Class<? extends S> crass) { try { if (item == null) { return null; } String json = item.toJSON(); return objectMapper.readValue(json, crass); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("unable to convert orders JSON to domain object", e); } } @Override public Chunk<E> findAll(Chunkable chunkable) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(chunkable); Preconditions.checkArgument(Sort.Direction.DESC != chunkable.getDirection(), "DynamoDB only supports scanning forwards"); ScanSpec spec = new ScanSpec(); if (false == Strings.isNullOrEmpty(chunkable.getPaginationToken())) { spec.withExclusiveStartKey(new PrimaryKey(hashKeyName, chunkable.getPaginationToken())); } spec.withMaxPageSize(chunkable.getMaxPageSize()).withMaxResultSize(chunkable.getMaxPageSize()); final ItemCollection<ScanOutcome> results = table.scan(spec); final List<Item> itemList; try { itemList = Lists.newArrayList(results.iterator()); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw convertDynamoDBException(e, "scan", null /* conditionMessage */); } final List<E> entities = //O(n) .collect(Collectors.toList()); //O(n) final Map<String, AttributeValue> lastEvaluatedKey = results.getLastLowLevelResult() == null ? null : results.getLastLowLevelResult().getScanResult().getLastEvaluatedKey(); final String paginationToken = lastEvaluatedKey == null ? null : lastEvaluatedKey.get(hashKeyName).getS(); return new ChunkImpl<>(entities, paginationToken, chunkable); } private PrimaryKey createKeys(K key) { return createKeys(hashKeyName, definitions.get(hashKeyName), key); } private static <K extends Serializable> PrimaryKey createKeys(String hashKeyName, ScalarAttributeType hashKeyType, K key) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(key); Preconditions.checkArgument(hashKeyType == scalarAttributeType(key)); //hash key only return new PrimaryKey().addComponent(hashKeyName, key); } private static ScalarAttributeType scalarAttributeType(Object o) { if (o instanceof String) { return ScalarAttributeType.S; } if (o instanceof ByteBuffer) { return ScalarAttributeType.B; } if (o instanceof Number) { return ScalarAttributeType.N; } throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported scalar type"); } PutItemSpec putItemSpec(Item domainItem) { return new PutItemSpec().withItem(domainItem).withConditionExpression(conditionalCreateCondition); } @Override public void delete(E entity) { Preconditions.checkArgument(entity != null, "cannot delete null entity"); delete(getId(entity)); } @Override public void delete(K keys) { //not throwing NPE as per DeletableRepository spec (says IAE for null) Preconditions.checkArgument(keys != null, "keys may not be null"); getAndDelete(keys, -1 /* version->not conditioning */); } public void open() { TableDescription desc = null; boolean tableNotFound = false; try { desc = table.describe(); } catch (ResourceNotFoundException rnfe) { tableNotFound = true; } if (tableNotFound) {"creating {}", table.getTableName()); CreateTableRequest ctr = createTableRequest(); try { dynamoDB.createTable(ctr); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { log.error(ctr.toString()); throw convertDynamoDBException(e, "CreateTable", null /* conditionMessage */); } try { table.waitForActive();"created {}", table.getTableName()); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to create table " + table.getTableName(), ie); } } log.debug("{} exists", table.getTableName()); if (desc != null) { //if the table is not a newly created table if (null != updateTable(desc)) { //if there are updates"updating {}", table.getTableName()); try { table.waitForActive();"updated {}", table.getTableName()); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to patch table " + table.getTableName(), e); } } } } @Override public <S extends E> S update(S domain, VersionCondition condition) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(domain, "domain must not be null"); final Item domainItem = convertDomainToItem(domain); Preconditions.checkArgument(domainItem.hasAttribute(hashKeyName), "hash key must be set in domain object when updating: " + hashKeyName); ExpressionSpecBuilder builder = new ExpressionSpecBuilder(); builder.withCondition(ExpressionSpecBuilder.S(hashKeyName).exists()); if (condition != null) { Preconditions.checkState(versionProperty != null); builder.withCondition(ExpressionSpecBuilder.N(versionProperty).eq(condition.getVersion())); } PutItemExpressionSpec xSpec = builder.buildForPut(); PutItemSpec spec = new PutItemSpec().withItem(domainItem).withExpressionSpec(xSpec); try { table.putItem(spec); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw processUpdateItemException(getId(domain), e); } // PutItem does not accept ReturnValue.ALL_NEW return domain; } private IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException getNotFoundException(String msg, Throwable e) { return new IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException(msg, 1 /*expected*/, e); } @Override public <S extends E> S update(S domain) { return update(domain, null); } @Override public <S extends E> S create(S domain) { if (domain == null) { return null; } final Item domainItem = convertDomainToItem(domain); // @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") final Class<? extends S> domainClass = (Class<? extends S>) domain.getClass(); Item itemCreated = DynamoDbInternalUtils.cloneItem(domainItem, true /*filterEmptyStrings*/); PutItemSpec spec = putItemSpec(itemCreated); try { table.putItem(spec); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw convertDynamoDBException(e, "create", () -> new DuplicateKeyException("uuid " + getId(domain) + " already exists", e)); } return convertItemToDomain(itemCreated, domainClass); } @Override public void deleteAll() { try { table.delete(); open(); } catch (AmazonClientException e) { throw convertDynamoDBException(e, "delete table", null /*no condition supplier*/); } } }