Java tutorial
package jmri.jmrit.vsdecoder; /* * <hr> * This file is part of JMRI. * <P> * JMRI is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation. See the "COPYING" file for a copy * of this license. * <P> * JMRI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License * for more details. * <P> * * @author Mark Underwood Copyright (C) 2011 * @version $Revision$ */ import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import javax.swing.AbstractButton; import javax.swing.JComponent; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class SoundEvent implements PropertyChangeListener { public enum ButtonType { MOMENTARY, TOGGLE, ENGINE, NONE } String name; String button_label; String event_name; ButtonType buttontype; AbstractButton button; EnginePane engine_pane; Trigger t; // used in setXml as a temporary holder for creating the // event listener class. ButtonTrigger bt; // used in setupButtonAction() as a temporary holder // for creating the button listeners. VSDecoder parent; protected HashMap<String, ButtonTrigger> button_trigger_list; protected HashMap<String, Trigger> trigger_list; VSDSound my_sound; public SoundEvent() { this(null, null); } public SoundEvent(String n) { this(n, n); } public SoundEvent(String n, String bl) { name = n; button_label = bl; trigger_list = new HashMap<String, Trigger>(); button_trigger_list = new HashMap<String, ButtonTrigger>(); button = null; } public void setName(String n) { name = n; } public String getName() { return (name); } public void setEventName(String n) { event_name = n; } public String getEventName() { return (event_name); } public ButtonType getButtonType() { return (buttontype); } public boolean hasButton() { if ((buttontype == ButtonType.NONE) || (buttontype == ButtonType.ENGINE) || (button == null)) { return (false); } else { return (true); } } public boolean hasEnginePane() { if ((buttontype == ButtonType.ENGINE) && (engine_pane != null)) { return (true); } else { return (false); } } public void setButton(AbstractButton b) { button = b; } public JComponent getButton() { if ((buttontype == ButtonType.NONE) || (buttontype == ButtonType.ENGINE)) { return (null); } else { return (button); } } public EnginePane getEnginePane() { if (buttontype == ButtonType.ENGINE) { return (engine_pane); } else { return (null); } } public void setEnginePane(EnginePane e) { engine_pane = e; } public void setButtonLabel(String bl) { button.setText(bl); } public String getButtonLabel() { return (button.getText()); } public void addTrigger(String s, Trigger t) { trigger_list.put(s, t); } public Trigger getTrigger(String s) { return trigger_list.get(s); } public void setSound(VSDSound v) { my_sound = v; } public VSDSound getSound() { return (my_sound); } public void setParent(VSDecoder v) { parent = v; } public VSDecoder getParent() { return parent; } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { for (Trigger t : trigger_list.values()) { t.propertyChange(event); } } // What's wrong here: // the anonymous MouseListeners are storing a reference to BT, which keeps getting replaced // each time the function is called. // what we need to do is (maybe) make the ButtonTrigger itself a MouseListener (and ActionListener) // protected ButtonTrigger setupButtonAction(Element te) { /* MouseListener ml; bt = new ButtonTrigger(te.getAttributeValue("name")); button_trigger_list.put(bt.getName(), bt); log.debug("new ButtonTrigger " + bt.getName() + " type " + btype.toString()); switch(btype) { case TOGGLE: this.getButton().addActionListener(bt); break; case MOMENTARY: default: this.getButton().addMouseListener(bt); // Just send the trigger a click. } return(bt); // cast OK since we just instantiated it up above. */ return (null); // cast OK since we just instantiated it up above. } public Element getXml() { Element me = new Element("SoundEvent"); me.setAttribute("name", name); me.setAttribute("label", me.getText()); for (Trigger t : trigger_list.values()) { me.addContent(t.getXml()); } return (me); } public void setXml(Element el) { this.setXml(el, null); } @SuppressWarnings("cast") protected void addXmlTrigger(Element te, VSDFile vf) { String tts; Trigger.TriggerType tt; if ((tts = te.getAttributeValue("type")) != null) { tt = Trigger.TriggerType.valueOf(tts.toUpperCase()); } else { tt = Trigger.TriggerType.NONE; } switch (tt) { case BUTTON: if (this.buttontype != SoundEvent.ButtonType.NONE) { t = setupButtonAction(te); } break; case BOOLEAN: t = new BoolTrigger(te.getAttributeValue("name")); break; case FLOAT: t = new FloatTrigger(te.getAttributeValue("name"), 0.0f, Trigger.CompareType.EQ); break; case NOTCH: t = new NotchTrigger(te.getAttributeValue("name")); break; case INT: t = new IntTrigger(te.getAttributeValue("name")); break; case STRING: //t = new StringTrigger(el.getAttributeValue("name")); log.warn("Don't have StringTriggers yet..."); t = null; return; case THROTTLE: t = new ThrottleTrigger(te.getAttributeValue("name")); break; case NONE: default: break; } log.debug("Building trigger " + t.getName()); t.setXml(te); trigger_list.put(te.getAttributeValue("name"), t); //log.debug("target name " + t.getTargetName() + " sound " + parent.getSound(t.getTargetName())); t.setTarget(parent.getSound(t.getTargetName())); //log.debug("target " + t.getTarget()); if (t.getTarget() == null) { // If the target is missing, set up a do-nothing operation. // Protects against errors in the XML file. // Should probably post a warning, though. t.setTargetAction(Trigger.TargetAction.NOTHING); } switch (t.getTargetAction()) { case PLAY: case FADEIN: //log.debug("PLAY"); t.setCallback(new TriggerListener() { public void takeAction() { t.getTarget().play(); } public void takeAction(int i) { } public void takeAction(float f) { } // do nothing }); break; case LOOP: //log.debug("LOOP"); t.setCallback(new TriggerListener() { public void takeAction() { t.getTarget().loop(); } public void takeAction(int i) { } public void takeAction(float f) { } // do nothing }); break; case STOP: case FADEOUT: //log.debug("STOP"); t.setCallback(new TriggerListener() { public void takeAction() { t.getTarget().stop(); } public void takeAction(int i) { } public void takeAction(float f) { } // do nothing }); break; case NOTCH: //log.debug("NOTCH"); log.debug("making callback t " + t + " target " + t.getTarget()); t.setCallback(new TriggerListener() { public void takeAction(int i) { //log.debug("Notch Trigger Listener. t = " + t + " Target = " + t.getTarget() + " notch = " + i); t.getTarget().changeNotch(i); } public void takeAction() { } public void takeAction(float f) { } // do nothing }); break; case CHANGE: //log.debug("CHANGE"); log.debug("making callback t " + t + " target " + t.getTarget()); t.setCallback(new TriggerListener() { public void takeAction() { } // do nothing public void takeAction(int i) { } // do nothing public void takeAction(float f) { //log.debug("Throttle Trigger Listener. t = " + t + " Target = " + t.getTarget() + " value = " + f); t.getTarget().changeThrottle(f); } }); break; case NOTHING: // Used for when the target sound is missing. //log.debug("NOTHING"); t.setCallback(new TriggerListener() { public void takeAction() { } // do nothing public void takeAction(int i) { } // do nothing public void takeAction(float f) { } // do nothing }); break; default: // do nothing. break; } // end switch } // end function public void setXml(Element el, VSDFile vf) { Element te; String btv; // Get the SoundEvent's name. name = el.getAttributeValue("name"); if ((btv = el.getAttributeValue("buttontype")) != null) { buttontype = SoundEvent.ButtonType.valueOf(btv.toUpperCase()); } else { buttontype = SoundEvent.ButtonType.NONE; } // Get the SoundEvent's Triggers and set them up. Iterator<Element> itr = (el.getChildren("trigger")).iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { te =; this.addXmlTrigger(te, vf); } // end while } // end setXml() private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SoundEvent.class.getName()); }