Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2011, 2012 Alejandro Ayuso * * This file is part of Jongo. * Jongo is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * any later version. * * Jongo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Jongo. If not, see <>. */ package jongo.demo; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import jongo.JongoUtils; import jongo.config.DatabaseConfiguration; import jongo.enums.JDBCDriver; import jongo.jdbc.JDBCConnectionFactory; import org.apache.commons.dbutils.QueryRunner; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormatter; import org.joda.time.format.ISODateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Create the database resources for the demo * @author Alejandro Ayuso */ public class Demo { private static final Logger l = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Demo.class); public static void generateDemoDatabases(final List<DatabaseConfiguration> databases) { for (DatabaseConfiguration k : databases) generateDemoDatabase(k); } public static void destroyDemoDatabases(final List<DatabaseConfiguration> databases) { for (DatabaseConfiguration k : databases) destroyDemoDatabase(k); } private static void generateDemoDatabase(final DatabaseConfiguration dbcfg) { final String database = dbcfg.getDatabase(); QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner(JDBCConnectionFactory.getDataSource(dbcfg));"Generating Demo resources in database {}", database); update(run, getCreateAuthTable()); update(run, getCreateUserTable()); update(run, getCreateMakersTable()); update(run, getCreateCarsTable()); update(run, getCreateCommentsTable()); update(run, getCreatePicturesTable()); update(run, getCreateSalesStatsTable()); update(run, getCreateSalesByMakerAndModelStatsTable()); update(run, getCreateEmptyTable());"Generating Demo Data in database {}", database); final String insertAuthQuery = "INSERT INTO jongo_auth (email, password) VALUES (?,?)"; update(run, insertAuthQuery, "", JongoUtils.getHashedPassword("123456")); update(run, insertAuthQuery, "", JongoUtils.getHashedPassword("This is a test")); final String insertUserQuery = "INSERT INTO users (name, age, birthday, credit) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"; update(run, insertUserQuery, "foo", 30, "1982-12-13", 32.5); update(run, insertUserQuery, "bar", 33, "1992-01-15", 0); for (CarMaker maker : CarMaker.values()) { update(run, "INSERT INTO maker (name, realname) VALUES (?,?)",, maker.getRealName()); } final String insertCar = "INSERT INTO car (maker, model, year, fuel, transmission, currentMarketValue, newValue) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; update(run, insertCar, "CITROEN", "C2", 2008, "Gasoline", "Manual", 9000, 13000); update(run, "INSERT INTO car (maker, model, year, transmission, currentMarketValue, newValue) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)", "FIAT", "500", 2010, "Manual", 19000, 23.000); update(run, insertCar, "BMW", "X5", 2011, "Diesel", "Automatic", 59000, 77000); final String insertComment = "INSERT INTO comments (car_id, car_comment) VALUES (?,?)"; update(run, insertComment, 0, "The Citroen C2 is a small car with a great attitude"); update(run, insertComment, 0, "I Love my C2"); update(run, insertComment, 2, "BMW's X5 costs too much for what it's worth. Checkout"); final String insertPicture = "INSERT INTO pictures (car_id, picture) VALUES (?,?)"; update(run, insertPicture, 0, ""); update(run, insertPicture, 0, ""); update(run, insertPicture, 0, ""); update(run, insertPicture, 1, ""); update(run, insertPicture, 1, ""); update(run, insertPicture, 1, ""); update(run, insertPicture, 2, ""); update(run, insertPicture, 2, ""); update(run, insertPicture, 2, ""); // generate some random data for the stats page DateTimeFormatter isofmt = ISODateTimeFormat.dateTime(); DateTimeFormatter fmt = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSSSSSSSS"); DateTime dt;// = isofmt.parseDateTime("2012-01-16T13:34:00.000Z"); for (int year = 2000; year < 2012; year++) { for (int month = 1; month <= 12; month++) { int val = 1910 + new Random().nextInt(100); dt = isofmt.parseDateTime(year + "-" + month + "-01T01:00:00.000Z"); update(run, "INSERT INTO sales_stats (year, month, sales, last_update) VALUES (?,?,?,?)", year, month, val, fmt.print(dt)); for (CarMaker maker : CarMaker.values()) { val = new Random().nextInt(100); update(run, "INSERT INTO maker_stats (year, month, sales, maker, last_update) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?)", year, month, val,, fmt.print(dt)); } } } update(run, "SET TABLE maker READONLY TRUE"); //load the sp update(run, "CREATE FUNCTION simpleStoredProcedure () RETURNS TINYINT RETURN 1"); update(run, "CREATE PROCEDURE insert_comment (IN car_id INTEGER, IN car_comment VARCHAR(255)) MODIFIES SQL DATA INSERT INTO comments VALUES (DEFAULT, car_id, car_comment)"); update(run, "CREATE PROCEDURE get_year_sales (IN in_year INTEGER, OUT out_total INTEGER) READS SQL DATA SELECT COUNT(sales) INTO out_total FROM