Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013-2014, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. * * Licensed under the Amazon Software License (the "License"). * You may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * A copy of the License is located at * * * * or in the "license" file accompanying this file. This file is distributed * on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the License. */ package jp.buyee.glover; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import jp.buyee.glover.utils.CloudFormationUtils; import jp.buyee.glover.utils.DynamoDBUtils; import jp.buyee.glover.utils.EC2Utils; import jp.buyee.glover.utils.KinesisUtils; import jp.buyee.glover.utils.RedshiftUtils; import jp.buyee.glover.utils.S3Utils; import com.amazonaws.auth.AWSCredentialsProvider; import com.amazonaws.auth.DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain; import com.amazonaws.regions.RegionUtils; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class defines the execution of a Amazon Kinesis Connector. * */ public abstract class KinesisConnectorExecutor<T, U> extends KinesisConnectorExecutorBase<T, U> { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(KinesisConnectorExecutor.class); // Create AWS Resource constants private static final String CREATE_KINESIS_INPUT_STREAM = "createKinesisInputStream"; private static final String CREATE_KINESIS_OUTPUT_STREAM = "createKinesisOutputStream"; private static final String CREATE_DYNAMODB_DATA_TABLE = "createDynamoDBDataTable"; private static final String CREATE_REDSHIFT_CLUSTER = "createRedshiftCluster"; private static final String CREATE_REDSHIFT_DATA_TABLE = "createRedshiftDataTable"; private static final String CREATE_REDSHIFT_FILE_TABLE = "createRedshiftFileTable"; private static final String CREATE_S3_BUCKET = "createS3Bucket"; private static final String CREATE_ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTER = "createElasticsearchCluster"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_CREATE_RESOURCES = false; // Create Amazon DynamoDB Resource constants private static final String DYNAMODB_KEY = "dynamoDBKey"; private static final String DYNAMODB_READ_CAPACITY_UNITS = "readCapacityUnits"; private static final String DYNAMODB_WRITE_CAPACITY_UNITS = "writeCapacityUnits"; private static final Long DEFAULT_DYNAMODB_READ_CAPACITY_UNITS = 1l; private static final Long DEFAULT_DYNAMODB_WRITE_CAPACITY_UNITS = 1l; // Create Amazon Redshift Resource constants private static final String REDSHIFT_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER = "redshiftClusterIdentifier"; private static final String REDSHIFT_DATABASE_NAME = "redshiftDatabaseName"; private static final String REDSHIFT_CLUSTER_TYPE = "redshiftClusterType"; private static final String REDSHIFT_NUMBER_OF_NODES = "redshiftNumberOfNodes"; private static final int DEFAULT_REDSHIFT_NUMBER_OF_NODES = 2; // Create Amazon S3 Resource constants private static final String S3_BUCKET = "s3Bucket"; // Elasticsearch Cluster Resource constants private static final String EC2_ELASTICSEARCH_FILTER_NAME = "tag:type"; private static final String EC2_ELASTICSEARCH_FILTER_VALUE = "elasticsearch"; // Create Stream Source constants private static final String CREATE_STREAM_SOURCE = "createStreamSource"; private static final String LOOP_OVER_STREAM_SOURCE = "loopOverStreamSource"; private static final boolean DEFAULT_CREATE_STREAM_SOURCE = false; private static final boolean DEFAULT_LOOP_OVER_STREAM_SOURCE = false; private static final String INPUT_STREAM_FILE = "inputStreamFile"; // Class variables protected final KinesisConnectorConfiguration config; private final Properties properties; /** * Create a new KinesisConnectorExecutor based on the provided configuration (*.propertes) file. * * @param configFile * The name of the configuration file to look for on the classpath */ public KinesisConnectorExecutor(String configFile) { InputStream configStream = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(configFile); if (configStream == null) { String msg = "Could not find resource " + configFile + " in the classpath"; throw new IllegalStateException(msg); } properties = new Properties(); try { properties.load(configStream); configStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { String msg = "Could not load properties file " + configFile + " from classpath"; throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } this.config = new KinesisConnectorConfiguration(properties, getAWSCredentialsProvider()); setupAWSResources(); setupInputStream(); // Initialize executor with configurations super.initialize(config); } /** * Returns an {@link AWSCredentialsProvider} with the permissions necessary to accomplish all specified * tasks. At the minimum it will require read permissions for Amazon Kinesis. Additional read permissions * and write permissions may be required based on the Pipeline used. * * @return */ public AWSCredentialsProvider getAWSCredentialsProvider() { return new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain(); } /** * Setup necessary AWS resources for the samples. By default, the Executor does not create any * AWS resources. The user must specify true for the specific create properties in the * configuration file. */ private void setupAWSResources() { if (parseBoolean(CREATE_KINESIS_INPUT_STREAM, DEFAULT_CREATE_RESOURCES, properties)) { KinesisUtils.createInputStream(config); } if (parseBoolean(CREATE_KINESIS_OUTPUT_STREAM, DEFAULT_CREATE_RESOURCES, properties)) { KinesisUtils.createOutputStream(config); } if (parseBoolean(CREATE_DYNAMODB_DATA_TABLE, DEFAULT_CREATE_RESOURCES, properties)) { String key = properties.getProperty(DYNAMODB_KEY); Long readCapacityUnits = parseLong(DYNAMODB_READ_CAPACITY_UNITS, DEFAULT_DYNAMODB_READ_CAPACITY_UNITS, properties); Long writeCapacityUnits = parseLong(DYNAMODB_WRITE_CAPACITY_UNITS, DEFAULT_DYNAMODB_WRITE_CAPACITY_UNITS, properties); createDynamoDBTable(key, readCapacityUnits, writeCapacityUnits); } if (parseBoolean(CREATE_REDSHIFT_CLUSTER, DEFAULT_CREATE_RESOURCES, properties)) { String clusterIdentifier = properties.getProperty(REDSHIFT_CLUSTER_IDENTIFIER); String databaseName = properties.getProperty(REDSHIFT_DATABASE_NAME); String clusterType = properties.getProperty(REDSHIFT_CLUSTER_TYPE); int numberOfNodes = parseInt(REDSHIFT_NUMBER_OF_NODES, DEFAULT_REDSHIFT_NUMBER_OF_NODES, properties); createRedshiftCluster(clusterIdentifier, databaseName, clusterType, numberOfNodes); } if (parseBoolean(CREATE_REDSHIFT_DATA_TABLE, DEFAULT_CREATE_RESOURCES, properties)) { createRedshiftDataTable(); } if (parseBoolean(CREATE_REDSHIFT_FILE_TABLE, DEFAULT_CREATE_RESOURCES, properties)) { createRedshiftFileTable(); } if (parseBoolean(CREATE_S3_BUCKET, DEFAULT_CREATE_RESOURCES, properties)) { String s3Bucket = properties.getProperty(S3_BUCKET); createS3Bucket(s3Bucket); } if (parseBoolean(CREATE_ELASTICSEARCH_CLUSTER, DEFAULT_CREATE_RESOURCES, properties)) { createElasticsearchCluster(); } } /** * Helper method to spawn the {@link StreamSource} in a separate thread. */ private void setupInputStream() { if (parseBoolean(CREATE_STREAM_SOURCE, DEFAULT_CREATE_STREAM_SOURCE, properties)) { String inputFile = properties.getProperty(INPUT_STREAM_FILE); StreamSource streamSource; if (config.BATCH_RECORDS_IN_PUT_REQUEST) { streamSource = new BatchedStreamSource(config, inputFile, parseBoolean(LOOP_OVER_STREAM_SOURCE, DEFAULT_LOOP_OVER_STREAM_SOURCE, properties)); } else { streamSource = new StreamSource(config, inputFile, parseBoolean(LOOP_OVER_STREAM_SOURCE, DEFAULT_LOOP_OVER_STREAM_SOURCE, properties)); } Thread streamSourceThread = new Thread(streamSource);"Starting stream source."); streamSourceThread.start(); } } /** * Helper method to create the Amazon DynamoDB table. * * @param key * The name of the hashkey field in the Amazon DynamoDB table * @param readCapacityUnits * Read capacity of the Amazon DynamoDB table * @param writeCapacityUnits * Write capacity of the Amazon DynamoDB table */ private void createDynamoDBTable(String key, long readCapacityUnits, long writeCapacityUnits) {"Creating Amazon DynamoDB table " + config.DYNAMODB_DATA_TABLE_NAME); AmazonDynamoDBClient dynamodbClient = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(config.AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER); dynamodbClient.setEndpoint(config.DYNAMODB_ENDPOINT); DynamoDBUtils.createTable(dynamodbClient, config.DYNAMODB_DATA_TABLE_NAME, key, readCapacityUnits, writeCapacityUnits); } /** * Helper method to create the Amazon Redshift cluster. * * @param clusterIdentifier * Unique identifier for the name of the Amazon Redshift cluster * @param databaseName * Name for the database in the Amazon Redshift cluster * @param clusterType * dw.hs1.xlarge or dw.hs1.8xlarge * @param numberOfNodes * Number of nodes for the Amazon Redshift cluster */ private void createRedshiftCluster(String clusterIdentifier, String databaseName, String clusterType, int numberOfNodes) { // Make sure the Amazon Redshift cluster is available AmazonRedshiftClient redshiftClient = new AmazonRedshiftClient(config.AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER); redshiftClient.setEndpoint(config.REDSHIFT_ENDPOINT);"Creating Amazon Redshift cluster " + clusterIdentifier); RedshiftUtils.createCluster(redshiftClient, clusterIdentifier, databaseName, config.REDSHIFT_USERNAME, config.REDSHIFT_PASSWORD, clusterType, numberOfNodes); // Update the Amazon Redshift connection url config.REDSHIFT_URL = RedshiftUtils.getClusterURL(redshiftClient, clusterIdentifier); } /** * Helper method to create the data table in Amazon Redshift. */ private void createRedshiftDataTable() { Properties p = new Properties(); p.setProperty("user", config.REDSHIFT_USERNAME); p.setProperty("password", config.REDSHIFT_PASSWORD); if (RedshiftUtils.tableExists(p, config.REDSHIFT_URL, config.REDSHIFT_DATA_TABLE)) {"Amazon Redshift data table " + config.REDSHIFT_DATA_TABLE + " exists."); return; } try {"Creating Amazon Redshift data table " + config.REDSHIFT_DATA_TABLE); RedshiftUtils.createRedshiftTable(config.REDSHIFT_URL, p, config.REDSHIFT_DATA_TABLE, getKinesisMessageModelFields()); } catch (SQLException e) { String msg = "Could not create Amazon Redshift data table " + config.REDSHIFT_DATA_TABLE; throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } } /** * Helper method to create the file table in Amazon Redshift. */ private void createRedshiftFileTable() { Properties p = new Properties(); p.setProperty("user", config.REDSHIFT_USERNAME); p.setProperty("password", config.REDSHIFT_PASSWORD); if (RedshiftUtils.tableExists(p, config.REDSHIFT_URL, config.REDSHIFT_FILE_TABLE)) {"Amazon Redshift file table " + config.REDSHIFT_FILE_TABLE + " exists."); return; } try {"Creating Amazon Redshift file table " + config.REDSHIFT_FILE_TABLE); RedshiftUtils.createRedshiftTable(config.REDSHIFT_URL, p, config.REDSHIFT_FILE_TABLE, getFileTableFields()); } catch (SQLException e) { String msg = "Could not create Amazon Redshift file table " + config.REDSHIFT_FILE_TABLE; throw new IllegalStateException(msg, e); } } /** * Helper method to build the data table. * * @return Fields for the data table */ private static List<String> getKinesisMessageModelFields() { List<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(); fields.add("userid integer not null distkey sortkey"); fields.add("username char(8)"); fields.add("firstname varchar(30)"); fields.add("lastname varchar(30)"); fields.add("city varchar(30)"); fields.add("state char(2)"); fields.add("email varchar(100)"); fields.add("phone char(14)"); fields.add("likesports boolean"); fields.add("liketheatre boolean"); fields.add("likeconcerts boolean"); fields.add("likejazz boolean"); fields.add("likeclassical boolean"); fields.add("likeopera boolean"); fields.add("likerock boolean"); fields.add("likevegas boolean"); fields.add("likebroadway boolean"); fields.add("likemusicals boolean"); return fields; } /** * Helper method to help create the file table. * * @return File table fields */ private List<String> getFileTableFields() { List<String> fields = new ArrayList<String>(); fields.add(config.REDSHIFT_FILE_KEY_COLUMN + " varchar(255) primary key"); return fields; } /** * Helper method to create the Amazon S3 bucket. * * @param s3Bucket * The name of the bucket to create */ private void createS3Bucket(String s3Bucket) { AmazonS3Client client = new AmazonS3Client(config.AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER); client.setEndpoint(config.S3_ENDPOINT);"Creating Amazon S3 bucket " + s3Bucket); S3Utils.createBucket(client, s3Bucket); } /** * Helper method to create Elasticsearch cluster at set correct endpoint. */ private void createElasticsearchCluster() { // Create stack if not already up AmazonCloudFormation cloudFormationClient = new AmazonCloudFormationClient(config.AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER); cloudFormationClient.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(config.REGION_NAME)); CloudFormationUtils.createStackIfNotExists(cloudFormationClient, config); // Update the elasticsearch endpoint to use endpoint in created cluster AmazonEC2 ec2Client = new AmazonEC2Client(config.AWS_CREDENTIALS_PROVIDER); ec2Client.setRegion(RegionUtils.getRegion(config.REGION_NAME)); config.ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT = EC2Utils.getEndpointForFirstActiveInstanceWithTag(ec2Client, EC2_ELASTICSEARCH_FILTER_NAME, EC2_ELASTICSEARCH_FILTER_VALUE); if (config.ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT == null || config.ELASTICSEARCH_ENDPOINT.isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not find active Elasticsearch endpoint from cluster."); } } /** * Helper method used to parse boolean properties. * * @param property * The String key for the property * @param defaultValue * The default value for the boolean property * @param properties * The properties file to get property from * @return property from property file, or if it is not specified, the default value */ private static boolean parseBoolean(String property, boolean defaultValue, Properties properties) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(properties.getProperty(property, Boolean.toString(defaultValue))); } /** * Helper method used to parse long properties. * * @param property * The String key for the property * @param defaultValue * The default value for the long property * @param properties * The properties file to get property from * @return property from property file, or if it is not specified, the default value */ private static long parseLong(String property, long defaultValue, Properties properties) { return Long.parseLong(properties.getProperty(property, Long.toString(defaultValue))); } /** * Helper method used to parse integer properties. * * @param property * The String key for the property * @param defaultValue * The default value for the integer property * @param properties * The properties file to get property from * @return property from property file, or if it is not specified, the default value */ private static int parseInt(String property, int defaultValue, Properties properties) { return Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(property, Integer.toString(defaultValue))); } }