sales_stats WHERE year = in_year"); update(run, getCreateView()); } private static void destroyDemoDatabase(final DatabaseConfiguration dbcfg) { final String database = dbcfg.getDatabase(); QueryRunner run = new QueryRunner(JDBCConnectionFactory.getDataSource(dbcfg));"Destroying Demo Tables in database " + database); try { run.update("DROP FUNCTION simpleStoredProcedure"); run.update("DROP PROCEDURE insert_comment"); run.update("DROP PROCEDURE get_year_sales"); run.update("DROP VIEW MAKER_STATS_2010"); run.update("DROP TABLE maker_stats"); run.update("DROP TABLE sales_stats"); run.update("DROP TABLE comments"); run.update("DROP TABLE pictures"); run.update("DROP TABLE car"); run.update("DROP TABLE users"); run.update("DROP TABLE maker"); run.update("DROP TABLE empty"); } catch (SQLException ex) { l.error("Failed to destroy demo tables " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { try { run.getDataSource().getConnection().close(); } catch (SQLException ex) { l.error("Failed to close demo database " + ex.getMessage()); } } } private static String getCreateSalesByMakerAndModelStatsTable() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("CREATE TABLE maker_stats ("); b.append("id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY, "); b.append("year INTEGER, month INTEGER, maker VARCHAR(50), sales INTEGER, last_update DATETIME NOT NULL)"); return b.toString(); } private static String getCreateSalesStatsTable() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("CREATE TABLE sales_stats ("); b.append("id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY, "); b.append("year INTEGER, month INTEGER, sales INTEGER, last_update DATETIME NOT NULL)"); return b.toString(); } private static String getCreatePicturesTable() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("CREATE TABLE pictures ("); b.append("id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY, "); b.append("car_id INTEGER, picture VARCHAR(255))"); return b.toString(); } private static String getCreateCommentsTable() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("CREATE TABLE comments ("); b.append("id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY, "); b.append("car_id INTEGER, car_comment VARCHAR(255))"); return b.toString(); } private static String getCreateMakersTable() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("CREATE TABLE maker ("); b.append("id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY, "); b.append("name VARCHAR(50), realname VARCHAR(50))"); return b.toString(); } private static String getCreateCarsTable() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("CREATE TABLE car ("); b.append("cid INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY, "); b.append( "maker VARCHAR(50), model VARCHAR(25), year INTEGER, fuel VARCHAR(25), transmission VARCHAR(25), "); b.append("created DATE, lastupdate TIMESTAMP, currentMarketValue DECIMAL(10,2), newValue DECIMAL(10,2)) "); return b.toString(); } private static String getCreateUserTable() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("CREATE TABLE users ("); b.append("id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY, "); b.append( "name VARCHAR(25) NOT NULL, age INTEGER, birthday DATE, lastupdate TIMESTAMP, credit DECIMAL(6,2)) "); return b.toString(); } private static String getCreateEmptyTable() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("CREATE TABLE empty ("); b.append("id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY, "); b.append("name VARCHAR(50), realname VARCHAR(50))"); return b.toString(); } private static String getCreateView() { return "CREATE VIEW MAKER_STATS_2010 AS SELECT month, sales, maker FROM maker_stats WHERE year = 2010"; } private static String getCreateAuthTable() { StringBuilder b = new StringBuilder(); b.append("CREATE TABLE jongo_auth ("); b.append("id INTEGER GENERATED BY DEFAULT AS IDENTITY (START WITH 0 INCREMENT BY 1) PRIMARY KEY, "); b.append("email VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL, password VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL) "); return b.toString(); } public static List<DatabaseConfiguration> getDemoDatabasesConfiguration() { List<DatabaseConfiguration> demos = new ArrayList<DatabaseConfiguration>(); demos.add(DatabaseConfiguration.instanceOf("demo1", JDBCDriver.HSQLDB_MEM, "demo", "demo", "my_demo_db", null, null, 1, false)); // demos.put("demo2", AbstractDatabaseConfiguration.instanceOf("demo2", JDBCDriver.HSQLDB, "demo", "demo", "jdbc:hsqldb:mem:demo2")); return demos; } private static void update(QueryRunner run, String stmt, Object... args) { if (args.length == 0) { // System.out.println(stmt); // uncomment to print SQL } else { String k = stmt; for (Object o : args) { String p = ""; if (o instanceof java.lang.Number) p = String.valueOf(o); else p = "'" + String.valueOf(o) + "'"; k = k.replaceFirst("\\?", p); } // System.out.println(k); // uncomment to print SQL } try { run.update(stmt, args); } catch (SQLException ex) { l.error("Failed to update database", ex); } } }